Get a list of active session from RedisSessionStateProvider - c#

In my Azure ASP.NET MVC website I want to display how many clients are connected to a Redis sessions state provider and how long they are active. I use the aspnet-redis-providers lib on the Azure Github.
In Redis, it creates a {[app_name]_[sessionkey}_Internal key with a SessionTimeout key with the value of the configured session timeout. The EXPIRE for that key is set to that time and when you check to TTL for the key you see the session access.
How can I use the session state provider library to access this information? If that is not possible, is there any other library I can use to query this info safely, without interfering with the session state provider?

Here is what I was able to do. I created my own session object collection and grabbed all keys (which I am putting in DB 1) then I loop through all keys and grab the TTL.
using StackExchange.Redis;
using StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Newtonsoft;
using StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Core;
using System.Linq;
private static Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> conn = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(
() => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedisServerMaster"]
+ "," + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedisServerSlave"]
+ "," + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedisOptions"])
public class SessionObjects
public string SessionId { get; set; }
public TimeSpan? TTL { get; set; }
List<SessionObjects> lso = new List<SessionObjects>();
var serializer = new NewtonsoftSerializer();
StackExchangeRedisCacheClient cacheClient;
cacheClient = new StackExchangeRedisCacheClient(rConn, serializer, 1);
IEnumerable<string> keys = cacheClient.SearchKeys("*");
var db = rConn.GetDatabase(1);
foreach (var s in keys)
SessionObjects so = new SessionObjects();
so.SessionId = s;
so.TTL = db.KeyTimeToLive(s);


