Combine camera pan to with touch controls in Unity - c#

I've been asked to look into creating a simple iterative application with Unity. This application has 2 major functions regarding the camera.
LERP-ing the camera to focus on a target object.
Once moved relinquish control to the user and allow the user to rotate and zoom around the object.
I'm new to this but I've managed to create two scripts that achieve these goals in isolation. Now I'm struggling to fit them together.
I'll start with the relevant code for user interaction.
First, I use TouchKit to set the delta values on each frame this is in Start.
// set the delta on each frame for horizontal and vertical rotation
var oneTouch = new TKPanRecognizer();
oneTouch.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
HorizontalDelta += r.deltaTranslation.x * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
VerticalDelta -= r.deltaTranslation.y * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// do the same for pinch
var pinch = new TKPinchRecognizer();
pinch.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
rotateDistance -= r.deltaScale * 200.0f * Time.deltaTime;
And on Update:
VerticalDelta = Mathf.Clamp(VerticalDelta, verticalPivotMin, verticalPivotMax);
var direction = GetDirection(HorizontalDelta, VerticalDelta);
var currentTarget = targetsSwitched ? target2 : target;
transform.position = currentTarget.position - direction * rotateDistance;
// ...
private Vector3 GetDirection(float x, float y)
Quaternion q = Quaternion.Euler(y, x, 0);
return q * Vector3.forward;
This works beautifully and does exactly what I want. The problem comes when I try to integrate this code with my camera moving script. This shows where I want to add the Update code
void Update ()
if (currentlyMoving)
// accept user input if not moving
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
These are the functions that actually move the camera:
void SetMoveToTarget(GameObject target)
if (currentlyMoving == false)
currentlyMoving = true;
fromRotation = currentTarget.transform.rotation;
currentTarget = target;
toRotation = currentTarget.transform.rotation;
timeStartedLerping = Time.time;
void FocusTarget(GameObject target)
float timeSinceStarted = Time.time - timeStartedLerping;
float percentageComplete = timeSinceStarted / (lerpSpeed);
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target.transform.position, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(fromRotation, toRotation, Mathf.Pow(percentageComplete, (float)1.2));
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position) < 0.1 && percentageComplete > 0.99)
transform.position = target.transform.position;
transform.rotation = target.transform.rotation;
currentlyMoving = false;
I think what I need to do (and I may be wrong on this) is set rotateDistance to be the difference between the currentTarget in the second script and currentTarget in the first script.
Thank you in advance, it's quite a tricky one for me.

In the end I had to change how I was dealing with moving the camera in the first place. The problem was that moving to a set game object worked and was easy to set-up but it's much easier to integrate with the look script if you actually calculate when the next position of the camera should be and move to that.
I'm going to paste the working product here for posterity, it's missing some stuff from the end game but the camera is working.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class NewCamera : MonoBehaviour {
// targets
public GameObject target;
public GameObject target2;
// settings
public float RotateSpeed = 50.0f;
public float RotateDistance = 3;
public float CameraMoveSpeed = 20f;
public float VerticalPivotMin = 5;
public float VerticalPivotMax = 65;
public float MinZoomIn = 1.7f;
public float MaxZoomIn = 4f;
// private
private GameObject lookTarget;
private bool currentlyMoving = false;
private Vector3 targetVector;
private float timeStartedLerping;
private float HorizontalDelta;
private float VerticalDelta;
void Start ()
lookTarget = target;
var oneTouch = new TKPanRecognizer();
oneTouch.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
if (currentlyMoving == false)
HorizontalDelta += r.deltaTranslation.x * RotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
VerticalDelta -= r.deltaTranslation.y * RotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
VerticalDelta = Mathf.Clamp(VerticalDelta, VerticalPivotMin, VerticalPivotMax);
var pinch = new TKPinchRecognizer();
pinch.gestureRecognizedEvent += (r) =>
if (currentlyMoving == false)
RotateDistance -= r.deltaScale * 200.0f * Time.deltaTime;
RotateDistance = Mathf.Clamp(RotateDistance, MinZoomIn, MaxZoomIn);
void Update ()
if (currentlyMoving)
var direction = GetDirection(HorizontalDelta, VerticalDelta);
transform.position = lookTarget.transform.position - direction * RotateDistance;
public void OnButtonClick()
var currentTarget = target.GetInstanceID() == lookTarget.GetInstanceID() ? target : target2;
var nextTarget = currentTarget.GetInstanceID() == target.GetInstanceID() ? target2 : target;
var cameraPosition = transform.position;
var targetPosition = currentTarget.transform.position;
SetMoveToTarget(nextTarget, cameraPosition - targetPosition);
void SetMoveToTarget(GameObject moveTo, Vector3 offset)
currentlyMoving = true;
targetVector = moveTo.transform.position + offset;
lookTarget = moveTo;
void FocusTarget()
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetVector, CameraMoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetVector) < 0.01)
transform.position = targetVector;
currentlyMoving = false;
private Vector3 GetDirection(float x, float y)
Quaternion q = Quaternion.Euler(y, x, 0);
return q * Vector3.forward;
If you want to use it for any reason, just add this script to a camera and set the two targets. I have to make a more robust version where you can add new targets easily but this will do for now.
