deserializing JSON to .net object - c#

I'm having problems deserializing JSON to objects. I read a couple of answers but none of them helped me.
This is my JSON file :
"meta": {
"status": 200,
"msg": "OK"
"response": {
"blog": {
"title": "title",
"name": "name",
"url": "url"
And this is my class :
public class TextInfo
public class Meta
public int status { get; set; }
public string msg { get; set; }
public class Blog
public string title { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string url { get; set; }
public class Response
public Blog blog { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public Meta meta { get; set; }
public Response response { get; set; }
Now, I've tried to deserialize the json like so, but i don't know how to manipulate the data :
TextInfo txt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TextInfo>(json);
Can you help me figure this out ? Thanks in advance.

Three things:
can you provide an error message/log,
do you parse just one item or multiple items? In second case: var txt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TextInfo>>(JSONstr);
Try the following:
public class Meta
public int status { get; set; }
public string msg { get; set; }
public class Response
public Blog blog { get; set; }
public class Blog
public string title { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string url { get; set; }
public class TextInfo
public Meta meta { get; set; }
public Response response { get; set; }

The only difference is that TextInfo should contain Meta and Response:
public class TextInfo
public Meta meta { get; set; }
public Response response { get; set; }
public class Meta
public int status { get; set; }
public string msg { get; set; }
public class Blog
public string title { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string url { get; set; }
public class Response
public Blog blog { get; set; }
And you deserialize like you said:
TextInfo txt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TextInfo>(json);

Your TextInfo class does not have any properties inside it to deserialize. It only declares another classes.
According to your source, you should deserialize into RootObject. This will return you an instance with meta and response properties.
Then you'll access them:
RootObject obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);


How to deserialize json body with "0" in parameter

I'm using a API that give me this json as a response,
This is json response body :
"DeliverTime":"2021-10-31 14:30:07"
My problem is "0":{... in this body.
How can I deserialize this into a Class.
it can't deserialize on "string _0" prop.
As the #TheGeneral says, this is like a dictionary. You can parse - like this:
public void ParseObject()
var response = #"{
'DeliverTime':'2021-10-31 14:30:07'
var responseObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MetaData>(response);
public class MetaData
public Meta Meta { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, Data> Data { get; set; }
public class Meta
public string Status { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public class Data
public string MsgId { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
public string SendTime { get; set; }
try using JsonProperty
public class Data
[JsonProperty("0") ]
public _0 _0 { get; set; }
public class _0
public string MsgID { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
public string SendTime { get; set; }
public string DeliverTime { get; set; }

Convert Rest API JSON Response into C# object

I have a code REST API response which is json, and parsing to JObject and pulling a value from it. But i am getting the error when parsing to JObject.
Error: "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: S. Path '', line 0, position 0."
Is there any other way to convert Json string to C# object.
I have the following code:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using (HttpResponseMessage message = httpclient.GetAsync(folderIdURL).Result)
var dataobjects = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//dataobjects = "{"id":"","title":"DQL query results","author":[{"name":"EMC Documentum"}],"updated":"2019-05-02T15:19:52.508+00:00","page":1,"items-per-page":100,"links":[{"rel":"self","href":""}],"entries":[{"id":"","title":"0b0111738011c114","updated":"2019-05-02T15:19:52.508+00:00","published":"2019-05-02T15:19:52.508+00:00","links":[{"rel":"edit","href":""}],"content":{"json-root":"query-result","definition":" es/dmgbsap_crt/types/dm_sysobject","properties":{"r_object_id":"0b0111738011c114","object_name":"04"},"links":[{"rel":"self","href":""}]}},{"id":"","title":"0b0111738011c115","updated":"2019-05-02T15:19:52.509+00:00","published":"2019-05-02T15:19:52.509+00:00","links":[{"rel":"edit","href":""}],"content":{"json-root":"query-result","definition":"","properties":{"r_object_id":"0b0111738011c115","object_name":"05"},"links":[{"rel":"self","href":""}]}}]}"
JObject responseObj = JObject.Parse(dataobjects.ToString());
String id = (String)responseObj["entries" -->"content"-->"properties"-->"object_name"];
I am expecting the value from (String)responseObject["enteries"]["content"][" properties"]["object_name"]
JObjects are a pain. You could get a sample of the JSON response and paste it into a converter like It will generate a class for you which you can then use like so:
Generated Class:
public class MyClass
public string SomeProperty { get; set; }
public string AnotherProperty { get; set; }
if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var deserializedObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyClass>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
I would suggest to follow those steps:
You need to check that your json is actually a json, because an error says it is not. You can use online tools like this
If possible, avoid JObject and generate real classes. It is not that hard if you know the structure, and you can use another online tools
Modify your code to use classes
so you will have something like:
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ConsoleApp11
class Program
public class Message
public Enteries enteries { get; set; }
public class Enteries
public Content content { get; set; }
public class Content
public Properties properties { get; set; }
public class Properties
public string object_name { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = "{\"enteries\":{\"content\":{ \"properties\":{ \"object_name\":\"your value string\"}}}}";
Message msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Message>(input);
Console.WriteLine(msg?.enteries?.content?.properties?.object_name ?? "no value");
I hope it helps 😊
Thank you so much for all the help and trips. Finally i am able to get the required value from JSON string.
Here is the Final code
public class Author
public string name { get; set; }
public class Link
public string rel { get; set; }
public string href { get; set; }
public class Link2
public string rel { get; set; }
public string href { get; set; }
public class Properties
public string r_object_id { get; set; }
public string object_name { get; set; }
public class Link3
public string rel { get; set; }
public string href { get; set; }
public class Content
public string json_root { get; set; }
public string definition { get; set; }
public Properties properties { get; set; }
public List<Link3> links { get; set; }
public class Entry
public string id { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public DateTime updated { get; set; }
public DateTime published { get; set; }
public List<Link2> links { get; set; }
public Content content { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public string id { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public List<Author> author { get; set; }
public DateTime updated { get; set; }
public int page { get; set; }
public int items_per_page { get; set; }
public List<Link> links { get; set; }
public List<Entry> entries { get; set; }
Using Newtonsoft.Json
First get the list of entries from the responseObj. Then loop each entries and use LINQ to JSON to get values by property name or index.
You can use Item[Object] index on JObject/JArray and then cast the returned JValue to the type you want
JObject responseObj = JObject.Parse(dataobjects.ToString());
// get JSON result objects into a list
IList<JToken> entries = responseObj ["entries"].Children().ToList();
foreach(JToken entry in entries)
string object_name = (string) entry["content"]["properties"]["object_name"];

