The title for this post was quite hard to think of, so if you can think of a more descriptive title please tell me. Anyway, my problem is quite specific and requires some simple maths knowledge. I am writing a C# WinForms application which is a bit like the old 'xeyes' Linux application. It basically is a set of eyes which follow around your mouse cursor. This may sound easy at first, however can get rather complicated if you're a perfectionist like me :P. This is my code so far (only the paint method, that is called on an interval of 16).
int lx = 35;
int ly = 50;
int rx;
int ry;
int wx = Location.X + Width / 2;
int wy = Location.Y + Height / 2;
Rectangle bounds = Screen.FromControl(this).Bounds;
// Calculate X
float tempX = (mx - wx) / (float)(bounds.Width / 2);
// Calculate Y
float tempY = (my - wy) / (float)(bounds.Height / 2);
// Draw eyes
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.LightGray, 10, 10, 70, 100);
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.LightGray, 90, 10, 70, 100);
// Draw pupils (this only draws the left one)
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, lx += (int)(25 * tempX), ly += (int)(40 * tempY), 20, 20);
Now this does work at a basic level, however sometimes this can happen if the user puts the cursor at 0,0.
Now my question is how to fix this? What would the IF statement be to check where the mouse pointer is, and then reduce the pupil X depending on that?
Edit: This is where I get the mouse positions (my and mx):
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
mx = Cursor.Position.X;
my = Cursor.Position.Y;
The timer is started in the eyes_Load event and the interval is 16.
Edit 2: Final solution:
Modelling the eyeball as the following ellipse:
Its equation is:
And that of the line joining its center and the cursor:
(don't worry about the singularity)
We can then solve to get the intersection point:
Now you can calculate the distance to the eyeball's edge, by dividing the distance from the center to the cursor by sigma. What remains is just interpolating to cap the position of the pupil:
The if statement you want is then
(N.B. for math-mo's out there the above was a slight simplification, which assumes your ellipse is not too narrow; the exact solution is non-analytical)
EDIT: my tests in VB.NET:
EDIT 2: C# port
PointF Bound(double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double xm, double ym, double r)
double dx = xm - xc, dy = ym - yc;
if (Math.Abs(dx) > 0.001 && Math.Abs(dy) > 0.001)
double dx2 = dx * dx, dy2 = dy * dy;
double sig = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(dx2 / (w * w * 0.25) + dy2 / (h * h * 0.25));
double d = Math.Sqrt(dx2 + dy2), e = d * sig;
if (d > e - r)
double ratio = (e - r) / d;
return new PointF((float)(xc + dx * ratio),
(float)(yc + dy * ratio));
return new PointF((float)xm, (float)ym);
xc, yc: Center coordinates of the ellipse
w, h: Width and height of the ellipse
xm, ym: Mouse coordinates
r: Radius of the circle you wanna constrain (the pupil)
Returns: The point where you wanna place the center of the circle
EDIT 3: Many thanks to Quinchilion for the following optimization (gawd damn this smacked me hard in the face)
PointF Bound(double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double xm, double ym, double r)
double x = (xm - xc) / (w - r);
double y = (ym - yc) / (h - r);
double dot = x*x + y*y;
if (dot > 1) {
double mag = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(dot);
x *= mag; y *= mag;
return new PointF((float)(x * (w - r) + xc), (float)(y * (h - r) + yc));
Is there any possibility to plot a circle in a WindowsForm Chart?
A method-call as follows would be really nice!
Graph.Series["circle"].Circle.Add(centerX, centerY, radius);
Well, I created myself a work around.
Maybe it helps someone
public void DrawCircle(Chart Graph, double centerX, double centerY, double radius, int amountOfEdges)
string name = "circle_" + centerX + centerY + radius + amountOfEdges;
// Create new data series
if (Graph.Series.IndexOf(name) == -1)
// preferences of the line
Graph.Series[name].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
Graph.Series[name].Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
Graph.Series[name].BorderWidth = 1;
Graph.Series[name].IsVisibleInLegend = false;
// add line segments (first one also as last one)
for (int k = 0; k <= amountOfEdges; k++)
double x = centerX + radius * Math.Cos(k * 2 * Math.PI / amountOfEdges);
double y = centerY + radius * Math.Sin(k * 2 * Math.PI / amountOfEdges);
Graph.Series[name].Points.AddXY(x, y);
You can call it for example via
DrawCircle(Graph, 5, 4, 3, 30);
Around 30 points should be enough to get a nice circle instead of a polygon, but depends on the size of your chart.
Good evening, I know on the web there are similar questions and a few tutorials about it, but I'd like you to check my code and correct it. I mean, I'd like to know what's wrong with my project.
I have to draw a parabola graph given its equation on my main panel.
