As commonly known in EF-Core there is no Lazy loading. So that kind of means I'm forced to do my queries with some afterthought. So since I have to think, then i might as well try to do it properly.
I have a Fairly standard update query, but I thought hey, I don't always have to include the HeaderImage and PromoImage FK-objects. There should be a way to make that happen. But I can just not find a way to perform a Include at a later point. In-fact I would like to maybe include right before I actually do work on the object. That way i might be able to automate some of the eagerness.
ArticleContent ac = _ctx.ArticleContents
.Include(a=> a.Metadata)
.Include(a=> a.HeaderImage)
.Include(a=> a.PromoImage)
.Single(a => a.Id == model.BaseID);
ac.Title = model.Title;
ac.Ingress = model.Ingress;
ac.Body = model.Body;
ac.Footer = model.Footer;
if (model.HeaderImage != null)
ac.HeaderImage.FileURL = await StoreImage(model.HeaderImage, $"Header_{model.Title.Replace(" ", "_")}_{rand.Next()}");
if (model.PromoImage != null)
ac.PromoImage.FileURL = await StoreImage(model.PromoImage, $"Promo_{model.Title.Replace(" ", "_")}_{rand.Next()}");
ac.Metadata.EditedById = uId;
ac.Metadata.LastChangedTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
To be clear, this is EF7 (Core), and im after a solution that allows me to add includes on demand, hopefully after the initial _ctx.ArticleContents.Include(a=> a.Metadata).Single(a => a.Id == model.BaseID).
I'm using something similar to Alexander Derck's solution. (Regarding the exception mentioned in the comments: ctx.ArticleContents.AsQueryable() should also work.)
For a couple of CRUD MVC sites I'm using a BaseAdminController. In the derived concrete Controllers I can add Includes dynamically. From the BaseAdminController:
// TModel: e.g. ArticleContent
private List<Expression<Func<TModel, object>>> includeIndexExpressionList = new List<Expression<Func<TModel, object>>>();
protected void AddIncludes(Expression<Func<TModel, object>> includeExpression)
Later I saw that I need more flexibility, so I added a queryable. E.g. for ThenInclude().
private Func<IQueryable<TModel>, IQueryable<TModel>> IndexAdditionalQuery { get; set; }
protected void SetAdditionalQuery(Func<IQueryable<TModel>, IQueryable<TModel>> queryable)
IndexAdditionalQuery = queryable;
Here the Index action:
public virtual async Task<IActionResult> Index()
// dynamic include:
// dbset is for instance ctx.ArticleContents
var queryable = includeIndexExpressionList
.Aggregate(dbSet.AsQueryable(), (current, include) => current.Include(include));
if(IndexAdditionalQuery != null) queryable = IndexAdditionalQuery(queryable);
var list = await queryable.Take(100).AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();
var viewModelList = list.Map<IList<TModel>, IList<TViewModel>>();
return View(viewModelList);
In the concrete Controller I use:
AddIncludes(e => e.EventCategory);
SetAdditionalQuery(q => q
.Include(e => e.Event2Locations)
.ThenInclude(j => j.Location));
I would create a method to fetch the data which takes the properties to include as expressions:
static ArticleContent GetArticleContent(int ID,
params Expression<Func<ArticleContent, object>>[] includes)
using(var ctx = new MyContext())
var acQuery = _ctx.ArticleContents.Include(a=> a.Metadata);
foreach(var include in includes)
acQuery = acQuery.Include(include);
return acQuery.Single(a => a.Id == model.BaseID);
And then in main method:
var ac = GetArticleContent(3, a => a.HeaderImage, a => a.PromoImage);
Lets say that I have a Repository with this function
public async Task<IEnumerable<Contacts>> GetAll()
return await _context.Contacts.ToListAsync();
Where the Contacts Entity is the same one returning the call. But I didn't want to use the same class because there's some fields that I like to keep out of the call. There's any way that I could "mirror" a second model called "ContactsModel" to return the data without using Anonymous calls like :
var result = context.t_validation.Where(a => a.isvalidated == 10).Select(x => new
Of putting into a loop and passing to this new Model :
foreach (var item in list)
decp.Add(new ValidationModel
uToken = item.utoken,
Date = item.date_released,
Images = bc.Decrypt(item.Images, item.images_key),
Type = item.Type
Because you are using custom method to decrypt an image, you will not be able to include it in the query, because EF will not be able to translate it into sql query.
