C# mongodb driver 2.0 - How to upsert in a bulk operation? - c#

I migrated from 1.9 to 2.2 and reading the documentation I was surprised to discover that is not possible to upsert during a bulk operation anymore, since operations don't allow options.
bulkOps.Add(new UpdateOneModel<BsonDocument>(filter, update));
Should be
options.isUpsert = true;
bulkOps.Add(new UpdateOneModel<BsonDocument>(filter, update, options));
Is this work in progress, intended, or I'm missing something? Thank you.

Set the IsUpsert property of the UpdateOneModel to true to turn the update into an upsert.
var bulkOps = new List<WriteModel<BsonDocument>>();
// Create and add one or more write models to list
var upsertOne = new UpdateOneModel<BsonDocument>(filter, update) { IsUpsert = true };
// Write all changes as a batch

given mongo collection
IMongoCollection<T> collection
and enumerable of records to insert where T has Id field.
IEnumerable<T> records
this snippet will do a bulk upsert (the filter condition may be changed according to the situation):
var bulkOps = new List<WriteModel<T>>();
foreach (var record in records)
var upsertOne = new ReplaceOneModel<T>(
Builders<T>.Filter.Where(x => x.Id == record.Id),
{ IsUpsert = true };

Here is an extension method based on #Aviko response
public static BulkWriteResult<T> BulkUpsert<T>(this IMongoCollection<T> collection, IEnumerable<T> records)
string keyname = "_id";
#region Get Primary Key Name
PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
object[] attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(true);
foreach (object attr in attrs)
BsonIdAttribute authAttr = attr as BsonIdAttribute;
if (authAttr != null)
keyname = prop.Name;
var bulkOps = new List<WriteModel<T>>();
foreach (var entry in records)
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(keyname, entry.GetType().GetProperty(keyname).GetValue(entry, null));
var upsertOne = new ReplaceOneModel<T>(filter, entry){ IsUpsert = true };
return collection.BulkWrite(bulkOps);


How to add distinct value in database using Entity Framework

IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
I want to add only distinct values to database in above code. Kindly help me how to do it as I am not able to find any solution.
IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
var a = db.WebsiteWebPages.Where(i => i.WebPage == value.WebPage.ToString()).ToList();
if (a.Count == 0)
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
This is the code that I used to add distinct data.I hope it helps
In addition to the code sample Furkan Öztürk supplied, Make sure your DB has a constraint so that you cannot enter duplicate values in the column. Belt and braces approach.
I assume that by "distinct values" you mean "distinct value.WebPage values":
// get existing values (if you ever need this)
var existingWebPages = db.WebsiteWebPages.Select(v => v.WebPage);
// get your pages
var webPages = GetWebPages().Where(v => v.WebPage.Contains(".htm"));
// get distinct WebPage values except existing ones
var distinctWebPages = webPages.Select(v => v.WebPage).Distinct().Except(existingWebPages);
// create WebsiteWebPage objects
var websiteWebPages = distinctWebPages.Select(v =>
new WebsiteWebPage { WebPage = v, WebsiteId = websiteid});
// save all at once
Assuming that you need them to be unique by WebPage and WebSiteId
IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
if (db.WebsiteWebPages.All(c=>c.WebPage != value.WebPage|| c.WebsiteId != websiteid))
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
To optimize this (given that your table contains much more data than your current list), override your equals in WebsiteWebPage class to define your uniqueness criteria then:
var myWebsiteWebPages = data.select(x=> new WebsiteWebPage { WebPage = x.WebPage, WebsiteId = websiteid}).Distinct();
var duplicates = db.WebsiteWebPages.Where(x=> myWebsiteWebPage.Contains(x));
db.WebsiteWebPages.AddRange(myWebsiteWebPages.Where(x=> !duplicates.Contains(x)));
this is a one database query to retrieve ONLY duplicates and then removing them from the list
You can use the following code,
IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
var templist = new List<WebsiteWebPage>();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
var distinctList = templist.GroupBy(x => x.WebsiteId).Select(group => group.First()).ToList();
Or you can use MoreLINQ here to filter distinct the list by parameter like,
var res = tempList.Distinct(x=>x.WebsiteId).ToList();