C# Save Data To Database and Exit Program

Hey Guys i have a script written in c# that generates some encryption keys that i want to save into my database my code looks like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.ContentKeyAuthorization;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.DynamicEncryption;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.Widevine;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DeliverDRMLicenses
class Program
// Read values from the App.config file.
private static readonly string _mediaServicesAccountName =
private static readonly string _mediaServicesAccountKey =
private static readonly Uri _sampleIssuer =
new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Issuer"]);
private static readonly Uri _sampleAudience =
new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Audience"]);
// Field for service context.
private static CloudMediaContext _context = null;
private static MediaServicesCredentials _cachedCredentials = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create and cache the Media Services credentials in a static class variable.
_cachedCredentials = new MediaServicesCredentials(
// Used the cached credentials to create CloudMediaContext.
_context = new CloudMediaContext(_cachedCredentials);
bool tokenRestriction = true;
string tokenTemplateString = null;
string drm_key_id = null;
IContentKey key = CreateCommonTypeContentKey();
// Print out the key ID and Key in base64 string format
drm_key_id = key.Id;
Console.WriteLine(" key:{0}",
key.Id, System.Convert.ToBase64String(key.GetClearKeyValue()));
Console.WriteLine(" key value:{1} ",
key.Id, System.Convert.ToBase64String(key.GetClearKeyValue()));
sbasedrmdataDataSetTableAdapters.sbase_drm_keysTableAdapter sbasedrmTableAdapter =
new sbasedrmdataDataSetTableAdapters.sbase_drm_keysTableAdapter();
Console.WriteLine("Protection key: {0} ",
key.ProtectionKeyId, System.Convert.ToBase64String(key.GetClearKeyValue()));
Console.WriteLine("PlayReady URL: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Widevin URL: {0}",
if (tokenRestriction)
tokenTemplateString = AddTokenRestrictedAuthorizationPolicy(key);
Console.WriteLine("Auth policy: {0}",
static public void AddOpenAuthorizationPolicy(IContentKey contentKey)
// Create ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicy with Open restrictions
// and create authorization policy
List<ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction> restrictions =
new List<ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction>
new ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction
Name = "Open",
KeyRestrictionType = (int)ContentKeyRestrictionType.Open,
Requirements = null
// Configure PlayReady and Widevine license templates.
string PlayReadyLicenseTemplate = ConfigurePlayReadyLicenseTemplate();
string WidevineLicenseTemplate = ConfigureWidevineLicenseTemplate();
IContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOption PlayReadyPolicy =
restrictions, PlayReadyLicenseTemplate);
IContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOption WidevinePolicy =
restrictions, WidevineLicenseTemplate);
IContentKeyAuthorizationPolicy contentKeyAuthorizationPolicy = _context.
CreateAsync("Deliver Common Content Key with no restrictions").
// Associate the content key authorization policy with the content key.
contentKey.AuthorizationPolicyId = contentKeyAuthorizationPolicy.Id;
contentKey = contentKey.UpdateAsync().Result;
public static string AddTokenRestrictedAuthorizationPolicy(IContentKey contentKey)
string tokenTemplateString = GenerateTokenRequirements();
List<ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction> restrictions =
new List<ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction>
new ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction
Name = "Token Authorization Policy",
KeyRestrictionType = (int)ContentKeyRestrictionType.TokenRestricted,
Requirements = tokenTemplateString,
// Configure PlayReady and Widevine license templates.
string PlayReadyLicenseTemplate = ConfigurePlayReadyLicenseTemplate();
string WidevineLicenseTemplate = ConfigureWidevineLicenseTemplate();
IContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOption PlayReadyPolicy =
_context.ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOptions.Create("Token option",
restrictions, PlayReadyLicenseTemplate);
IContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOption WidevinePolicy =
_context.ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOptions.Create("Token option",
restrictions, WidevineLicenseTemplate);
IContentKeyAuthorizationPolicy contentKeyAuthorizationPolicy = _context.
CreateAsync("Deliver Common Content Key with token restrictions").
