I'm trying to develop a unity game app that focus on spelling the word.
I have words database word_db and a separate players information database Player_db. In the registration of new player I'm getting id of the word from word_db in random order and insert it into player_db. But it seems to need too much time to complete the task. Is there any way to make it faster or is it advisable to merge two databases?
The word_db contains thousands of words and its definition.
The main issue with SQLite with Unity3D is you're likely retaining a separate instance of SQLite than the ones native to the OS (unless you are writing your own native implementations). As such your writes/reads aren't as balanced and more over the time it takes to do both at the same time essentially queues (which depending on your read/write lock implementations as well).
We found SQLite to be a pig on devices and given we're not inclined to write iOS/Android/Microsoft flavoured specific versions we instead opted for SiaqoDB instead (which uses LightingDB). There's some minor heavy lifting when it comes to setup but in the end, we found that partitioning and/or hot swapping Databases based on user credentials to be more efficient (1000's time faster).
We store around 300million+ records in some cases just in one "table".
I'm working on an application that imports video files and lets the user browse them and filter them based on various conditions. By importing I mean creating instances of my VideoFile model class and storing them in a DB table. Once hundreds of files are there, the user wants to browse them.
Now, the first choice they have in the UI is to select a DateRecorded, which calls a GetFilesByDate(Date date) method on my data access class. This method will query the SQL database, asking only for files with the given date.
On top of that, I need to filter files by, let's say, FrameRate, Resolution or UserRating. This would place additional criteria on the files already filtered by their date. I'm deciding which road to take:
Only query the DB for a new set of files when the desired DateRecorded changes. Handle all subsequent filtering manually in C# code, by iterating over the stored collection of _filesForSelectedDay and testing them against current additional rules.
Query the DB each time any little filter changes, asking for a smaller and very specific set of files more often.
Which one would you choose, or even better, any thoughts on pros and cons of either of those?
Some additional points:
A query in GetFilesByDate is expected to return tens of items, so it's not very expensive to store the result in a collection always sitting in memory.
Later down the road I might want to select files not just for a specific day, but let's say for the entire month. This may give hundreds or thousands of items. This actually makes me lean towards option two.
The data access layer is not yet implemented. I just have a dummy class implementing the required interface, but storing the data in a in-memory collection instead of working with any kind of DB.
Once I'm there, I'll almost certainly use SQLite and store the database in a local file.
Personally I'd always go the DB every time until it proves impractical. If it's a small amount of data then the overhead should also be small. When it gets larger then the DB comes into its own. It's unlikely you will be able to write code better than the DB although the round trip can cost. Using the DB your data will always be consistent and up to date.
If you find you are hitting the BD too hard then you can try caching your data and working out if you already have some or all of the data being requested to save time. However then you have aging and consistency problems to deal with. You also then have servers with memory stuffed full of data that could be used for other things!
Basically, until it becomes an issue, just use the DB and use your energy on the actual problems you encounter, not the maybes.
If you've already gotten a bunch of data to begin with, there's no need to query the db again for a subset of that set. Just store it in an object which you can query on refinement of the search query by the user.
I have a form with few tabs, and in each tab an grid control. When user select a row to be deleted i want to remove it from the grid, and if the object exist in the database remove it too, but not permanent - only if and when user clicks save on form.
For now, if object doesn't exist in db i remove it from the list, and if objects exist in db i delete it from db and remove it from the list. But, if user clicks Cancel button he expects row/s not to be deleted from database.
I have two possible solutions on my mind: 1) - remove object from list, and if objects exist in db add it to the list of objects to be deleted 2) - implement another list, getter will return only objects with state != ToBeDeleted (performance?)
Note: i'm not using ORM tool, working with my own ado.net based data access framework.
I think the case you are descibing just asks pretty much for a Transaction.
ADO.Net handles them easily, provided you are using a reasonable database engine (so: no SqlServerCE for example:))
See for example the TransactionScope class. You construct such object before interacting with the database, and the changes will be "commited" if and only if you call Complete(). If you just leave it alone or if you Dispose() it, the transaction will be cancelled and all changes on the DB will be "rolledback", so, reverted.
So, in your case, you may open the transaction in the Form's ctor or onLoaded(), and Complete() at "save", and Dispose() at any other window closing.
While this is the normal way of handling such things for small systems, especially single-user ones, but be careful: if your system has to handle many concurent useres, you may be not able to use it in this way. The Transaction blocks rows and tables until it is completed or cancelled, and the therefore "other users" may see large delays..
So, how many users do you have to support and how often they will try to edit the same things?
-- edit: (10 users)
With that many users, you will want to avoid long-running transactions. Opening transaction at form-load will be unacceptable, and will lock many users away until that one current user closes the window. But, using transactions at Save() that push all the changes in one batch are OK.
