I have a simple code with one moving variable and a few ranges. The variable either increases or decreases at pseudo-random and I have no control over it. The ranges are my if statements.
Each if statement has two commands and I need one of the two commands to be met and executed, before the code can move on.
The problem is the variable can move into a different range before one of the commands is executed, which forces the code to expect two different commands.
How can I keep the code from doing anything else until one of the commands is executed, despite where the variable goes?
Note: It is guaranteed that one of the commands will execute given enough time.
While loops have not worked as they are seen as infinite loops.
Bools such as "trigger one or two was executed == true/false" have also not worked, and trapping the code in a bool statement yields the same result as the while loop. I have also tried a switch statement, but it was no different that the collection of ifs below.
I have looked into using state machine and recursive methods, but at this time they are a little beyond me and don't know if they will work for me now.
The below code is a generic example:
int MP = moving variable; //updated every iteration of the code
int R3, R2, R1, S1, S2, S3; //static variables input by user- in descending order
//MP usually starts between S1 and R1
if(R3 < MP < R2)
command one; //an if statement that gives command when triggered
command two; //another if statement
if(R2 < MP < R1)
command one;
command two;
if(R1 < MP < S1)
command one;
command two;
if(S1 < MP < S2)
command one;
command two;
if(S2 < MP < S3)
command one;
command two;
If it helps, I can bring in the actual code, but I do believe I have narrowed down my problem to this and am portraying it as simple as I know how. I can also go into more detail about any part of this.
I am hoping this is as simple as me overlooking an option, or perhaps there is a something I have not learned about yet.
Thank you for your time
Edit- This is an automated trading algorithm. MP is a live feed from the broker for a specific commodity price and the ranges are price points that the user thinks the commodity price will reach. The two actions are placing buy or sell orders, which are executed when the price hits certain levels. Trouble arises because, one of the price points is inside a different range(the stop order for those who know about trading). So there is overlapping of if statements briefly. What is happening, is that the above or below range's orders are being executed before the stop order from a neighboring range. That is why I need one of the initial orders to execute, before new ones are submitted.
I am sure this only made things more confusing, that is why I am trying to keep it at a very conceptual level.
-end edit
Assign MP to a temporary variable and then do a while loop around your if statements. Re-assign MP to the temp variable on every iteration of the loop. That way you are guaranteed that the variable will not change in flight.
The code you posted, the value of MP will not change between when it is initialized and the bottom of the last if statement.
If you are concerned with whatever calling code you have running this method of yours in multiple threads, where by the time the second one is executed, the first one hasn't finished. Then you must put your values in a Queue(ConcurrentQueue more likely) and process them from there.
That is why I need one of the initial orders to execute, before new
ones are submitted
Your statement here, screams "I need a processing Queue".
I'm writing code that scans large sections of text and performs some basic statistics on it, such as number of upper and lower case characters, punctuation characters etc.
Originally my code looked like this:
foreach (var character in stringToCount)
if (char.IsControl(character))
if (char.IsDigit(character))
if (char.IsLetter(character))
} //etc.
And then from there I was creating a new object like this, which simply reads the local variables and passes them to the constructor:
var result = new CharacterCountResult(controlCount, highSurrogatecount, lowSurrogateCount, whiteSpaceCount,
symbolCount, punctuationCount, separatorCount, letterCount, digitCount, numberCount, letterAndDigitCount,
lowercaseCount, upperCaseCount, tempDictionary);
However a user over on Code Review Stack Exchange pointed out that I can just do the following. Great, I've saved myself a load of code which is good.
var result = new CharacterCountResult(stringToCount.Count(char.IsControl),
stringToCount.Count(char.IsHighSurrogate), stringToCount.Count(char.IsLowSurrogate),
stringToCount.Count(char.IsWhiteSpace), stringToCount.Count(char.IsSymbol),
stringToCount.Count(char.IsPunctuation), stringToCount.Count(char.IsSeparator),
stringToCount.Count(char.IsLetter), stringToCount.Count(char.IsDigit),
stringToCount.Count(char.IsNumber), stringToCount.Count(char.IsLetterOrDigit),
stringToCount.Count(char.IsLower), stringToCount.Count(char.IsUpper), tempDictionary);
However creating the object the second way takes approximately (on my machine) an extra ~200ms.