Happy hacking!


transform.position not working in Unity 3d

I'm really new to Unity 3d and I'm trying to make a respawn with my character. It seems that the answer is really easy but I cannot see why my code is not working. If this is a duplicate, let me know.
public Vector3 PointSpawn;
void Start()
PointSpawn = gameObject.transform.position;
void Update()
if (gameObject.transform.position.y < 10)
gameObject.transform.position = PointSpawn; // This doesn't work
// gameObject.transform.LookAt(PointSpawn); ---> This DOES work ok
Parallel Script
public float HorizontalMove;
public float VerticalMove;
private Vector3 playerInput;
public CharacterController player;
public float MoveSpeed;
private Vector3 movePlayer;
public float gravity = 9.8f;
public float fallVelocity;
public float JumpForce;
public bool DoubleJump = false;
public Camera mainCamera;
private Vector3 camForward;
private Vector3 camRight;
void Start()
player = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
void Update()
HorizontalMove = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
VerticalMove = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
playerInput = new Vector3(HorizontalMove, 0, VerticalMove);
playerInput = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(playerInput, 1);
movePlayer = playerInput.x * camRight + playerInput.z * camForward;
movePlayer = movePlayer * MoveSpeed;
player.transform.LookAt(player.transform.position + movePlayer);
player.Move(movePlayer * Time.deltaTime );
void CamDirection()
camForward = mainCamera.transform.forward;
camRight = mainCamera.transform.right;
camForward.y = 0;
camRight.y = 0;
camForward = camForward.normalized;
camRight = camRight.normalized;
void PlayerSkills()
if (player.isGrounded && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
fallVelocity = JumpForce;
movePlayer.y = fallVelocity;
DoubleJump = true;
else if (player.isGrounded == false && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && DoubleJump == true)
fallVelocity = JumpForce *2;
movePlayer.y = fallVelocity;
DoubleJump = false;
void setGravity()
if (player.isGrounded)
fallVelocity = -gravity * Time.deltaTime;
movePlayer.y = fallVelocity;
fallVelocity -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
movePlayer.y = fallVelocity;
Thanks in advance!
Just so the answer to the question is not in the comments:
The original problem is that the assignment gameObject.transform.position = PointSpawn appeared to do nothing. As the line is written properly, the position of this gameObject, must have been getting overwritten elsewhere.
With the addition of OP's movement script, the position of the player was getting overwritten in the movement's Update function. As the other assignment was being done in Update, the call order was not guaranteed to work as intended. The fix is either to assure that the movement Update is run not the frame of the new position assignment or to move the conditional and the assignment to a function that always runs after Update regardless of script execution order, LateUpdate.

How to get a character to turn in the direction of the camera? [Unity3D]

I've hit a roadblock where when I move the camera, while moving, the character rotates on the spot however, their direction in where they are heading changes when I update the left thumbstick.
This is odd as updating it in Update doesn't work and forces the character to move in circles and placing it in a bit of script that updates with the right thumbstick is moved, causes the character to rotate and move in very different directions that what I want it to go in. This is temporarily fixed when I move the left thumbstick, updating the character's movement.