C# Parsing JSON String

I have tried countless methods to Parse my JSON string (Steam Public Data), yet nothing seems to work. I just want to be able to extract values from the string. For Example, obtaining the value of personaname which would return SlothGod. I have JSON.NET installed in my project.
Here is my JSON:
"response": {
"players": [
"steamid": "76561198301407459",
"communityvisibilitystate": 3,
"profilestate": 1,
"personaname": "SlothGod",
"lastlogoff": 1508389707,
"commentpermission": 1,
"profileurl": "",
"avatar": "",
"avatarmedium": "",
"avatarfull": "",
"personastate": 0,
"realname": "Josh",
"primaryclanid": "103582791460168790",
"timecreated": 1462086929,
"personastateflags": 0,
"loccountrycode": "AU",
"locstatecode": "QLD"
Main method suggested to me:
public class Details
public string personaname { get; set; }
private void GetSteamDetails()
var data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Details>(SteamDetailsJson);
SteamName = data.personaname;
This is placed before Page_Load(). I then call GetSteamDetails(); when I want to fetch the name.
After my question being down voted, I decided to not give up on this problem. After extensive research, trial and error, and YouTube tutorials which are the most helpful IMO. I found that the data was containing a JSON array, and yes I will admit, I was confused with this, but the answer was to simply treat it like a C# array and add [1] to the end of players.
Details details = new Details();
public class Details
public string avatar { get; set; }
public string avatarmedium { get; set; }
public string avatarfull { get; set; }
public string realname { get; set; }
public string personaname { get; set; }
public string steamid { get; set; }
private void GetSteamDetails()
var SteamDetails= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(SteamDetailsJson);
avatar = SteamDetails.response.players[1].avatar.ToString();
personaname = SteamDetails.response.players[1].personaname.ToString();
Based on the JSON string you provided, you should have the following C# classes to support it, or to deserialize the JSON object values into: I used this link to generate the classes.
public class Player
public string steamid { get; set; }
public int communityvisibilitystate { get; set; }
public int profilestate { get; set; }
public string personaname { get; set; }
public int lastlogoff { get; set; }
public int commentpermission { get; set; }
public string profileurl { get; set; }
public string avatar { get; set; }
public string avatarmedium { get; set; }
public string avatarfull { get; set; }
public int personastate { get; set; }
public string realname { get; set; }
public string primaryclanid { get; set; }
public int timecreated { get; set; }
public int personastateflags { get; set; }
public string loccountrycode { get; set; }
public string locstatecode { get; set; }
public class Response
public List<Player> players { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public Response response { get; set; }
Then, using Newtonsoft.Json, you can deserialize the JSON object into your C# classes as follow:
You mention that Newtonsoft.Json already referenced in the project.
Use class to represent json data structure, then you can easy deserialize it.
You can use only properties you need in the class.
public class Player
public string personaname { get; set; }
var player = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Player>(jsonString);
// use player.personaname
For updates question create classes which represent your data structure
public class Team
public List<Player> players { get; set; }
public class Response
public Team response { get; set; }
You can use to generate a class automatically from a JSON string.