Object multiple reference IEntityTracker error while saving audit table

first I know this question has been asked but I really couldn't find an answer nor find the root of the problem so maybe a someone points me in the right direction.
I'm having the An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. error when trying to save into the log tables.
for the log table, I'm using
so inside my DbContext class where I define the dbset, I have to override the onscopecreated function
the problem here is that when context.Savechanges run for the first audit record for each table it works but after first record, I get the multiple reference error.
so let's say I have the following tables
Languages table. with the following values
Countries Table with the following values
for languages table, if I change English to English3 and save it works It records to the audit table but then for languages table, I can not do any changes at any records it's the same in every table
what am I missing?
private void SaveToLogTable(AuditScope auditScope)
foreach (var entry in ((AuditEventEntityFramework)auditScope.Event).EntityFrameworkEvent.Entries)
if(entry.Action is null) return;
if (TABLES.Any(x => x.T_TABLE_NAME.Equals(entry.Table)))
var newLog = new LOGS
LOG_ACTION = ACTIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.A_DESC == entry.Action)?.A_CODE,
LOG_DATE = DateTime.Now,
USERS = MyGlobalSettings.MyUser
if (entry.Changes != null)
foreach (var changes in entry.Changes)
var ch = new CHANGES
CH_COLUMN = changes.ColumnName,
CH_NEW_VALUE = changes.NewValue.ToString(),
CH_ORIGINAL_VALUE = changes.OriginalValue.ToString()
if (entry.ColumnValues != null)
foreach (var kv in entry.ColumnValues)
var val = new VALUES
ColumnName = kv.Key,
ColumnValue = kv.Value.ToString()
TABLES.First(x => x.T_TABLE_NAME.Equals(entry.Table)).LOGS.Add(newLog);
var table = new TABLES {T_TABLE_NAME = entry.Table};
var newLog = new LOGS
LOG_ACTION = ACTIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.A_DESC.Equals(entry.Action))?.A_CODE,
LOG_DATE = DateTime.Now,
LOG_USER_REFNO = MyGlobalSettings.MyUser.U_ROWID
//USERS = MyGlobalSettings.MyUser
if (entry.Changes != null)
foreach (var changes in entry.Changes)
var ch = new CHANGES
CH_COLUMN = changes.ColumnName,
CH_NEW_VALUE = changes.NewValue.ToString(),
CH_ORIGINAL_VALUE = changes.OriginalValue.ToString()
if (entry.ColumnValues != null)
foreach (var kv in entry.ColumnValues)
var val = new VALUES
ColumnName = kv.Key,
ColumnValue = kv.Value is null? "": kv.Value.ToString()
//TABLES.First(x => x.T_TABLE_NAME.Equals(entry.Table)).LOGS.Add(newLog);

Load related data with IgnoreQueryFilter

What is the best way to Update all related Entities when working with Queryfilter?
All my Entities inherit from a BaseClass with "IsDeleted" Property.
When i build my Context i use
if (table.GetProperties().Any(column => column.ClrType == typeof(bool) && column.Name == "IsDeleted"))
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(table.ClrType);
var propertyMethodInfo = typeof(EF).GetMethod("Property").MakeGenericMethod(typeof(bool));
var isDeletedProperty = Expression.Call(propertyMethodInfo, parameter, Expression.Constant("IsDeleted"));
BinaryExpression compareExpression = Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, isDeletedProperty, Expression.Constant(false));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(compareExpression, parameter);
the HasQueryfilter to Ignore all deleted Entity. SoftDelete.
When i try to Update my all Collections, i only get the filterd Collections. So its never possible to Update my IsDelete Property with a true value.
if (entry.State == EntityState.Modified)
foreach (var collectionEntry in _context.Entry(dbMember).Collections)
await collectionEntry.LoadAsync();
foreach (var o in collectionEntry.CurrentValue)
var entity = o as BaseEntity;
entity.IsDeleted = dbMember.IsDeleted;
What i need is something like
await collectionEntry.LoadAsync().IgnoreQueryFilters().