The controls for this are: Left Thumbstick - Move player, Right Thumbstick - Move camera, East Button - Jump, North Button - Run.
The goal is to allow the character to rotate themselves as well as their direction when I move the camera rather than them only updating their direction when I move the left thumbstick.
Before the code, these are the packages I'm currently using within Unity that effect this: Cinemachine & Input System.
Here's the movement code that this is effecting:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Cinemachine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
private DefaultControls controls;
[Header("Unity General")]
private CharacterController controller;
public Transform cameraTransform;
public InputActionReference cameraControl;
[Header("General Settings")]//Player movement.
public bool canMovePlayer;
private Vector2 currentMovementInput;
private Vector3 currentMovement;
private Vector3 currentRunMovement;
private bool isMovementPressed;
private bool isRunPressed;
[Space]//Animator stuff.
public Animator characterAnimator;
private int isWalkingHash;
private int isRunningHash;
[Space]//Player running speed & how fast the player will turn when going left or right.
public float rotationFactorPerFrame = 15.0f;
public float runMultiplier = 3.0f;
[Space]//Default gravity for when the player is falling and gravity for when the player is grounded.
public float gravity = -9.81f;
public float groundedGravity = -0.05f;
[Space]//Playing jumping.
public float initialJumpVelocity;
private bool isJumpPressed = false;
private float maxJumpHeight = 1f;
private float maxJumpTime = 0.5f;
private bool isJumping = false;
private int isJumpingHash;
private bool isJumpAnimating = false;
private void Start()
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
npcInteraction = GetComponent<NPCInteraction>();
private void Awake()
controls = new DefaultControls();
controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
isWalkingHash = Animator.StringToHash("isWalking");
isRunningHash = Animator.StringToHash("isRunning");
isJumpingHash = Animator.StringToHash("isJumping");
controls.Movement.Walking.started += OnMovementInput;
controls.Movement.Walking.canceled += OnMovementInput;
controls.Movement.Walking.performed += OnMovementInput;
controls.Movement.Run.started += OnRun;
controls.Movement.Run.canceled += OnRun;
controls.Movement.Jump.started += OnJump;
controls.Movement.Jump.canceled += OnJump;
private void SetupJumpVariables()
float timeToApex = maxJumpTime / 2;
gravity = (-2 * maxJumpHeight) / Mathf.Pow(timeToApex, 2);
initialJumpVelocity = (2 * maxJumpHeight) / timeToApex;
private void HandleJump()
if (!isJumping && controller.isGrounded && isJumpPressed)
characterAnimator.SetBool(isJumpingHash, true);
isJumpAnimating = true;
isJumping = true;
currentMovement.y = initialJumpVelocity * 0.5f;
currentRunMovement.y = (initialJumpVelocity + 0.5f) * 0.5f;
else if (!isJumpPressed && isJumping && controller.isGrounded)
isJumping = false;
private void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
isJumpPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();
private void OnRun(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
isRunPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();
private void HandleRotation()
Vector3 positionToLookAt;
//Change in position our character should point to.
positionToLookAt.x = currentMovement.x;
positionToLookAt.y = 0.0f;
positionToLookAt.z = currentMovement.z;
//Current rotation of our character.
Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;
if (currentMovementInput !=
//Creates a new rotation based on where the player is currently pressing.
