Splitting a number over several ranges - c#

I am trying to split a number into smaller numbers that fit predefined ranges and I can't seem to get the algorithm right. I am using C#.
Split 20 into three numbers where the numbers have to fit the following ranges: 1-3, 3-10, and 0-15. Final numbers could look like this: 1,5,14 or 2,3,15
Another example could be to split 100 into four numbers that fit the following ranges: 0-10, 0-10, 0-40, 0-40. The result would naturally be 10,10,40,40. Splitting 90 on the same ranges could result 5,8,38,39 etc.
Can you kick me in the right direction?
(no, it's not a homework, it's for a personal project)

You can do it using recursion.
The idea of the algorithm is something like this:
In every execution you're going to iterate through all possible numbers of the interval.
Calls recursive to generate the next number of the next interval.
If at any time the sum passes the desired value then backtracks.
Once all the numbers are generated, if the sum is equal to the desired number then you have a possible combination.
It can be improved but it is a solution.
The following code prints all valid sequences in the console:
SplitNumber(100, new Interval[]
new Interval { Min = 0, Max = 11 },
new Interval { Min = 0, Max = 11 },
new Interval { Min = 0, Max = 40 },
new Interval { Min = 0, Max = 40 },
public static void SplitNumber(int n, Interval[] intervals)
SplitNumber(n, 0, intervals, "");
public static void SplitNumber(int n, int k, Interval[] intervals, string s)
if (n < 0) return;
if (k >= intervals.Length) { if (n == 0) Console.WriteLine(s); }
for (int i = intervals[k].Min; i <= intervals[k].Max; i++)
SplitNumber(n - i, k + 1, intervals, string.Format("{0} {1}", s, i));
Interval class is something like this:
public class Interval
public int Min { get; set; }
public int Max { get; set; }

The following describes a pretty efficient approach, assuming that the buckets have some sort of ordering.
Start by choosing the minimum value for each range and adding them up.
If the sum is equal to your number, then stop.
If the sum is greater then your number, then issue an error.
If the sum is less than your number, then continue.
Next, subtract the minimum value from each range so they are all normalized on 0 . . n and subtract the sum from your number. This isn't strictly necessary, but it helps with the explanation of the rest of the algorithm.
Next, do a cumulative sum of the max range values. Find the bucket where your new sum fits in (too big for the previous bucket but fits in). If none are found, then issue an error.
Then allocate the bins so the preceding buckets are at their maximum and set the one found to the appropriate value.
This gives you one set of values that meet your conditions.
If you want values more in the "middle" of the ranges, then start with the middle value of the ranges. Then add or subtract values in chunks across all buckets, until you hit the maximum. This requires a little more iteration, but it is also quite efficient.

Try this:
List<KeyValuePair<int, int>> ranges = new List<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();
ranges.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(1, 3));
ranges.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(1, 3));
ranges.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(1, 100));
int totalSum = ranges.Sum(i => i.Value - i.Key);
double ws = 0.0;
int rIndex = 0;
var rangeAndWeight = ranges.Select(i => new { index = rIndex++, range = i, maxw = (ws += (double)(i.Value - i.Key) / totalSum) }).ToList();
int[] nums = ranges.Select(i => i.Key).ToArray();
int number = 50;
Random r = new Random();
while (nums.Sum() != number)
double rDouble = r.NextDouble();
var index = rangeAndWeight.SkipWhile(i => i.maxw < rDouble).First().index;
if (nums[index] < ranges[index].Value)
nums[index] += 1;
nums array contains smaller numbers you need

You could write a programm that just tries to sum up possible numbers in the allowed range and hopes that the result is correct and backtracks if the result is wrong. Its pretty inefficent tho ...


Get sequence of random n numbers that add up to something but only from a specific set of numbers

