How to fetch the data from SqLite database - c#

I have created database in SqLite in my windows app, now I want to fetch the data from my database. This is the code how I inserted the data in databse.
var dbpath = Path.Combine(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "scrapbook.sqlite");
using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(dbpath))
// Create the tables if they don't exist
var bg = listAlbumContainer[0] as AlbumContainer;
var albumbg = bg.BackgroundImageName;
var sk = listAlbumContainer[0].listAlbumContainer;
var _audio = listAlbumContainer[0].listAlbumContainer5;
var _video = listAlbumContainer[0].listAlbumContainer3;
var wa = listAlbumContainer[0].listAlbumContainer4;
var ci = listAlbumContainer[0].listAlbumContainer2;
var gi = listAlbumContainer[0].listAlbumContainer1;
string snodesticker = Serializeanddeserializwhelper.Serialize(sk);
string nodegi = Serializeanddeserializwhelper.Serialize(gi);
string nodeci = Serializeanddeserializwhelper.Serialize(ci);
string nodewa = Serializeanddeserializwhelper.Serialize(wa);
string nodevideo = Serializeanddeserializwhelper.Serialize(_video);
string nodeaudio = Serializeanddeserializwhelper.Serialize(_audio);
var TittledataInsertCheck = db.Table<Title>().Where(x => x.ALBUM_TITLE.Contains(nametxt.Text)).FirstOrDefault();
if (TittledataInsertCheck == null)
db.Insert(new Title()
ALBUM_TITLE = nametxt.Text
var TittledataInsert = db.Table<Title>().Where(x => x.ALBUM_TITLE.Contains(nametxt.Text)).FirstOrDefault();
if (TittledataInsert != null)
db.Insert(new PAGE()
TITLE_ID = TittledataInsert.ID
await new MessageDialog("Tittle Already Found Please change tittle").ShowAsync();
var PagedataInsert = db.Table<PAGE>().Where(x => x.PAGE_BACKGROUND.Contains(albumbg)).FirstOrDefault();
if (PagedataInsert != null)
db.Insert(new CONTENT
PAGE_ID = PagedataInsert.ID,
STICKERS = snodesticker,
AUDIO = nodeaudio,
VIDEO = nodevideo,
WOARD_ART = nodewa
var line = new MessageDialog("Records Inserted");
await line.ShowAsync();
Is this the right way to insert the data?
I have a canvas on which I set the background image. And on this background some images, video and audio.