float targetAngle = Mathf.Atan2(currentMovementInput.x, currentMovementInput.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg + cameraTransform.eulerAngles.y;
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, targetAngle, 0f);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, rotationFactorPerFrame * Time.deltaTime);
private void OnMovementInput(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
currentMovementInput = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();
currentMovement = new Vector3(currentMovementInput.x, 0f, currentMovementInput.y);
currentRunMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x * runMultiplier;
currentRunMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y * runMultiplier;
isMovementPressed = currentMovementInput.x != 0 || currentMovementInput.y != 0;
private void MovementDirection()
currentMovement = cameraTransform.forward * currentMovement.z + cameraTransform.right * currentMovement.x;
currentMovement.y = 0f;
currentRunMovement = cameraTransform.forward * currentRunMovement.z + cameraTransform.right * currentRunMovement.x;
currentRunMovement.y = 0f;
private void HandleAnimation()
bool isWalking = characterAnimator.GetBool(isWalkingHash);
bool isRunning = characterAnimator.GetBool(isRunningHash);
if (isMovementPressed && !isWalking)
characterAnimator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, true);
else if (!isMovementPressed && isWalking)
characterAnimator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, false);
if ((isMovementPressed && isRunPressed) && !isRunning)
characterAnimator.SetBool(isRunningHash, true);
else if ((!isMovementPressed || !isRunPressed) && isRunning)
characterAnimator.SetBool(isRunningHash, false);
private void HandleGravity()
bool isFalling = currentMovement.y <= 0.0f;
float fallMultiplier = 1.5f;
if (controller.isGrounded)
characterAnimator.SetBool(isJumpingHash, false);
isJumpAnimating = false;
currentMovement.y = groundedGravity;
currentRunMovement.y = groundedGravity;
else if (isFalling)
float previousYVelocity = currentMovement.y;
float newYVelocity = currentMovement.y + (gravity * fallMultiplier * Time.deltaTime);
float nextYVelocity = (previousYVelocity + newYVelocity) * 0.5f;
currentMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
currentRunMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
float previousYVelocity = currentMovement.y;
float newYVelocity = currentMovement.y + (gravity * Time.deltaTime);
float nextYVelocity = (previousYVelocity + newYVelocity) * 0.5f;
currentMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
currentRunMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
// Update is called once per frame
public void Update()
controller.Move(currentMovement * Time.deltaTime);
characterAnimator.SetFloat("Speed", controls.Movement.Walking.ReadValue<Vector2>().magnitude);
if (isRunPressed)
controller.Move(currentRunMovement * Time.deltaTime);
controller.Move(currentMovement * Time.deltaTime);
if (cameraControl.action.triggered)
private void OnEnable()
private void OnDisable()
Before diving into your code that has quite deep stuff regarding the camara movement, find this simple way in which a gameObject can face the direction of the camera in a simple way. Just in case it helps. This answers directly your question "How to get a character to turn in the direction of the camera?"
using UnityEngine;
public class LookToCamForward : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Camera.main.transform.forward, Camera.main.transform.up);

What makes some objects grapplable and others not

I downloaded some scripts and one of them is for a grappling hook but I cant figure out how to make any objects grapplable other than the ones in the demo scene .Can someone explain how to get a new object to become grapplable?
Thanks in advance!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[RequireComponent(typeof(SFPSC_PlayerMovement))] // PlayerMovement also requires Rigidbody
public class SFPSC_GrapplingHook : MonoBehaviour
public bool IsGrappling
get { return isGrappling; }
private SFPSC_PlayerMovement pm;
private Rigidbody rb;
private int segments;
private void Start()
segments = rope.segments;
pm = this.GetComponent<SFPSC_PlayerMovement>();
rb = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
private bool isGrappling = false;
private void Update()
if (crossHairSpinningPart != null)
// we need 2 raycasts bc w/ 1 you can grapple through colliders which isn't good
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance, layerMask))
hitName =;
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance))
if (hitName !=
goto _else;
crossHairSpinningPart.Rotate(Vector3.forward * crossHairSpinSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
goto _out;
if (!isGrappling)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(SFPSC_KeyManager.Grapple))
if (!Input.GetKey(SFPSC_KeyManager.Grapple))
public float maxGrappleDistance = 100.0f;
public SFPSC_Rope rope;
public float maximumSpeed = 100.0f;
public float deceleration = 2500.0f; // This is how much the player is going to decelerate after stopped grappling
public float deceleratingTime = 1.4f; // This is the time the decelerating is going to act on the player after stopped grappling
public RectTransform crossHairSpinningPart;
public float crossHairSpinSpeed = 200.0f;
public float distanceToStop = 2.0f;
public LayerMask layerMask;
public float grappleCooldown = 1.0f;
private bool isBlocked = false;
private Transform location; // the grappled location
private RaycastHit hitInfo;
private string hitName;
public void Grapple()
if (isBlocked)
// we need 2 raycasts bc w/ 1 you can grapple through colliders which isn't good
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance, layerMask))
hitName =;
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance))
if (hitName !=
// We create a GameObject and we parent it to the grappled object.
