I'm trying to read from a text file that contains some data in my bot. I have the file in my Visual Studio solution and the bot is able to read the data fine when I am using the Emulator.
However, when I publish, it says that the file doesn't exist (IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) and gives this path as the path it's looking at (my file is in the Data\Holidays folder in Visual Studio):
Is the path different when it's published? Do I have to upload the text file to Azure manually?
Do you include the file as a part of your project? (after build, check your bin folder). If not, then please include your file.
For more details you may try these links
1)Entity Framework - How to get relative file path in seed method
2)ASP.NET Web application file path (Publish on Azure)
i have page to upload files with CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader
when i run this page in my local computer it work correctly
but when i run this page on the domain server it give this error
The error is clear, this program is commercial and its need a license to run.
You do not have include the AjaxUploader.lic on the bin directory with the CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.dll file.
In one of my ASP.NET apps, all of a sudden I am unable to run it in Visual Studio 2013 due to the error displayed below. It appears that it is trying to open the web.config from a path that doesn't even exist. All of my project code, including web.config, are located under C:\Projects\SourceCode\AFEManager\Trunk\AFEManager.Web. I've found a number of posts here from users experiencing a similar error, but the solutions seem to vary and none I've found so far seem applicable to my situation. I looked in that TraceLogFiles directory and the most recent log file there is five days old so it obviously hasn't been logging anything since I've been having this issue. Any suggestions are appreciated.
In my case I deleted all folders in D:\My Documents\My Web Sites\ before
Then I caught the error
There is a file .vs\config\applicationhost.config in my solution folder
It contains reference to the deleted folder. So, I deleted applicationhost.config and then pressed 'Create Virtual Directory' button in my project property Web page. It was recreated the file and the folder
I've been able to resolve this issue even though I can't say I fully understand all of the details. I'll attempt to describe the situation the best I understand it and hopefully others with greater insight can add further clarification.
After having been doing all of my development on my workstation, it was suggested that I begin doing this work in a new VM environment that had been set up for me. So I installed VS 2013 there and copied my source code from various projects over there. However, rather than follow my previous local path convention of C:\Projects\SourceCode[ProjectName]... this time I decided to use the directories that are set up during the VS install, c:\users[MyUser]\My Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects[ProjectName]. Sometime shortly thereafter, our infrastructure team made a change so that my home directory, c:\users\rmayer, was now being pointed to a common network drive, \totalsafety\TSUsers\rmayer. Everything continued to work without any issues.
However, due to various difficulties I had working in this VM environment, I decided to return to doing my development work on my workstation using the original local paths for my source code. This is when I began encountering the errors described above whenever I would try to run my code through VS. What I've begun to learn is that there is an applicationhost.config file that IIS Express uses located here: \totalsafety\TSUsers\rmayer\My Documents\IISExpress\config. It contains entries for each of my web projects; the one relevant to this issue had a section which looked like this:
<site name="AFEManager.Web-Site" id="8">
<application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Users\rmayer\Documents\My Web Sites\AFEManager.Web-Site" />
<application path="/AFEManager" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Projects\SourceCode\AFEManager\Trunk\AFEManager.Web" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:19257:localhost" />
The physical path attribute listed under applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool" at that time was set based on the local path I had been using at the time I was working in the VM environment. Now that this one file is being shared regardless of whether I'm working locally or within the VM due to the move of the users' home directories, this path is invalid when I'm working from my workstation. By updating this path to C:\Projects\SourceCode\AFEManager\Trunk\AFEManager.Web, it now works correctly from my workstation.
Again, I have a limited understanding of how this is supposed to work, but what it's telling me is that I will be unable to do development work from multiple environments (not that I want to any longer) unless the local paths are consistent between all of them. If I'm correct about this, this seems like a less than ideal design.
I had this issue when I moved the project folder to the new machine. The problem is that the VS has the site registered in its config file (applicationhost.config) inside .vs/ folder but did not create folder inside %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Web Sites\. If you just click Create Virtual Directory inside the project properties (Web tab) it will not be enough.
First close your VS and remove .vs/ folder inside your solution directory
Reopen VS and click Create Virtual Directory inside the project properties (Web tab) - VS will register the site again and create corresponding folder inside %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Web Sites\
I changed the virtual directory path in vs\config\applicationhost.config inside the solution folder.
In my case, the project was located on network not my local disk. After copying the project to local, the issue was resolved. Hope it can save someones time who has the same issue.
You can change the path for the web.config to its real path in applicationhost.config file. This file is located in /.vs/config folder.
After changing the path in this file, save it and restart the project, it solved my issue.
This is happening because I have different work stations, but the project is saving in different folders.
Delete .VS folders that Visual studio created.
It might be hidden in your project structure.
Unhide the folders and look for .vs folder and delete that folder and rebuild the application.
Most simplest way to solve this issue.
Approximate reason to arise this error is copy project from another pc.
Step 01: From Visual Studio Solution Explorer, Right click on your project and choose Open Folder in File Explorer.
Step 02: Open .vs folder (Hidden Folder) and
you will get 2 folder named config and another one is named as
Step 03: Both config folder will contain a
file named applicationhost.
Step 04: Open both applicationhost file using notepad and find the directory showing in error screen (Config
File \?\C:\User\hp\Documents\My Web
Step 05: Just replace this
directory according to your pc directory. Example, in my pc I have
changed as below:
C:\Users\Sydur Rahman\Documents\My Web Sites\MyProjectName-Site
C:\Users\hp\Documents\My Web Sites\MyProjectName-Site
Note: Please make sure you have changed in both applicationhost file.