Anonymous approach would be the best one
public async Task<IEnumerable<Contacts>> GetAll()
var models = await _context
.Select(contact => new
return models
.Select(item => new ValidationModel
uToken = item.utoken,
Date = item.date_released,
Images = bc.Decrypt(item.Images, item.images_key),
Type = item.Type
Of course you can wrap it with an extension methods, but if you are using this mapping only in one place you don't need to.
I'm trying to null or remove the ID entirely of all the queried IsoDataTables before returning them to frontend. The idea is that it should behave (in this case) as a template and I don't want it returning the id's back to me, nor do I want them to be removed in the frontend.
var applicationType = await _context.ApplicationType
.Include(m => m.IsoTableData)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);
if (applicationType == null)
return NotFound();
if (applicationType.IsoTableData != null)
foreach (IsoTableData isoTableData in applicationType.IsoTableData)
// error since it a not nullable primary key
isoTableData.Id = null;
return Ok(applicationType);
I have found a workaround in which I duplicate the objects and return them (without saving to DB) but I'm looking for a more elegant solution.
The way I did it was create a copy constructor (or basically, a new instance of an object) with the desired fields; I chose a copy constructor as this logic is recurent in other places as well. Another similar solution is creating a DTO object, but I don't need it here. Any improvements?
//in IsoFileApplicationType.cs
public IsoFileApplicationType(IsoFileApplicationType isoFileApplicationType)
Id = null
FullName = isoFileApplicationType.FullName;
Name = isoFileApplicationType.Name;
foreach (IsoTableData isoTableData in isoFileApplicationType.IsoTableData)
//in IsoTableData.cs
public IsoTableData(IsoTableData isoTableData)
Id = null;
Data = isoTableData.Name;
Age = isoTableData.Age;
// in CRUD controller
var applicationType = await _context.ApplicationType
.Include(m => m.IsoTableData)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);
if (applicationType == null)
return NotFound();
IsoFileApplicationType newIsoFileApplicationType = IsoFileApplicationType(applicationType);
return Ok(newIsoFileApplicationType);
Let's say I have this method to seach my DB for products that fit a certain keyword:
public List<Product> GetByKeyword(string keyword)
using(var db = new DataEntities())
var query = db.Products.Where(x => x.Description.Contains(keyword);
return query.ToList();
This works fine, but somewhere else in my project, I want to get the active products only, still by keyword. I would like to do something like :
var result = ProductStore.GetByKeyword("Apple", x => x.isActive == 1);
Therefore, I created this method:
public List<Product> GetByKeyword(string keyword, Func<Product, bool> predicate = null)
using(var db = new DataEntities())
var query = db.Products.Where(x => x.Description.Contains(keyword);
if(predicate != null)
query = query.Where(x => predicate(x));
return query.ToList();
While this compiles well, the ToList() call generates a NotSupportedException because LINQ does not support the Invoke method.
Of course, I could to it with another method
i.e. GetActiveByKeyword(string keyword) but then I would have to do one for every possible variation, including the ones I didn't think of...
How do I get this to work? Thanks!
Isn't it just this:
if(predicate != null)
query = query.Where(predicate);
it's just as AD.Net says the reason why it works with Expression before is because if you say that the compiler knows it would be a lambda expression
We have a lot of tests such as this:
using (new TransactionScope())
var repository = _unitOfWork.DataFieldSetRepository;
var entity = new DataFieldSet {Label = "test", Title = "test"};
entity = repository.GetAll().Single(x => x.Id == entity.Id);
entity.IsClosed = true;
There are no Asserts because the test is passed unless an exception is thrown.