HangFire running each job separately

I am using HangFire to run the job. I have a method that retrieve data from more than 50 sql servers.
I want to use HangFire to run each location separately by LocationID, and if 1 location fails I want that job get running again for that location after x minutes.
Also I want to see the log of the job on the HangFire Dashboard.
My job method :
public void SyncCompInfo()
List<Location> locations;
using (var db = new CompInfoDemoEntities())
locations = db.Locations.Where(x => x.IsActive).ToList();
foreach (var location in locations)
using (var _db = new CompInfoDemoEntities())
_log.Info("Getting CompoInfo data from location: " + location.StoreName);
_syncLogService.Add("Getting CompoInfo data from location: " + location.StoreName);
var responses = new List<CompInfoResponse>();
var compInfos = _db.IMS_CompInfo.Where(x => x.LocationId == location.Id).ToList();
using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(location.ConnectionString))
var sql = "select * from IMS_CompInfo;";
var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn);
using (SqlDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader())
while (rdr.Read())
var item = new CompInfoResponse();
item.Id = int.Parse(rdr["Id"].ToString());
item.ClientID = rdr["ClientID"].ToString();
item.LicenceID = rdr["LicenceID"].ToString();
item.POSCode = rdr["POSCode"].ToString();
item.logiPOS_Version = rdr["logiPOS_Version"].ToString();
if (rdr["LastLoginDate"] != null)
item.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Parse(rdr["LastLoginDate"].ToString());
item.ComputerName = rdr["ComputerName"].ToString();
if (rdr["BootTime"] != null)
item.BootTime = DateTime.Parse(rdr["BootTime"].ToString());
item.Domain = rdr["Domain"].ToString();
item.Manufacturer = rdr["Manufacturer"].ToString();
item.Model = rdr["Model"].ToString();
item.Memory = rdr["Memory"].ToString();
item.OS = rdr["OS"].ToString();
item.Build = rdr["Build"].ToString();
item.CPU = rdr["CPU"].ToString();
item.ProcArchitecture = rdr["ProcArchitecture"].ToString();
item.IP1 = rdr["IP1"].ToString();
item.MAC1 = rdr["MAC1"].ToString();
if (rdr["LastModifiedDate"] != null)
item.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Parse(rdr["LastModifiedDate"].ToString());
if (rdr["Tag"] != null)
item.Tag = int.Parse(rdr["Tag"].ToString());
item.Application = rdr["Application"].ToString();
What you seem to need is something like this, with a method you call upon startup, which loops other the locations and enqueues a job for each location.
I over simplified the thing (for example making the methods static),
but I guess most of the idea is there.
Have a look at Hangfire recurring tasks I guess it may be better suited to your needs than tasks fired upon application startups.
public void CalledUponStartup()
List<Location> locations;
using (var db = new CompInfoDemoEntities())
locations = db.Locations.Where(x => x.IsActive).ToList();
foreach (var location in locations)
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => SyncCompInfo(location.Id));
public static void SyncCompInfo(int locationId)
using (var _db = new CompInfoDemoEntities())
var location = db.Locations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == locationId);
_log.Info("Getting CompoInfo data from location: " + location.StoreName);
_syncLogService.Add("Getting CompoInfo data from location: " + location.StoreName);
var responses = new List<CompInfoResponse>();
var compInfos = _db.IMS_CompInfo.Where(x => x.LocationId == location.Id).ToList();
using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(location.ConnectionString))
var sql = "select * from IMS_CompInfo;";
var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn);
using (SqlDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader())
while (rdr.Read())
var item = new CompInfoResponse();
item.Id = int.Parse(rdr["Id"].ToString());
item.ClientID = rdr["ClientID"].ToString();
item.LicenceID = rdr["LicenceID"].ToString();
item.POSCode = rdr["POSCode"].ToString();
item.logiPOS_Version = rdr["logiPOS_Version"].ToString();
if (rdr["LastLoginDate"] != null)
item.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Parse(rdr["LastLoginDate"].ToString());
item.ComputerName = rdr["ComputerName"].ToString();
if (rdr["BootTime"] != null)
item.BootTime = DateTime.Parse(rdr["BootTime"].ToString());
item.Domain = rdr["Domain"].ToString();
item.Manufacturer = rdr["Manufacturer"].ToString();
item.Model = rdr["Model"].ToString();
item.Memory = rdr["Memory"].ToString();
item.OS = rdr["OS"].ToString();
item.Build = rdr["Build"].ToString();
item.CPU = rdr["CPU"].ToString();
item.ProcArchitecture = rdr["ProcArchitecture"].ToString();
item.IP1 = rdr["IP1"].ToString();
item.MAC1 = rdr["MAC1"].ToString();
if (rdr["LastModifiedDate"] != null)
item.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Parse(rdr["LastModifiedDate"].ToString());
if (rdr["Tag"] != null)
item.Tag = int.Parse(rdr["Tag"].ToString());
item.Application = rdr["Application"].ToString();

EF adding new record instead of updating record

Below is my code to add new records in db. I am using EF Core.
In my code I am checking first if existing user id data is there or not in db, if there is data then it should update record otherwise it should create.
But my problem is every time it is adding new record instead of updating existing one..any idea on this.
Below is my code :
public async Task<int> Create(UserPreference _object)
var userPreferenceDetails = applicationDbContext.UserPreferences.Where(x => x.UserId == _object.UserId).FirstOrDefault();
if(userPreferenceDetails != null)
if (_object.Image != null)
var webRootPath = hostingEnv.WebRootPath;
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(_object.Image.FileName);
var filePath = Path.Combine(hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "images\\User", fileName);
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
await _object.Image.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
userPreferenceDetails.ImagePath = filePath;
//_object.ImagePath = filePath;
userPreferenceDetails.Name = _object.Name;
userPreferenceDetails.Location = _object.Location;
userPreferenceDetails.DateOfBirth = _object.DateOfBirth;
userPreferenceDetails.AboutMe = _object.AboutMe;
userPreferenceDetails.MatchPreference = _object.MatchPreference;
userPreferenceDetails.PlayScore = _object.PlayScore;
userPreferenceDetails.LocationPreference = _object.LocationPreference;
var obj = applicationDbContext.UserPreferences.Update(_object);
return applicationDbContext.SaveChanges();
} else
if (_object.Image != null)
var webRootPath = hostingEnv.WebRootPath;
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(_object.Image.FileName);
var filePath = Path.Combine(hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "images\\User", fileName);
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
await _object.Image.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
_object.ImagePath = filePath;
var obj = await applicationDbContext.UserPreferences.AddAsync(_object);
return applicationDbContext.SaveChanges();
try this
if(_object.UserId > 0)
var userPreferenceDetails = applicationDbContext.UserPreferences.Where(x =>
x.UserId == _object.UserId).FirstOrDefault();
if(userPreferenceDetails == null) return 0;
if (_object.Image != null)
....your code
userPreferenceDetails.Name = _object.Name;
userPreferenceDetails.Location = _object.Location;
userPreferenceDetails.DateOfBirth = _object.DateOfBirth;
userPreferenceDetails.AboutMe = _object.AboutMe;
userPreferenceDetails.MatchPreference = _object.MatchPreference;
userPreferenceDetails.PlayScore = _object.PlayScore;
userPreferenceDetails.LocationPreference = _object.LocationPreference;
if (_object.Image != null)
...your code
var result= await applicationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return result;

