How do I replace specific characters from a c# string? - c#

if I have a string along the lines of: "user:jim;id:23;group:49st;"
how can I replace the group code (49st) with something else, so that it shows: "user:jim;id=23;group:76pm;"
sorry if the question is easy but I haven't found a specific answer, just cases different than mine.

You can use the index of "group" like this
string s = "user:jim;id:23;group:49st;";
string newS = s.Substring(0,s.IndexOf("group:") + 6);
string restOfS = s.IndexOf(";",s.IndexOf("group:") + 6) + 1 == s.Length
? ""
: s.Substring(s.IndexOf(";",s.IndexOf("group:") + 6) + 1);
newS += "76pm;";
s = newS + restOfS;
The line with the s = criteria ? true : false is essentially an if but it is put onto one line using a ternary operator.
Alternatively, if you know what text is there already and what it should be replaced with, you can just use a Replace
s = s.Replace("49st","76pm");
As an added precaution, if you are not always going to have this "group:" part in the string, to avoid errors put this inside an if which checks first

Find the match using regex and replace it with new value in original string as mentioned below:
string str = "user:jim;id=23;group:49st;";
var match = Regex.Match(str, "group:.*;").ToString();
var newGroup = "group:76pm;";
str = str.Replace(match, newGroup);

This solution should work no matter where the group appears in the string:
string input = "user:jim;id:23;group:49st;";
string newGroup = "76pm";
string output = Regex.Replace(input, "(group:)([^;]*)", "${1}"+newGroup);

Here is a very generic method for splitting your input, changing items, then rejoining items to a string. It is not meant for single replacement in your example, but is meant to show how to split and join items in string.
I used Regex to split the items and then put results into a dictionary.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string pattern = "(?'name'[^:]):(?'value'.*)";
string input = "user:jim;id:23;group:49st";
Dictionary<string,string> dict = input.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => new
name = Regex.Match(x, pattern).Groups["name"].Value,
value = Regex.Match(x, pattern).Groups["value"].Value
}).GroupBy(x =>, y => y.value)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.FirstOrDefault());
dict["group"] = "76pm";
string output = string.Join(";",dict.AsEnumerable().Select(x => string.Join(":", new string[] {x.Key, x.Value})).ToArray());

That is just one way to do it. I hope it will help you.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace stringi
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//this is your original string
string s = "user:jim;id:23;group:49st";
//string with replace characters
string s2 = "76pm";
//convert string to char array so you can rewrite character
char[] c = s.ToCharArray(0, s.Length);
//asign characters to right place
c[21] = s2[0];
c[22] = s2[1];
c[23] = s2[2];
c[24] = s2[3];
//this is your new string
string new_s = new string(c);
//output your new string

string a = "user:jim;id:23;group:49st";
string b = a.Replace("49st", "76pm");


How can I remove the last two numbers from a number that's a double before making it a string?

I have this number in C#
Double a = 1.2345678
What I would like is for it to look like this after it's made into a string:
First, convert it to string.
for example the string is defined as S.
then apply this method:
S.Remove(S.Length -2);
You can acheive that in many ways:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace RemovingLastTwoNumber
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Method 1.
double number = 1.2345678;
string numberInStringFormat = number.ToString();
string TargetNumber = numberInStringFormat.Substring(0, numberInStringFormat.Length - 2);
// Method 2.
string _TargetNumber = Math.Round(number, 5).ToString();
// Method 3.
var characters = number.ToString().ToArray();
var __Characters = characters.Take(7);
StringBuilder __targetNumber = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var character in __Characters)

Split string into multiple alpha and numeric segments

I have a string like "ABCD232ERE44RR". How can I split it into separate segments by letters/numbers. I need:
Segment1: ABCD
Segment2: 232
Segment3: ERE
Segment4: 44
There could be any number of segments. I am thinking go Regex but don't understand how to write it properly
You can do it like this;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var substrings = Regex.Split("ABCD232ERE44RR", #"[^A-Z0-9]+|(?<=[A-Z])(?=[0-9])|(?<=[0-9])(?=[A-Z])");
Output : ABCD,232,ERE,44,RR
I suggest thinking of this as finding matches to a target pattern rather than splitting into the parts you want. Splitting gives significance to the delimiters whereas matching gives significance to the tokens.
You can use Regex.Matches:
Searches the specified input string for all occurrences of a specified regular expression.
var matches = Regex.Matches("ABCD232ERE44RR", "[A-Z]+|[0-9]+");
foreach (Match match in matches) {
Console.WriteLine("Found '{0}' at position {1}", match.Value, match.Index);
Try something like:
If you decide not to use regex, you can always go the manual route.
const string str = "ABCD232ERE44RR1SGGSG3333GSDGSDG";
var result = new List<StringBuilder>
new StringBuilder()
char last = str[0];
bool isLastNum = Char.IsNumber(last);
for (int i = 1; i < str.Length; i++)
char ch = str[i];
if (!((Char.IsDigit(ch) && isLastNum) || (Char.IsLetter(ch) && !isLastNum)))
result.Add(new StringBuilder());
last = ch;
isLastNum = Char.IsDigit(ch);