How can this be? While it might not seem a significant amount of extra time, it soon adds up when I've left it running processing text.
What should I be doing differently?
You are using method groups (syntactic sugar hiding a lambda or delegate) and iterating over the characters many times, whereas you could get it done with one pass (as in your original code).
I remember your previous question, and I recall seeing the recommendation to use the method group and string.Count(char.IsLetterOrDigit) and thinking "yeh that looks pretty but won't perform well", so it was amusing to actually see that you found exactly that.
If performance is important, I would just do it without delegates period, and use one giant loop with a single pass, the traditional way without delegates or multiple iterations, and even further, tune it by organizing the logic such that any case that excludes other cases is organized such that you do "lazy evaluation". Example, if you know a character is whitespace, then don't check for digit or alpha, etc. Or if you know it is digitOrAlpha, then include digit and alpha checks inside that condition.
Something like:
foreach(var ch in string) {
if(char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) {
else {
if(char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch)) {
if(char.IsDigit(ch)) digit++;
if(char.IsLetter(ch)) letter++;
If you REALLY want to micro-optimize, write a program to pre-calculate all of the options and emit a huge switch statement which does table lookups.
switch(ch) {
case 'A':
case 'a':
case '!':
Now if you want to get REALLY crazy, organize the switch statement according to real-life frequency of occurence, and put the most common letters at the top of the "tree", and so forth. Of course, if you care that much about speed, it might be a job for plain C.
But I've wandered a bit far afield from your original question. :)
Your old way you walked through the text once, increasing all of your counters as you go. In your new way you walk though the text 13 times (once for each call to stringToCount.Count() and only update one counter per pass.
However, this kind of problem is the perfect situation for Parallel.ForEach. You can walk through the text with multiple threads (being sure your increments are thread safe) and get your totals faster.
Parallel.ForEach(stringToCount, character =>
if (char.IsControl(character))
//Interlocked.Increment gives you a thread safe ++
Interlocked.Increment(ref controlCount);
if (char.IsDigit(character))
Interlocked.Increment(ref digitCount);
if (char.IsLetter(character))
Interlocked.Increment(ref letterCount);
} //etc.
var result = new CharacterCountResult(controlCount, highSurrogatecount, lowSurrogateCount, whiteSpaceCount,
symbolCount, punctuationCount, separatorCount, letterCount, digitCount, numberCount, letterAndDigitCount,
lowercaseCount, upperCaseCount, tempDictionary);
It still walks through the text once, but many workers will be walking through various parts of the text at the same time.
How do I return the value of difference between the two pixelmaps being compared? I want to know the difference so I can use a while loop to delay execution until the two pixelmaps are within a certain tolerance. The reason being I want to wait until images located in different elements on a web page are loaded before the rest of the code is executed (for an automated test). I am using the Assert.IsTrue to compare the two currently with a 5 percent tolerance but I'm not sure how to turn this into a loop.
ArtOfTest.Common.PixelMap expected = ArtOfTest.Common.PixelMap.FromBitmap(expectedbmp);
ArtOfTest.Common.PixelMap actual = ArtOfTest.Common.PixelMap.FromBitmap(actualbmp);
It sounds like you're asking how to do a while loop which performs a test and waits until the condition has fulfilled. I don't think the fact that you're doing it in an automated test or not really matters. In either case, assuming something is going on in the background thread which will eventually make the two PixelMaps return true on Compare:
while( !expected.Compare(actual, 5.0))
const int numberOfMillisecondsToSleep = 1000;
I don't fully understand the context of the question and this assumes that if you sleep the condition will eventually be fulfilled. If not, this is an endless loop, so be careful.
