Check if a string is sorted - c#

I have a string, simplified "12345" which is sorted. The string couild contain Digits (0-9) or letters (a-z). In case of a mixed use the natural sort order. I need a method to verify if this is true.
Attempt with linq technique:
string items1 = "2349"; //sorted
string items2 = "2476"; //not sorted, 6<>7
bool sorted1 = Enumerable.SequenceEqual(items1.OrderBy(x => x), items1); //true
bool sorted2 = Enumerable.SequenceEqual(items2.OrderBy(x => x), items2); //false
but there could be also a descending sort order.
Is there a better way then
string items3 = "4321";
bool sorted3 = Enumerable.SequenceEqual(items3.OrderBy(x => x), items3) || Enumerable.SequenceEqual(items3.OrderByDescending(x => x), items3);
to check if a string is sorted? Maybe some built in solution?

Your solution in fine and very readable. One problem with it is that it requires ordering the string which is O(n * log(n)), this can be solved by iterating the string without sorting it.
For example:
var firstDifs = items1.Zip(items1.Skip(1), (x, y) => y - x);
This Linq projects every 2 items in the first string to a number which indicates their difference, So if you have items1 = "1245" the output will be:
firstDifs: {1, 2, 1}
Now all you need to do is to validate that firstDifs is either ascending or descending:
bool firstSorted = firstDifs.All(x => x > 0) || firstDifs.All(x => x < 0); //true
Skip is O(1) since the amount of actions required to skip 1 cell is
Zip is O(n).
All is O(n).
So the whole solution is O(n).
Note that it will be more efficient with a simple loop, also if the first All has returned false because the 3487th item changes its direction (for example: 1234567891), the second All will run for no reason with the Zip running twice as well (Until where All require) - since there are two iterations of All and Linq evaluates them lazily.

It requires a reducer. In C#, it's Enumerable.Aggregate. It's O(n) algorithm.
var query = "123abc".Aggregate(new { asceding = true, descending = true, prev = (char?)null },
(result, currentChar) =>
asceding = result.prev == null || result.asceding && currentChar >= result.prev,
descending = result.prev == null || result.descending && currentChar <= result.prev,
prev = (char?)currentChar
Console.WriteLine(query.asceding || query.descending );

I once had to check something similar to your case but with huge data streams, so performance was important. I came up with this small extension class which performs very well:
public static bool IsOrdered<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable) where T: IComparable<T>
using (var enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator())
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
return true; //empty enumeration is ordered
var left = enumerator.Current;
int previousUnequalComparison = 0;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var right = enumerator.Current;
var currentComparison = left.CompareTo(right);
if (currentComparison != 0)
if (previousUnequalComparison != 0
&& currentComparison != previousUnequalComparison)
return false;
previousUnequalComparison = currentComparison;
left = right;
return true;
Using it is obviously very simple:
var items1 = "2349";
var items2 = "2476"; //not sorted, 6<>7
items1.IsOrdered(); //true
items2.IsOrdered(); //false

You can do much better than the accepted answer by not having to compare all of the elements:
var s = "2349";
var r = Enumerable.Range(1, s.Length - 1);
//var isAscending = r.All(i => s[i - 1] <= s[i]);
//var isDescending = r.All(i => s[i - 1] >= s[i]);
var isOrdered = r.All(i => s[i - 1] <= s[i]) || r.All(i => s[i - 1] >= s[i]);

var items = "4321";
var sortedItems = items.OrderBy(i => i); // Process the order once only
var sorted = sortedItems.SequenceEqual(items) || sortedItems.SequenceEqual(items.Reverse()); // Reverse using yield return

I would go for simple iteration over all elements:
string str = "whatever123";
Func<char, char, bool> pred;
bool? asc = str.TakeWhile((q, i) => i < str.Length - 1)
.Select((q, i) => str[i] == str[i+1] ? (bool?)null : str[i] < str[i+1])
.FirstOrDefault(q => q.HasValue);
if (!asc.HasValue)
return true; //all chars are the same
if (asc.Value)
pred = (c1, c2) => c1 <= c2;
pred = (c1, c2) => c1 >= c2;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length - 1; ++i)
if (!pred(str[i], str[i + 1]))
return false;
return true;


C# LINQ - SkipWhile() in reverse, without calling Reverse()?