// If we don't parent it to the object and the object moves the player is stuck only on one location instead of the moving object.
location = new GameObject().transform;//Instantiate(new GameObject(), hitInfo.point, Quaternion.identity).transform;
location.position = hitInfo.point;
location.parent = hitInfo.collider.transform;
if (decelerateTimer != 0.0f)
// Rope attaching
rope.segments = (int)((hitInfo.distance / maxGrappleDistance) * segments);
rope.Grapple(transform.position, hitInfo.point);
rb.useGravity = false;
isGrappling = true;
private Vector3 grappleForce;
public void UnGrapple()
if (!isGrappling)
if (location != null)
if (decelerateTimer == 0.0f)
decelerateTimer = 0.0f;
// Rope detaching
Invoke("UnblockGrapple", grappleCooldown);
rb.useGravity = true;
isGrappling = false;
private void UnblockGrapple()
isBlocked = false;
private float decelerateTimer = 0.0f, max;
private IEnumerator Decelerate()
WaitForEndOfFrame wfeof = new WaitForEndOfFrame();
max = deceleratingTime * Mathf.Clamp01(targetDistance / 10.0f) * Mathf.Clamp01(rb.velocity.magnitude / 30.0f);
for (; decelerateTimer < max; decelerateTimer += Time.deltaTime)
rb.AddForce(-rb.velocity.normalized * deceleration * (1.0f - decelerateTimer / max) * Mathf.Clamp01(rb.velocity.sqrMagnitude / 400.0f) * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Acceleration);
yield return wfeof;
decelerateTimer = 0.0f;
private Vector3 dir;
private float speed = 0.0f, targetDistance;
private void GrappleUpdate()
if (location == null)
targetDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, location.position);
rope.segments = (int)((targetDistance / maxGrappleDistance) * segments);
dir = (location.position - transform.position).normalized;
rb.velocity = Vector3.Lerp(rb.velocity, dir * maximumSpeed * Mathf.Clamp01(targetDistance / (4.0f * distanceToStop)), Time.deltaTime);
// Rope updating
private Vector3 ClampMag(Vector3 vec, float maxMag)
if (vec.sqrMagnitude > maxMag * maxMag)
vec = vec.normalized * maxMag;
return vec;
There are a couple of things
make sure your GameObject(s) has(have) Collider components (BoxCollider, SphereCollider, CapsuleCollider, MeshCollider) so they are taken into account for the physics at all.
make sure that the field layerMask is actually set to anything via the Inspector inside Unity at all. By default it will say Nothing. Also see Layers -> Creating Layers
make sure the according GameObject(s) is(are) on one of the Layers configured in layerMask! See Layers -> Assigning Layers.
The two outer Physics.Raycasts are using that LayerMask in order to filter out what they can hit
A Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a ray.
It means the Raycast will only take Colliders on these given layers into account.

Find an angle and velocity to launch the projectile with to reach a specific point

I am trying to make a cannon that shoots a target located in a 3D world in Unity... I hava a LaunchConfig enum ->
public enum LauncherConfig
CalculateNone = 0,
CalculateAngle = 1,
CalculateVelocity = 2,
CalculateBoth = 3
When CalculateAngle is selected the user can input the Initial Velocity for the projectile and the angle the projectile needs to be launched at to reach the target has to be calculated.
Same for CalculateVelocity.
CalculateNone allows the user to input both the values and CalculateBoth calculates both the values.
What equations do I use to calculate the values so that they line up, i.e. when CalculateAngle is selected the velocity calculated should be such that the projectile looks natural coming out of the barrel. Same for CalculateBoth, the angle should be calculated so that the velocity calculated will launch the projectile strait out the barrel and not any other direction.
I have my current location (Vector3), target location (Vector3).
The calculated angle will affect the x-rotation of the cannon.
