I have an Atlassian Bamboo plan referring to my C# project. The tasks configured are as follows:
a) MSBuild task to build my C# solution file.
b) NUnit Runner and NUnit Parser tasks to run the Unit tests.
c) OpenCover task to execute the NUnit Unit tests and generate the metrics like Lines covered, Branch coverage etc.
d) SonarQube Runner task to generate the code coverage metrics on SonarQube project.
The metrics are successfully generated at step c) and results are written out to .xml file as output of OpenCover command. But after step d), SonarQube runner executes successfully and shows the results on Sonar project in terms of Number of unit tests, tests passed, tests skipped, tests failed. But the Code Coverage column shows as "-" blank.
Please note that my C# solution as multiple projects and I have the sonar-project.properties file at the root (Solution) level.
I use the following Sonar-project.properties file:
sonar.projectKey=<KeyName> (Key name of C# project in SonarQube)
sonar.projectName=<ProjectName> (Project name in SonarQube)
sonar.cs.nunit.reportsPaths=ABC.xml(Output of Nunit task)
sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPath=XYZ.xml(Output of OpenCover task)
Please guide me in this regard, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Very late answer but it might help someone in the future:
You misspelled reportsPaths in your line
I have a solution with mstest unit testcases and using Opencover for testcoverage.
TestCoverage results are coming fine in Sonarqube but it is not displaying the result from generated TestResult.trx file in Sonar. It only displays the unit test cases count but not testcases names, which one is pass and which one is fail.
I have followed the same steps mentioned in the link below:
TRX file is also generated correctly but no data in sonar.
Please let me know if this possible or any alternative.
Below are the command I am using:
>MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /k:rent /n:rent /v:1.0.0 /d:sonar.host.url= /d:sonar.exclusions=**/Files/**/* /d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths=E:\MSTest\rent\opencover.xml /d:sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths=E:\MSTest\rent\TestResults.trx
>MSBuild.exe /p:Configuration=debug /t:Publish /p:TargetProfile=Local E:\rent\rent.sln
>OpenCover.Console.exe -output:"E:\MSTest\rent\opencover.xml" -register:user -target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" -targetargs:"/testcontainer:E:\rent\rent.Tests\bin\debug\rent.Tests.dll /resultsfile:E:\MSTest\rent\TestResults.trx" -excludebyattribute:*.ExcludeFromCodeCoverage*
>MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end
I have an issue getting SonarQube to pickup the unittest results.
The setup is as following:
TFS2015 Update 3
New SonarQube Build Tasks (released a few days ago)
SonarQube 6.2
C# Plugin
From the verboose log it appears that the trx files are identified, but I can't find anything about those beeing processed, even with verbose logging.
2016-12-16T13:26:54.5935752Z 14:26:54.516 Looking for TRX files in: E:\TFS_Build\Agent01\Work\49\TestResults
2016-12-16T13:26:54.5945826Z 14:26:54.518 Located a test results file: E:\TFS_Build\Agent01\Work\49\TestResults\tap_sysadmin_TFS-BUILD1 2016-12-16 14_26_32.trx
The trx file does contain test results.
Any idea how to get this to work?
I have a web application using Angular 1.5 with bower/npm/gulp coded in Typescript to do our build. Our back end is a c# .net WebApi2. Both are built and deployed on TFS2015. My c# nUnit tests are easy to integrate as part of the build process. The Typescript jasmine unit tests however are more difficult to integrate. How do I get my Typescript jasmine unit tests to run as part of the TFS build and if they fail, fail the build? We have them running through a Jasmine Spec runner and also Karma but not integrated.
I have read the many posts on StackOverflow integrating Javascript unit tests and each avenue took me through an overly complex solution that didn't work. These include Powershell scripts, Chutzpah amoungst others.
Rather than try to recreate the Specrunner via Chutzpah on the build server, which I found difficult to configure and get working. The aim was to get karma to output the running tests in the 'trx' test format that TFS recognises and then publish them to the build. Please note I am using PhantomJs to run my tests through Karma but won't cover that here as it is well covered elsewhere.
1) install the karma-trx-reporter plugin via npm into your web project (or similar plugin)
2) Configure the Karma.config to include the trx reporter
reporters: ['dots', 'trx'],
trxReporter: { outputFile: 'test-results.trx' },
// notify karma of the available plugins
plugins: [
3) Create a Gulp (or grunt) task to run the karma tests if you don't already have one. Run the task locally and check it creates the 'test-results.trx' specified above. (It doesn't matter where the file is created on the build server):
gulp.task('test', function () {
return gulp.src(['tests/*.js']).pipe(karma({
configFile: __dirname + '/Testing/karma.config.js',
singleRun: true
4) Add a Gulp (or Grunt) TFS build task to run the karma tests created in the previous step and output the trx file.
5) Add a Gulp (or Grunt) TFS build task to Publish the test results and merge them into the build. Note that the "Test Result Files" path is a wild card **/*.trx to find any trx files in the build path (i.e. finds our previously created file). "Merge Test results" is checked to Merge both our Jasmine test run and our c# test run into the same session. "Continue on error" is unticked to ensure any jasmine test failures break the build.
You will notice two sets of tests that have been run and included as part of the build!
I'm re-using reports in my sonar config:
I've previously run Gallio and OpenCover and can confirm that both completed successfully and that Sonar is able to retrieve the files (I've checked the log produced by the -X flag thoroughly). When I view the project in the sonar dashboard, I see code coverage, but not test results:
Kindly ignore the low code coverage percentage, I'm running a small subset of tests while I figure this out.
I should see something that reflects the results I saw when I ran Gallio:
14 run, 13 passed, 1 failed (1 error), 0 inconclusive, 0 skipped
I'm happy to include the gallio-report.xml if that's helpful, but it's 103kb so clearly it contains plenty of data, and I think this is more likely to be a configuration issue.
I'm running OpenCover 4.0.1118 and Gallio 3.2.750 (tests are written with NUnit).
Any thoughts why I don't see any test results?
Chances are that you don't have the test sources in your .NET solution, so when SonarQube tries to import the test execution results, it can't find to which files they should be attached.
In the .NET sample solution, you can see that there is a test project (Example.Core.Tests) which contains the sources of the test classes.
We have a .NET C# solution with some first integrationtests, but no unit tests. How do I have to configure the sonar-project.properties to get test execution and code coverage to work?
When using:
sonar.opencover.installDirectory=C:/Program Files/OpenCover
sonar says:
14:42:55.813 INFO p.d.a.m.ModelFactory - The project 'foo.IntegrationTest' has been qualified as a test project.
14:42:55.844 INFO p.d.a.m.ModelFactory - The project 'bar.IntegrationTest' has been qualified as a test project.
Gallio won't execute as there are no test projects
When changing the test Patterns:
gallio executes the integration tests as "unit tests" and code coverage works. Any hints?
I'm using this for code coverage generation.
For example project is Test/Test.csproj
cd ./Test
nuget install Microsoft.CodeCoverage -OutputDirectory ./packages
in ./packages in nested directories will be CodeCoverage.exe
dotnet test --no-build logger trx --collect "CodeCoverage" /p:Debug=full -- DataCollectionRunSettings.DataCollectors.DataCollector.Configuration.CoverageFileName="test.coverage"
In TestResults in nested directories there will be test.coverage file.
Transform it to coveragexml
CodeCoverage.exe analyze /output:test.coveragexml test.coverage
Then use it in sonarscanner
./SonarScannerMsbuild.exe /d:"sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths=./**/*.trx" /d:"sonar.cs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths=./**/*coveragexml"