In this code:
for (e = 0; e <= collection.Count - 2; e++)
var itm = collection.Read()
var itm_price = itm.Price
var forwards_satisfied_row = collection
.Skip(e + 1)
.SkipWhile(x => x.Price < ex_price)
var backwards_satisfied_row = collection
.Skip(collection.Count - e)
.SkipWhile(x => x.Price < ex_price)
Suppose the collection contains millions of items and a Reverse() is too expensive, what would be the best way to achieve the same outcome as 'backwards_satisfied_row' ?
For each item in the collection, it should find the first preceding item that matches the SkipWhile predicate.
For context I'm finding the distance a price extrema (minima or maxima) is from a horizontal clash with the price. This gives a 'strength' value for each Minima and Maxima, which determines the importance of it, and to help marry it up with extremas of a similar strength.
Edit 2
This chart shows the data in the reproc code below, note the dip in the middle at item #22, this item has a distance of 18.
Bear in mind this operation will be iterated millions of times.
So I'm trying not to read into memory, and to only evaluate the items needed.
When I run this on a large dataset r_ex takes 5 ms per row, whereas l_ex takes up to a second.
It might be tempting to iterate backwards and check that way, but there could be millions of previous records, being read from a binary file.
Many types of searches like Binary search wouldn't be practical here, since the values aren't ordered.
static void Main(string[] args)
var dict_dists = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>();
var dict = new Dictionary<Int32, decimal> {
{1, 410},{2, 474},{3, 431},
{4, 503},{5, 461},{6, 535},
{7, 488},{8, 562},{9, 508},
{10, 582},{11, 522},{12, 593},
{13, 529},{14, 597},{15, 529},
{16, 593},{17, 522},{18, 582},
{19, 510},{20, 565},{21, 492},
{22, 544},{23, 483},{24, 557},
{25, 506},{26, 580},{27, 524},
{28, 598},{29, 537},{30, 609},
{31, 543},{32, 612},{33, 542},
{34, 607},{35, 534},{36, 594},
{37, 518},{38, 572},{39, 496},
{40, 544},{41, 469},{42, 511},
{43, 437},{44, 474},{45, 404},
{46, 462},{47, 427},{48, 485},
{49, 441},{50, 507}};
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= dict.Count - 2; i++)
var ele = dict.ElementAt(i);
var current_time = ele.Key;
var current_price = ele.Value;
var is_maxima = current_price > dict.ElementAt(i + 1).Value;
//' If ele.Key = 23 Then here = True
var shortest_dist = Int32.MaxValue;
var l_ex = new KeyValuePair<int, decimal>();
var r_ex = new KeyValuePair<int, decimal>();
if (is_maxima)
l_ex = dict.Reverse().Skip(dict.Count - 1 - i + 1).SkipWhile(x => x.Value < current_price).FirstOrDefault();
r_ex = dict.Skip(i + 1).SkipWhile(x => x.Value < current_price).FirstOrDefault();
{ // 'Is Minima
l_ex = dict.Reverse().Skip(dict.Count - 1 - i + 1).SkipWhile(x => x.Value > current_price).FirstOrDefault();
r_ex = dict.Skip(i + 1).SkipWhile(x => x.Value > current_price).FirstOrDefault();
if (l_ex.Key > 0)
var l_dist = (current_time - l_ex.Key);
if ( l_dist < shortest_dist ) {
shortest_dist = l_dist;
if (r_ex.Key > 0)
var r_dist = (r_ex.Key - current_time);
if ( r_dist < shortest_dist ) {
shortest_dist = r_dist;
dict_dists.Add(current_time, shortest_dist);
var dist = dict_dists[23];
Edit: As a workaround I'm writing a reversed temp file for the left-seekers.
for (i = file.count - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
You could make it more efficient by selecting the precedent of each item in one pass. Lets make an extension method for enumerables that selects a precedent for each element:
public static IEnumerable<T> SelectPrecedent<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, bool> selector)
T selectedPrecedent = default;
foreach (var item in source)
if (selector(item)) selectedPrecedent = item;
yield return selectedPrecedent;
You could then use this method, and select the precedent and the subsequent of each element by doing only two Reverse operations in total:
var precedentArray = collection.SelectPrecedent(x => x.Price < ex_price).ToArray();
var subsequentArray = collection.Reverse()
.SelectPrecedent(x => x.Price < ex_price).Reverse().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
var current = collection[i];
var precedent = precedentArray[i];
var subsequent = subsequentArray[i];
// Do something with the current, precedent and subsequent
No need to do .Reverse() and then FirstOrDefault(), just use LastOrDefault(). Instead of Skip(collection.Count - e) use .Take(e) elements
var backwards_satisfied_row = collection
.SkipWhile(x => x.Price < ex_price) //Skip till x.Price < ex_price
.Skip(e+1) //Skip first e+1 elements
.LastOrDefault(); //Get Last or default value
You can make your code more efficient by storing collection and then just get FirstOrDefault() and LastOrDefault() for forwards_satisfied_row and backwards_satisfied_row respectively.
for (e = 0; e <= collection.Count - 2; e++)
var itm = collection.Read()
var itm_price = itm.Price
var satisfied_rows = collection
.SkipWhile(x => x.Price < ex_price)
.Skip(e + 1)
var forwards_satisfied_row = satisfied_rows.FirstOrDefault();
var backwards_satisfied_row = satisfied_rows.LastOrDefault();