AWS API: how to cast dynamo result as class

So I have a model repository that utilizes the C# AWS SDK for Dynamo. Right now it's a bit ugly. What I'd like is to cast-out result items to my model. Going into Dynamo it's great. I just do some type reflection on my Poco classes and shove them in like so:
var doc = new Document();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in model.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
var propName = (string)prop.Name;
// dont add if value is null
if (prop.GetValue(model, null) != null)
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string))
doc[propName] = (string)prop.GetValue(model, null);
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(List<string>))
doc[propName] = (List<string>)prop.GetValue(model, null);
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(float))
doc[propName] = (float)prop.GetValue(model, null);
But here in the repo, I'd like to not have to write this ugly manual cast when retrieving items. Is there a AWS helper to make this less manual? I guess I could write the inverse of the above loop and get the attribute property names then test for null on each N, S, SS type etc.
var request = new ScanRequest
TableName = TableName.User,
var response = client.Scan(request);
var collection = (from item in response.ScanResult.Items
from att in item
select new User(att.Value.S, att.Value.N, att.Value.S, att.Value.N, att.Value.S, att.Value.S, att.Value.S, att.Value.S, att.Value.S,
att.Value.S, att.Value.S, att.Value.S, att.Value.S, att.Value.SS, att.Value.SS)).ToList();
return collection.AsQueryable();
You can use the built-in FromDocument method to convert the Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> to your class of type T
List<MyClass> result = new List<MyClass>();
var response = await client.QueryAsync(request);
foreach (Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> item in response.Items)
var doc = Document.FromAttributeMap(item);
var typedDoc = context.FromDocument<MyClass>(doc);
You can use the Object Persistence Model feature of the .NET SDK. This allows you to annotate your .NET objects with attributes that then direct the SDK how that data should be stored in DynamoDB.
I ended up doing it the LOOOOOONG way. It was kind of fun to use type reflection to create my own casting function. Would have been more fun if it weren't at 2 AM.
The Pavel's answer is more official, but this still works like a charm.
public static T ResultItemToClass<T>(Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> resultItem) where T : new()
var resultDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Type type = typeof(T);
T ret = new T();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AttributeValue> p in resultItem)
if (p.Value != null)
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in p.Value.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
if (prop.GetValue(p.Value, null) != null)
if (prop.Name == "S")
type.GetProperty(p.Key).SetValue(ret, prop.GetValue(p.Value, null), null);
if (prop.Name == "SS")
type.GetProperty(p.Key).SetValue(ret, (List<string>)prop.GetValue(p.Value, null), null);
if (prop.Name == "N")
type.GetProperty(p.Key).SetValue(ret, Convert.ToInt32(prop.GetValue(p.Value, null)), null);
// TODO: add some other types. Too tired tonight
return ret;
From the aws Document result class, you can use the instance method: .ToJson(), then deserialise into your class.
Generic method convert Dynamo table to c# class as an extension function.
public static List<T> ToMap<T>(this List<Document> item)
List<T> model = (List<T>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<T>));
foreach (Document doc in item)
T m = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
var propTypes = m.GetType();
foreach (var attribute in doc.GetAttributeNames())
var property = doc[attribute];
if (property is Primitive)
var properties = propTypes.GetProperty(attribute);
if (properties != null)
var value = (Primitive)property;
if (value.Type == DynamoDBEntryType.String)
properties.SetValue(m, Convert.ToString(value.AsPrimitive().Value));
else if (value.Type == DynamoDBEntryType.Numeric)
properties.SetValue(m, Convert.ToInt32(value.AsPrimitive().Value));
else if (property is DynamoDBBool)
var booleanProperty = propTypes.GetProperty(attribute);
if (booleanProperty != null)
booleanProperty.SetValue(m, property.AsBoolean());
return model;

How can I write a LINQ to SQL query to update tags?