// Associate the content key authorization policy with the content key
contentKey.AuthorizationPolicyId = contentKeyAuthorizationPolicy.Id;
contentKey = contentKey.UpdateAsync().Result;
return tokenTemplateString;
static private string GenerateTokenRequirements()
TokenRestrictionTemplate template = new TokenRestrictionTemplate(TokenType.SWT);
template.PrimaryVerificationKey = new SymmetricVerificationKey();
template.AlternateVerificationKeys.Add(new SymmetricVerificationKey());
template.Audience = _sampleAudience.ToString();
template.Issuer = _sampleIssuer.ToString();
return TokenRestrictionTemplateSerializer.Serialize(template);
static private string ConfigurePlayReadyLicenseTemplate()
// The following code configures PlayReady License Template using .NET classes
// and returns the XML string.
//The PlayReadyLicenseResponseTemplate class represents the template
//for the response sent back to the end user.
//It contains a field for a custom data string between the license server
//and the application (may be useful for custom app logic)
//as well as a list of one or more license templates.
PlayReadyLicenseResponseTemplate responseTemplate =
new PlayReadyLicenseResponseTemplate();
// The PlayReadyLicenseTemplate class represents a license template
// for creating PlayReady licenses
// to be returned to the end users.
// It contains the data on the content key in the license
// and any rights or restrictions to be
// enforced by the PlayReady DRM runtime when using the content key.
PlayReadyLicenseTemplate licenseTemplate = new PlayReadyLicenseTemplate();
// Configure whether the license is persistent
// (saved in persistent storage on the client)
// or non-persistent (only held in memory while the player is using the license).
licenseTemplate.LicenseType = PlayReadyLicenseType.Nonpersistent;
// AllowTestDevices controls whether test devices can use the license or not.
// If true, the MinimumSecurityLevel property of the license
// is set to 150. If false (the default),
// the MinimumSecurityLevel property of the license is set to 2000.
licenseTemplate.AllowTestDevices = true;
// You can also configure the Play Right in the PlayReady license by using the PlayReadyPlayRight class.
// It grants the user the ability to playback the content subject to the zero or more restrictions
// configured in the license and on the PlayRight itself (for playback specific policy).
// Much of the policy on the PlayRight has to do with output restrictions
// which control the types of outputs that the content can be played over and
// any restrictions that must be put in place when using a given output.
// For example, if the DigitalVideoOnlyContentRestriction is enabled,
//then the DRM runtime will only allow the video to be displayed over digital outputs
//(analog video outputs won’t be allowed to pass the content).
// IMPORTANT: These types of restrictions can be very powerful
// but can also affect the consumer experience.
// If the output protections are configured too restrictive,
// the content might be unplayable on some clients.
// For more information, see the PlayReady Compliance Rules document.
// For example:
//licenseTemplate.PlayRight.AgcAndColorStripeRestriction = new AgcAndColorStripeRestriction(1);
return MediaServicesLicenseTemplateSerializer.Serialize(responseTemplate);
private static string ConfigureWidevineLicenseTemplate()
var template = new WidevineMessage
allowed_track_types = AllowedTrackTypes.SD_HD,
content_key_specs = new[]
new ContentKeySpecs
required_output_protection =
new RequiredOutputProtection { hdcp = Hdcp.HDCP_NONE},
security_level = 1,
track_type = "SD"
policy_overrides = new
can_play = true,
can_persist = true,
can_renew = false
string configuration = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(template);
return configuration;
static public IContentKey CreateCommonTypeContentKey()
// Create envelope encryption content key
Guid keyId = Guid.NewGuid();
byte[] contentKey = GetRandomBuffer(16);
IContentKey key = _context.ContentKeys.Create(
return key;
static private byte[] GetRandomBuffer(int length)
var returnValue = new byte[length];
using (var rng =
new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
return returnValue;
So the issue im having is when i try to run the program i get an error at this line
and the error i receive is:
Error CS7036 There is no argument given that corresponds to the
required formal parameter 'drm_key' of
'sbase_drm_keysTableAdapter.Insert(string, string, string, string)'
How can i solve this error
It looks like you are trying to call a method that requires 4 strings as parameters with just one parameter. Try supplying the correct parameters to the method.
Your problem looks quite similar to: OOP inheritance and default constructor

