I have a C# web application that makes a web service call, then renders a page for a browser. Following this advice, I chose to use System.Net.WebClient for the request because it had a succint interface and all the control I needed.
WebClient offers me async versions of all the download methods. Should I use them? I don't care if the current user waits. I need the web service result before I can render the page, and I have nothing else to be doing (for her) in the meantime. However I really do care if my server is tied up while one user's web service call completes. If this was javascript, a synchronous web request on the main thread would hold up at least the whole window. Is this the case in asp.net? For reasons outta my control, my web service request is at the bottom of a pile of 15 method calls. Dot I have to convert them all to async to see any advantage?
Generally speaking, async IO won't yield faster per-request response, but in theory it can increase throughput.
public async Task<IActionResult> YourWebApiMethod() {
// at this point thread serving this request is returned back to threadpool and
// awailable to serve other requests
var result = await Call3ptyService();
// once IO is finished we grab new thread from thread pool to finish the job
return result;
// thread serving this request is allocated for duration of whole operation
public IActionResult YourWebApiMethod() {
return Call3ptyService().Result;
You have only so-many threads in thread pool, if every single one is busy waiting for external service; your web server will stop serving requests. As for your particular problem - try it and you'll find out.
I have an issue with using a Database in a thread in my asp.net Application.
When I want to start my application I want to start a thread called "BackgroundWorker" with it, which runs in the background till the whole application is stopped.
The problem is that I have massive problems with the dbContext in the thread.
I I try to start the walker in my Startup.cs in the methods "ConfigureServices" or "Configure" and then initialize the dbContext in the constructor in the Walker like this "dbContext = new ApplicationContext()" it tells me that the connection is not configured, when I try to operate in the while(true) queue on the database.
If I write an own Controller for the Walker which receives a ApplicationContext in his constructor and then starts a Thread like this, if i call this controller once with a GET Request:
public BackgroundWorker(ChronicusContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
_messageService = new MailMessageService();
// GET: api/backgroundworker
public void StartWorker()
//Thread thread = new Thread(this.DoBackGroundWork);
Thread thread = new Thread(() => DoBackGroundWork(this._dbContext));
public void DoBackGroundWork(ChronicusContext _dbContext)
while (true)
if (_dbContext.PollModels.Any()) //Here is the exception
Then I receive an System.ObjectDisposedException that the object is already disposed inside the while (true) queue.
I tried those and similar things in many different ways but allways receive exceptions like these two or that the database connection is closed.
Can somebody help me and tell me, how this works?
Thank you!
Generally, server side multithreading for Web Applications does not happen often and is, most times, a huge no no.
Conceptually, your server is "multithreaded", it handles many HTTP requests from clients/users/other servers. For mobile and web architecture/design, your server(s) process multiple requests and your clients are handling asynchronous calls and dealing with waiting for responses from long running calls like your API method StartWorker.
Think of this scenario, you make a request to your WebAPI method StartWorker, the client, making the request is waiting for a response, putting the work on another thread does nothing as the client is still waiting for a response.
For example, let's consider your client an HTML web page with an Ajax call. You call StartWorker via Ajax, you will be loading data into a HTML table. You will desire, from a UX perspective, to put up a progress spinner while that long running StartWorker responds to your HTML Page Ajax call request. When StartWorker responds, the Ajax call loads the HTML table with the StartWorker response. StartWorker has to respond with the data. If StartWorker responds beforehand than you will have to send a push notification, via SignalR, for example, when the other thread completes and has the data you need for the HTML table.
Hopefully, you see, the call to the WebAPI method, takes the same amount of time from a Ajax request/response perspective, so multithreading becomes pointless in this scenario, a most common web application scenario.
You can have your client UI load other UI elements, showing a progress spinner in HTML table UI area, until your database call is complete and responds with the data to your Ajax call. This way your users know things are happening and something is still loading.
If you still need your additional thread in your API for your project needs, I believe you have to be using Entity Framework 6 or greater to support asynchronous queries, see this tutorial:
Now that I know you need to run a SQL query on a repeating frequency of time, and you have an Azure Web App, what you want to use is Azure Automation if you are using Sql Azure or create a Sql Server Job if you are using a Sql Server instance as your backend
DbContext is not thread safe. You need to create a new context from inside your thread.
public void DoBackGroundWork()
ChronicusContext anotherContext= new ChronicusContext();
while (true)
if (anotherContext.PollModels.Any())
I have a loop that actually waits for some process for completion of a Job and returns result.