Of course, if you can eliminate transactions at all - that's great! But, it is very hard thing to do if you also need to preserve data integrity.. To eliminate the need of transactions, almost always you have to redesign both the data structure on the DB side, and the way you obtain and work with the data. If you want to redesign both, then I'd really recommend to first try redesigning it to use some existing data-access framework, as even the basic .Net ADO has really nice features for online editing of databases held at SqlClient-compliant databases..
So, assuming you don't want to rewrite/rethink most of your code, you just need to buffer the data and also, delay all of the actual operations on the database.
You may want to do it in a "simple" form: when you display your form, instead of binding your Form directly to the database-driven datasources - download all required data to some BindingList<>s, DataTables, etc - whatever container you like. And bind your form to them instead. Probably you have something like that already set up. But, the important thing is that all those datacontainers must be offline or at least readonly+delayloaded.
Next, you've got to intercept all operations that the user performs on the UI. Surely you have it done already, as I'm assuming the application works:) As your Forms are bound to that offline cached items, your application should perform the operation on that cached data, and don't touch the database at all. But there's more: along with performing them on cached data, you should record what happens to which table.
Then, when finally the user stops playing around and presses CANCEL :) - you just trash everything and close the form. database not changed.
On Save - you open a fresh transaction, then iterate over the list of changes and effectively replay your recorder changes on the database, then commit transaction.
Please note two things though: the database could have changed during the time the users cached the data and the time he pressed Save. You have to detect this and abort, or resolve conflicts. You should do that inside that transaction, either during or before executing the recorded changes. You may detect it by simply comparing the online data with offline cached data (the unchanged original values, not those modified by user), or you may use some other mechanisms like OptimisticLocking and just compare the version tags on the rows.
If you don't like record-replay, you may implement a "DIFF"ing utility that takes the modified offline data and compares it in a generic way with the current-online tables. This is somewhat harder, but has a bonus: with such utility, you can initially doubly-cache the data: one copy for offline reference (just stored and never touched by the user) and one copy for offline editing (all those bound to the Forms). Now, upon Save you open transaction and diff the reference data against the online database. If there are any difference - you've just detected a collision. Solve/merge/abort/etc. If no differences, then you diff the modified data against online-data, and apply all differences found to the database and commit transaction.
Either of those methods has its pros and cons: aside from difficulty of implementation, there's memory issues of caching, latency issues if you dare to copy too large tables, etc.
But - once solved, it would work pretty nice.
And as you finish, you can go and boast that you have just implemented a smaller sis' of the DataSet+DataTable. I'm not joking, and I'm not laughing at you. I'm just trying to show you why everyone is telling you to rewise your DAO layer and try understanding and using the hard work that was already done for you by the platform designers/developers :)
Anyways, I've said you can avoid the clashes and transactions at all if you rethink your data structure.. For example: why do you DELETE the rows at all? I know there's a nifty DELETE statement in the SQL, but, well, do you really need to delete that row? Can't you just add some 'bool isDeleted' column and when user deletes the row from the Grid - just make set that rowcell to True and make the application filter-out any isDeleted=true rows and not show them? and not include them in views and aggregations? Bonus: sys/db admins now have a magic tool: undelete..
Let's take it further: do you need to UPDATE the rows? Maybe you can just APPEND some information that from (this-date) that row should have a new price? of course, the structure must be greatly altered: entities doesn't have properties, but have logs of timestamped property changes (or either the rows must have version numbers and be duplicated..), queries must be done against only the newest versiosn data, etc. Pros: database is now append-only. Transactions, if needed at all, are hyper-short. Cons: SELECT queries are complicated and may be slow, especially when joining many tables..
Pro/Con: and your db actually starts looking very meta- instead of data-base...
Con: and this is really hard task to "upgrade" existing application to such db structure. Writing a new app from scratch and importing data from odl system may be few times faster.
Now, to summarise:
I do not recommend any of the ways described.
First, I recommend you to take some ORM framework like NHibernate, EntityFramework, XPO from DevExpress, or whetever else. Any of them will save you lots of time. Those three I list here even have OptimisticLocking collision detection built-in. Why use SQL-self-written framework when such tools exist?
If not, then next I recommed to use existing tools found in the framework. you use SqlClient, whydontya use DataSet and DataTables? They are provided along with SqlClient and they have many useful mechanisms just built-in, which otherwise you will spend weeks on implementing and testing all by yourself. Learn to use DataSets and its collision detection, and its merging algorithms, and use them. You will loose a bit of time on experimenting and learning, but you will save huge amounts of time on not-reinventing the wheel.
