I am trying to make a PUT call to my service to update a user
I get 404 when code hits my URL but in dev tools if I click URL it fails at it actually hits my controller. I'm thinking I'm passing my model wrong as parameter, can someone please point to me proper direction please, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
here is my service call
var updateUser = function(user) {
return $http({
method: "PUT",
url: serviceBase + "/UserController/PutUser",
data: user
and here is my controller
public IHttpActionResult PutUser(UserDto user)
return Ok();
catch (Exception)
return NotFound();
I tried using JSON.stringify(user) in my $http call as well and was out of luck get same 404 error but after clicking actual link it will hit my controller
Thank you for your advise!
While the common practice is to also include an identifier with PUT requests you can still achieve what you desire with some minor changes.
First update the URL for the intended endpoint in the controller.
NOTE: This is just an example. Modify to suit your specific needs.
public class UsersController : ApiController {
public IHttpActionResult Put(User user) {
try {
//assuming some form of storage for models
return Ok();
} catch (Exception) {
return NotFound();
... and then update your service call...
var updateUser = function(user) {
return $http({
method: "PUT",
url: serviceBase + "/api/Users",
data: user
the user will be sent in the body of the request to the controller.
You need to put the id of the user at the end of url. Your methods needs 2 parameters. One userId and one User.
You may also want to revise your url structure.
I have an application that is written using C# on the top of ASP.NET Core 2.2. I created a controller that responds to a PATCH request called Update. Here is my controller
[Route("api/[controller]"), ApiController, Produces("application/json")]
public class CategoriesController : ControllerBase
[HttpPatch("{propertyId}/{listId}/{isOn}"), Authorize]
public ActionResult<bool> Update(int propertyId, int listId, bool isOn)
// Do something
return true;
also, to return a 401 error when the user isn't authorized instead of a redirect, I added the following code to my Startup class
services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(config =>
config.Events = new CookieAuthenticationEvents
OnRedirectToLogin = ctx =>
if (ctx.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/api", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
ctx.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
return Task.FromResult(0);
Now to call this API using jQuery I did the following
$('.update-property').click(function (e) {
var obj = $(this);
url: '/api/Categories/Update',
type: 'PATCH',
data: {
'propertyId': obj.data('property-id'),
'listId': obj.data('list-id'),
'isOn': obj.data('is-on') === 'True' ? 'false' : 'true'
success: function (response) {
// if response unauthorized, redirect to the login page with the ReturnUrl
// else if response.data is true then change the icon
But this request keeps returning a 404 http error code. I inspected this question in the developer tools and I see that the parameter are being set correctly and the URL is valid.
How can I correctly handle this PATCH request?
[Route("api/[controller]"), ApiController, Produces("application/json")]
public class CategoriesController : ControllerBase
[HttpPatch("{propertyId}/{listId}/{isOn}"), Authorize]
public ActionResult<bool> Update(int propertyId, int listId, bool isOn)
The route templates here determine the URL for your Update endpoint. In this case, the resulting URL template would be this:
So for example, a valid URL for this endpoint would be /api/Categories/12/34/true.
If you don’t want to pass the values as parameters (since you already pass them in the body), you have to change the route template. For example, you could just remove the route template on the action method:
[HttpPatch, Authorize]
public ActionResult<bool> Update(int propertyId, int listId, bool isOn)
// …
Then, the URL would be just api/Categories.
Of course, you could also make api/Categories/Update the URL for the endpoint, but with REST, it’s usually not recommended to have method names in the URL. A PATCH request usually means “update this resource” and then you would be pointing to the URL of the resource.
you need to send request with localhost:44313/api/Categories url. Don't put update prefix. You just need to send Patch request to your localhost:44313/api/Categories endpoint.
with Parameters
I am trying to execute a POST from my angular application to a .net Web API instance but the server returns null.
public string callBcknd([FromBody]string body)
Log.Info(string.Format("{0}", body));
catch(Exception ex)
return "error";
angular *note that I am using HttpClient instead of Http.. not sure if this is also the problem
var test = { "name": "John" }
let data = JSON.stringify(test);
let headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
{headers: headers})
.subscribe(data => {console.log(data);}}}
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new {action = "GET", id = RouteParameter.Optional}
With above setting, I don't gen any 404 server error in client side(by checking chrome's console) but it returns null in backend. But as I tried with Postman, it sends values properly with the same url. If I don't include [FromBody] inside of method in backend, I get an 404 server error in client side. Furthermore, messages says "NO HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI". Similar question to this seems solving the problem by having [FromBody] but I still get a null... I also suspected maybe my web config file(not the one in above) should contain some headers, so when I added some headers like content type to be json and etc then I get 500 server error in client side. At this point i am really confused and not sure what to proceed.
Following server code returns the message but I am still getting the body as null.. no errors have been observed
public IHttpActionResult Callbcknd([FromBody] string body)
Log.Info(string.Format("called with data {0}", body));
return Ok(new { Message = "It worked!" });
catch(Exception ex)
return base.Content(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.ToString());
I see multiple reasons why you would get unexpected errors and null values in your code:
(error) Your .net method callBcknd should not even compile as it can only return something if there is an Exception.