I'm a student and I got a homework i need some minor help with =)
Here is my task:
Write an application that prompts the user to enter the size of a square and display a square of asterisks with the sides equal with entered integer. Your application works for side’s size from 2 to 16. If the user enters a number less than 2 or greater then 16, your application should display a square of size 2 or 16, respectively, and an error message.
This is how far I've come:
int x;
string input;
Console.Write("Enter a number between 2-16: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
x = Int32.Parse(input);
if (x <= 16 & x >= 2)
control statement
Console.WriteLine("You must enter a number between 2 and 16");
goto start;
I need help with...
... what control statment(if, for, while, do-while, case, boolean) to use inside the "if" control.
My ideas are like...
do I write a code that writes out the boxes for every type of number entered? That's a lot of code...
..there must be a code containing some "variable++" that could do the task for me, but then what control statement suits the task best?
But if I use a "variable++" how am I supposed to write the spaces in the output, because after all, it has to be a SQUARE?!?! =)
I'd love some suggestions on what type of statements to use, or maybe just a hint, of course not the whole solution as I am a student!
It's not the answer you're looking for, but I do have a few suggestions for clean code:
Your use of Int32.Parse is a potential exception that can crash the application. Look into Int32.TryParse (or just int.TryParse, which I personally think looks cleaner) instead. You'll pass it what it's parsing and an "out" parameter of the variable into which the value should be placed (in this case, x).
Try not to declare your variables until you actually use them. Getting into the habit of declaring them all up front (especially without instantiated values) can later lead to difficult to follow code. For my first suggestions, x will need to be declared ahead of time (look into default in C# for default instantiation... it's, well, by default, but it's good information to understand), but the string doesn't need to be.
Try to avoid using goto when programming :) For this code, it would be better to break out the code which handles the value and returns what needs to be drawn into a separate method and have the main method just sit around and wait for input. Watch for hard infinite loops, though.
It's never too early to write clean and maintainable code, even if it's just for a homework assignment that will never need to be maintained :)
You do not have to write code for every type of number entered. Instead, you have to use loops (for keyword).
Probably I must stop here and let you do the work, but I would just give a hint: you may want to do it with two loops, one embedded in another.
I have also noted some things I want to comment in your code:
Int32.Parse: do not use Int32, but int. It will not change the meaning of your code. I will not explain why you must use int instead: it is quite difficult to explain, and you would understand it later for sure.
Avoid using goto statement, except if you were told to use it in the current case by your teacher.
Console.WriteLine("\n");: avoid "\n". It is platform dependent (here, Linux/Unix; on Windows it's "\r\n", and on MacOS - "\n\r"). Use Environment.NewLine instead.
x <= 16 & x >= 2: why & and not ||?
You can write string input = Console.ReadLine(); instead of string input; followed by input = Console.ReadLine();.
Since it's homework, we can't give you the answer. But here are some hints (assuming solid *'s, not white space in-between):
You're going to want to iterate from 1 to N. See for (int...
There's a String constructor that will allow you to avoid the second loop. Look at all of the various constructors.
Your current error checking does not meet the specifications. Read the spec again.
You're going to throw an exception if somebody enters a non-parsable integer.
goto's went out of style before bell-bottoms. You actually don't need any outer control for the spec you were given, because it's "one shot and go". Normally, you would write a simple console app like this to look for a special value (e.g., -1) and exit when you see that value. In that case you would use while (!<end of input>) as the outer control flow.
If x is greater or equal to 16, why not assign 16 to it (since you'll eventually need to draw a square with a side of length 16) (and add an appropriate message)?
the control statement is:
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for ( int j = 0; j < x; j++ )
This should print a X by X square of asterisks!
I'ma teacher and I left the same task to my students a while ago, I hope you're not one of them! :)
I just got a code handed over to me. The code is written in C# and it inserts realtime data into database every second. The data is accumulated in time which makes the numbers big.
The data is updated within the second many times then at the end of the second result is taken and inserted.