I have MyRestClient.FetchResult(id) and MyRestClient.FetchResultAsync(id) both available to me, which fetches result from some remote service and returns boolean value if it is complete.
public class StatusController: ActionController {
public ActionResult Poll(long id){
return new PollingResult(()=>{
return MyRestClient.FetchResult(id) == SomethingSuccessful;
public class PollingResult : ActionResult{
private Func<bool> PollResult;
public PollingResult(Func<bool> pollResult){
this.PollResult = pollResult;
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
Response = context.HttpContext.Response;
Request = context.HttpContext.Request;
// poll every 5 Seconds, for 5 minutes
for(int i=0;i<60;i++){
// This is a comet, so we need to
// send a response, so that browser does not disconnect
Now I am just wondering if there is anyway to use Async Await to improve this logic because this thread is just waiting for every 5 seconds for 5 minutes.
Async Task pattern usually finishes all work before sending result back to client, please note, if I do not send intermediate responses back to client in 5 seconds, client will disconnect.
Reason for Client Side Long Poll
Our web server is on high speed internet, where else clients are on low end connection, making multiple connections from client to our server and then relaying further to third party api is little extra overhead on client end.
This is called Comet technology, instead of making multiple calls in duration of 5 seconds, keeping a connection open for little longer is less resource consuming.
And of course, if client is disconnected, client will reconnect and once again wait. Multiple HTTP connections every 5 seconds drains battery life quicker compared to single polling request
First, I should point out that SignalR was designed to replace manual long-polling. I recommend that you use it first, if possible. It will upgrade to WebSockets if both sides support it, which is more efficient than long polling.
There is no "async ActionResult" supported in MVC, but you can do something similar via a trick:
public async Task<ActionResult> Poll()
while (!IsCompleted)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
return PartialView("Done");
However, flushing partial results goes completely against the spirit and design of MVC. MVC = Model, View, Controller, you know. Where the Controller constructs the Model and passes it to the View. In this case you have the Controller is directly flushing parts of the View.
WebAPI has a more natural and less hackish solution: a PushStreamContent type, with an example.
MVC was definitely not designed for this. WebAPI supports it but not as a mainstream option. SignalR is the appropriate technology to use, if your clients can use it.
Use Task.Delay instead of Thread.Sleep
await Task.Delay(5000);
Sleep tells the operating system to put your thread to sleep, and remove it from scheduling for at least 5 seconds. As follows, the thread will do nothing for 5 secs - that's one less thread you can use to process incoming requests.
await Task.Delay creates a timer, which will tick after 5 seconds. The thing is, this timer doesn't use a thread itself - it simply tells the operating system to signal a ThreadPool thread when 5 seconds have passed.
Meanwhile, your thread will be free to answer other requests.
For your specific scenario, it seems there's a gotcha.
Normally, you'd change the surrounding method's signature to return a Task/Task<T> instead of void. But ASP.NET MVC doesn't support an asynchronous ActionResult (see here).
It seems your options are to either:
move the async code to the controller (or to another class with an async-compatible interface)
Use a WebAPI controller, which seems to be a good fit for your scenario.
I have a video encoding in process with third party cloud api, however
my web client (chrome/ie/ff) need to poll result of encoding. If I
simply pass on result for every 5 seconds, web client will need to
make multiple HTTP calls one after another
I think the approach when you're trying to poll the result of the video encoding operation within the boundaries of a single HTTP request (i.e., within your ASP.NET MVC controller method) is wrong.
While you're doing the polling, the client browser is still waiting for your HTTP response. This way, the client-side HTTP request may simple get timed out. It is also a not-so-user-friendly behavior, the user is not getting any progress notifications, and cannot request the cancellation.
I've recently answer a related question about long-running server side operation. IMO, the best way of dealing with it is to outsource it to a WCF service and use AJAX polling. I also answered another related question on how to do the asynchronous long-polling in a WCF service.
I'm very new to Web API and I have an unusual pattern that I need to implement. In the Post method of my controller, it is to take an object which includes a CallbackURL. It will then immediately return an HTTP response to the caller. Afterwards, it will use a 3rd party, off-site API to perform some work with the object. Once that work is done, the controller is to post the results of that work to the CallbackURL.
However, I do not know how to implement this in Web API. Once I return the HTTP response, the controller's lifecycle is over, correct? If so, how do I perform the work I need to do after I return the response?
If you only need to post results to a url and not to the client that initiated the call, you could possibly do something as easy as this:
public string MyAPIMethod(object input)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
//call third-party service and post result to callback url here.
return "Success!";
The api call will return right away, and the Task you created will continue the processing in a different thread.
