C# - Format event log query with multiple arguments - c#

I have the following event log query where I need to filter by event ID and specific date range for the Time Created. Here is what I current have:
var startTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10);
var endTime = System.DateTime.Now
var query = string.Format("*[[System/EventID={0}] and [System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime >= {1}]]] and [System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime <= {2}]]]", _PRINTINGDOCUMENTEVENTID, startTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"), endTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"));)
var logQuery = new EventLogQuery("Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational", PathType.LogName, query );
var reader = new EventLogReader(logQuery);
I get the following error when I try to debug the event log query:
The specified query is invalid
Here is what the query value looks like while debugging:
"*[[System/EventID=307] and [System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime >=
2016-03-28T22:51:23.9082575Z]]] and [System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime <=
How do I fix this issue?

I was able to determine the correct format for filtering by event id and a date range for TimeCreated
var eventId = "307";
var startTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10);
var endTime = System.DateTime.Now;
var query = string.Format(#"*[System/EventID={0}] and *[System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime >= '{1}']]] and *[System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime <= '{2}']]]",

Have you tried surrounding your formatted DateTimes with ticks?
and [System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime >= '{1}']]]


EventLogQuery ignoring TimeCreated criteria

I am using the following helper function:
public List<EventRecord> GetEvents(DateTime afterTime)
var formattedDateTime = $"{afterTime:yyyy-MM-dd}T{afterTime:HH:mm:ss}.000000000Z";
var query = $"*[(System/Provider/#Name='.Net Runtime') and (System/EventID=1000) and (System/TimeCreated/#SystemTime >= '{formattedDateTime}')]";
var queryResult = new EventLogQuery("Application", PathType.LogName, query);
var reader = new EventLogReader(queryResult);
var events = new List<EventRecord>();
while (true)
var rec = reader.ReadEvent();
if (rec == null)
return events;
This code almost works except the query seems to be ignoring the TimeCreated entirely. It's returning all events with the given ProviderName and EventId. I have tried all sorts of different things to get this to work but no matter what, TimeCreated is ignored.
Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Edit 1
Even replacing the query line with:
var query = $"*[System[TimeCreated[#SystemTime >= '{formattedDateTime}']]]";
Doesn't work. Returns all events regardless of when they were Created.
Edit 2
So I tried using the 'custom view' builder to generate an XML query for me and what I found was even more perplexing:
So currently the time displayed on my machine is: 2:42pm.
In 24 hour time it should be 14:42pm.
When I create a query using the custom view and select:
From: 'Events On' 03/18/2021 2:42pm , it creates the following:
<Query Id="0" Path="Application">
<Select Path="Application">*[System[Provider[#Name='.NET Runtime'] and (EventID=1000) and TimeCreated[#SystemTime>='2021-03-18T20:42:13.000Z']]] </Select>
Why on gods green earth did it convert 2:42pm to 20:42?
So apparently you need to convert your time to UniversalTime for this to work.
Here is a working sample:
public List<EventRecord> GetEvents(DateTime afterTime)
var formattedDateTime = afterTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o");
var query = $"*[System[Provider[#Name='.NET Runtime'] and (EventID=1000) and TimeCreated[#SystemTime>='{formattedDateTime}']]]";
var queryResult = new EventLogQuery("Application", PathType.LogName, query);
var reader = new EventLogReader(queryResult);
var events = new List<EventRecord>();
while (true)
var rec = reader.ReadEvent();
if (rec == null)
return events;

How to retrieve data from oracle database based between 2 datetime field knowing input only date?

I am trying to retrieve data from oracle database between 2 dates. I keep getting the following error:
An exception of type 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException' occurred in Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll but was not handled in user code
I'm not sure if the problem from the query I wrote:
public List<GetterAndSetterObj> GetDataBasedOnSelectedPeriod(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
using (ProdOracleContext oracleContext = new ProdOracleContext())
using (OracleCommand command = oracleContext.CreateCommand)
command.CommandText = string.Format("select * from datesTable where TRUNC(dates) BETWEEN TO_DATE('{0}','DD-MON-RRRR') AND TO_DATE('{1}','DD-MON-RRRR')", fromDate, toDate);
var queryResult = oracleContext.Get(command);
var list_v_sum_slaies_by_lice_no = new List<getterAndSetterObj>();
foreach (DataRow row in queryResult.Rows)
finalList.Add(new getterAndSetterObj
SHOP_NAME = row["SHOP_NAME"].ToString(),
dates= row.Field<DateTime>("dates"),
SUM_ALL = int.Parse(row["SUM_ALL"].ToString())
} return finalList;
Then I call the function using these method:
public List<v_sum_slaies_by_lice_no> GetDataBasedOnSelectedPeriod(string fromDate, string toDate)
DateTime OfromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(fromDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
DateTime OtoDate = DateTime.ParseExact(toDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
return dataBase.GetDataBasedOnSelectedPeriod(OfromDate, OtoDate);
note, the input would be something like this:
Note, the date stored on the database as a datetime which include the time and I want to get the data based on the date only
Try to change the below line of code. If it will not work share the actual oracle error.
command.CommandText = string.Format("select * from datesTable where TO_CHAR(dates, 'DDMMYYYY') BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}'", fromDate.ToString("ddMMyyyy"), toDate.ToString("ddMMyyyy"));

How to convert Datetime.utcnow to DateTime,UTCtoLocal()?