How do I refactor the code which contains foreach loop

I need to refactor the below code so that the deleted_at logic will be outside of the foreach (var app in data) loop. I tried to create the list guids and then add guids to it but its not working because model.resources is inside the loop and it is still deleting all the apps.
I need deleted_at logic outside because I'm trying to delete all apps which are in the database but are not in new data that I'm receiving from API.
If you have a better approach on my code I would love to see that, Thank you.
public async Task GetBuilds()
var data = new List<GetBuildTempClass>();
var guids = new List<GetBuildTempClass>();
using (var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope())
var _DBcontext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<PCFStatusContexts>();
foreach (var app in data)
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,
"apps/" + app.AppGuid + "/builds?per_page=200&order_by=updated_at");
var response = await _client_SB.SendAsync(request);
var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
BuildsClass.BuildsRootObject model =
foreach (var item in model.resources)
var x = _DBcontext.Builds.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Guid == Guid.Parse(item.guid));
if (x == null)
_DBcontext.Builds.Add(new Builds
Guid = Guid.Parse(item.guid),
State = item.state,
CreatedAt = item.created_at,
UpdatedAt = item.updated_at,
Error = item.error,
CreatedByGuid = Guid.Parse(item.created_by.guid),
CreatedByName =,
CreatedByEmail =,
AppGuid = app.AppGuid,
AppName = app.AppName,
Foundation = 2,
Timestamp = DateTime.Now
else if (x.UpdatedAt != item.updated_at)
x.State = item.state;
x.UpdatedAt = item.updated_at;
x.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
var sqlresult = new GetBuildTempClass
AppGuid = Guid.Parse(item.guid)
//var guids = model.resources.Select(r => Guid.Parse(r.guid));
var builds = _DBcontext.Builds.Where(o =>
guids.Contains(o.Guid) == false &&
o.Foundation == 2 && o.DeletedAt == null);
foreach (var build_item in builds)
build_item.DeletedAt = DateTime.Now;
await _DBcontext.SaveChangesAsync();
I got it working I added var guids = new List < Guid > (); list to store data,
added guids.Add(Guid.Parse(item.guid)); to populate the list and finally wrote var builds = _DBcontext.Builds.Where(o = >guids.Contains(o.Guid) == false && o.Foundation == 2 && o.DeletedAt == null); outside the loop.
If anyone has a better suggestion please add a new answer.
public async Task GetBuilds() {
var data = new List < GetBuildTempClass > ();
var guids = new List < Guid > ();
using(var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope()) {
var _DBcontext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService < PCFStatusContexts > ();
foreach(var app in data) {
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "apps/" + app.AppGuid + "/builds?per_page=200&order_by=updated_at");
var response = await _client_SB.SendAsync(request);
var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
BuildsClass.BuildsRootObject model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < BuildsClass.BuildsRootObject > (json);
foreach(var item in model.resources) {
var x = _DBcontext.Builds.FirstOrDefault(o = >o.Guid == Guid.Parse(item.guid));
if (x == null) {
_DBcontext.Builds.Add(new Builds {
Guid = Guid.Parse(item.guid),
State = item.state,
CreatedAt = item.created_at,
UpdatedAt = item.updated_at,
Error = item.error,
CreatedByGuid = Guid.Parse(item.created_by.guid),
CreatedByName =,
CreatedByEmail =,
AppGuid = app.AppGuid,
AppName = app.AppName,
Foundation = 2,
Timestamp = DateTime.Now
else if (x.UpdatedAt != item.updated_at) {
x.State = item.state;
x.UpdatedAt = item.updated_at;
x.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
var builds = _DBcontext.Builds.Where(o = >guids.Contains(o.Guid) == false && o.Foundation == 2 && o.DeletedAt == null);
foreach(var build_item in builds) {
build_item.DeletedAt = DateTime.Now;
await _DBcontext.SaveChangesAsync();