What I need is:
Sum should be equal to:
120 (user input)
Number of numbers/items:
80 (user input)
Range of numbers to be used in set(from):
0 (user input)
Range of numbers to be used in set(to):
4 (user input)
These are all numbers that are between 0 and 4, their sum is 120 and are 80 in total.
What i've done is:
static void Main(string[] args)
bool loopOn = true;
Program p = new Program();
Console.WriteLine("Sum should be equal to:");
int sum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Number of items:");
int items = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int from = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int to = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (loopOn == true)
List<int> number_list = p.createNumberSet(items, from, to);
if (number_list.Sum() == sum)
loopOn = false;
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit....");
public List<int> createNumberSet(int itemNumber, int range_from, int range_to)
List<int> number_set = new List<int>();
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; itemNumber > i; i++)
number_set.Add(r.Next(range_from, range_to));
return number_set;
But this seems extremely in-efficent and doesn't seem to work with a lot of other examples. Does anyone have a better way of doing this?
Well, I am a bit lazy right now, so this is just an idea
Keep the first part:
bool loopOn = true;
Program p = new Program();
Console.WriteLine("Sum should be equal to:");
int sum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Number of items:");
int items = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int from = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int to = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Now, first of all, check is a solution exists:
if (from * items > sum) {
// There is no solution, handle accordingly
Let's focus on the interesting part now:
First create the list of necessary items
int[] number_set = new int[items];
for(int i = 0; i < items; i++) {
number_set[i] = from;
Find the difference between the wanted sum and the current sum of the list
int left_to_add = sum - from * items;
int idx = 0;
Random r = new Random();
while(left_to_add > 0) {
int toAdd = 0;
if (left_to_add < range_to - range_from) {
toAdd = r.Next(1, left_to_add);
} else {
toAdd = r.Next(1, range_to - range_from);
left_to_add -= toAdd;
number_set[idx] += toAdd;
What's left to do is, convert the array to a list and shuffle it.
(I forgot that you actually can access list items by index, so there is no need to use an array as I did here)
At the algorithm level, this is what I would try:
Determine the number of each element, n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3] in your example (i.e. number of 0, number of 1 ...) and then generate a simple sequence by concatenating n[0] "0", n[1] "1", n[2] "2" and n[3] "3". Finally, a random sequence is obtained by performing a random permutation on this simple sequence.
The problem is therefore to determine the n[i].
The first step is to determine the average values of these n[i]. It your example, it is simple, as we can take average n_av[i]=20 for all index i.
In a more general case, we have to insure that
sum_i n_av[i]*i = sum_target (120 here) (1)
knowing that
sum_i (n[i]) = n = 80 here. (2)
In the general case, there is no necessary one unique good solution. I will try to propose an example of solution here if you provide an example of a difficult scenario.
The second step consists in selecting some random n[i] values around these average values. One possibility is to generate rounded Gaussian variables: we already know the averages, we just need to determine the variances. One possibility is to consider the variance that we will get if we were generating directly the random values, i.e. by considering the variance of the corresponding binomial variable :
var = n p(1-p). Here p[i] = n_av[i]/n
The last step consists in adjusting the values of the n[i] such that the sum of the n[i] is equal to the target. This is simply obtained by slightly increasing or decreasing some n[i] values.

Way to extract positive and negative numbers from one array to another two (positive and negative)

I'm studying c# and I was wondering if there is any way to extract positive and negative numbers (integers) from one array to others two, one that contains the positive numbers and the other negative ones
I've tried something like
public static void Main(string[] args)
int[] num = new int[50];
Random objeto = new Random();
int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Random numbers:");
num[1] = objeto.Next(-50, 50);
Console.WriteLine(num[1] + "");
Console.ReadKey(); here
I have to create two other arrays
int[] positive_numbers = int new [N]
int[] negative_numbers = int new [N]
And I guess I should create a method, but I do not know how I have to do it.
You could use LINQ:
var positiveNumbers = numbers.Where(n => n > 0).ToArray();
var negativeNumbers = numbers.Where(n => n < 0).ToArray();
Or an alternative approach is to count how many even and odd numbers you have, create two arrays and then populate them. This assumes that you want the arrays to be exactly the correct length.
// Variables to store counts of positive and negative numbers
int positiveCount = 0;
int negativeCount = 0;
// Because we'll be building new arrays, we need to track our
// position within them, so we create two variables to do that
int positiveIndex = 0;
int negativeIndex = 0;
// loop through once to count the positive and negative numbers
foreach (var number in numbers)
if (number > 0)
++positiveCount; // same as positiveCount = positiveCount + 1
else if (number < 0)
// now we know how many +ve and -ve numbers we have,
// we can create arrays to store them
var positiveNumbers = new int[positiveCount];
var negativeNumbers = new int[negativeCount];
// loop through and populate our new arrays
foreach (var number in numbers)
if (number > 0)
positiveNumbers[positiveIndex++] = number;
// number++ will return the value of number before it was incremented,
// so it will first access positiveNumbers[0] and then positiveNumbers[1], etc.
// each time we enter this code block.
else if (number < 0)
negativeNumbers[negativeIndex++] = number;
An alternative approach to the initial count would be to define both arrays to be the same length as the numbers array, and then use positiveIndex and negativeIndex to determine the maximum populated index in the positiveNumbers and negativeNumbers arrays. The downside is that it uses a little more memory (but memory is cheap for such a small set), and the upside is that you only have to loop through once so it's more performant.
If your situation allows, it might be easier to use generic lists instead:
var positiveNumbers = new List<int>();
var negativeNumbers = new List<int>();
foreach (var number in numbers)
if (number > 0)
else if (number < 0)
Generic lists are basically fancy wrappers around internal arrays. The list starts out with an array of a relatively small size. As you add items to the list, more arrays are generated to store all of your items. You can see the current overall size of the internal arrays by checking the list's .Capacity property. Do not confuse Capacity with Count. Count shows the number of items actually in your list, whereas Capacity shows the number of items your list can hold before expanding.
Note that in these answers, zeroes will be excluded since you only asked for positive and negative numbers, and zero is neither. As highlighted by Max Play's comment, you should change > to >= if you consider zero to be positive.
Assuming you'll handle 0 as positive, add a method to check for positive.
private static bool isNegtive(int number)
return number < 0;
I'd use list over array for unknown quantities. It'd go something like this:
public static void SeparateRandomNumbers()
IList<int> positive_numbers = new List<int>();
IList<int> negative_numbers = new List<int>();
Random objeto = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
var number = objeto.Next(-50, 50);
if (isNegtive(number))