Check if string contains characters in certain order in C#r

I have a code that's working right now, but it doesn't check if the characters are in order, it only checks if they're there. How can I modify my code so the the characters 'gaoaf' are checked in that order in the string?
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("keres.txt");
string s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
s = zadatok[i].nev+zadatok[i].cim;
if (s.Contains("g") && s.Contains("a") && s.Contains("o") && s.Contains("a") && s.Contains("f") )
sw.WriteLine(zadatok[i].nev + zadatok[i].cim);
You can convert the letters into a pattern and use Regex:
var letters = "gaoaf";
var pattern = String.Join(".*",letters.AsEnumerable());
var hasletters = Regex.IsMatch(s, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
For those that needlessly avoid .*, you can also solve this with LINQ:
var ans = letters.Aggregate(0, (p, c) => p >= 0 ? s.IndexOf(c.ToString(), p, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) : p) != -1;
If it is possible to have repeated adjacent letters, you need to complicate the LINQ solution slightly:
var ans = letters.Aggregate(0, (p, c) => {
if (p >= 0) {
var newp = s.IndexOf(c.ToString(), p, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
return newp >= 0 ? newp+1 : newp;
return p;
}) != -1;
Given the (ugly) machinations required to basically terminate Aggregate early, and given the (ugly and inefficient) syntax required to use an inline anonymous expression call to get rid of the temporary newp, I created some extensions to help, an Aggregate that can terminate early:
public static TAccum AggregateWhile<TAccum, T>(this IEnumerable<T> src, TAccum seed, Func<TAccum, T, TAccum> accumFn, Predicate<TAccum> whileFn) {
using (var e = src.GetEnumerator()) {
if (!e.MoveNext())
throw new Exception("At least one element required by AggregateWhile");
var ans = accumFn(seed, e.Current);
while (whileFn(ans) && e.MoveNext())
ans = accumFn(ans, e.Current);
return ans;
Now you can solve the problem fairly easily:
var ans2 = letters.AggregateWhile(-1,
(p, c) => s.IndexOf(c.ToString(), p+1, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
p => p >= 0
) != -1;
Why not something like this?
static bool CheckInOrder(string source, string charsToCheck)
int index = -1;
foreach (var c in charsToCheck)
index = source.IndexOf(c, index + 1);
if (index == -1)
return false;
return true;
Then you can use the function like this:
bool result = CheckInOrder("this is my source string", "gaoaf");
This should work because IndexOf returns -1 if a string isn't found, and it only starts scanning AFTER the previous match.