I also must include two buttons, zoom in and zoom out, which are used to reduce and enlarge the "view" panel's view (and so the parabola).
I was recommended to use a scale var.
This is my code:
note: x0, y0 are panel_main x center, y center.
I have x, y that are used to determine x,y from the equation.
xpc, ypc are converted for the window scale (so are pixels).
xmin, xmax are the extreme values that, with a certain scale, stay on the panel
I hope you can give me a hint, thanks a lot!
public void DisegnaParabola()
Graphics gs = panel_main.CreateGraphics();
pen.Color = Color.Black;
scale = (x0*2) / zoom; //Pixels equivalent to 1x or 1y
n_punti = (x0*2) / scale; //Number of x math points that are visible in window
xmin = -(n_punti / 2);
xmax = n_punti / 2;
precision = 1 / scale; //Increment of x to have 1px
if (asse_parabola.SelectedIndex == 0) //if Y axis
for (double i = xmin + precision; i < xmax; i += precision)
rifx = i - precision; //Old points
rifxpc = rifx * scale;
rify = (a * Math.Pow(rifx, 2)) + b * rifx + c;
rifypc = y0 - (rify * scale);
x = i; //New points
y = (a * Math.Pow(x, 2)) + b * x + c;
ypc = y0 - (y * scale);
gs.DrawLine(pen, (float)rifxpc, (float)rifypc, (float)xpc, (float)ypc);
scale = (y0*2) / zoom; //Pixels for 1y
n_punti = (y0*2) / scale; //Numbers of y in the window
ymin = -(n_punti / 2);
ymax = n_punti / 2;
for(double i=ymin+precision; i<ymax; i+=precision)
rify = y - precision;
rifypc = (y0*2) - rify * scale;
rifx = (a * Math.Pow(rify, 2)) + b * rify + c;
rifxpc = x0 + (rifx * scale);
y = i;
x = (a * Math.Pow(y, 2)) + b * y + c;
xpc = x0 + (x * scale);
gs.DrawLine(pen, (float)rifypc, (float)rifxpc, (float)ypc, (float)xpc);
lbl_canc.Visible = true;
Your question actually consists of several tasks and as usual the key is to take and break those apart..
One issue is getting the data, I will leave the details to you but show how to sparate it from the rest.
The next issue is to scale the data. I'll show you how to avoid this one altogether and scale the drawing tool instead.
And the third one is to draw them to a display surface. As you'll see this is really simple once the other issues are taken care of.
Let's start with the most important step: Collecting the data. You try to create and scale and draw them all in the same piece of code. This has many disadvantages..
Let's first collect the data in a suitable structure:
List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
List<T> is the collection of choice most of the time; certainly much nicer than arrays! In some method you should fill that list with your data, calculated from some formula.
Here is an example:
List<PointF> getPoints(float start, float end, int count, float ymax)
List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
float deltaX = (end - start) / count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
float x = i * deltaX;
// insert your own formula(s) here!
float y = ymax + (float)Math.Sin(x * somefactor) * ymax;
points.Add(new PointF(x, y));
return points;
Now for the second important part: How to scale the data? This can be done either when creating them; but again, separating the two taks makes them both a lot simpler.
So here is a function that, instead of scaling the data scales the Graphics object we will use to plot them:
void ScaleGraphics(Graphics g, List<PointF> data)
float xmax = data.Select(x => x.X).Max();
float ymax = data.Select(x => x.Y).Max();
float xmin = data.Select(x => x.X).Min();
float ymin = data.Select(x => x.Y).Min();
float width = Math.Abs(xmax - xmin);
float height = Math.Abs(ymax - ymin);
var vr = g.VisibleClipBounds;
g.ScaleTransform(vr.Width / width, vr.Height / height);
This method makes sure that all the data in our list will fit into the drawing surface. If you want to restrict them to a different size you can pass it in and change the code accordingly..
Finally we need to do the actual drawing. We do that where we should, that is in the Paint event of our drawing surface control..:
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (points.Count < 2) return; // no lines to draw, yet
ScaleGraphics(e.Graphics, points);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
using ( Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue )
{ Width = 1.5f , LineJoin = LineJoin.Round, MiterLimit = 1f} )
e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, points.ToArray());
Given a bounding rectangle, starting angle and the sweep angle, how do I determine the points of each end of the arc?
private void myPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(242, 299, 200, 300);
Pen penRed = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
g.DrawArc(penRed, rc, 18, -108);
// TODO - Determine Point of each end of arc
// Point pt1 = ???
// Point pt2 = ???
Using the equation of an ellipse from this excellent Mathematics answer We can calculate the start and end points of your ellipse, given the start angle and sweep.
