Synchronous call not working but asynchronous does - c#

I have a simple method that works in an asynchronous format, but when I try to change it to a synchronous format, it acts like it deadlocks and never returns anything. I know it is more effective to use asynchronous calls but I am curious as to why this is happening. Thanks in advance.
This returns a working result:
public static async Task getCompanyAsync(){
var client = new getRestClient();
var response = await companiesApi.GetCompaniesAsync(client);
var companies = response.GetResultAsync<List<Company>>();
This will make the program sit and spin until I kill it:
public static void getCompany(){
var client = new getRestClient();
var response = companiesApi.GetCompanies(client);
var companies = response.GetResult<List<Company>>();
So here is some more detailed code.
static void Main(string[] args)
public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
await getCompanyAsync();
private static async Task getCompanyAsync()
var client = getApiClient();
var companiesApi = new CompaniesApi(client);
var response = await companiesApi.GetCompaniesAsync();
var companyies = await response.GetResultAsync<List<Company>>();
foreach (var company in companyies)
private static void getCompany()
var client = getApiClient();
var companiesApi = new CompaniesApi(client);
var response = companiesApi.GetCompanies();
var companyies = response.GetResult<List<Company>>();
foreach (var company in companyies)
I the application ran as expected when I moved getCompany(); from the MainAsync() method into the Main() method.

Two points here.
First, async will often work in unexpected ways in a console application (as compared to a UI application). This is because UIs have a "built in" synchronization contexts (and, obviously, because they don't automatically exit after their "main" method equivalent has completed execution), whereas Console applications don't. See this article for directions on how to use a context in a console application to mitigate this.
Secondly, as pointed out in one of Stephen Cleary's excellent articles on the topic, it's a bad practice to block on async if avoidable as it can lead to exactly the kinds of deadlocks you describe. Basically, one way of solving this is to use async "all the way down" - i.e. use async/await instead of GetResult() in your second sample. This idea is echoed in the Microsoft documentation of best practices for async, which recommend against mixing synchronous and asynchronous code like you do in the second code sample.
In the article I linked to the author explains how a deadlock can occur when you mix synchronous and asynchronous code. Basically, this can occur when, for example, the async method is waiting for the same context as the GetResults() call is. (His article explains it a lot better than me though :) ).


Too many nested async methods. Is that a problem?

The following code gets a list of investments belonging to a customer from 3 different resources. The flow starts with a controller's call and follows the flow described below where all methods are declared as async and called with await operator.
I'm wondering if is there a problem making all methods as async. Is there any performance penalty? Is it a code smell or an anti-pattern?
I know there are things that must be waited like access url, get data from cahce, etc. But I think there are things like filling a list or sum some few values doesn't need to be async.
Below follow the code (some parts where ommited for clearness):
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
Client client = await _mediator.Send(new RecuperarInvestimentosQuery());
return Ok(cliente);
public async Task<Client> Handle(RecoverInvestimentsQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Client client;
List<Investiment> list = await _investimentBuilder.GetInvestiments();
client = new Cliente(request.Id, list);
return client;
public async Task<List<Investiment>> GetInvestiments()
ListInvestiments builder = new ListInvestiments();
await builder.BuildLists(_builder);
// here I get the List<Investiment> list already fulfilled to return to the controller
return list;
public async Task BuildLists(IBuilder builder)
Task[] tasks = new Task[] {
builder.GetFundsAsync(), //****
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Funds, Bonds and Fixed Income Services (***all 3 methods are equal, only its name vary, so I just put one of them for the sake of saving space)
public async Task GetFundsAsync()
var listOfFunds = await _FundsService.RecoverFundsAsync();
// listOfFunds will get all items from all types of investments
Recover Funds, Bonds and Fixed Incomes methods are equals too, again I just put one of them
public async Task<List<Funds>> RecoverFundsAsync()
var returnCache = await _clientCache.GetValueAsync("fundsService");
// if not in cache, so go get from url
if (returnCache == null)
string url = _configuration.GetValue<string>("Urls:Funds");
var response = await _clienteHttp.ObterDadosAsync(url);
if (response != null)
string funds = JObject.Parse(response).SelectToken("funds").ToString();
await _clienteCache.SetValueAsync("fundService", funds);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Funds>>(fundos);
return null;
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Funds>>(returnCache);
HTTP Client
public async Task<string> GetDataAsync(string Url)
using (HttpClient client = _clientFactory.CreateClient())
var response = await client.GetAsync(Url);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return null;
Cache Client
public async Task<string> GetValueAsync(string key)
IDatabase cache = Connection.GetDatabase();
RedisValue value = await cache.StringGetAsync(key);
if (value.HasValue)
return value.ToString();
return null;
Could someone give a thought about that?
Thanks in advance.
Your code looks okay for me. You are using async and await just for I/O and web access operations, and it perfectly fits for async and await purposes:
For I/O-bound code, you await an operation that returns a Task or Task inside of an async method.
For CPU-bound code, you await an operation that is started on a background thread with the Task.Run method.
Once you've used async and await, then all pieces of your code tends to become asynchronous too. This fact is described greatly in the MSDN article - Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming:
Asynchronous code reminds me of the story of a fellow who mentioned
that the world was suspended in space and was immediately challenged
by an elderly lady claiming that the world rested on the back of a
giant turtle. When the man enquired what the turtle was standing on,
the lady replied, “You’re very clever, young man, but it’s turtles all
the way down!” As you convert synchronous code to asynchronous code,
you’ll find that it works best if asynchronous code calls and is
called by other asynchronous code—all the way down (or “up,” if you
prefer). Others have also noticed the spreading behavior of
asynchronous programming and have called it “contagious” or compared
it to a zombie virus. Whether turtles or zombies, it’s definitely true
that asynchronous code tends to drive surrounding code to also be
asynchronous. This behavior is inherent in all types of asynchronous
programming, not just the new async/await keywords.