Identifying strings and manipulating the correctly

To preface this I am pulling records from a database. The CaseNumber column will have a unique identifier. However, multiple cases related to ONE Event will have very similar case numbers in which the last two digits will be the next following number. Example:
As you can see we would have to group these records into three groups. Currently my function is really messy and I it does not account for the scenario in which a group of case numbers is followed by another group of case numbers. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions as to how to tackle this. I was thinking about putting all the case numbers in an array.
int i = 1;
string firstCaseNumber = string.Empty;
string previousCaseNumber = string.Empty;
if (i == 1)
firstCaseNumber = texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber;
else if (i == 2)
string previousCaseNumberCode = firstCaseNumber.Remove(firstCaseNumber.Length - 3);
int previousCaseNumberTwoCharacters = Int32.Parse(firstCaseNumber.Substring(Math.Max(0, firstCaseNumber.Length - 2)));
string currentCaseNumberCode = texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Remove(texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Length - 3);
int currentCaselastTwoCharacters = Int32.Parse(texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Substring(Math.Max(0, texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Length - 2)));
int numberPlusOne = previousCaseNumberTwoCharacters + 1;
if (previousCaseNumberCode == currentCaseNumberCode && numberPlusOne == currentCaselastTwoCharacters)
//Group offense here
needNewCriminalRecord = false;
//NewGRoup here
previousCaseNumber = texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber;
string beforeCaseNumberCode = previousCaseNumber.Remove(previousCaseNumber.Length - 3);
int beforeCaselastTwoCharacters = Int32.Parse(previousCaseNumber.Substring(Math.Max(0, previousCaseNumber.Length - 2)));
string currentCaseNumberCode = texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Remove(texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Length - 3);
int currentCaselastTwoCharacters = Int32.Parse(texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Substring(Math.Max(0, texasHarrisPublicRecordInfo.CaseNumber.Length - 2)));
int numberPlusOne = beforeCaselastTwoCharacters + 1;
if (beforeCaseNumberCode == currentCaseNumberCode && numberPlusOne == currentCaselastTwoCharacters)
needNewCriminalRecord = false;
needNewCriminalRecord = true;
If you do not really care about performance you can use LINQ .GroupBy() and .ToDictionary() methods and create dictionary with lists. Something among the lines of :
string[] values =
Dictionary<string, List<string>> grouppedValues = values.GroupBy(v =>
new string(v.Take(9).ToArray()), // key - first 9 chars
v => v) // value
.ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
foreach (var item in grouppedValues)
Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value.Count);
Output :
TR42X2330 3
TR51C0613 5
TR52X4224 1
I would create a general puropose extension method:
static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> GroupByConsecutiveKey<T, TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T, TKey> keySelector, Func<TKey, TKey, bool> areConsecutive)
using (var enumerator = list.GetEnumerator())
TKey previousKey = default(TKey);
var currentGroup = new List<T>();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (!areConsecutive(previousKey, keySelector(enumerator.Current)))
if (currentGroup.Count > 0)
yield return currentGroup;
currentGroup = new List<T>();
previousKey = keySelector(enumerator.Current);
if (currentGroup.Count != 0)
yield return currentGroup;
And now you would use it like:
var grouped = data.GroupByConsecutiveKey(item => item, (k1, k2) => areConsecutive(k1, k2));
A quick hack for areConsecutive could be:
public static bool Consecutive(string s1, string s2)
if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
return false;
if (s1.Substring(0, s1.Length - 2) != s2.Substring(0, s2.Length - 2))
return false;
var end1 = s1.Substring(s1.Length - 2, 2);
var end2 = s2.Substring(s2.Length - 2, 2);
if (end1[1]!='0' && end2[1]!='0')
return Math.Abs((int)end1[1] - (int)end2[1]) == 1;
return Math.Abs(int.Parse(end1) - int.Parse(end2)) == 1;
Note that I am considering that Key can take any shape. If the alphanumeric code has the same pattern always then you can probably make this method a whole lot prettier or just use regular expressions.

What would be the LINQ solution for this query in c#?