when convert utcnow to local time, it shows error like
"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime
ToLocalTime()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a
store expression."
I am using SQL Server 2014 and not mango db. It will work when I use the function UTCtoLocal outside the query. But I need to use it within the linq query to speed up the execution. There is any other way to do that.
group new
Id = ord.Id,
ShipmentInfoId = shipment.Id,
PartnerName = partner.Name,
PartNumber = ordItem.SellerProductID,
OrderNumber = ord.UniqueOrderID,
PartCount = shipment.PartCount,
DeliveryDate = ord.DeliveryDate,
IsSentInvoice = shipment.IsSentInvoice != null ? shipment.IsSentInvoice : false,
IsSentASN = shipment.IsSentASN != null ? shipment.IsSentASN : false,
ShippingPartCount = 0,
IsManualEntered = ord.IsManualEntered,
LastGeneratedInvoiceDate = shipment.LastGeneratedInvoiceDate.Value.UtcToLocal(),
LastGeneratedASNDate = shipment.LastGeneratedASNDate.Value.UtcToLocal(),
Solution here by playing around with your DateTimeKind.Utc and ToLocalTime()
var dt = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc);
string s = dt.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss \"GMT\"zzz");
Source: datetime to string with time zone

How to compare date in linq c#

i have 'created date' and 'closed date' in my file and i'm converting it in json so i have that dates in json.
in my method i have two parameter like from date and to date and i want to count particular column data of my file between from date and to date.so how can we write code to fetch it using linq.
i tried this...
public JsonResult StatusDerails(DateTime from,DateTime to)
string csvurl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["csvfileurl"];
var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(csvurl).Skip(1);
List<Product> prdt = new List<Product>();
foreach (string line in lines)
Product c1 = new Product();
var split = line.Split(',');
c1.ID = Int32.Parse(split[0]);
c1.Area_Path = split[1];
c1.IterationPath = split[2];
c1.State = split[3];
c1.Reason = split[4];
c1.Priority = Int32.Parse(split[5]);
c1.Severity = split[6];
c1.Tags = split[7];
c1.Title = split[8];
c1.CreatedDate = split[9];
c1.CreatedBy = split[10];
c1.ResolvedDate = split[11];
c1.ResolvedBy = split[12];
c1.ClosedDate = split[13];
c1.AssignedTo = split[14];
//var list = prdt.GroupBy(a=>a.AreaPath).Select(a=>new UIproduct() {
var productName = prdt.Select(a => a.Area_Path).Distinct();
List<StatusDetail> statusdetail = new List<StatusDetail>();
foreach (var Name in productName)
StatusDetail sd = new StatusDetail();
sd.CarryOver = prdt.Where(a => a.CreatedDate >= from.Date.ToString() && a.ClosedDate <= to.Date.ToShortDateString
return Json(statusdetail, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The comparison of DateTime as string will not be a good option and that wont gives you the exact result, So I recommend you to change the type of CreatedDate and ClosedDate to DateTime. and compare two DateTime values in linq. I think instead of splitting json for creating object of certain types you can use json converters.
Fix for your scenario:
c1.CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse(split[9]);
c1.ClosedDate = DateTime.Parse(split[13]);
Don't forget to change the type in the class, Now its fine to use the linq as like the following:
sd.CarryOver = prdt.Where(a => a.CreatedDate >= from.Date && a.ClosedDate <= to.Date);

Filtering by date and time C#

I'm creating reports in C# ASP.Net, whereby in the reports I can filter data created between two different dates (e.g Start date: 15th July and End date: 17th July) but when it comes to filtering data created on a particular day (e.g StartDate: 15th July and End Date: 15th July) the query doesn't retrieve anything...
//Code from OutletDistributor.aspx.cs
ReportManager master = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ReportManager>();
ReportResponse responce = new ReportResponse();
if (ddDistributor == Guid.Empty)
responce = master.GetAllOutletDistributor(sDate, EDate);
responce = master.GetOutletDistributor(sDate, EDate, ddDistributor);
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
var stream = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(SampleReport)).GetManifestResourceStream(responce.ReportResource);
ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(responce.ReportDataSet, responce.ReportDataSource);
stream = RdlcReportHelper.TranslateReport(stream);
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DisplayName = ResourceHelper.GetText(null, "hq.rpt.outletdist.heading");
//Code from ReportManager.cs
//Filter All Outlet Distributor
public ReportResponse GetAllOutletDistributor(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate) {
ReportResponse report = new ReportResponse();
report.ReportResource = "Distributr.HQ.Lib.Reports.RcdlFiles.OutletDistributor.rdlc";
List<OutletReportItem> Report = _outletReport.GetAllOutlets()
.Where(p => p.CreationDate >= StartDate && p.CreationDate <= EndDate).ToList();
Report.ForEach(n => report.ReportDataSource.Add(n));
report.ReportDataSet = "dsOutletDistributor";
return report;
I assume that StartDate and EndDate both contain a time component. Remove it using the Date property:
StartDate = StartDate.Date;
EndDate = EndDate.Date;
// your query goes here...
Actually, your code List<OutletReportItem> Report = _outletReport.GetAllOutlets().Where(p => p.CreationDate >= StartDate && p.CreationDate <= EndDate).ToList() when initialize the object DateTime so the default value of date with hours, minutes and seconds which are '00'. So I think you could use DateTime.Compare()
In this condition where your date is same use "=" (instead of difference) in your query
