C# threading parallel - c#

Help is very welcome and extremely appreciated, thank you. What this program is, is a ProxyChecker, because i've bought a bunch and will continue to do so of proxies with different user/passes etc, however some have expired. I added a break point and what it's doing is actually skipping the ProxyClient code and going straight to for each var item in 1, if item accepts connection etc, it then just returns false and finishes.
private static void CheckProxy(object state)
var u = user[0];
var p = pass[0];
var l = new List<MyIP>();
Parallel.ForEach(l.ToArray(), (ip_item) =>
string ip = ip_item.IP;
using (var client = new ProxyClient(ip, u, p))
Console.WriteLine(ip, user, pass);
ip_item.AcceptsConnection = client.IsConnected;
foreach (var item in l)
if (item.AcceptsConnection == true)
WriteToFile(user[0], pass[0]);
Console.WriteLine(item.IP + " is " + (item.AcceptsConnection) + " accepts connections" + " doesn not accept connections");
Load ips function:#
private static void loadips()
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader("ips.txt"))
var l = new List<MyIP>();
string line = null;
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
l.Add(new MyIP { IP = line });
I have added this in response to the answer. I believe this is a variable issue as the variable is locally declared not publicly any ideas how to fix? i'm unable to find a way to get this working seems like i'm being dumb. thanks.

Your code "skips" the Parallel.ForEach because the local variable l is an empty list (you just created it with new List<MyIP>().
Your loadips() method only fills a list referenced only by (another) local variable l, which is out of scope when the using block is left.
There are several ways to solve that. If both methods are in the same class, you could declare a member variable in that class of type List<MyIP> and fill that list in your loadips().
My suggestion would be to change loadips() so that it returns the list of read ip addresses and call this from CheckProxy():
private static List<MyIP> loadips() // changed return type to List<MyIP>
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader("ips.txt"))
var l = new List<MyIP>();
string line = null;
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
l.Add(new MyIP { IP = line });
return l; // return the list!
and the CheckProxy:
private static void CheckProxy(object state)
var u = user[0];
var p = pass[0];
var l = loadips(); // load IPs here
Parallel.ForEach(l.ToArray(), (ip_item) =>


How to have an AWS Lambda/Rekognition Function return an array of object keys

This feels like a simple question and I feel like I am overthinking it. I am doing an AWS project that will compare face(s) on an image to a database (s3bucket) of other faces. So far, I have a lambda function for the comparefacerequest, a class library which invokes the function, and an UWP that inputs the image file and outputs a result. It has worked so far being based on boolean (true or false) functions, but now I want it to instead return what face(s) are recognized via an array. I struggling at implementing this.
Below is my lambda function. I have adjusted the task to be an Array instead of a bool and changed the return to be an array. At the bottom, I have created a global variable class with a testing array so I could attempt to reference the array elsewhere.
public class Function
public async Task<Array> FunctionHandler(string input, ILambdaContext context)
//number of matched faces
int matched = 0;
//Client setup
var rekognitionclient = new AmazonRekognitionClient();
var s3client = new AmazonS3Client();
//Create list of target images
ListObjectsRequest list = new ListObjectsRequest
BucketName = "bucket2"
ListObjectsResponse listre = await s3client.ListObjectsAsync(list);
//loop of list
foreach (Amazon.S3.Model.S3Object obj in listre.S3Objects)
//face request with input and obj.key images
var comparefacesrequest = new CompareFacesRequest
SourceImage = new Image
S3Object = new S3Objects
Bucket = "bucket1",
Name = input
TargetImage = new Image
S3Object = new S3Objects
Bucket = "bucket2",
Name = obj.Key
//compare with confidence of 95 (subject to change) to current target image
var detectresponse = await rekognitionclient.CompareFacesAsync(comparefacesrequest);
detectresponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(match =>
ComparedFace face = match.Face;
if (match.Similarity > 95)
//if face detected, raise matched
for(int i = 0; i < Globaltest.testingarray.Length; i++)
if (Globaltest.testingarray[i] == "test")
Globaltest.testingarray[i] = obj.Key;
//Return true or false depending on if it is matched
if (matched > 0)
return Globaltest.testingarray;
return Globaltest.testingarray;
public static class Globaltest
public static string[] testingarray = { "test", "test", "test" };
Next, is my invoke request in my class library. It has so far been based on the lambda outputting a boolean result, but I thought, "hey, it is parsing the result, it should be fine, right"? I do convert the result to a string, as there is no GetArray, from what I know.
public async Task<bool> IsFace(string filePath, string fileName)
await UploadS3(filePath, fileName);
AmazonLambdaClient client = new AmazonLambdaClient(accessKey, secretKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
InvokeRequest ir = new InvokeRequest();
ir.InvocationType = InvocationType.RequestResponse;
ir.FunctionName = "ImageTesting";
ir.Payload = "\"" + fileName + "\"";
var result = await client.InvokeAsync(ir);
var strResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result.Payload.ToArray());
if (bool.TryParse(strResponse, out bool result2))
return result2;
return false;
Finally, here is the section of my UWP where I perform the function. I am referencing the lambda client via "using Lambdaclienttest" (name of lamda project, and this is its only instance I use the reference though). When I run my project, I do still get a face detected when it should, but the Globaltest.testingarray[0] is still equal to "test".
var Facedetector = new FaceDetector(Credentials.accesskey, Credentials.secretkey);
var result = await Facedetector.IsFace(filepath, filename);
if (result)
textBox1.Text = "There is a face detected";
textBox2.Text = Globaltest.testingarray[0];
textBox1.Text = "Try Again";
textBox1.Text = "Please use a photo";
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Npgsql locks thread indefinitely in async environment