We used to address the dataset rows directly within the second through the properties. For example many operations like this one 'datavaluerow.meanvalue += mean; could take place.
we figured out that this is degrading the performance after running the profiler becuase of the internal casting done so we created 2d array of decimals on which the updates are carried out then the values are assigned to the datarows only at the end of the second.
I ran a profiler and found out that it is still taking a lot of time (although less than the time spent accessing datarows frequently when added up).
The code that is exectued at the end of the second is as follows
public void UpdateDataRows(int tick)
//_table1Values is of type decimal[][]
for (int i = 0; i < _table1Values.Length; i++)
_table1Values[i][(int)table1Enum.barDateTime] = tick;
table1Row[i].ItemArray = _table1Values[i].Cast<object>().ToArray();
// this process is done for other 10 tables
Is there a way to further improve this approach.
One obvious question: why do you have a 2D array of decimals when you're only updating them with integers? Could you get away with an int[][] instead?
Next, why are you accessing (int)table1Enum.barDateTime on each iteration? Given that there's a conversion involved there, you may find it helps if you extract that out of the loop.
However, I suspect the majority of the time is going to be spent in _table1Values[i].Cast<object>().ToArray(). Do you really need to do that? Taking a copy of the decimal[] (or int[]) would be faster than boxing every value on every iteration on every call - and then creating another array.
I was working on some code recently and came across a method that had 3 for-loops that worked on 2 different arrays.
Basically, what was happening was a foreach loop would walk through a vector and convert a DateTime from an object, and then another foreach loop would convert a long value from an object. Each of these loops would store the converted value into lists.
The final loop would go through these two lists and store those values into yet another list because one final conversion needed to be done for the date.
Then after all that is said and done, The final two lists are converted to an array using ToArray().
Ok, bear with me, I'm finally getting to my question.
So, I decided to make a single for loop to replace the first two foreach loops and convert the values in one fell swoop (the third loop is quasi-necessary, although, I'm sure with some working I could also put it into the single loop).
But then I read the article "What your computer does while you wait" by Gustav Duarte and started thinking about memory management and what the data was doing while it's being accessed in the for-loop where two lists are being accessed simultaneously.
So my question is, what is the best approach for something like this? Try to condense the for-loops so it happens in as little loops as possible, causing multiple data access for the different lists. Or, allow the multiple loops and let the system bring in data it's anticipating. These lists and arrays can be potentially large and looping through 3 lists, perhaps 4 depending on how ToArray() is implemented, can get very costy (O(n^3) ??). But from what I understood in said article and from my CS classes, having to fetch data can be expensive too.
Would anyone like to provide any insight? Or have I completely gone off my rocker and need to relearn what I have unlearned?
Thank you
The best approach? Write the most readable code, work out its complexity, and work out if that's actually a problem.
If each of your loops is O(n), then you've still only got an O(n) operation.
Having said that, it does sound like a LINQ approach would be more readable... and quite possibly more efficient as well. Admittedly we haven't seen the code, but I suspect it's the kind of thing which is ideal for LINQ.
For referemce,
the article is at
What your computer does while you wait - Gustav Duarte
Also there's a guide to big-O notation.
It's impossible to answer the question without being able to see code/pseudocode. The only reliable answer is "use a profiler". Assuming what your loops are doing is a disservice to you and anyone who reads this question.
Well, you've got complications if the two vectors are of different sizes. As has already been pointed out, this doesn't increase the overall complexity of the issue, so I'd stick with the simplest code - which is probably 2 loops, rather than 1 loop with complicated test conditions re the two different lengths.
Actually, these length tests could easily make the two loops quicker than a single loop. You might also get better memory fetch performance with 2 loops - i.e. you are looking at contiguous memory - i.e. A[0],A[1],A[2]... B[0],B[1],B[2]..., rather than A[0],B[0],A[1],B[1],A[2],B[2]...
So in every way, I'd go with 2 separate loops ;-p
Am I understanding you correctly in this?