(error) You should send json when sending data to your api controller the message body and the api controller method should accept an complex object and not a primitive type like string/int/bool etc.
(warning) Your angular service should expose functionality and return either observables or promises that the component can then subscribe to. Do not expose the HttpClient directly.
(warning) Your web api should return interface IHttpActionResult instead of the type directly. Then you can use the built in methods like Ok and Content and BadRequest to return status information along with data. See also Action Results in Web API 2
(suggestion) Use Route and RoutePrefix as attributes instead of relying on the route config. This is more flexible and will allow you to also specify parameters to be included in the URL which will make for a more RESTful design. See also Attribute Routing in ASP.NET Web API 2
(suggestion) Add CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver to resolve between camel and pascal casing between your front end and backend. See also Serialization using ContractResolver
This is a good example of how make calls to a Web API and how to structure your code.
Note that these code samples only show the relevant parts that were added or modified
public static class WebApiConfig {
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
// add this to ensure that casing is converted between camel case (front end) and pascal case (c#/backend)
var json = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
public class ApiModel {
public string Content {get;set;}
public class WebApIController : ApiController {
public IHttpActionResult CallBcknd([FromBody] ApiModel body)
Log.Info(string.Format("{0}", body.Content));
return Ok(new {Message = "It worked!"});
catch(Exception ex)
// example of how to return error with content. I would not recommend actually returning the exception details to the client in a production setting
return base.Content(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.ToString());
constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient){}
callServer(data: {content: string}) : Observable<any> {
return this.httpClient.post('http://localhost:3000/api/WebApI/callBcknd', data);
constructor(private myService: MyService){}
this.myService.callServer({content: 'This is what I have sent'})
.subscribe(data => console.log("Succeeded, result = " + data), (err)=> console.error("Failed! " + err));
Notice the following:
ApiModel represents the incoming object in the request. The angular call then sends {content: 'This is what I have sent'} which mirrors this type.
IHttpActionResult is the response type for your Web API method
You can return different types along with status information in the method CallBcknd
Route and RoutePrefix were added to give more control over the uri path.
The angular component and service have been split into 2 methods, the service returns an observable and the component calls the service methods and subcribes to the returning observable. When you extend this example you want to replace any with defined expected results using interfaces and the same is true for any incoming parameters you want to send.
A Tipical call to a API from "Angular"
update(data: string): Observable<IResponse> {
let url = '...';
let headers = new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers })
return this._http.post(url, data, options)
.map((res: any) => {
return res.json();
The code in API
public string callBcknd([FromBody]string body)
Log.Info(string.Format("{0}", body));
//You must return something
return "Post Realized";
catch(Exception ex)
return "error";
//I like call async
public async Task<IActionResult>callBcknd([FromBody]string body)
Log.Info(string.Format("{0}", body));
//await "some action"
//You can return OK("success") or an object
return Ok(new { success = true, description = "callback sucesfully" });;
catch(Exception ex)
//You can return OK("error") or an object
return Ok(new { success = false, description = ex.InnerException });;
Well, what you're posting would look something like
{"body":{// something here }}
Whereas your controller expects:
"valuehere" (which is a valid json for string).
You need to change the c# code to have a model for your DTO:
public class PostedObject{
public object Data {get;set;}
public string callBcknd([FromBody]PostedObject body)
// do things
I am new to C#. I tried to create a post service with using int. All get and post service are working fine.
But when I pass parameter to post service, it's always null. But after creating a class it works fine. Can we pass direct int to service or we must have to create a model class for it?
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByID(int id)
var user = userList.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id);
if (user== null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(user);
but it always send 0 . but when i create a class and add that int as attribute it works fine.
Working code
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByID(data id)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
return Ok();
public class data
public int id { get; set; }
are my header accurate?
I think you need to add [FromBody] to the parameter:
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByID([FromBody]int id)
var user = userList.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id);
if (user== null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(user);
According to the docs: Parameter Binding in ASP.NET Web API
By default, Web API uses the following rules to bind parameters:
If the parameter is a "simple" type, Web API tries to get the value from the URI. Simple types include the .NET primitive types (int, bool, double, and so forth), plus TimeSpan, DateTime, Guid, decimal, and string, plus any type with a type converter that can convert from
a string.
For complex types, Web API tries to read the value from the message body, using a media-type formatter.
It goes on to say: Using [FromBody]
To force Web API to read a simple type from the request body, add the [FromBody] attribute to the parameter
UPDATES - to get [HttpPost] working...
As #Shahbaz suggested below, make sure that you've got the Content-Type header set to application/json, otherwise you will get error message saying:
The request entity's media type 'text/plain' is not supported for this resource.
Also, make sure you're posting just the id in the Request Body e.g. 1, as opposed to posting the id wrapped in a JSON object as a key/value pair { "id": "1" }.