Instead of copying this code and altering a few details, I would like to generalize it.
The only bits that vary are
1) The entity type and the corresponding repository (here DataFieldSet and DataFieldSetRepository)
2) The contents of the newly created entity (typically the minimal contents to make the test pass, here Label and Title cannot be null)
3) The update operation (typically just one random property has its value changed)
So far I have this:
public void AssertCrudOperationsWork<T>(T entity, Func<T, T, bool> keyComparer, Action<T> updateAction) where T : class
using (new TransactionScope())
var repository = (IRepository<T>)_unitOfWork.GetType().GetProperty(typeof(T).Name + "Repository").GetValue(_unitOfWork);
//var keyProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(prop => prop.IsDefined(typeof(KeyAttribute), false));
Expression<Func<T, bool>> keyEqualsKey = x => keyComparer(x, entity);
entity = repository.GetAll().Single(keyEqualsKey);
public void CRUDTest_DataFieldGroup()
AssertCrudOperationsWork(new DataFieldSet {Label = "test", Title = "test"}, (a, b) => a.Id == b.Id, x => x.IsClosed = true);
The problem is, it fails in the call to Single() with: The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.
I guess my keyEqualsKey predicate is not exactly the same as the original x => x.Id == entity.Id.
Is there a way to fix this?
The commented line //var keyProperties ... gets all the key properties of the entity. Is there a dynamic way to build the predicate comparing the entity keys so that the keyComparer and the keyEqualsKey can be removed altogether?
I was working this weekend on parallelizing a section of code using Tasks to run all the queries I needed for a dashboard page.
What I have now is many copy/paste methods with almost exactly the same query and a different line at the very end of the method.
Is there a way to write a query against one object context then detach it and pass to a method?
I want to do something like this:
using(DbContext db = new DbContext)
var query = => x.make == "Ford");
int handleCounts = getDoorHandleCounts(query);
public int getDoorHandleCounts(type? query)
using(DbContext db = new DbContext())
return query.where(x => x.partType == "DoorHandle").Count();
Any ideas?
Keep in mind all my count() methods are launched from a Task array so they'll be running in parallel. I need a new object context to run each count query on.
I've done some googling and thought about trying to use a pre-compiled query and call it from different object context's, but my real query is kind of complex with allot of if blocks to determine the where condition. Can you compile a query that isn't really simple?
You can't detach and attach a query from/to a context. However, you could reuse the first expression:
Expression<Func<Car,bool>> InitialSelection()
return x => x.make == "Ford";
public int GetDoorHandleCounts()
using(DbContext db = new DbContext())
return db.Cars()
.Where(x => x.partType == "DoorHandle").Count();
And in your task:
int handleCounts = getDoorHandleCounts();
This only works if the initial query is "simple", i.e. does not contain joins and predicates on joined sets that you should repeat over and over in each getX method.
As an alternative, you could initialize a context and feed it to a method that returns a query:
public IQueryable<Car> GetInitialQuery(DbContext db)
return db.Cars().Join(....)
.Where(x => x.make == "Ford")
public int GetDoorHandleCounts()
using(DbContext db = new DbContext())
return GetInitialQuery(db)
.Where(x => x.partType == "DoorHandle").Count();
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but wouldn't this do what you're looking for?
using(DbContext db = new DbContext)
var carsResult = => x.make == "Ford");
int handleCounts = getDoorHandleCounts(carsResult);
public int getDoorHandleCounts(IEnumerable<Car> result)
return result.where(x => x.partType == "DoorHandle").Count();
Edit: never mind, I only now saw your mention of the Task array.
public int getDoorHandleCounts(type? query)
public int getDoorHandleCounts(IQueryable<cars> query)
And replace cars with the of objects the query will return.
I would just recommend passing value you're looking to filter on, like this:
int handleCounts = getDoorHandleCounts("Ford");
public int getDoorHandleCounts(string Make)
using(DbContext db = new DbContext())
return => x.make == Make && x.partType == "DoorHandle").Count();