You have these loops:
for (...){
// Do A
for (...){
// Do B
for (...){
// Do C
And you converted it into
for (...){
// Do A
// Do B
for (...){
// Do C
and you're wondering which is faster?
If not, some pseudocode would be nice, so we could see what you meant. :)
Impossible to say. It could go either way. You're right, fetching data is expensive, but locality is also important. The first version may be better for data locality, but on the other hand, the second has bigger blocks with no branches, allowing more efficient instruction scheduling.
If the extra performance really matters (as Jon Skeet says, it probably doesn't, and you should pick whatever is most readable), you really need to measure both options, to see which is fastest.
My gut feeling says the second, with more work being done between jump instructions, would be more efficient, but it's just a hunch, and it can easily be wrong.
Aside from cache thrashing on large functions, there may be benefits on tiny functions as well. This applies on any auto-vectorizing compiler (not sure if Java JIT will do this yet, but you can count on it eventually).
Suppose this is your code:
// if this compiles down to a raw memory copy with a bitmask...
Date morningOf(Date d) { return Date(d.year, d.month, d.day, 0, 0, 0); }
Date timestamps[N];
Date mornings[N];
// ... then this can be parallelized using SSE or other SIMD instructions
for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i)
mornings[i] = morningOf(timestamps[i]);
// ... and this will just run like normal
for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i)
For large data sets, splitting the vectorizable code out into a separate loop can be a big win (provided caching doesn't become a problem). If it was all left as a single loop, no vectorization would occur.
This is something that Intel recommends in their C/C++ optimization manual, and it really can make a big difference.
... working on one piece of data but with two functions can sometimes make it so that code to act on that data doesn't fit in the processor's low level caches.
for(i=0, i<10, i++ ) {
myObject object = array[i];
myObject.functionreallybig1(); // pushes functionreallybig2 out of cache
myObject.functionreallybig2(); // pushes functionreallybig1 out of cache
for(i=0, i<10, i++ ) {
myObject object = array[i];
myObject.functionreallybig1(); // this stays in the cache next time through loop
for(i=0, i<10, i++ ) {
myObject object = array[i];
myObject.functionreallybig2(); // this stays in the cache next time through loop
But it was probably a mistake (usually this type of trick is commented)
When data is cycicly loaded and unloaded like this, it is called cache thrashing, btw.
This is a seperate issue from the data these functions are working on, as typically the processor caches that separately.
I apologize for not responding sooner and providing any kind of code. I got sidetracked on my project and had to work on something else.
To answer anyone still monitoring this question;
Yes, like jalf said, the function is something like:
PrepareData(vectorA, VectorB, xArray, yArray):
foreach(value in vectorA)
convert values insert in listA
foreach(value in vectorB)
convert values insert in listB
for(int i = 0; i < listB.count; i++)
listC[i] = listB[i] converted to something
listD[i] = listA[i]
xArray = listC.ToArray()
yArray = listD.ToArray()
I changed it to:
PrepareData(vectorA, vectorB, ref xArray, ref yArray):
for(int i = 0; i < vectorA.count && vectorB.count; i++)
convert values insert in listA
convert values insert in listB
for(int i = 0; i < listB.count; i++)
listC[i] = listB[i] converted to something
listD[i] = listA[i]
xArray = listC.ToArray()
yArray = listD.ToArray()
Keeping in mind that the vectors can potentially have a large number of items. I figured the second one would be better, so that the program wouldnt't have to loop n times 2 or 3 different times. But then I started to wonder about the affects (effects?) of memory fetching, or prefetching, or what have you.
So, I hope this helps to clear up the question, although a good number of you have provided excellent answers.
Thank you every one for the information. Thinking in terms of Big-O and how to optimize has never been my strong point. I believe I am going to put the code back to the way it was, I should have trusted the way it was written before instead of jumping on my novice instincts. Also, in the future I will put more reference so everyone can understand what the heck I'm talking about (clarity is also not a strong point of mine :-/).
Thank you again.