FINALLY - consider using [HttpGet] instead...
It's worth pointing out, because you are now just sending a single int to get a single record, even if you can get this working using [HttpPost], it's still probably best to change it to [HttpGet] which is semantically correct - you are getting a user record, and don't actually need to post anything at all. So something like this might be better:
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByID(int id)
var user = userList.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id);
if (user== null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(user);
Then put your id in the request URL, something like:
The above example makes use of Attribute Routing which can help you create your own custom URLs to target your own API Action Methods.
Send Data to Web Api by a Jquery Like Below :
function PostSth(fid){
url: apiBaseUrl + 'api/Controller/ActionMethod',
type: 'Post',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
Don't Forget
and do in the Code Behind Part :
public string ActionMethod([FromBody]int fid)
string result = string.Empty;
//TODO: Your Code
return result;
I've been trying to figure this out for hours now but none of the solutions seem to help. I have an MVC6 project with AngularJs. I am able to connect, so my routes are working, and I am able to get data back if I hard code a string or something, but I can't seem to access the data sent to the server.
My angularjs http request code:
var app = angular.module('APIService', []);
app.factory('APIService', function ($http) {
var api = {};
api.getBuyer = function (data) {
return $http.post('/api/buyer', data);
return api;
The angularjs function call
APIService.getBuyer({ Url: 'samirbashir5739', FirstName: 'Samir' }).success(function (res) {
My C# Controller
namespace Reporting.api
public class BuyersController : Controller
// POST api/buyer
public string Post([FromBody] string Url)
return Url;
I've tried setting the data as "JsonResult data", or even "string Url." Most tutorials I found had an object for the data so it would fit into something like "[FromBody] Buyer buyer" but I don't have an object for it, I simply want the data. Is it possible?
WebApi does not support multiple parameter binding from a post request. You can check more details here.
So the proper way for the WebApi is to create a request model that will contain all the properties that will be bound. Perhaps you can try multiple [FromUri] parameters, but then you will have to add them to the url yourself in angualr, rather than just pass to .post.
Example model:
public class RequestModel
public string Url {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
I also believe that adding the model improves the structure of your code as you always know what your server expects rather than working with some dynamic data.
P.S. Did not notice that you use ASP.Net Core, my data is from web api 2, but perhaps it's still valid, so you will need to create a model + FromBody should not be required on post requests since it's the default behavior.
I think your controller is wrong. You are trying to pass a Url and a name whereas your controller method is waiting for a single Url.
Try to pass only a Url and it should work.
If you want to pass the Url and the Firstname, you have to modify your controller method like this :
public string Post([FromBody] string Url, string FirstName)
// Do whatever you need to do here ...
Im a beginner with Web api and Im trying to setup a simple owin selfhosted service that Im trying out.
I've been searching stackoverflow and other places for a while now, but I cant seem to find anything obviously wrong.
The problem I have is that I get a bad request response everytime I try to call my service.
The controller looks like this:
public class NDTDocumentsController : ApiController, INDTDocumentsController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
var document = Program.NDTServerSession.GetNextNDTDocument(DateTime.Today);
if (document == null)
return null;
return Ok(document);
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] NDTDocument ndtDocument)
return Ok();
catch(Exception ex)
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
And the client looks like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void AddNDTDocument(string centralserverPath)
var client = GetServerClient();
NDTDocument document = new NDTDocument();
var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("ndtdocument", document).Result;
static HttpClient GetServerClient()
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9000/api/");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
return client;
I can see when I debug it that the request uri is infact http://localhost:9000/api/ndtdocument
But the response is allways bad request and I have a breakpoint in the controller and it is never invoked.
Everytime I try to do something with web apis I Always run into some weird (but simple problem).
Any thoughts?
Web API will decide your route based on your method names. Since you have added [RoutePrefix("api/ndtdocument")] on class level this will be the route to your controller. When web api looks for an action it will match on method names, so in your case your actual route would be http://localhost:9000/api/ndtdocument/post.
When trying to decide what http method that a specific action requires web api will check your method names and methods starting with post will be http post, get will be http get etc.
So lets say we would instead call our method PostData, for starters we could remove the [HttpPost] attribute. Our route would now be http://localhost:9000/api/ndtdocument/postdata. Let's now say that we want our path to be just /data. We would then first rename our method to Data, but now web api does not know what http method we want to invoke this method with, thats why we add the [HttpPost] attribute.
Edit after reading your comment
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] NDTDocument ndtDocument)
Okey, after nearly going seriously insane. I found the problem.
I forgot to reference webapi.webhost and then system.web.
After this Everything worked like a charm.
You must use route tags and call this way http://localhost:9000/api/get or http://localhost:9000/api/post
public class NDTDocumentsController : ApiController, INDTDocumentsController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
var document = Program.NDTServerSession.GetNextNDTDocument(DateTime.Today);
if (document == null)
return null;
return Ok(document);
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] NDTDocument ndtDocument)
return Ok();
catch(Exception ex)
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
for more infromation pls check this link