I'm trying to create a user control, using the expander control and I want to change only the appearance of expander icon.
could someone please tell me how to do.
There is not direct way to do that. You need to write the whole Template for the control.
As mentioned by #Noam, the Codeproject Article is really good to go. But, the problem is, it wont work for different ExpandDirection of Expander. I have modified a bit to make it work on all directions. You can make use of the following if needed.
Expander with animation that support all direction
Also, you can modify the Arrow icon of Expander as you like.
I used many expander in the WPF application.. but I face some troubles:
When I try to put them below each others, the upper one expands automatically and makes it difficult to put the net one below it.. So I should separate the upper one in any place until I put the lower one then move back the upper one again. Can I keep expander unexpanded to make it easy to put any controls below it?
When I press ctrl+f5 and expand one of them, I see it has a transparent background and makes interruption with the lower ones - how can I avoid that?
I used scroll bar inside expander, but it doesn't work when i press ctrl+f5. I have an inactive scroll bar. How can I make link between scroll bar and expander to be able to move items inside expander up and down?
This is a picture to explain what I mean.
have a look at ths tutorial, it covers stuff like this, The Expander can be a tricky control to deal with sometimes, but once you understand the the expanders layout it becomes a bit easier.
I'm using WPF and I have a problem with layouting. I have got a docked panel (non WPF, I just hosted my control inside). And when a user wishes to dock this panel on the left or the right of the screen, I need to layout my controls in one way. But when the user wishes dock this panel on top or bottom, I need to layout my controls in another way.
My question is what is the best way to implement dynamic layout of WPF controls, which depends on some conditions?
I understand, that I can use the grid and dynamically change positions of my controls inside the grid. But I am not really happy with this solution. I'm looking for a solution with no code intervention, xaml only. And in case this is impossible, at least involving minimum intervention in the code.
Thanks in advance.
You could use AvalonDock to get a docking system very much like visual studio's.
This would give your users full control on the layout they desire, and it's not too hard to implement.
But if you really want a quick way to do this, I'd recommand Binding the DockPanel.Dock property to a ViewModel value that changes upon user input (along with an IValueConverter if necessary).
For this purposes DataTemplate feature is.
The idea is to provide multiple DataTemplates and then using your custom inplementation of the DataTemplateSelector rturn right DataTemplate based on criteria.
For an example see my post regarding DataTemplates
Data Templating Overview
Use StoryBoard and change the transformation of controls
I am using the WPF expander like a drawer, it expands up out so that the header remains above the content. When it is collapsed the grid cell that it is in is made smaller as well.
I want the expand direction to remain down so that the content fills in below it, however because it moves up it would look better if the icon with the directional arrow were in the opposite direction as if the ExandDirection property were set to Up. How can this be done in either C# code or in the XAML.
If I understand correctly that you want to swap arrows for expander collapsed/expanded state, you'll need to create a custom control template for expander.
The easiest way I know to do that is to get expander control template from wpf theme and rename styles:
ExpanderUpHeaderStyle to
ExpanderDownHeaderStyle to
You can download themes sources from here
If you'll have any issues with that, let me know what wpf theme are you using and I'll make you the xaml.
Also have a look how to customize Expander with Blend
I'm trying to improve the graph drawing control that comes with Graph#. It's good, but things get out of hand when you start dragging nodes around. This is my first encounter with WPF, so this is probably a newbie question. :)
I have the GraphCanvas control which has nodes and edges on it. They can be dragged around which changes their coordinates, possibly making them negative. I would like to add scrollbars to the control which would allow to see how big the canvas really is.
To this end I'm thinking of putting the GraphCanvas inside a ScrollViewer. Which would be pretty easy and straightforward if not for one problem. I may not resize the GraphCanvas itself when a node is dragged outside the borders or this will mess up dragging bad. That is also the problem with the original control (check it out, it comes with a sample application).
It would be good if I could bind the scrollbar size/location to properties of the GraphCanvas, so that the ScrollViewer would not scroll anything physically, but just set the properties of GraphCanvas. That in turn would perform all actual calculations and scrolling.
How can this be done?
OK, I found it! Three easy steps:
Implement System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.IScrollInfo on your custom control;
Add your custom control to a ScrollViewer;
Set the CanContentScroll property on the ScrollViewer to True.
Check out this link straight from MSDN. It talks about composing several controls into a single Composite Control:
WPF: Customizing Controls for Windows Presentation Foundation
How can I make an item inside a ToolBar fill all the remaining available space? Or, how to right-align some items, since that would give me the same effect in my case.
Note that solutions which involve nesting another container (like a Grid) inside the ToolBar don't work since that disables the special behaviour ToolBar gives to it's items (like no normal borders and look, simple outline border on hover, not receiving focus after click, etc.).
Additionally, anyone knows how to get rid of the little button that would show additional icons that overflowed from the toolbar if I had any?
I ended up using this solution:
It's not ideal, but it works. I still don't know how to get rid of the dropdown on the end though.
You can remove the button at the end by re-templating the toolbar. You can likely solve your other query this way too.
I wrote up a soluton for creating a "space filling" label that dynamically sizes to allow to you "right-align" items in a toolbar. Check it out: WPF Toolbar Items HorizontalAligment="Right"