Dividing 100 evenly by a dynamic variable

I am assigning employees a random integer percentage of 100. This percentage is based on how many employees we have and must total to 100.
If we have 4 employees, I would perhaps want to generate a split such as 80-10-5-5.. if we had 2 employees. The more random the percentages are, the better.
I'm not sure how to accomplish this elegantly without a ton of different if statements but even then the randomness would be limited I feel.
Just assign each employee a random number in a certain range (range ist up to you). Than calculate the sum of the random numbers. Last step: devide each random number by the sum which gives you the percentage.
Example: random number 3, 9, 7
Sum = 19
Percentages: 3/19=16%, 9/19=47%, 7/19=37%
(Values are rounded.)
I have written a sample code for this:
int no_of_employees = 4;
int total_percentage = 100;
List<int> tempNumberList = new List<int>();
List<int> finalNumberList = new List<int>();
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < no_of_employees; i++)
int sum = tempNumberList.Sum();
foreach(int number in tempNumberList)
finalNumberList.Add((number * total_percentage) / sum);
if(finalNumberList.Sum() != total_percentage)
finalNumberList[0] = finalNumberList[0] + (total_percentage - finalNumberList.Sum());
Please feel free to improve the logic if necessary at all.
This should work:
var random = new Random();
var percentages = new List<int>();
int remainder = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < employeesCount; i++)
int percentage = random.Next(remainder);
remainder -= percentage;
percentages[percentages.Count - 1] += remainder;
Note that
the last line solves the rounding issue in case the percentages' sum is not 100
a solution using only LINQ is also doable although less readable and probably with an impact on performance (using Aggregate for instance introduces the creation of an anonymous type)
I'm not 100% sure this solution guarantees equal probability (especially the last employee's case)