How to add a sql database to an elastic pool programmatically?

I have the following console application which creates a ShardManagerDB and creates one database for each company on the main database.
I can see on azure the databases created on the server however they are not on the elastic pool.
1. Is this doable with the current API?
2. If not, what are other recommended approaches?
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using mynm.Data;
using System.Linq;
using mynm.Models.GlobalAdmin;
namespace mynm.DbManagementTool
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//This will create the Shard Management DB if it doesnt exist
private static void SetupSSM()
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connStrBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
UserID = SettingsHelper.AzureUsernamedb,
Password = SettingsHelper.AzurePasswordDb,
ApplicationName = SettingsHelper.AzureApplicationName,
DataSource = SettingsHelper.AzureSqlServer
DbUtils.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists(connStrBldr.ConnectionString, SettingsHelper.Azureshardmapmgrdb);
Sharding sharding = new Sharding(SettingsHelper.AzureSqlServer, SettingsHelper.Azureshardmapmgrdb, connStrBldr.ConnectionString);
private static void CreateShardPerCompany(Sharding sharding)
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connStrBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
UserID = SettingsHelper.AzureUsernamedb,
Password = SettingsHelper.AzurePasswordDb,
ApplicationName = SettingsHelper.AzureApplicationName,
DataSource = SettingsHelper.AzureSqlServer
UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
ConfigurationDBDataContext context = new ConfigurationDBDataContext();
context.Empresas.Add(new Empresa()
Id = 1,
Nombre = "company name 1",
NIT = "873278423",
NombreRepresentanteLegal = "myself",
TelefonoRepresentanteLegal = "32894823",
NombreContacto = "myself",
TelefonoContacto = "32423"
var listofEmpresas = unitOfWork.EmpresaRepository.Get().ToList();
foreach(Empresa empresa in listofEmpresas)
DbUtils.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists(connStrBldr.ConnectionString, empresa.NIT);
sharding.RegisterNewShard(SettingsHelper.AzureSqlServer, empresa.NIT, connStrBldr.ConnectionString, empresa.Id);
the sharding.css
internal class Sharding
public ShardMapManager ShardMapManager { get; private set; }
public ListShardMap<int> ShardMap { get; private set; }
// Bootstrap Elastic Scale by creating a new shard map manager and a shard map on
// the shard map manager database if necessary.
public Sharding(string smmserver, string smmdatabase, string smmconnstr)
// Connection string with administrative credentials for the root database
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connStrBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(smmconnstr);
connStrBldr.DataSource = smmserver;
connStrBldr.InitialCatalog = smmdatabase;
// Deploy shard map manager.
ShardMapManager smm;
if (!ShardMapManagerFactory.TryGetSqlShardMapManager(connStrBldr.ConnectionString, ShardMapManagerLoadPolicy.Lazy, out smm))
this.ShardMapManager = ShardMapManagerFactory.CreateSqlShardMapManager(connStrBldr.ConnectionString);
this.ShardMapManager = smm;
ListShardMap<int> sm;
if (!ShardMapManager.TryGetListShardMap<int>("ElasticScaleWithEF", out sm))
this.ShardMap = ShardMapManager.CreateListShardMap<int>("ElasticScaleWithEF");
this.ShardMap = sm;
// Enter a new shard - i.e. an empty database - to the shard map, allocate a first tenant to it
// and kick off EF intialization of the database to deploy schema
// public void RegisterNewShard(string server, string database, string user, string pwd, string appname, int key)
public void RegisterNewShard(string server, string database, string connstr, int key)
Shard shard;
ShardLocation shardLocation = new ShardLocation(server, database);
if (!this.ShardMap.TryGetShard(shardLocation, out shard))
shard = this.ShardMap.CreateShard(shardLocation);
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connStrBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connstr);
connStrBldr.DataSource = server;
connStrBldr.InitialCatalog = database;
// Go into a DbContext to trigger migrations and schema deployment for the new shard.
// This requires an un-opened connection.
using (var db = new ElasticScaleContext<int>(connStrBldr.ConnectionString))
// Run a query to engage EF migrations
(from b in db.Terceros
select b).Count();
// Register the mapping of the tenant to the shard in the shard map.
// After this step, DDR on the shard map can be used
PointMapping<int> mapping;
if (!this.ShardMap.TryGetMappingForKey(key, out mapping))
this.ShardMap.CreatePointMapping(key, shard);
In the code implementing database creation: DbUtils.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists() -- you are probably using a T-SQL CREATE DATABASE command to Create an Azure database on a logical server. Currently CREATE DATABASE doesn't support specifying the Pool -- however an update to Azure DB is expected within the next month that will extend the functionality of CREATE DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE to specify the Pool name as well.
In the meantime, you can make a REST API call from the CreateDatabaseIfNotExists() routine to add the database to the pool once it is created, using the Update SQL Database command:
However, making a rest call from inside your c# can be complex, and is discussed here: . It may be simpler to wait for the upcoming support in the CREATE DATABASE command, which would require a very small modification within your CreateDatabaseIfNotExists() routine.