The y-rotation is lined up with the target already so that it faces the target;
Here is the code for the class
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class Launcher : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private LauncherSettings settings = default;
[SerializeField] private Transform target = default;
private Transform partToRotateY;
private Transform partToRotateX;
private Transform projectileSpawnPosition;
private float x;
private float y;
private Vector3 velocity;
private void Awake()
partToRotateX = transform.GetChild(0);
partToRotateY = transform.GetChild(1);
projectileSpawnPosition = partToRotateX.GetChild(0);
settings.inputController = new InputActions.Launcher();
settings.inputController.Automatic.Launch.performed += _ => Shoot();
private void Update()
private void OnEnable()
private void OnDisable()
private void LookAtTarget()
Vector3 direction = target.position - transform.position;
Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);
y = lookRotation.eulerAngles.y;
Quaternion rotationY = Quaternion.Euler(0f, y, 0f);
Quaternion rotationX = Quaternion.Euler(-x, y, 0f);
partToRotateY.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(partToRotateY.rotation, rotationY, Time.deltaTime * settings.rotationSpeed);
partToRotateX.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(partToRotateX.rotation, rotationX, Time.deltaTime * settings.rotationSpeed);
private float nextTimeToFire = 0f;
private void Shoot()
nextTimeToFire -= Time.deltaTime;
if (!(nextTimeToFire <= 0f)) return;
nextTimeToFire = 1 / settings.fireRate;
var rb = Instantiate(settings.projectilePrefab, projectileSpawnPosition.position, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rb.velocity = velocity;
private void CalculateAngle()
if (settings.launcherConfig == LauncherConfig.CalculateVelocity ||
settings.launcherConfig == LauncherConfig.CalculateNone)
x = Mathf.Clamp(settings.launchAngle, -20f, 80f);
var position = target.position;
var position1 = transform.position;
var dist = Math.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow((position.x - position1.x), 2) + Mathf.Pow((position.y - position1.y), 2));
var a = Physics.gravity.y * Mathf.Pow((float) dist, 2) / (2 * Mathf.Pow(velocity.magnitude, 2));
var b = (float) -dist;
var c = position.z - position1.z + a;
x = (float) Math.Atan2(QuadraticRoot(a, b, c), 1);
private void CalculateVelocity()
if (settings.launcherConfig == LauncherConfig.CalculateAngle ||
settings.launcherConfig == LauncherConfig.CalculateNone)
velocity = partToRotateX.forward * settings.velocity;
float h;
if (settings.launcherConfig == LauncherConfig.CalculateBoth && settings.calculateMaxHeight)
h = Mathf.Abs(target.position.y - partToRotateX.position.y * settings.maxHeightMultiplier);
h = settings.maxHeight;
var position = partToRotateX.position;
var position1 = target.position;
var gravity = Physics.gravity.y;
var displacementY = position1.y - position.y;
var displacementXZ = new Vector3 (position1.x - position.x, 0, position1.z - position.z);
var time = Mathf.Sqrt(-2*h/gravity) + Mathf.Sqrt(2*(displacementY - h)/gravity);
var velocityY = Vector3.up * Mathf.Sqrt (-2 * gravity * h);
var velocityXZ = displacementXZ / time;
velocity = velocityXZ + velocityY * -Mathf.Sign(gravity);
private double QuadraticRoot(double a, double b, double c){
double D = Math.Pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c);
return (-b + Math.Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a);
The LauncherSettings Class...
using Attributes.DrawIf;
using Attributes.DrawIfAndOr;
using UnityEngine;
public class LauncherSettings : ScriptableObject
public InputActions.Launcher inputController;
public LauncherConfig launcherConfig = LauncherConfig.CalculateVelocity;
public GameObject projectilePrefab = default;
public float rotationSpeed = 5f;
public float fireRate = 5f;
[DrawIfAndOr(nameof(launcherConfig), LauncherConfig.CalculateAngle, LauncherConfig.CalculateNone)]
public float velocity = 200f;
[DrawIfAndOr(nameof(launcherConfig), LauncherConfig.CalculateVelocity, LauncherConfig.CalculateNone)]
public float launchAngle = 0f;
[DrawIf(nameof(launcherConfig), LauncherConfig.CalculateBoth)]
public bool calculateMaxHeight = true;
[DrawIf(nameof(calculateMaxHeight), false)]
public float maxHeight;
[DrawIf(nameof(calculateMaxHeight), true)]
public float maxHeightMultiplier = 5f;
The DrawIf and DrawIfAndOr are attributes that hide the vaule in inspector if the first paramerter is equal to the other. You can completely ignore them. The calculation of Velocity is by
Sebastian Lague ( in his Kinematic Equations (E03: ball problem) ( The calculation of the angle is from an answer on my other question (Find an angle to launch the projectile at to reach a specific point).
