Working sample at the end of this article (I kept all things I tried [reason for long article], so that others could benefit from it later)
I am trying to write integration tests for my EF Core 3.1 class library. As unit test framework, I have used XUnit and followed guide from Microsoft:
Here is how the setup looks like (it's a bit longer because I am actually creating a database in my SQL Server in case I need to see the real result from tests output):
public class SharedDatabaseFixture : IDisposable
private static readonly object _lock = new object();
private static bool _databaseInitialized;
private static string _DatabaseName = "Database.Server.Local";
private static IConfigurationRoot config;
public SharedDatabaseFixture()
config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.Development.json", true, true)
var test = config.GetValue<string>("DataSource");
var connectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
DataSource = config.GetValue<string>("DataSource"),
InitialCatalog = _DatabaseName,
IntegratedSecurity = true,
var connectionString = connectionStringBuilder.ToString();
Connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
public bool ShouldSeedActualData { get; set; } = true;
public DbConnection Connection { get; set; }
public ApplicationDbContext CreateContext(DbTransaction transaction = null)
var identity = new GenericIdentity("", "Admin");
var contextUser = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); //add claims as needed
var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext() { User = contextUser };
var defaultHttpContextAccessor = new HttpContextAccessor();
defaultHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext = httpContext;
var context = new ApplicationDbContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>().UseSqlServer(Connection).Options, null, defaultHttpContextAccessor);
if (transaction != null)
return context;
private static void ExecuteSqlCommand(SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder, string commandText)
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString))
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = commandText;
private static SqlConnectionStringBuilder Master => new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
DataSource = config.GetValue<string>("DataSource"),
InitialCatalog = "master",
IntegratedSecurity = true
private static string Filename => Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(SharedDatabaseFixture).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location), $"{_DatabaseName}.mdf");
private static string LogFilename => Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(SharedDatabaseFixture).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location), $"{_DatabaseName}_log.ldf");
private static void CreateDatabaseRawSQL()
ExecuteSqlCommand(Master, $#"IF(db_id(N'{_DatabaseName}') IS NULL) BEGIN CREATE DATABASE [{_DatabaseName}] ON (NAME = '{_DatabaseName}', FILENAME = '{Filename}') END");
private static List<T> ExecuteSqlQuery<T>(SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder, string queryText, Func<SqlDataReader, T> read)
var result = new List<T>();
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString))
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = queryText;
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
return result;
private static void DestroyDatabaseRawSQL()
var fileNames = ExecuteSqlQuery(Master, $#"SELECT [physical_name] FROM [sys].[master_files] WHERE [database_id] = DB_ID('{_DatabaseName}')", row => (string)row["physical_name"]);
if (fileNames.Any())
ExecuteSqlCommand(Master, $#"ALTER DATABASE [{_DatabaseName}] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE;EXEC sp_detach_db '{_DatabaseName}', 'true'");
if (File.Exists(Filename))
if (File.Exists(LogFilename))
private void CreateEmptyDatabaseAndSeedData()
lock (_lock)
if (!_databaseInitialized)
using (var context = CreateContext())
catch (Exception) { }
catch (Exception) { }
if (ShouldSeedActualData)
List<UserDB> entities = new List<UserDB>()
new UserDB() { Id = "", Name= "Admin" }
List<IdentityRole> roles = new List<IdentityRole>()
new IdentityRole(){Id = "ADMIN",Name = nameof(DefaultRoles.Admin), NormalizedName = nameof(DefaultRoles.Admin)},
new IdentityRole(){Id = "FINANCE",Name = nameof(DefaultRoles.Finance), NormalizedName = nameof(DefaultRoles.Finance)}
_databaseInitialized = true;
public void Dispose()
Then, test class looks like following (for simplicity showing just 2 tests):
