C# Winforms Help Text Change font - c#

I have a little help pop-up that displays some text when the user presses a "?" label next to a drop-down to explain the different selections.
I did it using the Help.ShowPopup command since that seemed the easiest.
I was hoping there was a way to add different font properties to parts of the text or at least to the whole thing without having to go the direction of a CHM/HTML help-file.
Here is what I am trying to do:
private void helpLbl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// for some reason, it ignores the 'parent' parameter
// and lays it out on the screen's coordinates
Point helpLocation = helpLbl.PointToScreen(Point.Empty);
helpLocation.Y += helpLbl.Height; // have it display underneath the control
Help.ShowPopup(this, // hosting form
Removes a fixed amount from the sale
<b>Percent Value:</b>
Removes a set percentage of the selected package from the sale
...", helpLocation);
I was hoping since there's the option to use an HTML document to display the help, I could use HTML tags to format what was being displayed, but it doesn't appear so. Any ideas?
Is there a way to do something like displaying a RichTextBox in the help pop-up?
Another possibility is generating a HTML document on-the-fly, but it asks for a "url" if I'm not supplying the text directly and I think that might be a little over-kill for the small amount I'm trying to do here.

You have two options. One is to use a WebBrowser Control. This natively accepts HTML and displays it. The problem with it is its kind of bloated just to use as a simple label.
Your second option is to simply create a RichTextLabel, simply like this:
public class RichTextLabel : RichTextBox
public RichTextLabel()
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
Add this to your form and set the Rtf property to your RTF code. You will have to convert your HTML to RTF, which is easy if you got a program such as Microsoft Word, for example.


Office word editor control for WinForms Applications

I know that this question may be very old and classic but, I am trying to find a free and good word editor control to be embedded into my application for educational purpose, so I googled and tried a lot of editors and methods like using RichTextBox control and fill the RTF value with my word document data and it was displayed into the RichTextBox but without any editing capabilities that exist in the real Word application.
I just need some of the editing capabilities that are exist in the word not all of them, so I decided to build my own word editor but actually I can't find a good way to start that and I don't have that experience, Any Ideas?
What I did until now is very basic and I need to know for example how to add a new method to attach word document to my editor so I need to do something like
wordEditor1.Word = {Path of word document}
and this step should show the document inside my editor with all styles and formats just like opening any word document inside word application.
Also I need to add capability of applying paragraph style or character style on the selected paragraph, so I think that I need to add methods for characters or paragraphs like
selectedParagraph.Style = {name of style in word or name of selected style form styles pane}
Finally I need to allow user to run macros on the opened document and I know that this may be the hardest step, so I just need some ideas to redirect me to the best way of how to do that.
What I did till now is something like
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace AutoStyle
public partial class WordEditor : RichTextBox
public WordEditor()
public object Word
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
I believe that this question may help others like me who is newbie and has a lack of experience, so I appreciate you comments and efforts.

How to copy richtextbox content with link?

I want to copy richtextbox content with keeping format same and hyperlinks. But it is been copied as a plain text without hyperlinks. I am using linklabel in richtextbox.
private void Bttn_copy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Clipboard.SetText(richtxtbx_email.SelectedRtf, TextDataFormat.Rtf);
and trying this:
DataObject dto = new DataObject();
dto.SetText(mesrtf, TextDataFormat.Rtf);
dto.SetText(mes, TextDataFormat.UnicodeText);
Can you help me solve this issue ?
Hyperlinks are just a way of a using hypertext links inside an editor that is capable of rendering them as such.
When copying the text from the textbox, you can only copy the plaintext itself.
Note that RichTextBox.SelectedRtf is property of type string.
RichTextBox doesn't hold a hyperlink like HTML does.
It only detects if a certain text looks like a link and automatically colores it blue, add underline and detect if the user clicks on it.
It does so if the RichTextBox.DetectUrls Property is set to true.
If you are copying data to a new RichTextBox and don't see the link that was detected in the other RichTextBox then you just need to set this property to true before you copy the text.
On the other hand, if you need real links so that the text is one thing and the link is another have a look here.

Dragabale text to a RadEditor

I need to create like a panel made out of text for example
Drag any of the items below into the editor:
So when dragging this into the editor it will add it in the following way
This is an example of how [[CUSTOMER]] has improved his business.
You may contact them directly by dialing [[BUSINESS_PHONE]].
Its like creating a template. I am just not sure what to use to make this work.. We are using a RadEditor. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, please note that we can not change the editor since we use in many multiple places the solution if there is any has to integrate with the editor.
Thank you very much
I've done something similar to what you're attempting to achieve, you will have to add some code to that instance of the radEditor, specifically add in some Javascript to your OnClientLoad function to catch the drop event and then handle the data appropriately. The tricky part is maintaining cursor positioning since you will have to parse the HTML once it's dropped not before.
I would really suggest if possible to use an insert button and a list/object that you can select from, click the button and have it inserted at the cursor, it's much easier to implement.
However here's the code without the parsing of how I attached the drop event to the editor, I'm using a RadPanelBar to drag and drop from. This even will fire with anything drag and dropped into the editor, I'd also suggest using some kind of markup like <span class="dragableItem">BusinessPhone</span> that you can look for when parsing your content.
If you could make your list simply [[BusinessPhone]] and drag and drop that in that would obviously be the simplest solution, although not elegant.
function OnClientLoad(editor)
var element = document.all ? editor.get_document().body : editor.get_document();
//var eventHandler = document.all ? "drop" : "dragdrop";
var eventHandler = "drop";
$telerik.addExternalHandler(element, eventHandler, function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
function contentDropped(editor)
var content = editor.get_html();
//parse the content of the editor