Finding the closest integer value, rounded down, from a given array of integers

I am trying to figure out the best way to find the closest value, ROUNDED DOWN, in a List of integers using any n that is between two other numbers that are stored in a List. The all integers in this situation will ALWAYS be unsigned, in case that helps.
The assumptions are as follows:
The List always starts at 0
The List is always sorted ASC
All integers in the List are unsigned (no need for Math.Abs)
The number for comparison is always unsigned
For example:
List<int> numbers = new List<int>() { 0, 2000, 4000, 8000, 8500, 9101, 10010 };
int myNumber = 9000;
int theAnswer; // should be 8500
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++) {
if (i == numbers.Count - 1) {
theAnswer = numbers[i];
} else if (myNumber < numbers[i + 1]) {
theAnswer = numbers[i];
The previous code example works without any flaws.
Is there a better more succint way to do it?
You can use List<T>.BinarySearch instead of enumerating elements of list in sequence.
List<int> numbers = new List<int>() { 0, 2000, 4000, 8000, 8500, 9101, 10010 };
int myNumber = 9000;
int r=numbers.BinarySearch(myNumber);
int theAnswer=numbers[r>=0?r:~r-1];
Filter list obtaining all values less than the myNumber and return last one:
theAnswer = numbers.Where(x => x <= myNumber ).Last();
A list can be indexed.
Start at the index in the middle of the list. If you found the exact number, you are good. If the number is less than the target number, search in the middle of the range from the start of the list to one less than the middle of the list. If the number is greater than the target number, work with the opposite half of the list. Continue this binary search until you find either an exact match, or the adjacent numbers that are smaller and larger than the target number.
Select the smaller of the two.
Please try this code:
List<int> numbers = new List<int>() { 0, 2000, 4000, 8000, 8500, 9101, 10010 };
int myNumber = 9000;
int theAnswer = numbers[numbers.Count - 1];
if (theAnswer > myNumber)
int l = 0, h = numbers.Count - 1, m;
m = (int)((double)(myNumber - numbers[l]) / (double)(numbers[h] - numbers[l]) * (h - l) + l);
if (numbers[m] > myNumber) h = m; else l = m;
while ((h - l) != 1);
theAnswer = numbers[l];

How to efficiently generate all combinations (at all depths) whose sum is within a specified range