I'm struggling to find an answer to a problem I've been experiencing with C#'s popular Postgres library, Npgsql. I'm not sure if it's wholly a problem with Npgsql or not, though I suspect it is because my code is very straight forward. The issue I'm seeing is: when I call an async method on Npgsql sometimes, not all the time, the thread becomes locked. This issue occurs randomly from what I can tell. The result, being that I'm running in a Microsoft Orleans environment (which may be relevant to finding the solution), is that the thread locks indefinitely, thus making one of Orleans' worker threads unable to process work. As I make more Npgsql calls, these locked threads stack up and eventually the Orleans system is choked by thread exhaustion.
So I'm really at a loss for what the problem could be, but because the locking always happens in the same method, and because it appears to be happening in some subroutine of Npgsql, I think it's fair to investigate Npgsql further.
Here's my code which is used in an Orleans storage provider (special class which handles the system's persistence layer.)
var sql = $"SELECT * FROM objects WHERE id = #id";
using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, connection))
await connection.OpenAsync();
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", id);
using(var reader = await connection.ExecuteReaderAsync(cmd))
if (reader.HasRows)
var objects = await ProtobufSQL.DataReaderToType(modelType, reader);
var data = objects[0];
state.Data = data;
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error(1, e.Message, e);
This is the source for the ProtobufSQL class:
public class ProtobufSQL
public static List<Tuple<string, object>> FlattenToSQLColumns(IMessage message, MessageDescriptor descriptor, string prefix = null)
var fields = descriptor.Fields.InDeclarationOrder();
var columns = new List<Tuple<string, object>>();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
var field = fields[i];
var columnName = field.Name.ToLower();
if (field.Name == "id")
ByteString bytes = (ByteString)field.Accessor.GetValue(message);
var uuid = new Guid(bytes.ToByteArray());
columns.Add(new Tuple<string, object>("id", uuid));
else if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Message)
var embeddedDescriptor = field.MessageType;
var embeddedMessage = field.Accessor.GetValue(message);
if (field.IsRepeated)
throw new Exception("Repeated complex types are not supported, create a foreign key reference in a new object instead.");
columns.AddRange(FlattenToSQLColumns((IMessage)embeddedMessage, embeddedDescriptor, $"{columnName}."));
else if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Group)
throw new Exception("Groups are not supported by ProtobufSQL.");
var columnValue = field.Accessor.GetValue(message);
var key = prefix + columnName;
if (field.IsRepeated)
var enumerableColumnValue = columnValue as IEnumerable;
Type listTypeOf = enumerableColumnValue.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
Type listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(listTypeOf);
dynamic valueList = Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
foreach (var item in enumerableColumnValue)
columns.Add(new Tuple<string, object>(key, valueList.ToArray()));
columns.Add(new Tuple<string, object>(key, columnValue));
return columns;
public static async Task<IMessage[]> DataReaderToType(Type type, DbDataReader reader)
var descriptor = (MessageDescriptor)type.GetProperty("Descriptor").GetValue(null);
IList<IMessage> objects = new List<IMessage>();
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
TraverseDbRow(reader, descriptor, obj);
return objects.ToArray();
private static void TraverseDbRow(DbDataReader reader, MessageDescriptor descriptor, object obj, string prefix = null)
var fields = descriptor.Fields.InFieldNumberOrder();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
var field = fields[i];
if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Message)
if (field.IsRepeated)
// Repeated embedded types will be broken out into a separate table,
// so there's no need to handle them here.
else if (field.IsMap)
throw new Exception("Maps are not yet supported by ProtobufSQL.");
var embeddedDescriptor = field.MessageType;
var embeddedObj = Activator.CreateInstance(embeddedDescriptor.ClrType);
TraverseDbRow(reader, embeddedDescriptor, embeddedObj, $"{prefix}{field.Name}.");
else if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Group)
throw new Exception("Groups are not supported by ProtobufSQL.");
var columnName = prefix + field.Name;
var columnValue = reader[columnName];
var propertyInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty(field.Name, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (field.Name == "id")
var guid = (Guid)columnValue;
ByteString bytes = ByteString.CopyFrom(guid.ToByteArray());
propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, bytes);
else if (field.IsRepeated)
var repeated = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj);
var addRange = repeated.GetType().GetMethod("AddRange");
addRange.Invoke(repeated, new object[] { columnValue });
else if (field.IsMap)
throw new Exception("Maps are not yet supported by ProtobufSQL.");
propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, Convert.ChangeType(columnValue, propertyInfo.PropertyType));
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)
// columnName was not present in the response
I also have this screenshot of the thread's stack when it got locked:
I'm really unsure what to make of all this. Hopefully someone is out there with a bit of knowledge that can help me proceed! Thanks.