Any help is appreciated...

How do I jump a fix distance in Unity 3d?

I have a Controller which moves my object diagonally. The left arrow should move the player forward and to the left 45 degrees, and the right arrow the same to the right. I would like to move the player relatively to its current position. Right now it moves relatively to the point(0,0,0).
My code:
public class JollyJumper : MonoBehaviour {
protected CharacterController control;
public float fTime = 1.5f; // Hop time
public float fRange = 5.0f; // Max dist from origin
public float fHopHeight = 2.0f; // Height of hop
private Vector3 v3Dest;
private Vector3 v3Last;
private float fTimer = 0.0f;
private bool moving = false;
private int number= 0;
private Vector2 direction;
public virtual void Start () {
control = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
Debug.LogError("No Character Controller");
void Update () {
if (fTimer >= fTime&& moving) {
var playerObject = GameObject.Find("Player");
v3Last = playerObject.transform.position;
v3Dest = direction *fRange;
//v3Dest = newVector* fRange + v3Last;
v3Dest.z = v3Dest.y;
v3Dest.y = 0.0f;
fTimer = 0.0f;
moving = false;
moving = true;
direction = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f);
moving = true;
direction = new Vector2(-1.0f, 1.0f);
Vector3 v3T = Vector3.Lerp (v3Last, v3Dest, fTimer / fTime);
v3T.y = Mathf.Sin (fTimer/fTime * Mathf.PI) * fHopHeight;
control.transform.position = v3T;
fTimer += Time.deltaTime;
How can resolve this? Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
The short answer is: you hard-coded two locations you want to jump to: points (1, 1) and (-1, 1). You should create new Vector each time you start jumping. Replace each
direction = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f);
with this line:
v3Dest = transform.position + new Vector3(1.0f, 0, 1) * fRange;
and it should work.
While I'm on it, there are some other things I want to point:
There is a lot of floating point error after each jump. Notice that in your code v3T will never be equal to v3Dest (you never actually reach your destination), because you switch the moving flag earlier. You should explicitly set your position to v3Dest when the jump is over.
You are checking jump timers etc. every frame. A more elegent solution is to start a coroutine.
You use a sinusoid as your jump curve, which looks ok, but using a parabola would be conceptually more correct.
Right now it is possible to start next jump mid-air (I'm not sure whether it is intended or not)
Here is some code you may use that avoids those problems:
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class Jumper : MonoBehaviour
#region Set in editor;
public float jumpDuration = 0.5f;
public float jumpDistance = 3;
#endregion Set in editor;
private bool jumping = false;
private float jumpStartVelocityY;
private void Start()
// For a given distance and jump duration
// there is only one possible movement curve.
// We are executing Y axis movement separately,
// so we need to know a starting velocity.
jumpStartVelocityY = -jumpDuration * Physics.gravity.y / 2;
private void Update()
if (jumping)
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
// Warning: this will actually move jumpDistance forward
// and jumpDistance to the side.
// If you want to move jumpDistance diagonally, use:
// Vector3 forwardAndLeft = (transform.forward - transform.right).normalized * jumpDistance;
Vector3 forwardAndLeft = (transform.forward - transform.right) * jumpDistance;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
Vector3 forwardAndRight = (transform.forward + transform.right) * jumpDistance;
private IEnumerator Jump(Vector3 direction)
jumping = true;
Vector3 startPoint = transform.position;
Vector3 targetPoint = startPoint + direction;
float time = 0;
float jumpProgress = 0;
float velocityY = jumpStartVelocityY;
float height = startPoint.y;
while (jumping)
jumpProgress = time / jumpDuration;
if (jumpProgress > 1)
jumping = false;
jumpProgress = 1;
Vector3 currentPos = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, targetPoint, jumpProgress);
currentPos.y = height;
transform.position = currentPos;
//Wait until next frame.
yield return null;
height += velocityY * Time.deltaTime;
velocityY += Time.deltaTime * Physics.gravity.y;
time += Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = targetPoint;
yield break;