Suppose you have a set of values (1,1,1,12,12,16) how would you generate all possible combinations (without repetition) whose sum is within a predefined range [min,max]. For example, here are all the combinations (of all depths) that have a range between 13 and 17:
1 12
1 1 12
1 1 1 12
1 16
This assumes that each item of the same value is indistinguishable, so you don't have three results of 1 12 in the final output. Brute force is possible, but in situations where the number of items is large, the number of combinations at all depths is astronomical. In the example above, there are (3 + 1) * (2 + 1) * (1 + 1) = 24 combinations at all depths. Thus, the total combinations is the product of the number of items of any given value + 1. Of course we can logically throw out huge number of combinations whose partial sum is greater than the max value (e.g. the set 16 12 is already bigger than the max value of 17, so skip any combinations that have a 16 and 12 in them).
I originally thought I could convert the input array into two arrays and increment them kind of like an odometer. But I am getting completely stuck on this recursive algorithm that breaks early. Any suggestions?
int uniqueValues = 3;
int[] maxCounts = new int[uniqueValues];
int[] values = new int[uniqueValues];
// easy code to bin the data, just hardcoding for example
maxCounts[0] = 3;
values[0] = 1;
maxCounts[1] = 2;
values[1] = 12;
maxCounts[2] = 1;
values[2] = 16;
GenerateCombinationsHelper(new List<int[]>(), 13, 17, 0, 0, maxCounts, new int[3], values);
private void GenerateCombinationsHelper(List<int[]> results, int min, int max, int currentValue, int index, int[] maxValues, int[] currentCombo, int[] values)
if (index >= maxValues.Length)
while (currentCombo[index] < maxValues[index])
currentValue += values[index];
if (currentValue> max)
if (currentValue< min)
GenerateCombinationsHelper(results, min, max, currentValue, index + 1, maxValues, currentCombo, values);
The integer values are just for demonstration. It can be any object that has a some sort of numerical value (int, double, float, etc...)
Typically there will only be a handful of unique values (~10 or so) but there can be several thousands total items.
Switch the main call to:
GenerateCombinationsHelper2(new List<int[]>(), 13, 17, 0, maxCounts, new int[3], values);
and then add this code:
private void GenerateCombinationsHelper2(List<int[]> results, int min, int max, int index, int[] maxValues, int[] currentCombo, int[] values)
int max_count = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling((double)max / values[index]), maxValues[index]);
for(int count = 0; count <= max_count; count++)
currentCombo[index] = count;
if(index < currentCombo.Length - 1)
GenerateCombinationsHelper2(results, min, max, index + 1, maxValues, currentCombo, values);
int sum = Sum(currentCombo, values);
if(sum >= min && sum <= max)
int[] copy = new int[currentCombo.Length];
Array.Copy(currentCombo, copy, copy.Length);
private static int Sum(int[] combo, int[] values)
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < combo.Length; i++)
sum += combo[i] * values[i];
return sum;
It returns the 5 valid answers.
The general tendency with this kind of problem is that there are relatively few values that will show up, but each value shows up many, many times. Therefore you first want to create a data structure that efficiently describes the combinations that will add up to the desired values, and only then figure out all of the combinations that do so. (If you know the term "dynamic programming", that's exactly the approach I'm describing.)
The obvious data structure in C# terms would be a Hashtable whose keys are the totals that the combination adds up to, and whose values are arrays listing the positions of the last elements that can be used in a combination that could add up to that particular total.
How do you build that data structure?
First you start with a Hashtable which contains the total 0 as a key, and an empty array as a value. Then for each element of your array you create a list of the new totals you can reach from the previous totals, and append your element's position to each one of their values (inserting a new one if needed). When you've gone through all of your elements, you have your data structure.
Now you can search that data structure just for the totals that are in the range you want. And for each such total, you can write a recursive program that will go through your data structure to produce the combinations. This step can indeed have a combinatorial explosion, but the nice thing is that EVERY combination produced is actually a combination in your final answer. So if this phase takes a long time, it is because you have a lot of final answers!
Try this algo
int arr[] = {1,1,1,12,12,16}
for(int i = 0;i<2^arr.Length;i++)
int[] arrBin = BinaryFormat(i); // binary format i
for(int j = 0;j<arrBin.Length;j++)
if (arrBin[j] == 1)
Console.Write("{0} ", arr[j]);
This is quite similar to the subset sum problem which just happens to be NP-complete.
Wikipedia says the following about NP-complete problems:
Although any given solution to such a problem can be verified quickly,
there is no known efficient way to locate a solution in the first
place; indeed, the most notable characteristic of NP-complete problems
is that no fast solution to them is known. That is, the time required
to solve the problem using any currently known algorithm increases
very quickly as the size of the problem grows. This means that the
time required to solve even moderately sized versions of many of these
problems can easily reach into the billions or trillions of years,
using any amount of computing power available today. As a consequence,
determining whether or not it is possible to solve these problems
quickly, called the P versus NP problem, is one of the principal
unsolved problems in computer science today.
If indeed there is a way to solve this besides brute-forcing through the powerset and finding all subsets which sum up to a value within the given range, then I would be very interested in hearing it.
An idea for another implementation:
Create from the list of numbers a list of stacks, each stack represents a number that appear in the list, and this number is pushed into the stack as many times as he appeared in the numbers list. more so, this list is sorted.
The idea is that you iterate through the stack list, in each stack you pop one number at a time if it doesn't exceed the max value and recall the function, and perform an additional call of skipping the current stack.
This algorithm reduces many redundant computations like trying to add different elements which have the same value when adding this value exceeds the maximal value.
I was able to solve pretty large problems with this algorithm (50 numbers and more), depending on the min and max values, obviously when the interval is very big the number of combinations may be huge.
Here's the code:
static void GenerateLimitedCombinations(List<int> intList, int minValue, int maxValue)
List<Stack<int>> StackList = new List<Stack<int>>();
Stack<int> NewStack = new Stack<int>();
for (int i = 1; i < intList.count; i++)
if (intList[i - 1] == intList[i])
StackList[StackList.count - 1].Push(intList[i]);
NewStack = new Stack<int>();
GenerateLimitedCombinations(StackList, minValue, maxValue, 0, new List<int>(), 0);
static void GenerateLimitedCombinations(List<Stack<int>> stackList, int minValue, int maxValue, int currentStack, List<int> currentCombination, int currentSum)
if (currentStack == stackList.count)
if (currentSum >= minValue)
foreach (int tempInt in CurrentCombination)
Console.Write(tempInt + " ");
int TempSum = currentSum;
List<int> NewCombination = new List<int>(currentCombination);
Stack<int> UndoStack = new Stack<int>();
while (stackList[currentStack].Count != 0 && stackList[currentStack].Peek() + TempSum <= maxValue)
int AddedValue = stackList[currentStack].Pop();
TempSum += AddedValue;
GenerateLimitedCombinations(stackList, minValue, maxValue, currentStack + 1, new List<int>(NewCombination), TempSum);
while (UndoStack.Count != 0)
GenerateLimitedCombinations(stackList, minValue, maxValue, currentStack + 1, currentCombination, currentSum);
Here's a test program:
static void Main(string[] args)
Random Rnd = new Random();
List<int> IntList = new List<int>();
int NumberOfInts = 10, MinValue = 19, MaxValue 21;
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfInts; i++) { IntList.Add(Rnd.Next(1, 10));
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfInts; i++) { Console.Write(IntList[i] + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();
GenerateLimitedCombinations(IntList, MinValue, MaxValue);