Epicor 10.1.5 SessionModSvcContractClient logout

Has anybody ever had an issue where the SessionModSvcContractClient Logout function throws an Exception: Additional information:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
When I tried LogoutAsync and Close methods they worked fine.
Can anybody help me figure out why that's happening or the difference between the 3.
I'm basically trying to use create the test from the WCF guide
static void Main(string[] args)
//use a self-signed certificate in IIS, be sure to include the following code. This code speeds up calls to the services and prevents the method from trying to validate the certificate with the known authorities.
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => { return true; };
//You can toggle the value assigned to this variable to test the two bindings: SOAPHttp or BasicHttp
EndpointBindingType bindingType = EndpointBindingType.SOAPHttp;
//Epicor credentials:
string epicorUserID = "XXX";
string epiorUserPassword = "XXX";
string scheme = "http";
if (bindingType == EndpointBindingType.BasicHttp)
scheme = "https";
UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(scheme, "localhost");
string webServicesLink = "XXX/";
builder.Path = webServicesLink + "Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc";
SessionModSvcContractClient sessionModClient = GetClient < SessionModSvcContractClient, SessionModSvcContract > (builder.Uri.ToString(), epicorUserID, epiorUserPassword, bindingType);
builder.Path = webServicesLink + "Erp/BO/AbcCode.svc";
ABCCodeSvcContractClient abcCodeClient = GetClient<ABCCodeSvcContractClient, ABCCodeSvcContract>(builder.Uri.ToString(), epicorUserID, epiorUserPassword, bindingType);
Guid sessionId = Guid.Empty;
sessionId = sessionModClient.Login();
//Create a new instance of the SessionModSvc. Do this because when you call any method on the service
//client class, you cannot modify its Endpointbehaviors.
builder.Path = webServicesLink + "Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc";
sessionModClient = GetClient < SessionModSvcContractClient, SessionModSvcContract > (builder.Uri.ToString(),epicorUserID,epiorUserPassword,bindingType);
sessionModClient.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new HookServiceBehavior(sessionId, epicorUserID));
abcCodeClient.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new HookServiceBehavior(sessionId, epicorUserID));
var ts = new ABCCodeTableset();
abcCodeClient.GetNewABCCode(ref ts);
var newRow = ts.ABCCode.Where(n => n.RowMod.Equals("A", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();
if (newRow != null)
newRow.ABCCode = "G";
newRow.CountFreq = 30;
newRow.StockValPcnt = 100;
abcCodeClient.Update(ref ts);
ts = null;
ts = abcCodeClient.GetByID("G");
if (ts != null && ts.ABCCode.Any())
ABCCodeRow backupRow = new ABCCodeRow();
var fields = backupRow.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.PropertyType == typeof(System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject))
var fieldValue = field.GetValue(ts.ABCCode[0]);
field.SetValue(backupRow, fieldValue);
ts.ABCCode[0].CountFreq = 45;
ts.ABCCode[0].RowMod = "U";
abcCodeClient.Update(ref ts);
ts = null;
ts = abcCodeClient.GetByID("G");
if (ts != null && ts.ABCCode.Any())
Console.WriteLine("CountFreq = {0}", ts.ABCCode[0].CountFreq);
ts.ABCCode[0].RowMod = "D";
abcCodeClient.Update(ref ts);
ts = abcCodeClient.GetByID("G");
catch (FaultException<Epicor.AbcCodeSvc.EpicorFaultDetail> ex)
if (ex.Detail.ExceptionKindValue.Equals("RecordNotFound", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
Console.WriteLine("Record deleted.");
if (sessionId != Guid.Empty)
Your code worked fine for me after I changed the config to suit my environment.
It looks like you followed the step 7 on page 15 of the Epicor10_techrefWCFServices_101400.pdf guide and correctly created a new instance of the SessionModSvc after Login(). However, if you copied the full code for the Main method from page 18 then this is missing and I can replicate your issue.
Check the code that you are compiling has created a new instance of the SessionModSvc after the call to .Login().
See my other answer, but as an alternative you may want to consider this method of accessing the services.
If you have access to the client DLLs then this code might be easier:
static void Main(string[] args)
// Hard-coded LogOn method
// Reference: Ice.Core.Session.dll
Ice.Core.Session session = new Ice.Core.Session("manager", "manager", "net.tcp://AppServer/MyCustomerAppserver-99999-10.0.700.2");
// References: Epicor.ServiceModel.dll, Erp.Contracts.BO.ABCCode.dll
var abcCodeBO = Ice.Lib.Framework.WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl<Erp.Proxy.BO.ABCCodeImpl>(session, Erp.Proxy.BO.ABCCodeImpl.UriPath);
// Call the BO methods
var ds = abcCodeBO.GetByID("A");
var row = ds.ABCCode[0];
System.Console.WriteLine("CountFreq is {0}", row.CountFreq);
Just add references to:

C# threading parallel issue

Help is very welcome and extremely appreciated, thank you. What this program is, is a ProxyChecker, because i've bought a bunch and will continue to do so of proxies with different user/passes etc, however some have expired. I added a break point and what it's doing is actually skipping the ProxyClient code and going straight to for each var item in 1, if item accepts connection etc, it then just returns false and finishes.
private static void CheckProxy(object state)
var u = user[0];
var p = pass[0];
var l = new List<MyIP>();
Parallel.ForEach(l.ToArray(), (ip_item) =>
string ip = ip_item.IP;
using (var client = new ProxyClient(ip, u, p))
Console.WriteLine(ip, user, pass);
ip_item.AcceptsConnection = client.IsConnected;
foreach (var item in l)
if (item.AcceptsConnection == true)
WriteToFile(user[0], pass[0]);
Console.WriteLine(item.IP + " is " + (item.AcceptsConnection) + " accepts connections" + " doesn not accept connections");
Load ips function:#
private static void loadips()
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader("ips.txt"))
var l = new List<MyIP>();
string line = null;
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
l.Add(new MyIP { IP = line });
I have added this in response to the answer. I believe this is a variable issue as the variable is locally declared not publicly any ideas how to fix? i'm unable to find a way to get this working seems like i'm being dumb. thanks.
The problem is in these two lines:
var l = new List<MyIP>();
Parallel.ForEach(l.ToArray(), (ip_item) =>
You just created l as a new List with no items in it. Calling ToArray() will give you an empty array. When Parallel.ForEach sees an empty array, it just gets skipped since there's nothing to iterate over.

SqlWorkflowInstanceStore WaitForEvents returns HasRunnableWorkflowEvent but LoadRunnableInstance fails