public class BaseRepositoryTests : IClassFixture<SharedDatabaseFixture>
private readonly SharedDatabaseFixture fixture;
private IMapper _mapper;
public BaseRepositoryTests(SharedDatabaseFixture fixture)
this.fixture = fixture;
var config = new MapperConfiguration(opts =>
_mapper = config.CreateMapper();
public async Task EntityCannotBeSavedIfDbEntityIsNotValid()
using (var transaction = fixture.Connection.BeginTransaction())
using (var context = fixture.CreateContext(transaction))
var baseCountryRepository = new BaseRepository<CountryDB, Country>(context, _mapper);
var invalidCountry = new Country() { };
var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<DbUpdateException>(async () => await baseCountryRepository.CreateAsync(invalidCountry));
Assert.Contains("Cannot insert the value NULL into column", exception.InnerException.Message);
public async Task EntityCanBeSavedIfEntityIsValid()
using (var transaction = fixture.Connection.BeginTransaction())
using (var context = fixture.CreateContext(transaction))
var baseCountryRepository = new BaseRepository<CountryDB, Country>(context, _mapper);
var item = new Country() { Code = "SK", Name = "Slovakia" };
var result = await baseCountryRepository.CreateAsync(item);
Assert.Equal(1, result.Id);
Finally here is a sample of repository implementation (CRUD):
public async Task<TModel> CreateAsync(TModel data)
var newItem = mapper.Map<Tdb>(data);
var entity = await context.Set<Tdb>().AddAsync(newItem);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return mapper.Map<TModel>(entity.Entity);
public async Task<bool> DeleteAsync(long id)
var item = await context.Set<Tdb>().FindAsync(id).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
var result = context.Set<Tdb>().Remove(item);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return (result.State == EntityState.Deleted || result.State == EntityState.Detached);
If I run these tests individually, each one of them passes without a problem. However if I run all tests from BaseRepositoryTests then I am getting random problems as somehow, database transactions are not rolled back but the data is saved and shared between tests.
I have checked and truly, each transaction has it's own unique ID, thus they should not collide. Am I missing anything here? I mean according to Microsoft this is correct approach, but there is clearly something I have missed. The only thing different from other guides that I could find is, that I am using SaveChangesAsync in my repository implementation, while other's use SaveChanges...however I believe that this should not be the root cause of my problem.
Any help in respect to this matter would be highly appreciated.
Update 1:
As suggested by comments, I have tried two separate approaches. First one was to use CommitableTransaction like following:
Method update:
public async Task EntityCanBeSavedIfEntityIsValid()
using (var transaction = new CommittableTransaction(new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }))
using (var context = fixture.CreateContext(transaction))
var baseCountryRepository = new BaseRepository<CountryDB, Country>(context, _mapper);
var item = new Country() { Code = "SK", Name = "Slovakia" };
var result = await baseCountryRepository.CreateAsync(item);
Assert.Equal(1, result.Id);
Shared fixture update:
public ApplicationDbContext CreateContext(CommittableTransaction transaction = null)
... other code
if (transaction != null)
return context;
This unfortunately ended with the same result when running my code tests in bulk (data that I was saving ended up being incremented and not discarded after each test)
Second thing I tried was using TransactionScope like following:
public async Task EntityCanBeModifiedIfEntityExistsAndIsValid()
using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted }, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
using (var context = fixture.CreateContext())
var baseCountryRepository = new BaseRepository<CountryDB, Country>(context, _mapper);
var item = new Country() { Code = "SK", Name = "Slovakia" };
var insertResult = await baseCountryRepository.CreateAsync(item);
Assert.Equal(1, insertResult.Id);
Assert.Equal("SK", insertResult.Code);
Assert.Equal("Slovakia", insertResult.Name);
insertResult.Code = "SVK";
var result = await baseCountryRepository.UpdateAsync(insertResult.Id, insertResult);
Assert.Equal(1, result.Id);
Assert.Equal("SVK", result.Code);
Assert.Equal("Slovakia", result.Name);
Just as before this did not yield any new results.