Saving log to Azure Storage using Log4net from MVC

I have a MVC application which is a public site. I am using Log4net to store user's activity in Azure Storage.
I am storing contextual data in threadcontext and use this when message are logged into azure storage.
But for some reason it is taking the wrong values i.e some random values. I doubt that i am doing something wrong using this threadcontext.
Please find below my code snippet.
In my Mvc controller i am using
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["CustomerID"] = username
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["CreatedBy"] = createdbyusername
In custom Appender i am using as
var keys = log4net.ThreadContext.Properties.GetKeys();
CustomerID = keys.Contains("CustomerID") ? log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["CustomerID"].ToString() : loggingEvent.Identity,
CreatedBy = keys.Contains("CreatedBy") ? log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["CreatedBy"].ToString() : loggingEvent.Identity,
Can anyone tell me how to achieve this so that it takes the right value for each request?
My appender code:
protected void LogAudit(AuditEventType eventType, object additionalObject, string customerId = "")
if (_logger != null)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customerId))
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["CustomerID"] =
AuthSSOProvider sso = new AuthSSOProvider();
var helpDeskUser = sso.GetCookie(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("cookieKey"));
if (helpDeskUser != null)
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["CreatedBy"] =
_logger.LogAudit(eventType, additionalObject);

Best way to store and access List of Objects in Controller

I am getting List of Users from other application using webservice. I am getting all the Info.
List<User> users = ws.SelectUsers();
I want to store this list of users in between controller actions so that I dont want to hit web service everytime for their roles and other Info.
What would be the best way to do this using C# and MVC
I w
You can use the MemoryCache to store things. The below example would store the users for an hour in cache. If you needed to store it on a per user basis you could change it slightly so that the cache key ("Users" in the below example) is generated using the users ID or something.
MemoryCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
string baseCacheKey = "Users";
public void DoSomethingWithUsers(int userId)
var cacheKey = baseCacheKey + userId.ToString();
if (!cache.Contains(cacheKey))
var users = cache.Get(cacheKey) as List<User>
// You can do something with the users here
public static RefreshUserCache(int userId)
var users = ws.SelectUsers();
var cacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy();
cacheItemPolicy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
var cacheKey = baseCacheKey + userId.ToString();
cache.Add(cacheKey, users , cacheItemPolicy);
Edit: I've included the option for a userId if you do want to do it per user caching limit? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
ASP.NET cache maximum size
I'm caching quite a lot of datatables using caching (the floowing code):
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(GlobalVars.Current.applicationID + "_" + cacheName, itemToCache, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(240));
However I think that the cache on the server is getting full and having to re-obtain the datatable data from the database. Is there any limit to the amount of data that can be cached on the server or any IIS settings that can be tweaked?
There is a way to upgrade the limit but I would strongly recommend that you use other kind of Caching System (more about this below).
.NET Cache
To know more about the .NET Caching limitation, please read this great answer from a Microsoft .NET Team member.
If you want to see the current limits of .NET Cache, you can try:
var r = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (var pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used", true))
pc.InstanceName = "__Total__";
r.Add("Total_MachineMemoryUsed", String.Concat(pc.NextValue().ToString("N1"), "%"));
using (var pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used", true))
pc.InstanceName = "__Total__";
r.Add("Total_ProcessMemoryUsed", String.Concat(pc.NextValue().ToString("N1"), "%"));
using (var pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache API Entries", true))
pc.InstanceName = "__Total__";
r.Add("Total_Entries", pc.NextValue().ToString("N0"));
using (var pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache API Misses", true))
pc.InstanceName = "__Total__";
r.Add("Total_Misses", pc.NextValue().ToString("N0"));
using (var pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache API Hit Ratio", true))
pc.InstanceName = "__Total__";
r.Add("Total_HitRatio", String.Concat(pc.NextValue().ToString("N1"), "%"));
using (var pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache API Trims", true))
pc.InstanceName = "__Total__";
r.Add("Total_Trims", pc.NextValue().ToString());
I'm currently using Memcached, and if you're hosting your site somewhere, you can use a paid service like:
Or, if you're using your own server, you can download Couchbase Community Edition and hosted our own.
You will find more questions here about the use of MemCache, such as:
Which .NET Memcached client do you use, EnyimMemcached vs. BeITMemcached?
how to start with memcached
Make room for any Cache system
To use other cache system without changing your code, you could adopt to create an interface, like
public interface ICacheService
T Get<T>(string cacheID, Func<T> getItemCallback) where T : class;
void Clear();
then is you're using .NET Cache, your implementation would be something like
public class InMemoryCache : ICacheService
private int minutes = 15;
public T Get<T>(string cacheID, Func<T> getItemCallback) where T : class
T item = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(cacheID) as T;
if (item == null)
item = getItemCallback();
return item;
public void Clear()
IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = HttpRuntime.Cache.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
and you would use it as:
string cacheId = string.Concat("myinfo-", customer_id);
MyInfo model = cacheProvider.Get<MyInfo>(cacheId, () =>
MyInfo info = db.GetMyStuff(customer_id);
return info;
if you're using Memcached, all you need to do is create a new class that implement ICacheService and select the class you want, either by using IoC or direct call as:
private ICacheService cacheProvider;
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
if (cacheProvider == null) cacheProvider = new InMemoryCache();
The cache uses the memory allocation for the worker process. By default the worker process is allowed to get 60 percent of the machine memory in order to do its work .
As per the link, this can be changed to allow more of the machine memory to be used by the worker process by editing the machine.config file. Presumably you have the cache built to already update when it detects that data is out of date, so this should allow you to put more objects into cache.
When inserting an item into the cache add an CacheItemRemovedCallback method.
In the callback log the reason why the item was removed. This way you see if it memory pressure or something else.
public static void OnRemove(string key,
object cacheItem,
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemRemovedReason reason)
AppendLog("The cached value with key '" + key +
"' was removed from the cache. Reason: " +