That's all. Now your project will run as expected!
Thank you PongGod!! I am not able to comment on your answer but I wanted to post anyway since I had the exact same issue while running an instance of Orchard. In my case, everything had been running great until I found a bunch of old project files located in:
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Web Sites\
And started deleting them for no apparent reason. I then tried to start up Orchard from Visual Studio in debug mode and received the error message above. After applying the same fix to my applicationhost.config file, everything is working fine now.
In my case, I am assuming that the directories got mixed up because I had initially ran the default Orchard files from Visual Studio and from Web Matrix. Then later on, I downloaded the full source files and began running the files from a completely different directory. Thanks again.
Here is a solution i have found.
(1)Find the applicationhost.config file in |YourSolution|\.vs\config
(2)Modify the VirtualDirectory PhysicalPath To your project.
(3)Restart solution. Start project.
(4)If it's still not working, try to check setting in your IISExpress config. If there is not site setting, copy And paste the setting to |UserOnYourComputer|\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config
(5)Change the id to other id which not be used in IISExpress applicationhost.config.
(6)Start your project.
I experienced the same issue and I resolve it quite simply. My issue was arose after when I perform a merge operation in git repository, after merge operation Visual Studio some how changed my default project URL to the default URL of my partner's computer from where he pushed the last time in to my repository.
So here is how I resolved this error:
Simply go to the properties of the project.
From the left vertically aligned menu, select Web.
After you will Project url and a text box containing the default port number, now just aside that textbox there is a button "Create Virtual Directory".
Press that button and there you go.
It will again point the default url the current working folder of your project.
Hope it works for you all :)
After all this answers I find my solution. Delete te WebSite in the IIS and recriate. Why? Because I had create de website before installed the framework 4.5 and URL Rewrite.
Go to the project dir:
Then delete the applicationhost.config file and recompile your solution.
That's all.
This steps helped me to get over this error
1.In Windows Explorer, locate the web.config file that is associated with the Web site.
2.Right-click the web.config file
3.Click Properties.
4.Click the Security tab, and then click Edit.
5.Click Add.
6.In the Enter the object names to select box, type computername\IIS_IUSRS, click Check Names, and then click OK.
Note* Computername is a placeholder for the computer name.
7.Click to select the Read check box, and then click OK.
8.In the Web.config Properties dialog box, click OK.
I have created asp.net web project. I have included some files in this project. Following all CSS standards required.
background-image: url('~/Images/sideheader.png')
I can see all pictures when I debug my site. But when I publish my site, I don't see any picture in my site.
Please help me resolve this problem.
When you manually add files (i.e. images/js/css) to a directory and use them directly in your html/css (as per your question) Visual Studio does not know they exist. You need to 'show all files' and then 'include in project' the images/files you want to publish.
Only the files which are visible (=included) in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio will be published to your server.
You should use it like this :
background-image: url('/Images/sideheader.png')
in this way the relative paths resolves to the correct place .
Your URL isn't pointing to the file. It works fine on the debug server, because when you run it in debug, it starts up a testing server for your project that has a different configuration than the server you published to. Because you have it in a different directory, or have a different home directory configured, it can't find the image.
For anyone coming to this question, this was determined from testing if replacing the relative URL with an absolute one would solve the problem, which took place in the comment section of the OP.
You just need to add your folder images to your project and republish your project. To add the folder, go to solution explorer, click on show all files, right click on your images folder and select include in project. You don't need to change any urls of the images you have used in your css or any where else.
I ran into the same issue, in my case since the Images folder is not recognized by Visual Studio, I had to set read permissions to everyone. Once I set the Image folder permissions, my images showed up just fine.
I deployed my MVC-3 project on the windowsAzure cloud service. Then when i opened it through
staging url. The images are not showns in my application. My image src is a relative address which is :
<img src="/images/1.jpg" alt="Lion" />
I am using jquery-UI as well but it plugins like ( button ) are also not working. I used cycle plugin, pagination plugin these are aslo not working. Whats the problem ?
altho your path 'appears' relative, you'll need to use the Url helper to navigate the folder structure correctly. Try using the below instead:
<img src='#Url.Content("~/images/1.jpg")' alt="Lion" />
All remote hosting is fickle and Azure is certainly no exception. This issue always catches me out if I omit the #Url.Content() helper. I'm certain this will work.
The problem probably is because your image is not imported in the MVC project. When you deploy a Cloud Service, only the resources that are in the project are deployed. Resources that are just in your file system are not.
I had this same issue and did the following:
my Images folder was outside the \Content directory, therefore, I created a directory inside this directory, so now I had \Content\images
I now moved my images to this new directory
Did a right-click on the images folder name in the Solution Explorer and clicked on option "Include in Project", I also did a right-click on the images itself and chose same option
Published and Voila it worked!
I had the same issue. I remote desktop to my server in Azure, opened IIS, went to the folder where I have the images and tried to Browse it, I got an Internal Server Error telling me "The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid". The issue was with this staticContent definition:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4"/>
So I opened the web.config, searched for "mp4" and removed the section where I was defining that mimeMap.
After that I could browse the image and when I refreshed my page in my local machine all images showed up.
I then deleted that mimeMap definition from my Web.Release.config file. I had created it because previously I had published this project as a WebSite in azure and I couldn't deliver mp4 videos using the tag, but that seems not to be necessary when using a Cloud Service.
Hope this helps.