If you really want to do it manually, start with data-caching and record-replay. It is easy to comprehend, it is quite easy to introduce anywhere where you currently use plain SQL queries, and will quickly introduce you to all kinds of cache-syncing and version-checking problems, and you will soon learn in details why all those strange mechanisms in the above-mentioned frameworks were implemented, how they work and what pros/cons they have.
and about the doubly-cached diffing approach.. it will be more tempting to write that record-repay, but please: use it only if you know very well how to detect/solve/merge collisions. Have at least one record-replay approach implemented before you try it..
..and of course yo umay use long-lasting transactions. Dumb-easy to introduce, and they "just irritate" the users.. Well, or even make the system unusable when >90% of the users constantly collide and hit the locks, heh.. No, that was a joke. Don't use long-lasting transactions. They are ok for 1-4 users, or for very sparse databases..
I was wondering if I could pick the brains of the community...
In a project I am working on, there is a need to look up a value from a key-value list. This list will not change throughout the life of the software. Lets say as an example the list is thus:
ID Name
1 Apple
2 Orange
3 Pear
4 Banana
...and so on.
I am considering two methods of implementing this. The first is to store the list in some sort of (as yet undecided) C# data collection, and then look the required value up at runtime as required. The second method I am considering is storing the list within a database table (SQL Server 2008, since you asked). The application can then access the database at runtime via a stored procedure.
The lookup will occur twice in quick succession following a request made by the user from a web form.
My query is this: Which of these two methods would be the most efficient in terms of processing time?
I realise that there might not be a definitive answer to this question, but I would welcome any comments or thoughts.
What is expensive in term of performances is usually disk access and network access.
if you have the collection available in memory (RAM) in the web server or application server this would be faster than a query to the database.
if the data is not likely to change often or at all, you can go for in memory data structure, if it changes sometimes you can query from db and store it in the cache so following accesses to that object will not require database query until cache expires or is reset depending on your needs.
Use a Dictionary<>, it's orders of magnitude faster than a roundtrip to the database.
As you state -
This list will not change throughout the life of the software.
I'd hard code the list into the program. It's not worth the database overhead for a list that will never change.
I am developing an application with Fluent nHibernat/nHibernate 3/Sqlite. I have run into a very specific problem for which I need help with.
I have a product database and a batch database. Products are around 100k but batches run in around 11 million+ mark as of now. When provided with a product, I need to fill a Combobox with batches. As I do not want to load all the batches at once because of memory constraints, I am loading them, when the product is provided, directly from the database. But the problem is that sqlite (or maybe the combination of sqlite & nh) for this, is a little slow. It normally takes around 3+ seconds to retrieve the batches for a particular product. Although it might not seem like a slow scenario, I want to know that can I improve this time? I need sub second results to make order entry a smooth experience.
The details:
New products and batches are imported periodically (bi-monthly).
Nothing in the already persisted products or batchs ever changes (No Update).
Storing products is not an issue. Batches are the main culprit.
Product Ids are long
Batch Ids are string
Batches contain 3 fields, rate, mrp (both decimal) & expiry (DateTime).
The requirements:
The data has to be stored in a file based solution. I cannot use a client-server approach.
Storage time is not important. Search & retrieval time is.
I am open to storing the batch database using any other persistence model.
I am open to using anything like Lucene, or a nosql database (like redis), or a oodb, provided they are based on single storage file implementation.
Please suggest what I can use for fast object retrieval.
You need to profile or narrow down to find out where those 3+ seconds are.
Is it the database fetching?
Try running the same queries in Sqlite browser. Does the queries take 3+ seconds there too? Then you might need to do something with the database, like adding some good indexes.
Is it the filling of the combobox?
What if you only fill the first value in the combobox and throw away the others? Does that speed up the performance? Then you might try BeginUpdate and EndUpdate.
Are the 3+ seconds else where? If so, find out where.
This may seem like a silly question, but figured I'd double-check before proceeding to alternatives or other optimizations, but is there an index (or hopefully a primary key) on the Batch Id column in your Batch table. Without indexes those kinds of searches will be painfully slow.
For fast object retrieval, a key/value store is definitely a viable alternative. I'm not sure I would necessarily recommend redis in this situation since your Batches database may be a little too large to fit into memory, and although it also stores to a disk it's generally better when suited with a dataset that strictly fits into memory.
My personal favourite would be mongodb - but overall the best thing to do would be to take your batches data, load it into a couple of different nosql dbs and see what kind of read performance you're getting and pick the one that suits the data best. Mongo's quite fast and easy to work with - and you could probably ditch the nhibernate layer for such a simple data structure.
There is a daemon that needs to run locally, but depending on the size of the db it will be single file (or a few files if it has to allocate more space). Again, ensure there is an index on your batch id column to ensure quick lookups.
3 seconds to load ~100 records from the database? That is slow. You should examine the generated sql and create an index that will improve the query's performance.
In particular, the ProductId column in the Batches table should be indexed.