Last thing that I tried was to drop :IClassFixture<SharedDatabaseFixture> from the test class and instead, create a new instance of my database fixture in constructor (which is being triggered for each test run) like following:
public BaseRepositoryTests()
this.fixture = new SharedDatabaseFixture();
var config = new MapperConfiguration(opts =>
_mapper = config.CreateMapper();
Just as before, no new results came from this update.
Working setup
Shared database fixture (basically class responsible for creating database...the main difference between previous version now is, that in constructor it accepts unique guid that is used when creating database -> to create a database with unique name. Furthermore I have also added a new method ForceDestroyDatabase() which is responsible to destroy the database after test has done it's job. I did not place it in Dispose() method, as sometimes you want to check what actually happened to database, where in that case you just don't call the method...see later)
public class SharedDatabaseFixture : IDisposable
private static readonly object _lock = new object();
private static bool _databaseInitialized;
private string _DatabaseName = "FercamPortal.Server.Local.";
private static IConfigurationRoot config;
public SharedDatabaseFixture(string guid)
config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.Development.json", true, true)
var test = config.GetValue<string>("DataSource");
this._DatabaseName += guid;
var connectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
DataSource = config.GetValue<string>("DataSource"),
InitialCatalog = _DatabaseName,
IntegratedSecurity = true,
var connectionString = connectionStringBuilder.ToString();
Connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
...other code the same as above, skipped for clarity
private void CreateEmptyDatabaseAndSeedData()
lock (_lock)
using (var context = CreateContext())
catch (Exception ex) { }
catch (Exception) { }
if (ShouldSeedActualData)
List<UserDB> entities = new List<UserDB>()
new UserDB() { Id = "", Name= "Robert Moq" },
new UserDB() { Id = "", Name= "Test User" }
List<IdentityRole> roles = new List<IdentityRole>()
new IdentityRole(){Id = "ADMIN",Name = nameof(FercamDefaultRoles.Admin), NormalizedName = nameof(FercamDefaultRoles.Admin)},
new IdentityRole(){Id = "FINANCE",Name = nameof(FercamDefaultRoles.Finance), NormalizedName = nameof(FercamDefaultRoles.Finance)}
public void ForceDestroyDatabase()
public void Dispose()
Sample test class:
public class DailyTransitDBRepositoryTests : IDisposable
private readonly SharedDatabaseFixture fixture;
private readonly ApplicationDbContext context;
private IMapper _mapper;
public DailyTransitDBRepositoryTests()
this.fixture = new SharedDatabaseFixture(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
this.context = this.fixture.CreateContext();
var config = new MapperConfiguration(opts =>
_mapper = config.CreateMapper();
...other code ommited for clarity
public void Dispose()
public async Task GetTransitsForYearAndMonthOnlyReturnsValidItems()
var employees = await PopulateEmployeesAndReturnThemAsList(context);
var countries = await PopulateCountriesAndReturnThemAsList(context);
var transitRepository = new DailyTransitDBRepository(context, _mapper);
var transitItems = new List<DailyTransit>() {
new DailyTransit()
Country = countries.First(),
Employee = employees.First(),
Date = DateTime.Now,
TransitionDurationType = DailyTransitDurationEnum.FullDay
new DailyTransit()
Country = countries.First(),
Employee = employees.Last(),
Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
TransitionDurationType = DailyTransitDurationEnum.FullDay
new DailyTransit()
Country = countries.First(),
Employee = employees.Last(),
Date = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1),
TransitionDurationType = DailyTransitDurationEnum.FullDay
await transitRepository.CreateRangeAsync(transitItems);
//retrieve all items
using (var context2 = fixture.CreateContext())
var transitRepository2 = new DailyTransitDBRepository(context2, _mapper);
var items = await transitRepository2.GetEmployeeTransitsForYearAndMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month);
Assert.Equal(2, items.Count());
Assert.Equal("Janko", items.First().Employee.Name);
Assert.Equal("John", items.Last().Employee.Name);
Robert, Glad It helped! As per your request, I re-submit the answer for anyone that could find this answer helpful as you.