I have a class RuleDetail:
public class RuleDetail
public int RuleDetailId;
public int StartYear;
I have a List of objects of type RuleDetail:
RuleDetailId=1, StartYear=0
RuleDetailId=2, StartYear=2
RuleDetailId=3, StartYear=4
RuleDetailId=4, StartYear=10
RuleDetailId=5, StartYear=13
RuleDetailId=6, StartYear=18
I will be given a number say x (x always >= 0); for that I need to find the RuleDetail object in the above List which matches these conditions:
Get the RuleDetail object where x equals to StartYear OR
Get the RuleDetail object of the max(StartYear) when StartYear < x
Assuming I have these variables
RuleDetail[] ruleDetails = null;
int x = -1;
// ruleDetails populated
// x populated
This is the code I have come up with:
bool found = false;
RuleDetail ruleDetail = null;
RuleDetail oldRuleDetail = null;
for (int i=0; i<ruleDetails.Length; i++)
if (ruleDetails[i].StartYear == x)
found = true;
ruleDetail = ruleDetails[i];
else if (ruleDetails[i].StartYear > x)
found = true;
ruleDetail = oldRuleDetail;
oldRuleDetail = ruleDetails[i];
if (!found)
ruleDetail = oldRuleDetail;
return ruleDetail;
The code is working ok. But how can I do this in LINQ?
var output = ruleDetails.OrderBy(rule => rule.StartYear).Where(rule => rule.StartYear <= x).Last()
If the list is already in StartYear order then ....
var output = ruleDetails.Where(rule => rule.StartYear <= x).Last()
You can use
ruleDetails.FirstOrDefault(rd => rd.StartYear == x)
?? ruleDetails.Where(rd => rd.StartYear < x).OrderByDescending(rd => rd.StartYear).First();
which is a clear separation of your two requirements, but it is actually more concise to use
ruleDetails.Where(rd => rd.StartYear <= x).OrderByDescending(rd => rd.StartYear).First()
var res1 = (from a in ruleDetails where a.StartYear == x select a).First();
var res2 = (from a in ruleDetails orderby a.StartYear where a.StartYear < x select a).Last();
Here's a real simple LINQ snippet to accomplish what you're trying to do here. I'm writing this with the assumption that your list is ordered as that's what your current code suggests.
We'll first filter the list down to entries that are either the target year or less than it, then take the highest remaining element.
var filteredList = ruledetails.Where(r => r.StartYear <= targetYear);
return filteredList.Last;
It's kinda gross, but maybe something like:
var result = ruleDetails
.OrderBy(r => r.StartYear)
.FirstOrDefault(r => r.StartYear == x || r.StartYear == ruleDetails.Select(y => y.StartYear).Max());
(A) if the list is is initially sorted by StartYear, then
var result = ruleDetails.LastOrDefault(r => r.StartYear <= startYear);
(B) if the list is not sorted, then
var result = ruleDetails.Where(r => r.StartYear <= startYear)
.Aggregate((RuleDetail)null, (a, b) => a == null || a.StartYear < b.StartYear ? b : a);

string sorting in C#

I have an array of strings like the following:
I want them to sort them witht the following rules"
Capital letters for a given character should come first.
The capital and small letters should be sorted in their own groups.
Thus, the output should be:
The language I am using is C# and .Net 4.0.
Proper set of OrderBy/ThenBy calls will do the trick.
Order by first letter lowercased, to get all as and As first, then bs and Bs, etc.
Then by IsLower(firstCharacter), which will get the uppercased items for each letter first.
Then by the entire string.
var sorted = source.OrderBy(s => char.ToLower(s[0]))
.ThenBy(s => char.IsLower(s[0]))
.ThenBy(s => s)
Try like this
List<string> list = new List<string>();
list = list.Where(r => char.IsLower(r[0])).OrderBy(r => r)
.Concat(list.Where(r => char.IsUpper(r[0])).OrderBy(r => r)).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
Below solution works for more than one Caps.
static void Main(string[] args)
var names = new List<String>() {
names.Sort((one, two) =>
int result = 0;
var oneArray = one.ToCharArray();
var twoArray = two.ToCharArray();
var minLength = Math.Min(oneArray.Length, twoArray.Length) - 1;
var i = 0;
while (i < minLength)
//Diff Letter
if (Char.ToUpper(one[i]) != Char.ToUpper(two[i]))
result = Char.ToUpper(one[i]) - Char.ToUpper(two[i]);
// Same Letter, same case
if (oneArray[i] == twoArray[i])
// Same Letter, diff case
result = one[i] - two[i];
return result;
foreach (string s in names)
If you want to go beyond the first character, I should implement a comparer:
class MyComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
if ((x == null) && (y == null))
return 0;
if (x == null)
return 1;
if (y == null)
return -1;
var l = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
var c = x[i];
var d = y[i];
if (c != d)
if (char.ToLowerInvariant(c) == char.ToLowerInvariant(d))
return StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(new string(c, 1), new string(d, 1));
return StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(new string(c, 1), new string(d, 1));
return x.Length == y.Length ? 0 : x.Length > y.Length ? 1 : -1;
And then use it:
var myComparer = new MyComparer();
source.OrderBy(s => s, myComparer);