Json Naming issue

I am New to JSON and API
I am trying to get some data from an API for which I have Json and want to make a class for it.when I convert it using josn2csharp I get following code. Please let me know what sholud be the proper format of my class so that it converts into json.
public class DataSet {
public string __invalid_name__-i:nil { get; set; } }
public class GenericObject {
public string __invalid_name__-xmlns:d2p1 { get; set; }
public string __invalid_name__-i:type { get; set; }
public string __invalid_name__#text { get; set; } }
public class Message {
public string __invalid_name__-i:nil { get; set; } }
public class FunctionResponse {
public string __invalid_name__-xmlns:i { get; set; }
public string __invalid_name__-xmlns { get; set; }
public DataSet DataSet { get; set; }
public GenericObject GenericObject { get; set; }
public Message Message { get; set; }
public string Success { get; set; } }
public class RootObject {
public FunctionResponse FunctionResponse { get; set; } }
use this question as reference in this I came to know how to write for
public string invalid_name#text { get; set; }
but what about others.
please help
edit 1:
   "DataSet": {
      "#nil": "true"
   "GenericObject": {
      "#type": "d2p1:boolean",
      "#text": "true"
   "Message": {
      "#nil": "true"
   "Success": "true"
"#thekeyinsidejsonproperty": "value"
you shoud have
public class RootObject
public Json jsonobj;
public class Json
public string somepropertyname{ get; set; }
hope it helps! :)

processing api output in or c#

After making an api call, the example below shows what a typical response would be.
"message":"Data retrieved for email",
"NAME" : "Name",
"SURNAME" : "surname"
"camp_id" : 2,
"event_time" : "2013-12-18"
{ "camp_id" : 8,
"event_time" : "2014-01-03"
{ "camp_id" : 11,
"event_time" : "2014-01-07"
"camp_id" : 11,
"event_time" : "2014-01-07"
"camp_id" : 2,
"event_time" : "2014-01-09"
"camp_id" : 8,
"event_time" : "2014-01-03",
"ip" : ""
What I need to do is to be able to read / find and attribute name and its corresponding value. I also need to know the value of blacklisted.
I don't know how to interpret the output given to easily find and read attributes and their values and also get the value of blacklisted.
Maybe if I can get it into an array, I can cycle through the array to find the value pair I am looking for? Or maybe I am overthinking it and their is an easier way.
Please note: This example only shows 3 attribute:value pairs. other calls may output more than three attribute:value pairs.
The simplest way is: You are getting the response in the JSON format and you just need it to be seralized with the use of classes and Json.NET
public class Rootobject
public string code { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; }
public Data data { get; set; }
public class Data
public Attributes attributes { get; set; }
public int blacklisted { get; set; }
public string email { get; set; }
public string entered { get; set; }
public int[] listid { get; set; }
public Message_Sent[] message_sent { get; set; }
public Hard_Bounces[] hard_bounces { get; set; }
public object[] soft_bounces { get; set; }
public Spam[] spam { get; set; }
public Unsubscription unsubscription { get; set; }
public Opened[] opened { get; set; }
public object[] clicks { get; set; }
public Transactional_Attributes[] transactional_attributes { get; set; }
public int blacklisted_sms { get; set; }
public class Attributes
public string EMAIL { get; set; }
public string NAME { get; set; }
public string SURNAME { get; set; }
public class Unsubscription
public User_Unsubscribe[] user_unsubscribe { get; set; }
public Admin_Unsubscribe[] admin_unsubscribe { get; set; }
public class User_Unsubscribe
public string event_time { get; set; }
public int camp_id { get; set; }
public string ip { get; set; }
public class Admin_Unsubscribe
public string event_time { get; set; }
public string ip { get; set; }
public class Message_Sent
public int camp_id { get; set; }
public string event_time { get; set; }
public class Hard_Bounces
public int camp_id { get; set; }
public string event_time { get; set; }
public class Spam
public int camp_id { get; set; }
public string event_time { get; set; }
public class Opened
public int camp_id { get; set; }
public string event_time { get; set; }
public string ip { get; set; }
public class Transactional_Attributes
public string ORDER_DATE { get; set; }
public int ORDER_PRICE { get; set; }
public string ORDER_ID { get; set; }
Use Newtonsoft.Json library. One of the most powerful library.Parse your JSON to strongly typed C# object using then just deserialize the string.
var model= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Classname>(result);
You'll need JSON.Net. Pasrse your JSON to strongly typed C# object using then just deserialize the string using JsonConvert.Deserialize<RootObject>().
One way would be to:
a) Copy your JSON to Clipboard (CTRL+C)
b) On a Visual Studio class, click on EDIT-> Paste Special -> Paste JSON as classes. This will create the classes equivalent of your JSON for you. Your main object would be named as "Rootobject" and you can change this to whatever name you want.
c) Add System.Web.Extensions to your references
d) You can convert your JSON to class like so:
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
Rootobject rootObject = serializer.Deserialize<Rootobject>(JsonString);
Where JsonString is your API output.