I learn the hard way that trying to share the entity framework database context over IClassFixture or CollectionFixtures would eventually end up in tests being polluted with another test data or deadlock/race conditions due to the parallel execution of xUnit, entity framework throwing exceptions because it already tracked that object with a given Id and more headaches like that.
Personally, I would kindly recommend that for your specific use cause, stick the database context creation/cleanup within the constructor/dispose alternative such as:
public class TestClass : IDisposable
DatabaseContext DatabaseContext;
public TestClass()
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DatabaseContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
DatabaseContext = new DatabaseContext(options);
//insert the data that you want to be seeded for each test method:
DatabaseContext.Set<Product>().Add(new Product() { Id = 1, Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() });
public void FirstTest()
var product = DatabaseContext.Set<Product>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1).Name;
//product evaluates to => 0f25a10b-1dfd-4b4b-a69d-4ec587fb465b
public void SecondTest()
var product = DatabaseContext.Set<Product>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1).Name;
//product evaluates to => eb43d382-40a5-45d2-8da9-236d49b68c7a
//It's different from firstTest because is another object
public void Dispose()
Of course you can always do some refinement, but the idea is there
I'm writing integration test with ef core using sqlite memory database. Here is the code:
public async Task GetCustomerAndRidesById_When_MultipleCustomersArePresent()
var connectionStringBuilder =
new SqliteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = ":memory:" };
var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ToString());
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TravelContext>()
var customer = _customerBuilder.WithDefaults();
Customer customerFromRepo;
using (var context = new TravelContext(options))
await context.Customers.AddAsync(customer);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
_output.WriteLine($"Customer ID: {customer.Id}");
//var customerRepository = new CustomerRepository(context);
//customerFromRepo = await customerRepository.GetByIdWithRidesAsync(customer.Id);
using (var context = new TravelContext(options))
var customerRepository = new CustomerRepository(context);
customerFromRepo = await customerRepository.GetByIdWithRidesAsync(customer.Id);
catch (System.Exception e)
The above code throws following error
Collection is read-only
error. However if I comment out the second using block and uncomment the lines inside first using block, records are retrieved and test passes.
Here is my Customer class:
public class Customer : BaseEntity<Guid>, IAggregateRoot
private Customer()
// required by EF
public Customer(string name, List<Ride> rides)
Name = name;
_rides = rides;
public string Name { get; set; }
private readonly List<Ride> _rides = new List<Ride>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<Ride> Rides => _rides.AsReadOnly();
I'm puzzled. Can anyone explain why?
Enabling the below configuration fixes the issue.
var navigation = builder.Metadata.FindNavigation(nameof(Customer.Rides));
Credits and Thanks to Ivan Stoev for guidance.
In an ASP.NET Webforms application on .NET 4.0 and a Web API, I attempt to add an order and orderRow to the database, but I get this error:
Error: new transactions are not allowed because there are other running threads in the session
From the client, I run an Ajax post to the controller, which has the following code for inserting a value into the database:
private readonly MyDatabaseEntities _ctx;
public ComponibileController()
_ctx = new MyDatabaseEntities(#"xxx");
public void Post([FromBody] ComponibileCreate model)
if (!ModelState.IsValid) return;
var taskWork = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => SaveOnDatabase(model, utente));
public void SaveOnDatabase(ComponibileCreate model, string utente)
using (_ctx)
var ordine = new COM_ORDINI
foreach (var item in model.Righe.ToList())
var righe = new COM_RIGHE
catch (Exception e)
instead System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => SaveOnDatabase(model, utente)); , use
async Task SaveOnDatabase(ComponibileCreate model, string utente) {
await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
and call await SaveOnDatabase(model, utente) in action
I can't seem to get my code work, although I tried several different approaches. Here is my preferred code snippet:
var client = await ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient();
var freeToPlayChampions = await client.GetChampionsAsync(true, Region);
var championsData = freeToPlayChampions.Select(x =>
platformId: Region));
ConsoleTable.From(await Task.WhenAll(championsData)).Write();
When debugging I see that the code hangs on await Task.WhenAll(championsData). So i tried to make the code more easy:
var client = await ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient();
var freeToPlayChampions = await client.GetChampionsAsync(true, Region);
var table = new ConsoleTable();
foreach(var freeToPlayChampion in freeToPlayChampions)
var championsData = client.GetStaticChampionByIdAsync(
platformId: Region);
table.AddRow(await championsData);
Unfortunately this hangs, as well. Again on the same code part, e.g. await championsData.