Load Windows form after complete combobox data load in c#

I have a form for employees called frmEmployees where I need to load couple of combo box with data like country, category, nationality, such others.
Now when user click on to open frmEmployees, window is stuck for bit and then open. I assume that this is because of data loading and initializing the combo box.
Now! what I want is, just after click on button to open frmEmployees run a progress bar till data loading complete and then open form.
public frmEmployee()
con = new Connection();
I have tried also
private void FrmEmployee_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void LoadComboboxDS()
var _companies = con.Companies.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
_companies.Insert(0,new data.Models.CompanyModels.Company { Address = new data.Models.Address(), Code = null, Name = "--Select--", BaseCurrency = new data.Models.Currency() });
cbCompany.DataSource = _companies;
cbCompany.DisplayMember = "Name";
cbCompany.ValueMember = "ID";
cbGender.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gender));
//merital status
cbMeritalStatus.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MaritalStatus));
var _citizenships = con.Countries.Select(x => x.Citizenship).Distinct().ToList();
_citizenships.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbCitizenship.DataSource = _citizenships;
cbCitizenship.DisplayMember = "Citizenship";
var _nations = con.Countries.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct().ToList();
_nations.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbNationality.DataSource = _nations;
cbNationality.DisplayMember = "Name";
var _domiciles = con.Countries.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct().ToList();
_domiciles.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbDomicile.DataSource = _domiciles;
cbDomicile.DisplayMember = "Name";
//cast category
var _casts = con.CastCategories.Select(x => new {x.ShortText, x.Description}).Distinct().ToList();
_casts.Insert(0, new { ShortText = "", Description = "--Select--" });
cbCategory.DataSource = _casts;
cbCategory.DisplayMember = "Description";
cbCategory.ValueMember = "ShortText";
cbReligion.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Religion));
You can use Async extension methods of Entity Framework 6 to make your code asynchronous.
Separate your data access and presentation layer, at first:
public static class MyRepository // consider not static, just an example
public static async Task<List<Company>> GetCompanies()
using (var connection = new Connection()) // consider factory
return await con.Companies.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToListAsync();
public async Task<List<Citizenship>> GetCitizenships()
using (var connection = new Connection()) // factory?
return await con.Countries.Select(x => x.Citizenship).Distinct().ToList();
Then, you can run all these tasks at once and wait for them to complete:
// Wherever you are going to open frmEmployee
public async Task openFrmEmployee_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var getCompaniesTask = MyRepository.GetCompanies();
var getCitizenshipsTask = MyRepository.GetCitizenships();
await Task.WhenAll(getCompaniesTask, getCitizenshipsTask); // UI thread is not blocked
var form = new FrmEmployee(getCompaniesTask.Result, getCitizenshipsTask.Result); // form is created with data
Now, you only need to make your form accept complete data in constructor instead of making your form load this data which breaks abstraction:
public class FrmEmployees
public FrmEmployees(List<Company> companies, List<Citizenship> citizenships)
companies.Insert(0,new data.Models.CompanyModels.Company { Address = new data.Models.Address(), Code = null, Name = "--Select--", BaseCurrency = new data.Models.Currency() });
cbCompany.DataSource = companies;
cbCompany.DisplayMember = "Name";
cbCompany.ValueMember = "ID";
citizenships.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbCitizenship.DataSource = _citizenships;
cbCitizenship.DisplayMember = "Citizenship";
// etc.
One important thing: you can get many tasks and many data passed to a form constructor. If all this data is going to be used often togetther, then you would probably want to encapsulate this "get all these things" logic into a single place to remove possible code duplication.
See what I have done... if anyone can review my code it would be appreciable.
public class EmployeeFormDataRepesenter
public List<Company> Companies { get; set; }
public List<Country> Countries { get; set; }
public List<CastCategory> CastCategories { get; set; }
public void LoadData(EmployeeFormDataRepesenter representer)
cbGender.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gender));
//merital status
cbMeritalStatus.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MaritalStatus));
cbReligion.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Religion));
var _companies = representer.Companies;
_companies.Insert(0, new data.Models.CompanyModels.Company { Address = new data.Models.Address(), Code = null, Name = "--Select--", BaseCurrency = new data.Models.Currency() });
cbCompany.DataSource = _companies;
cbCompany.DisplayMember = "Name";
cbCompany.ValueMember = "ID";
var _citizenships = representer.Countries.Select(x => x.Citizenship).ToList();
_citizenships.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbCitizenship.DataSource = _citizenships;
cbCitizenship.DisplayMember = "Citizenship";
var _nations = representer.Countries.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
_nations.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbNationality.DataSource = _nations;
cbNationality.DisplayMember = "Name";
var _domiciles = representer.Countries.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
_domiciles.Insert(0, "--Select--");
cbDomicile.DataSource = _domiciles;
cbDomicile.DisplayMember = "Name";
//cast category
var _casts = representer.CastCategories.Select(x => new { x.ShortText, x.Description }).Distinct().ToList();
_casts.Insert(0, new { ShortText = "", Description = "--Select--" });
cbCategory.DataSource = _casts;
cbCategory.DisplayMember = "Description";
cbCategory.ValueMember = "ShortText";
private async void btnEmplyee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
con = new Connection();
Action showProgress = () => frmStatrup._progressBar.Visible = true;
Action hideProgress = () => frmStatrup._progressBar.Visible = false;
EmployeeFormDataRepesenter representer;
Task<List<Company>> _taskCompany = new Task<List<Company>>(() =>
var list = con.Companies.ToListAsync();
if (list != null)
return list.Result;
return null;
Task<List<Country>> _taskCountry = new Task<List<Country>>(() =>
var list = con.Countries.ToListAsync();
if (list != null)
return list.Result;
return null;
Task<List<CastCategory>> _taskCasts = new Task<List<CastCategory>>(() =>
var list = con.CastCategories.ToListAsync();
if (list != null)
return list.Result;
return null;
var _companies = await _taskCompany;
var _countries = await _taskCountry;
var _casts = await _taskCasts;
if (_companies.Count != 0)
representer = new EmployeeFormDataRepesenter();
representer.Companies = _companies;
representer.Countries = _countries;
representer.CastCategories = _casts;
representer = null;
if (representer != null)
frmEmployee _emp = new frmEmployee();
Functions.OpenForm(_emp, this.ParentForm);

