I want to use that query in ef:
select count(number) as CountOfNumber ,number, name from table_1 group by number, name order by CountOfNumber desc
How can I use count on column and add this column new name.
You need to use GroupBy, OrderBy and Count combination:
var results = (from item in db.table_1
group item by new { item.name, item.number } into grouping
orderby grouping.Count() descending
select new
name = grouping.Key.name,
number = grouping.Key.number,
CountOfNumber = grouping.Count()
You can use the Count method on the group. Where context is your Entity Framework data context or any IEnumerable.
var results = from t in context.table_1
group t by new { t.number, t.name } into g
orderby g.Count() descending
select new { number = g.Key.number, name = g.Key.name, count = g.Count() };
I have some linq which returns a list of properties and the number of bookings for a given year. However if a property has no bookings then it is not included in the resultset.
var bookings = from b in db.Bookings
orderby b.PropertyId
where b.StartDate.Year == Year
group b by b.Property.Title into grp
select new { key = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Count() };
How can this be changed to include properties with no bookings?
I'm assuming there's a Properties table based on your code. You need to select from Properties instead:
var bookings = from p in db. Properties
orderby p.Id
group p by p.Title into grp
select new
key = grp.Key,
cnt = grp.Count(p => p.Bookings.Where(b => b.StartDate.Year == Year))
I guess you should filter on year in the count, then
var bookings = from b in db.Bookings
orderby b.PropertyId
group b by b.Property.Title into grp
select new {
key = grp.Key,
cnt = grp.Count(x => x.StartDate.Year == Year)
I have the following SQL that I would like to write as a single linq statement:
SUM(COALESCE(R.PaidAmount, 0)) AS AmountPaid
Party AS P
LEFT JOIN Reservation as R
ON P.PartyID = R.PartyID
GROUP BY P.PartyID, P.PartyDate
The best I can do is use two sets of linq queries, like so:
var localList = from partyList in localDb.Parties
join reservationList in localDb.Reservations on
partyList.PartyID equals reservationList.PartyID into comboList
from newList in comboList.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new PartyAmounts {
PartyID = partyList.PartyID,
PartyDate = partyList.PartyDate,
AmountPaid = (newList.PaidAmount ?? 0) };
var secondList = from groupList in localList
group groupList by new {
groupList.PartyDate} into resList
select new PartyAmounts {
PartyID = resList.Key.PartyID,
AmountPaid = resList.Sum(x => x.AmountPaid)};
I don't care if it's a method chain or a lambda but I would love to know how this is supposed to go together. I can only barely understand the two I've got now.
Thanks for the help.
var list = from partyList in localDb.Parties
join reservationList in localDb.Reservations on partyList.PartyID equals reservationList.PartyID into comboList
from details in comboList.DefaultIfEmpty() // Left join
group details by new {partyList.PartyID, partyList.PartyDate} into grouped // So that the group have both keys and all items in details
select new PartyAmounts
PartyID = grouped.Key.PartyID,
PartyDate = grouped.Key.PartyDate,
AmountPaid = grouped.Sum(x => x.AmountPaid ?? 0)}
I have this Linq query:
from i in data.Items
join tdi in data.TDItems on i.itemId equals tdi.itemId
group i by i.ItemId
into selection
select new
itemId = selection.Key
number = selection.Sum(x => x.quantity) // quantity is a field in TDItems
How do I create this sum function? because I'm grouping by an attribute in the Items table, I can't call a Sum on the TDItems table.
group new { i, tdi } by i.ItemId
select new
selection.Sum(x => x.tdi.quantity)
from c in (from i in #as
join tdi in bs on i.itemId equals tdi.itemId
select new
itemId = i.itemId,
quantity = tdi.quantity
group c by c.itemId
into selection
select new
itemId = selection.Key,
number = selection.Sum(x => x.quantity) // quantity is a field in TDItems
I have the following LINQ query:
var query =
(from p in obj1
group p by p.objID into g
let totalSum = g.Sum(p => p.ObjPrice)
select new { MyObjectID = g.Key, totalSum })
.Max(g => g.totalSum);
I want to select both the object id and price of the object with the maximum price. How can I do that?
Use an order by descending clause and call FirstOrDefault().
(from p in obj1
group p by p.objID into g
let totalSum = g.Sum(p => p.ObjPrice)
orderby totalSum descending
select new { MyObjectID = g.Key, totalSum }).FirstOrDefault();
i have table
id pagenane username
i want this sql query
select pagename, count(*) as num from pagestat where username='name' group by pagename
how can i do it by linq?
Well, try this:
var query = from row in context.pageStat
where row.UserName == "name"
group row by row.PageName into g
select new { PageName = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };
var retVal = (from s in dataContext.YourTable where
group s by s.PageName into k
select new {PageName = k.Key, Count = k.Count() }).ToList();