C# - Read between parentheses in RichTextBox

So I want to find out what is in between specific parentheses in a richtextbox. For example:
if (richTextBox1.Text.Contains("testname(") {
// Find what is in brackets of testname()
String outcome = //what is in brackets of testname()
This may be hard to understand, but let's say this is the richtextbox:
Then the string outcome would be name.
You can use regular expression to get the value between the parenthesis.
string text = richTextBox1.Text; // testname("some text")
string value = Regex.Match(text, #"\(([^)]*)\)").Groups[1].Value;
wrote from iPad so not tested, but something along these lines should get you there
String a = "testname(";
String b = "testname(Val)";
int x = b.IndexOf(a);
If (richTextBox1.Text.Contains(a)){
if (x != -1)
string final = b.Substring(x + a.Length);
string outcome = richTextBox1.Text;
outcome = outcome.Substring(outcome.IndexOf("(")+1, outcome.IndexOf(")") - outcome.IndexOf("("));
Regex would be the way to go.
Here I am matching exactly a parenthesis followed by any character one or more times followed by another parenthesis.
You have to escape parenthesis.
string yourText = richTextBox1.Text;
//string cow = "this is some text(this is the text you want)";
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\(.+\)");
Match match = regex.Match(yourText);
if (match.Success)
Console.WriteLine(match.Value); // with cow -> this is the text you want
} // can have else
You may want to consider using * instead of + in case they don't have any input between the ( ) Example: Regex regex = new Regex(#"\(.*\)");
Now it matches any character 0 or more times
You can achieve this with Linq and Regular Expressions.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Propress
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void richTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string text = richTextBox1.Text;
ICollection<string> matches =
Regex.Matches(text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""), #"\(([^)]*)\)")
.Select(x => x.Groups[1].Value)
foreach (string match in matches)
string textBox = richTextBox1.Text;
textBox = textBox.Replace("testname(", "");
// Now textBox has the string you are looking for

String Replacement C#

Hope you can give me some light on this:
I have this var
string TestString = "KESRNAN FOREST S BV";
I want to replace the S that is alone, so I tried with the following
public static string FixStreetName(string streetName)
string result = "";
string stringToCheck = streetName.ToUpper();
// result = stringToCheck.Replace(StreetDirection(stringToCheck), "").Replace(StreetType(stringToCheck),"").Trim();
result = stringToCheck.Replace("S", "").Replace("BV", "").Trim();
return result;
But this is replacing all S on that string. any ideas?
Use regular expressions,
denotes word boundaries. here is an example on C# Pad
string x = "KESRNAN FOREST S BV";
var result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(x, #"\bS\b", "");
If you can easily identify certain "delimiter" characters, one possibility is to 1. split your input string into several parts using string.Split; then 2. pick the parts that you want, and finally 3. "glue" them back together using string.Join:
var partsToExclude = new string[] { "S", "BV" };
/* 1. */ var parts = stringToCheck.Split(' ');
/* 2. */ var selectedParts = parts.Where(part => !partsToExclude.Contains(part));
/* 3. */ return string.Join(" ", selectedParts.ToArray());
Using Regex:
string input = "S KESRNAN FOREST S BV S";
string result = Regex.Replace(input, #"\b(S)", "");
As you can see alone S is before a space " ". In the other word have this string "S " which want to replace it.
Try this :
string TestString = "KESRNAN FOREST S BV";
string replacement = TestString.Replace("S ", "");
Another way of doing what you want:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string testString = "S KESRNAN S FOREST BV S";
// deleting S in middle of string
for (int i = 1; i < testString.Length-1; i++)
if (testString[i]=='S'&&testString[i-1]==' '&&testString[i+1]==' ')
// deleting S in the begining of string
if (testString.StartsWith("S "))
testString = testString.Remove(0, 2);
// deleting S at the end of string
if (testString.EndsWith(" S"))
testString = testString.Remove(testString.Length-2, 2);

Split string with ' in C#

How to split this string
and get this string array as result
in C#
I believe that this regex should give you what you are looking for:
Quick code snippet on how it might work:
var rx = new Regex("('(?:[^']|'')*'|[^',\r\n]*)(,|\r\n?|\n)?");
var text= "1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1";
var matches = rx.Matches(text);
foreach (Match match in matches)
try this,
string line ="1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1" ;
var values = Regex.Matches(line, "(?:'(?<m>[^']*)')|(?<m>[^,]+)");
foreach (Match value in values) {
This code is not pretty at all, but it works. :) (Does not work with multiple "strings" within the string.)
void Main()
string stuff = "1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1";
List<string> newStuff = new List<string>();
var extract = stuff.Substring(stuff.IndexOf('\''), stuff.IndexOf('\'', stuff.IndexOf('\'') + 1) - stuff.IndexOf('\'') + 1);
var oldExtract = extract;
extract = extract.Replace(',',';');
stuff = stuff.Replace(oldExtract, extract);
newStuff.AddRange(stuff.Split(new[] {','}));
var newList = newStuff;
for(var i = 0; i < newList.Count; i++)
newList[i] = newList[i].Replace(';',',');
// And newList will be in the format you specified, but in a list..
Firstly split a string on ' (single) quote and then after go for comma (,).
You don't need a parser, you don't need Regex. Here's a pretty simple version that works perfectly:
var splits = input
(s,i) => (i%2==0)
? s.Split(new[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
: new[]{ "'" + s + "'"}
This is exactly what #AVD + #Rawling described ... Split on ', and split only "even" results, then combine.
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO; //Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
public class Sample {
static void Main(){
string data = "1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1";
string[] fields = null;
data = data.Replace('\'', '"');
using(var csvReader = new TextFieldParser(new StringReader(data))){
csvReader.SetDelimiters(new string[] {","});
csvReader.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true;
fields = csvReader.ReadFields();
foreach(var item in fields){
