TCPClient sometimes recieving empty bytes array - c#

Currently developing a simple message server using sockets and sometimes the TCPClient receives the correct number of bytes but each byte is 0.
Here's the sender code.
//c.clientSocket.NoDelay = true;
// Send back an OK
var clientStream = c.clientSocket.GetStream();
var Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Packet("SERVER", c.ClientName, new List<Payload>() { new Payload(MessageLibrary.Commands.OK, null) }));
var msg = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Response);
clientStream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ExceptionRaised != null)
ExceptionRaised(c.ClientName, ex);
Response = "{\"TimeStamp\":\"2016-03-18T08:15:15.0881326+00:00\",\"Sender\":\"SERVER\",\"Payload\":[{\"Command\":\"OK\",\"CommandValue\":\"\"}],\"Destination\":\"GBCO0101\"}"
Msg contains 139 bytes
So this seems ok, here is the receiving code.
static void OnDataRecieved(IAsyncResult result)
TcpClient client = result.AsyncState as TcpClient;
// Get a stream object for reading and writing
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
int ReadBytes = stream.EndRead(result);
if (ReadBytes == 0)
// Client gone
Console.WriteLine("Server lost");
// Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.
var data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ClientReadBuffer, 0, ReadBytes);
ClientReadBuffer = new byte[ClientReadBuffer.Length];
stream.BeginRead(ClientReadBuffer, 0, ClientReadBuffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(OnDataRecieved), client);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("lost connection");
If I take a look at ProcessData(data); I can see that data = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
ReadBytes = 139
So the right amount of bytes seems to be correct but the data itself is wrong. What can cause this?

It's unlikely.
Are you really using ClientReadBuffer on the first stream.BeginRead() (it's not included in the code above)? You probably have one somewhere that doesn't do the read in the same way.
And why do you create a new instance of it for every read? Waste of resources. Just reuse it.
Another thing is that TCP is stream based. Don't expect the bytes received to match the buffer that you sent. See this question for instance.


TcpClient C# wait until new data are available

I'm trying to use tcpclient to retrieve data from a tcp server, sending a request and receiving a response, it works fine except for one thing.
When I try to use multiple times networkstream.readasync and then networkstream.writeasync the readasync function reads the previous response of the previous writeasync and not of the last one.To fix that I have to set a timeout before reading. Instead of setting a timeout is there any way to wait until the new data are available?
Pseudocode Example:
//reads a hello message from the server
//sending a request to the server
//reads again the hello message from the previous read
//not the response from the previously sended writeasync
Pseudocode Solution:
//reads a hello message from the server
//sending a request to the server
//wait for 1 second
//reads correctly
If you have any better way to wait the newly available data instead of using a fixed timeout let me know.
Thank you.
NOTE:I even tried with the synchronous version of read and write still the same.
Am Just using async to no block the user interface.
public async Task<string> sendQuery()
client.Connect(ConfigParameters.ip, ConfigParameters.port);
if (client.Connected == true)
var networkStream = client.GetStream();
// Receive data from server
//Receiving HELLO message from the server
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
await networkStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
var serverResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
Console.WriteLine("Server: " + serverResponse);
Array.Resize(ref buffer, 1024);
// Send data to server
// send query to the server
string data = QueryStore.queryStart+QueryStore.query1.getLRC() + QueryStore.queryEnd;
buffer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
await networkStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Array.Resize(ref buffer, 1024);
// Receive data from server
// receive still HELLO message
buffer = new byte[1024];
await networkStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
serverResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
Console.WriteLine("Server: " + serverResponse);
return "ok";
return "error";
return "";

TcpClient does not read response from the server (.Net core)

I am currently working on a network project that needs to send a request to the server and gets a response from it. The server is hosted by the third party company so I don't have direct access to the server but I can request server logs. According to that logs, my request was successfully sent to the server and the server also replies with the response. But the response doesn't receive to my side. I also used Packet Sender Tool to check the response and it also didn't receive any response. What could be the issue here? There is nothing wrong with my code because I receive responses when I connect to different servers. this problem only occurs with one specific server. Thanks all.
//establish TcpConnection
public async Task<TcpClient> ConnectAsync(TcpClient tcpClient)
string xmlMessageServer = _configuration["XmlMessageStrings:xmlMessageServer"];
string xmlMessagePort = _configuration["XmlMessageStrings:xmlMessagePort"];
var errorLog = NLogBuilder.ConfigureNLog("NLog.config").GetLogger("debitcardErrorLog");
await tcpClient.ConnectAsync(xmlMessageServer, Convert.ToInt32(xmlMessagePort));
return tcpClient;
catch (SocketException ex)
errorLog.Error(ex.Message); // log error
throw ex;
TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();
await _connectWithTcpServer.ConnectAsync(tcpClient);
if (tcpClient.Connected)
debitcardRequestLog.Info("Tcp Client Connected"); // check if client connected
NetworkStream stream = tcpClient.GetStream();
debitcardRequestLog.Info(xmlMessage); // log xmlMessage
byte[] xmlRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmlMessage); // converts the xmlRequest into a byte array
stream.Write(xmlRequest, 0, xmlRequest.Length); //writes the xmlRequest into the stream
byte[] bufferSize = new byte[tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize]; //converts the bufferSize into a byte array
int xmlResponse = stream.Read(bufferSize, 0, bufferSize.Length); //reads the xml response from switchware
if (xmlResponse == 0)
errorLog.Error("0 bytes received from server");
string xmlResponseMsg = string.Empty;
string xmlResponseMsgASCII = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bufferSize, 0, 0); // decode the byte array into a string
fromSwitchwareMessage = xmlResponseMsgASCII;
catch (Exception ex)
errorLog.Error(ex.Message); // log error
throw ex;

Sending a packet in C# via TCP?