Creating a task to finish up the request (as suggested by Jason P above) will most likely solve the problem, thread-safety provided. However that approach might hurt the performance of your Web service if calls to the 3rd party API take a significant amount of time to complete and/or you are expecting many concurrent clients. If that was the case, your problem seems to be the perfect candidate for a service pattern called "Request/Acknowledge/Callback" (also "Request/Acknowledge/Relay"). Using that pattern, your Web API method will just store each request (including the callback URL) into a queue/database and return quickly. A separate module (possibly running on more than one machine, depending on the number and complexity of the tasks) will take care of completing the tasks, and subsequently notifying completion through the callback URL (please see http://servicedesignpatterns.com/ClientServiceInteractions/RequestAcknowledge).
This is presuming you want to return the results of your 3rd-party query to the caller.
You're correct, this is outside of what's possible with WebAPI. Once you return the HTTP Response, the client also has no connection to your server.
You should look into Asp.Net SignalR, which allows a persistent connection between the client and server, working in modern browsers, and even back to IE7 (though officially unsupported), as well as supporting non-browser clients.
You can then do a couple of things, all of which require the client to connect to SignalR first.
Option 1: You can call your WebApi controller, which can return, but not before launching a task. This task can query the 3rd party api, then invoke a function on the caller via SignalR with the results that you want to provide.
Option 2: You can call a SignalR Hub action, which can talk back to your client. You can tell your client the immediate response, query the 3rd-party api, then return the results you want to provide.
I need to be able to cancel async calls made to my webservice. One solution I have is to use manage my own threads, and use synchronous methods from the SOAP client. This works fine and it needs some more fine grained thread management.
If I used any of these two patterns provided from adding a web service reference, say:
var Client = new ASL_WS.SvcSoapClient()
IAsyncResult result = Client.BeginAuthenticateUser(Email, Password, new AsyncCallback(AuthCompleted));
var Client = new ASL_WS.SvcSoapClient()
Client.AuthenticateUserCompleted += AuthCompleted;
Client.AuthenticateUserAsync(Email, Passsword);
do any of these two patterns give me a way of cancelling the request? One use case could be: a user logs in, but wants to cancel before the authenticate call completes.
Of course, I could implement this differently by modifying the asyncState passed to these calls, and setting it to disable UI update, but it's not what I'm looking for.
Could I just just cancel all outstanding operations. Does Client.Abort() cancel such operations. What if there are many async requests, are all cancelled? Are there any other API methods that can do this?
Yes, you can use Abort method but keep below notes in mind. You can also use CancelAsync.
Abort notes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480512.aspx
When you call the Abort method, any outstanding requests will still complete, but they will complete with a fault. This means that if you are using callbacks, your callback function will still be called for each outstanding request . When the EndInvoke method is called, or in our case, the wrapper function EndDelayedResponse, then a fault will be generated indicating that the underlying connection has been closed.
CancelAsync example: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/wsasync.aspx
I am writing some Utility code to send off emails Async.
var mailClient = new SmtpClient(smtpHost);
mailClient.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(mailClient_SendCompleted);
using (var mailMessage = new MailMessage())
if (!((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler).IsAsync)
// set to Async????
mailClient.SendAsync(mailMessage, new { EmailID });
But I get errors because my Pages don't have Async="true" in the page directives.
here is the standard error that you get:
"Asynchronous operations are not allowed in this context. Page starting an
asynchronous operation has to have the Async attribute set to true and an
asynchronous operation can only be started on a page prior to
PreRenderComplete event."
I read this: (last paragraph )
A final point to keep in mind as you
build asynchronous pages is that you
should not launch asynchronous
operations that borrow from the same
thread pool that ASP.NET uses. For
example, calling
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem at a
page's asynchronous point is
counterproductive because that method
draws from the thread pool, resulting
in a net gain of zero threads for
processing requests. By contrast,
calling asynchronous methods built
into the Framework, methods such as
HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse and
SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader, is
generally considered to be safe
because those methods tend to use
completion ports to implement
asynchronous behavior.
1) How can I update the page to be Async in my c# code?
2) If I can't what is the down side with forcing all my pages to be Async=true?
3) Is there an even better way to thread my task without being "counterproductive"?
How many different pages do you need to send mail from?
Also, what error did you get when you tried to send async? Please edit your question to contain the entire exception.
Consider creating a single (async) page to send email from. You can call that page by using Server.Transfer, and have it redirect back to your desired page when done.
Finally, if you're sending so many emails that you lose performance when sending mail synchronously, then perhaps you should create a Windows Service to send the actual email. Your ASP.NET page would queue a request to this service (through MSMQ, or WCF) to have the service send the email.