Please help me with restoring delayed (and persisted) workflows.
I'm trying to check on self-hosted workflow store is there any instance that was delayed and can be resumed. For testing purposes I've created dummy activity that is delayed and it persists on delay.
generally resume process looks like:
get WF definition
configure sql instance store
call WaitForEvents
is there event with HasRunnableWorkflowEvent.Value name and if it is
create WorkflowApplication object and execute LoadRunnableInstance method
it works fine if store is created|initialized, WaitForEvents is called, store is closed. In such case store reads all available workflows from persisted DB and throws timeout exception if there is no workflows available to resume.
The problem happens if store is created and loop is started only for WaitForEvents (the same thing happens with BeginWaitForEvents). In such case it reads all available workflows from DB (with proper IDs) but then instead of timeout exception it is going to read one more instance (I know exactly how many workflows is there ready to be resumed because using separate test database). But fails to read and throws InstanceNotReadyException. In catch I'm checking workflowApplication.Id, but it was not saved with my test before.
I've tried to run on new (empty) persistent database and result is the same :(
This code fails:
using (var storeWrapper = new StoreWrapper(wf, connStr))
for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++)
var id = Resume(storeWrapper); // InstanceNotReadyException here when all activities is resumed
But this one works as expected:
for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++)
using (var storeWrapper = new StoreWrapper(wf, connStr))
var id = Resume(storeWrapper); // timeout exception here or beginWaitForEvents continues to wait
What is a best solution in such case? Add empty catch for InstanceNotReadyException and ignore it?
Here are my tests
const int delayTime = 15;
string connStr = "Server=db;Database=AppFabricDb_Test;Integrated Security=True;";
public void PersistOneOnIdleAndResume()
var wf = GetDelayActivity();
using (var storeWrapper = new StoreWrapper(wf, connStr))
var id = CreateAndRun(storeWrapper);
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("done {0}", id));
using (var storeWrapper = new StoreWrapper(wf, connStr))
for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++)
var id = Resume(storeWrapper);
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("resumed {0}", id));
Activity GetDelayActivity(string addName = "")
var name = new Variable<string>(string.Format("incr{0}", addName));
Activity wf = new Sequence
DisplayName = "testDelayActivity",
Variables = { name, new Variable<string>("CustomDataContext") },
Activities =
new WriteLine
Text = string.Format("before delay {0}", delayTime)
new Delay
Duration = new InArgument<TimeSpan>(new TimeSpan(0, 0, delayTime))
new WriteLine
Text = "after delay"
return wf;
Guid CreateAndRun(StoreWrapper sw)
var idleEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
var wfApp = sw.GetApplication();
wfApp.Idle = e => idleEvent.Set();
wfApp.Aborted = e => idleEvent.Set();
wfApp.Completed = e => idleEvent.Set();
idleEvent.WaitOne(40 * 1000);
var res = wfApp.Id;
return res;
Guid Resume(StoreWrapper sw)
var res = Guid.Empty;
var events = sw.GetStore().WaitForEvents(sw.Handle, new TimeSpan(0, 0, delayTime));
if (events.Any(e => e.Equals(HasRunnableWorkflowEvent.Value)))
var idleEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
var obj = sw.GetApplication();
obj.LoadRunnableInstance(); //instancenotready here if the same store has read all instances from DB and no delayed left
obj.Idle = e => idleEvent.Set();
obj.Completed = e => idleEvent.Set();
idleEvent.WaitOne(40 * 1000);
res = obj.Id;
catch (InstanceNotReadyException)
Trace.TraceError("failed to resume {0} {1} {2}", obj.Id
, obj.DefinitionIdentity == null ? null : obj.DefinitionIdentity.Name
, obj.DefinitionIdentity == null ? null : obj.DefinitionIdentity.Version);
foreach (var e in events)
Trace.TraceWarning("event {0}", e.Name);
return res;
Here is store wrapper definition I'm using for test:
public class StoreWrapper : IDisposable
Activity WfDefinition { get; set; }
public static readonly XName WorkflowHostTypePropertyName = XNamespace.Get("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:System.Activities/4.0/properties").GetName("WorkflowHostType");
public StoreWrapper(Activity wfDefinition, string connectionStr)
_store = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connectionStr);
HostTypeName = XName.Get(wfDefinition.DisplayName, "ttt.workflow");
WfDefinition = wfDefinition;
SqlWorkflowInstanceStore _store;
public SqlWorkflowInstanceStore GetStore()
if (Handle == null)
InitStore(_store, WfDefinition);
Handle = _store.CreateInstanceHandle();
var view = _store.Execute(Handle, new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand
InstanceOwnerMetadata = { { WorkflowHostTypePropertyName, new InstanceValue(HostTypeName) } }
}, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
_store.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
//Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} owns {1}", view.InstanceOwner.InstanceOwnerId, HostTypeName));
return _store;
protected virtual void InitStore(SqlWorkflowInstanceStore store, Activity wfDefinition)
public InstanceHandle Handle { get; protected set; }
XName HostTypeName { get; set; }
public void Dispose()
if (Handle != null)
var deleteOwner = new DeleteWorkflowOwnerCommand();
//Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} frees {1}", Store.DefaultInstanceOwner.InstanceOwnerId, HostTypeName));
_store.Execute(Handle, deleteOwner, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
Handle = null;
_store = null;
public WorkflowApplication GetApplication()
var wfApp = new WorkflowApplication(WfDefinition);
wfApp.InstanceStore = GetStore();
wfApp.PersistableIdle = e => PersistableIdleAction.Persist;
Dictionary<XName, object> wfScope = new Dictionary<XName, object> { { WorkflowHostTypePropertyName, HostTypeName } };
return wfApp;
I'm not workflow foundation expert so my answer is based on the official examples from Microsoft. The first one is WF4 host resumes delayed workflow (CSWF4LongRunningHost) and the second is Microsoft.Samples.AbsoluteDelay. In both samples you will find a code similar to yours i.e.:
catch (InstanceNotReadyException)
//Some logging
Taking this into account the answer is that you are right and the empty catch for InstanceNotReadyException is a good solution.