First, we need the center of the bounding box, so we know how to shift the coordinates. That's simply
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(242, 299, 200, 300);
int cX = (rc.Left + rc.Right) / 2;
int cY = (rc.Bottom + rc.Top) / 2;
// For debugging purposes, let's mark that point.
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, Rectangle.FromLTRB(cX - 3, cY - 3, cX + 3, cY + 3));
We then need to convert the angles from degrees into radians, and change the clockwise angle to a counter-clockwise angle like so:
double minTheta = (Math.PI / 180) * (360 - start);
double maxTheta = (Math.PI / 180) * (360 - (start + sweep));
We'll also define 2 helper functions, the first to normalize an angle (map arbitrary angles into the range 0-360) and the second to adjust the calculated (x, y) coordinates into the correct quadrant. (Given that positive y is actually down on the form)
public double NormalizeAngle(double angle)
while (angle >= 360) angle -= 360;
while (angle < 0) angle += 360;
return angle;
public void AdjustCoordinatesForAngle(double angle, ref double x, ref double y)
if (angle > 0 && angle <= 90)
x *= 1;
y *= 1;
else if (angle >= 90 && angle < 180)
x *= -1;
y *= 1;
else if (angle >= 180 && angle < 270)
x *= -1;
y *= -1;
else if (angle >= 270 && angle < 360)
x *= 1;
y *= -1;
We now have enough information to calculate the start and end points.
double minTheta = (Math.PI / 180) * (360 - start);
double maxTheta = (Math.PI / 180) * (360 - (start + sweep));
double a = width / 2.0;
double b = height / 2.0;
double denom = Math.Pow(a, 2) * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(minTheta), 2);
denom = denom / Math.Pow(b, 2);
denom = Math.Sqrt(denom + 1);
double x = Math.Abs(a / denom);
double y = Math.Abs((a * Math.Tan(minTheta)) / denom);
start = NormalizeAngle(start);
this.AdjustCoordinatesForAngle(start, ref x, ref y);
Those coordinates are relative to the bounding box's center, so we offset it using the center point we calculated above:
x += cX;
y += cY;
We can now draw the point:
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Purple, new Rectangle((int)x - 3, (int)y - 3, 6, 6));
All together the paint function looks like this:
private void myPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
double start = 18;
double sweep = -108;
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(200, 10, 200, 300);
int cX = (rc.Left + rc.Right) / 2;
int cY = (rc.Bottom + rc.Top) / 2;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, Rectangle.FromLTRB(cX - 3, cY - 3, cX + 3, cY + 3));
int width = rc.Width;
int height = rc.Height;
if (start >= 360) start -= 360;
double minTheta = (Math.PI / 180) * (360 - start);
double maxTheta = (Math.PI / 180) * (360 - (start + sweep));
double a = width / 2.0;
double b = height / 2.0;
double denom = Math.Pow(a, 2) * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(minTheta), 2);
denom = denom / Math.Pow(b, 2);
denom = Math.Sqrt(denom + 1);
double x = Math.Abs(a / denom);
double y = Math.Abs((a * Math.Tan(minTheta)) / denom);
start = NormalizeAngle(start);
this.AdjustCoordinatesForAngle(start, ref x, ref y);
x += cX;
y += cY;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Purple, new Rectangle((int)x - 3, (int)y - 3, 6, 6));
denom = Math.Pow(a, 2) * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(maxTheta), 2);
denom = denom / Math.Pow(b, 2);
denom = Math.Sqrt(denom + 1);
x = Math.Abs(a / denom);
y = Math.Abs((a * Math.Tan(maxTheta)) / denom);
double endAngle = (start + sweep);
endAngle = NormalizeAngle(endAngle);
this.AdjustCoordinatesForAngle(endAngle, ref x, ref y);
x += cX;
y += cY;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, new Rectangle((int)x - 3, (int)y - 3, 6, 6));
Pen penRed = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Green, rc);
g.DrawArc(penRed, rc, (float)start, (float)sweep);
I painted the window background black to make the boxes and lines stand out better, and I left in some additional drawing elements, so it is easier to see what's happening in the calculations above.
Placing the code into a form, and associating with the form's paint event produces this result:
One final note, due to rounding, the start and end points may be off by a pixel or two. If you want more accuracy, you'd have to draw the arc yourself.