Import data into Quickbooks General Journal Entries

I try to import data from my POS System to Quickbooks to create General Journal entries. When i add some static(hard coded) data all saved successfully. But when I try to add data from my app QB add data to dataService but when i sync QB data didn't come. Please could you help with my problem. Here is my code.
//main code to add General Journal Entry to QB
var header = GenerateReportHeader(model);
var creditInfo = GenerateJournalEntryLines(model.CreditInformation, PostingTypeEnum.Credit);
var debitInfo = GenerateJournalEntryLines(model.DebitInformation, PostingTypeEnum.Debit);
var allLines = creditInfo.Concat(debitInfo).ToArray();
var result = new JournalEntry();
result.Header = header;
result.Line = allLines;
//Add Header
private JournalEntryHeader GenerateReportHeader(GeneralJournalModel model)
var result = new JournalEntryHeader
TxnDate = new DateTime(2013,7,1),
Status = "Payable",
Adjustment = false,
TxnDateSpecified = true
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EntryNo))
result.DocNumber = model.EntryNo;
return result;
//Add Line
private JournalEntryLine[] GenerateJournalEntryLines(List<GeneralJournalEntryModel> model, PostingTypeEnum postType)
var result = new JournalEntryLine[model.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < model.Count; i++)
var journalEntryLine = model[i];
var account = GetAccountByNumber(journalEntryLine.AccountNumber);
var toAdd = new JournalEntryLine
AccountId = account.Id,
AccountType = account.Type,
AccountName = account.Name,
Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(journalEntryLine.Amount),
AmountSpecified = true,
PostingType = postType,
AccountTypeSpecified = true,
Id = new IdType(),
PostingTypeSpecified = true
if (journalEntryLine.EntityId != null)
toAdd.EntityId = GetEntityId(journalEntryLine.EntityType, journalEntryLine.EntityId);
toAdd.EntityType = GetEntityType(journalEntryLine.EntityType);
toAdd.EntityName = GetEntityName(journalEntryLine.EntityType, journalEntryLine.EntityId);
toAdd.EntityTypeSpecified = true;
result[i] = toAdd;
return result;
Did you check the SyncStatus, and find out why not?
This should be where you start:
It will give you more detail about specifically why the data failed to sync over.