I have an image site where users can tag photos much like you can tag a question on Stackoverflow.
I have the following tables:
Images [ID, URL, etc]
Tags [ID, TagName]
ImageTag [TagID, ImageID]
I want to write a method with the signature:
public void UpdateImageTags(int imageId, IEnumerable<string> currentTags)
This method will do the following:
Create any new Tags in currentTags that don't already exist in the Tags table.
Get the old ImageTag's for an image.
Delete any ImageTag's that no longer exist in the currentTags
Add any ImageTag's that are new between the currentTags and oldTags.
Here is my attempt at that method:
public void UpdateImageTags(int imageId, IEnumerable<string> currentTags)
using (var db = new ImagesDataContext())
var oldTags = db.ImageTags.Where(it => it.ImageId == imageId).Select(it => it.Tag.TagName);
var added = currentTags.Except(oldTags);
var removed = oldTags.Except(currentTags);
// Add any new tags that need created
foreach (var tag in added)
if (!db.Tags.Any(t => t.TagName == tag))
db.Tags.InsertOnSubmit(new Tag { TagName = tag });
// Delete any ImageTags that need deleted.
var deletedImageTags = db.ImageTags.Where(it => removed.Contains(it.Tag.TagName));
// Add any ImageTags that need added.
var addedImageTags = db.Tags.Where(t => added.Contains(t.TagName)).Select(t => new ImageTag { ImageId = imageId, TagId = t.TagId });
However, this fails on the line:
With the error:
Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementations of query
operators except the Contains operator.
Is there an easier way I can handle the operation of adding new tags, deleting old ImageTags, adding new ImageTags in LINQ to SQL?
Seems like this would be easiest
public void UpdateImageTags(int imageId, IEnumerable<string> currentTags)
using (var db = new ImagesDataContext())
var image = db.Images.Where(it => it.ImageId == imageId).First()
foreach(string s in currentTags)
image.Tags.Add(new Tag() { TagName = s});
This might have to be modified slightly for LinqtoSQL. EF is what i have been using most recently. Also this is dependent on Lazy loading being enabled. If it is not, you will have to force the include of the image tags.
Here is a helper method to deal with many-to-many relationships:
public static void UpdateReferences<FK, FKV>(
this EntitySet<FK> refs,
Expression<Func<FK, FKV>> fkexpr,
IEnumerable<FKV> values)
where FK : class
where FKV : class
Func<FK, FKV> fkvalue = fkexpr.Compile();
var fkmaker = MakeMaker(fkexpr);
var fkdelete = MakeDeleter(fkexpr);
var fks = refs.Select(fkvalue).ToList();
var added = values.Except(fks);
var removed = fks.Except(values);
foreach (var add in added)
foreach (var r in removed)
var res = refs.Single(x => fkvalue(x) == r);
static Func<FKV, FK> MakeMaker<FKV, FK>(Expression<Func<FK, FKV>> fkexpr)
var me = fkexpr.Body as MemberExpression;
var par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FKV), "fkv");
var maker = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Bind(me.Member, par)), par);
var cmaker = maker.Compile() as Func<FKV, FK>;
return cmaker;
static Action<FK> MakeDeleter<FK, FKV>(Expression<Func<FK, FKV>> fkexpr)
var me = fkexpr.Body as MemberExpression;
var pi = me.Member as PropertyInfo;
var assoc = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pi, typeof(AssociationAttribute))
as AssociationAttribute;
if (assoc == null || !assoc.DeleteOnNull)
throw new ArgumentException("DeleteOnNull must be set to true");
var par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FK), "fk");
var maker = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Call(par, pi.GetSetMethod(),
Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(null), typeof(FKV))), par);
var cmaker = maker.Compile() as Action<FK>;
return cmaker;
IEnumerable<Tag> values = ...;
Image e = ...;
e.ImageTags.UpdateReferences(x => x.Tag, tags);