Replacing Content Controls in OpenXML

I need something as a placeholder. I at first looked to Content Control as a solution but I'm having some problems with it.
I then looked into adding CustomXML to the .docx but turned away from that because of the i4i lawsuit.
Then I decided I would just plain change the text of the Content Control through OpenXML SDK 2.0 but even if it's so marked the Content Control doesn't go away. I guess that it doesn't know that the text changed unless it happens inside word.
I could perhaps just remove the CC and place text instead but I'm afraid of problems with format and styles it could bring and also it would kind of defy the purpose of the Content Control.
Then I started wondering if I could define my own placeholders that Word could recognize. Through Building blocks perhaps. It doesn't have to do anything except be easy to find using OpenXML and somehow taggable so I know what to replace it with. I'm not really sure what can be done with Building Blocks but I'm hoping it's do-able.
Not sure what solution would be best for me but what I need is:
a)Something that's easy to place in the template, perhaps predefined Content Control placeholders that you can place where you wan't and style as you like.
b)When the data has been added it removes all placeholders, it won't be modified again. It keeps the style/format defined in the placeholder.
TO RECAP, I need answer to either
How can I edit Content Controls in OpenXML SDK so they will be removed after text is added.
Can I define my own custom OpenXML tag for a Word Document that I could then replace?
Perhaps this can help you,
private void DeleteSdtBlockAndKeepContent(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, string sdtBlockTag)
List<SdtBlock> sdtList = mainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<SdtBlock>().ToList();
SdtBlock sdtA = null;
foreach (SdtBlock sdt in sdtList)
if (sdt.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild<Tag>().Val.Value == sdtBlockTag)
sdtA = sdt;
OpenXmlElement sdtc = sdtA.GetFirstChild<SdtContentBlock>();
OpenXmlElement parent = sdtA.Parent;
OpenXmlElementList elements = sdtc.ChildElements;
var mySdtc = new SdtContentBlock(sdtc.OuterXml);
foreach (OpenXmlElement elem in elements)
string text = parent.FirstChild.InnerText;
Take a look at using a Field. The mail merge fields are designed for exactly this purpose.
I don't understand from your question if you are only interested in a solution that automatically removes the ContentControl/SDT when you modify it using the OpenXML SDK, or whether you want it to disappear after the content is modifed programmatically or by a user.
If the former, I think you'll have to remove it yourself as Bilel suggested. If the latter, you should look at this property: ContentControl.Temporary ("the ContentControl is automatically deleted when the user types in the control, or when the text in the control is changed programmatically. When the ContentControl is automatically deleted from the document, the text in the control remains in the document.")

How to retrieve text from the clipboard in partial trust

We have a RichTextBox WPF control and since we control the layout, we simply cannot allow any rich content...
Therefor, we need to strip all data except text from the clipboard. For example, if someone is trying to copy/paste lets say text from a table directly from Microsoft Word, the RichTextBox also takes into account that this text was 1. originally from a table, 2. bold and 3. underlined, and create all sorts of inline content to accomodate all these properties of the text...
This is not appropiate behaviour in our case, because it can break our inline layouts.. we just want the clean text...
The most simple approach would be, in the preview paste command:
and be done with it... But you guessed it.. Clipboard operations are not allowed in partial trust...
We also tried a dirty nasty hack, using a hidden Textbox suggested by this link:
Like so:
public static class ClipboardManager
private static readonly TextBox textBox = new TextBox {AcceptsReturn = true, AcceptsTab = true};
public static void SetText(string text)
textBox.Text = text;
public static string GetText()
return textBox.Text;
And then call it like this:
This works well in full trust, but for some reason, both Copy and Paste methods of TextBox do not work in partial trust...
Does anyone know how to retrieve the Clipboard's content in WPF/partial trust ?
Edit: As Nir pointed out.. I know it's not very nice to mutate data from your clipboard.. But my question will be answered just the same if someone can just point me out how to retrieve only the text from the clipboard in partial trust :)..
It's simply not possible.
In the end we used a toggle button where you could toggle to a textbox, paste it in there, and toggle back to our control. Nasty, but it works.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa970910.aspx says only "Plaintext and Ink Clipboard Support" in Partial Trust. Full Trust is required for "Rich Text Format Clipboard"