I'll try and explain my question below, I have tried googling for an answer but firstly, I don't really know what I should be googling and I haven't found anything that makes sense to me, I was wondering if someone could explain it? Many Thanks.
Hello. I am trying to send a simple network packet using TCP, I have done it using UDP pretty easily as its really easy with UDP, I was wondering if anyone could help me do the equivalent in TCP? I tried using a TcpClient, but it doesn't have a Send method the same as UDP?
public void OnUdp()
var client = new UdpClient(Host, Port);
client.Send(rubbish, rubbish.Length);
This is the example from
static void Connect(String server, String message)
// Create a TcpClient.
// Note, for this client to work you need to have a TcpServer
// connected to the same address as specified by the server, port
// combination.
Int32 port = 13000;
TcpClient client = new TcpClient(server, port);
// Translate the passed message into ASCII and store it as a Byte array.
Byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
// Get a client stream for reading and writing.
// Stream stream = client.GetStream();
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
// Send the message to the connected TcpServer.
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}", message);
// Receive the TcpServer.response.
// Buffer to store the response bytes.
data = new Byte[256];
// String to store the response ASCII representation.
String responseData = String.Empty;
// Read the first batch of the TcpServer response bytes.
Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
responseData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytes);
Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", responseData);
// Close everything.
catch (ArgumentNullException e)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException: {0}", e);
catch (SocketException e)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e);
Console.WriteLine("\n Press Enter to continue...");

C# Socket does not send complete data

I am trying to create a client/server application where a server sends commands to clients and clients send result back. The clients send data like this:
5 is the length of the string which is sent because then the server knows howmany characters it should receive before it should do something with that data. I tried to do that with this code:
private static void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult AR)
while (!Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_buffer).Contains("|"))
string[] a = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_buffer).Split('|');
while (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_buffer).Length < (Int32.Parse(a[0]) + a[0].Length + 1))
Socket socket = (Socket)AR.AsyncState;
int received = socket.EndReceive(AR);
byte[] dataBuf = new byte[received];
Array.Copy(_buffer, dataBuf, received);
string text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dataBuf);
if (!text.Contains("GET") && !text.Contains("HTTP") && text != null)
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt") + ":" + text);
socket.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), socket);
but this still does not give me the correct result. Also the CPU goes very high.
Picture of the result:
Can someone explain me why this happens? Thanks!
try to replace Encoding.ASCIIto Encoding.UTF8.
It can fix you issue.
Do note that you must to use the same encoding on both sides (sending and receiving data).
I hope it helps you.
have you tried using TcpClient? it can be way easier and gives you more control.
something like;
//make connection
NetworkStream stream = null;
socket = new TcpClient();
socket.Connect("", 15879);
if (socket.Connected) {
stream = socket.GetStream();
//and than wait for tcp packets.
connectionThread = new Thread(ListenServer);
private void ListenToServer() {
Byte[] data = new Byte[1024];
String message = String.Empty;
Int32 dataLength = 0;
while (socket.Connected) {
try {
while (stream.DataAvailable) {
dataLength = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
message = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, dataLength);
//do what ever you need here
} catch (Exception ex) {
moreover %1 cpu load!

C# Reading From NetworkStream using StreamReader

I'm a Java Developer Trying to build a Simple C# TCP Client. however for the life of me I can't figure out how to get this bloody thing to work. Here is my TCPClient code. BTW, I stole this directly from msdn.
public static void Connect(String server, int port, String message)
// Create a TcpClient.
// Note, for this client to work you need to have a TcpServer
// connected to the same address as specified by the server, port
// combination.
TcpClient client = new TcpClient(server, port);
// Translate the passed message into ASCII and store it as a Byte array.
Byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
// Get a client stream for reading and writing.
// Stream stream = client.GetStream();
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
// Send the message to the connected TcpServer.
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}", message);
// Receive the TcpServer.response.
// Buffer to store the response bytes.
data = new Byte[256];
// String to store the response ASCII representation.
String responseData = String.Empty;
// Read the first batch of the TcpServer response bytes.
Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
responseData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytes);
Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", responseData);
// Close everything.
catch (ArgumentNullException e)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException: {0}", e);
catch (SocketException e)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e);
Console.WriteLine("\n Press Enter to continue...");
Here is my Java Server.
private ServerSocket socket;
private JAXBContext jaxbContext;
boolean listening = true;
private HMSAgentService() {
public HMSAgentService(int port) {
try {
this.socket = new ServerSocket(port);
logger.debug("Agent Service listening on port : " + port);
this.jaxbContext = HMSAgentUtil.getJAXBContext();
while (listening) {
new AgentServiceThread(socket.accept(), jaxbContext).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (JAXBException e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
It simply starts off a new thread when it receives a client connection.
Now my problem is that The program never moves past the stream.Write(). Also the server never receives the message. Only after I call Stream.close() does the server receive the message. But that essentially closes the connection and the client can't receive any more messages. Why is happening. I've tried using Sockets, StreamWriters, StreamReaders and its the same story.
At this point i'm contemplating using The Asynchronous method, but I'm trying to keep the program as simple as possible, since there is no need for it. Is there anyway of signaling the end of a Write?