How can this 'easy' usage of async/await lead to an deadlock? Thanks in advance for help!
Here is the whole class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ConsoleTables;
using Mono.Options;
using RiotNet.Models;
using RiotShell.Properties;
namespace RiotShell
public class FreeToPlay : IShellCommand
public IEnumerable<string> Names { get; }
public OptionSet Options { get; }
public bool ShowHelp { get; private set; }
public string Region { get; private set; }
public FreeToPlay()
Names = new List<string>
Options = new OptionSet
{ "r|region=" , "The region to execute against", x => Region = x},
{ "h|help|?" , "Show help", x => ShowHelp = true }
public async Task Execute(IEnumerable<string> args)
if (ShowHelp)
if (args.Any())
throw new Exception(Resources.TooManyArgumentsProvided);
if (Region == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.RequiredOptionNotFound, "region"));
if (!PlatformId.All.Contains(Region))
throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.InvalidRegion, Region));
var client = await ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient();
var freeToPlayChampions = await client.GetChampionsAsync(true, Region);
var championsData = freeToPlayChampions.Select(x =>
platformId: Region));
ConsoleTable.From(await Task.WhenAll(championsData)).Write();
And here is the caller code, my main method:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RiotShell.Properties;
namespace RiotShell
public class Program
public static async Task Main()
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadLine();
var parsedArgs = InputParser.Parse(input);
(var command, var commandArgs) = ArgsToIShellCommandCaster.GetCommand(parsedArgs);
await command.Execute(commandArgs);
catch (Exception ex)
Since it was wished, here the code for the ApiProvider:
using RiotNet;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace RiotShell
public class ApiClientProvider
private static IRiotClient _client;
public static async Task<IRiotClient> GetApiClient()
if (_client != null)
_client.Settings.ApiKey = await KeyService.GetKey();
return _client;
_client = new RiotClient(new RiotClientSettings
ApiKey = await KeyService.GetKey()
return _client;
Can someone help please?
I have in my controller the create action:
public class MovieController : Controller
Connect connection = new Connect();
Movie movie = new Movie();
public ActionResult Create(Movie moviecreated)
// TODO: Add insert logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(movie);
my connection class
public class Connect
public ObjectSet<Movie> Connection()
var connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Entities"];
ObjectContext context = new ObjectContext(connStr.ConnectionString);
var movieContext = context.CreateObjectSet<Movie>();
return movieContext;
It is not saving the new addition, what have I got wrong?
Thanks much.
try this:
public class MovieController : Controller
private Connect connection;
private Movie movie;
public MovieController()
this.connection = new Connect(); = new Movie();
public ActionResult Create(Movie moviecreated)
// TODO: Add insert logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(movie);
public class Connect
private ObjectSet<Movie> movieContext;
public ObjectSet<Movie> MovieContext
if (this.movieContext == null)
return this.movieContext;
public void SetMovieContext()
var connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Entities"];
var context = new ObjectContext(connStr.ConnectionString);
this.movieContext = context.CreateObjectSet<Movie>();
Each time you call connection() it creates another instance.Once you add the new record another , you try to save but different context.
Change it to a property and so save your context.