I was trying to rotate 2 windows form button as in the following image:
During their rotation, the distance between them should be 0 and when you click a label, they should "rotate" 90 degree, as like:
if (red is up and black is down)
red will be down and black will be up;
red will be up and black will be down;
I used this method to return the desired point "location", but i couldn't obtain the desired rotation "effect":
public static Point Rotate(Point point, Point pivot, double angleDegree)
double angle = angleDegree * Math.PI / 180;
double cos = Math.Cos(angle);
double sin = Math.Sin(angle);
int dx = point.X - pivot.X;
int dy = point.Y - pivot.Y;
double x = cos * dx - sin * dy + pivot.X;
double y = sin * dx + cos * dy + pivot.X;
Point rotated = new Point((int)Math.Round(x), (int)Math.Round(y));
return rotated;
like in my comment it has to look like this:
private Point calculateCircumferencePoint(double radoffset, Point center, double radius)
Point res = new Point();
double x = center.X + radius * Math.Cos(radoffset);
double y = center.Y + radius * Math.Sin(radoffset);
res.X = (int)x;
res.Y = (int)y;
return res;
here is also a test application:
EDIT: for a second button you just need to set the initial offset to Math.PI;
EDIT2: To rotate the buttons like they cross (like the path of an 8) you need to set the radius to Sin(radoffset) or Cos(radoffset)
I'd like to copy a roughly rectangular area to a rectangular area. Example:
Both areas are defined by their corner points. The general direction is kept (no flipping etc).
Simply rotating the source image does not work since opposing sides may be of different length.
So far I found no way to do this in pure C# (except manual pixel copying), so I guess I have to resort to the Windows API or some 3rd party library?
Since I could not find an answer, I wrote a naive implementation myself. It works reasonably well.
I drew all examples manually in Paint, so they are not very exact - it was just enough to test some basics.
a) Slight rotation.
b) Various sides
c) Perspective
(it's specialized to my use case, but it should be easy to adapt):
// _Corners are, well, the 4 corners in the source image
// _Px is an array of pixels extracted from the source image
public void Rescale ()
RescaleImage (
private void RescaleImage (PointF TL, PointF TR, PointF LL, PointF LR, int sx, int sy)
var bmpOut = new Bitmap (sx, sy);
for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++) {
* relative position
double rx = (double) x / sx;
double ry = (double) y / sy;
* get top and bottom position
double topX = TL.X + rx * (TR.X - TL.X);
double topY = TL.Y + rx * (TR.Y - TL.Y);
double bottomX = LL.X + rx * (LR.X - LL.X);
double bottomY = LL.Y + rx * (LR.Y - LL.Y);
* select center between top and bottom point
double centerX = topX + ry * (bottomX - topX);
double centerY = topY + ry * (bottomY - topY);
* store result
var c = PolyColor (centerX, centerY);
bmpOut.SetPixel (x, y, c);
bmpOut.Save (_Path + "out5 rescale out.bmp");
private Color PolyColor (double x, double y)
// get fractions
double xf = x - (int) x;
double yf = y - (int) y;
// 4 colors - we're flipping sides so we can use the distance instead of inverting it later
Color cTL = _Px[(int) y + 1, (int) x + 1];
Color cTR = _Px[(int) y + 1, (int) x + 0];
Color cLL = _Px[(int) y + 0, (int) x + 1];
Color cLR = _Px[(int) y + 0, (int) x + 0];
// 4 distances
double dTL = Math.Sqrt (xf * xf + yf * yf);
double dTR = Math.Sqrt ((1 - xf) * (1 - xf) + yf * yf);
double dLL = Math.Sqrt (xf * xf + (1 - yf) * (1 - yf));
double dLR = Math.Sqrt ((1 - xf) * (1 - xf) + (1 - yf) * (1 - yf));
// 4 parts
double factor = 1.0 / (dTL + dTR + dLL + dLR);
dTL *= factor;
dTR *= factor;
dLL *= factor;
dLR *= factor;
// accumulate parts
double r = dTL * cTL.R + dTR * cTR.R + dLL * cLL.R + dLR * cLR.R;
double g = dTL * cTL.G + dTR * cTR.G + dLL * cLL.G + dLR * cLR.G;
double b = dTL * cTL.B + dTR * cTR.B + dLL * cLL.B + dLR * cLR.B;
Color c = Color.FromArgb ((int) (r + 0.5), (int) (g + 0.5), (int) (b + 0.5));
return c;
Generally speaking, what you want to do is map the destination coordinates to the source coordinates through a transform function:
for (int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++) {
for (x=0; x < destWidth; x++) {
Color c = Transform(x, y, sourceImage, sourceTransform);
SetPixel(destImage, x, y, c);
Let's assume that sourceTransform is an object that encapsulates a transformation from source to dest coordinates (and vice versa).
Working in dest coordinates will make it easier to avoid that curve in your retransformed source image and will allow you to better antialias, as you can map the corners of the dest pixel to the source image and sample within it and interpolate/extrapolate.
In your case you're going to have a set of linear equations that do the mapping - in this case this is known as quadrilateral warping - see this previous question.