Find deadlock in Task.WhenAll

I find the code snippet below has deadlock, although I already solved this problem by using read write lock, I still have no idea what exactly happens under the hood in Task.WhenAll that causes deadlock.
Problematic code:
public async static Task<Dictionary<string, Log4SerialPort>> AvailableLog4SerialPorts()
var ports = App.SerialPortService.GetAvailablePorts();
await Task.WhenAll(ports.Select(async port =>
if (!_availableLog4SerialPorts.ContainsKey(port.Path))
var log4Port = new Log4SerialPort(port);
var isValid = await log4Port.Verify();
if (isValid)
_availableLog4SerialPorts.Add(port.Path, log4Port);
return _availableLog4SerialPorts;
By adding read write lock, problem solved:
public async static Task<Dictionary<string, Log4SerialPort>> AvailableLog4SerialPorts()
var ports = App.SerialPortService.GetAvailablePorts();
await Task.WhenAll(ports.Select(async port =>
if (!_availableLog4SerialPorts.ContainsKey(port.Path))
var log4Port = new Log4SerialPort(port);
var isValid = await log4Port.Verify();
if (isValid)
_availableLog4SerialPorts.Add(port.Path, log4Port);
return _availableLog4SerialPorts;
_availableLog4SerialPorts is a static field.
log4Port.Verify() doesn't share any static resources, it just does some time-consuming tasks.
It seems Task.WhenAll will lock the static resources automatically, but not sure how it works and the detailed blocking reason in this case.
I made a small program to reproduce this problem, and it seems the reason why the program is blocked is as what #Michael Randall said, Dictionary in multi-threaded environment may cause unintended behaviour. Followings are the screenshot of the test. Without locks, the program will block at any arbitrary point during execution.
without locks
with locks (Sorry I still cannot embed images yet...)
Thanks for all your helps : )

How to convert WaitAll() to async and await

Is it possible to rewrite the code below using the async await syntax?
private void PullTablePages()
var taskList = new List<Task>();
var faultedList = new List<Task>();
foreach (var featureItem in featuresWithDataName)
var task = Task.Run(() => PullTablePage();
if(taskList.Count == Constants.THREADS)
var index = Task.WaitAny(taskList.ToArray());
if (taskList.Any())
//todo: do something with faulted list
When I rewrote it as below, the code doesn't block and the console application finishes before most of the threads complete.
It seems like the await syntax doesn't block as I expected.
private async void PullTablePagesAsync()
var taskList = new List<Task>();
var faultedList = new List<Task>();
foreach (var featureItem in featuresWithDataName)
var task = Task.Run(() => PullTablePage();
if(taskList.Count == Constants.THREADS)
var anyFinished = await Task.WhenAny(taskList.ToArray());
await anyFinished;
for (var index = taskList.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
if (taskList[index].IsCompleted)
if (taskList.Any())
await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
//todo: what to do with faulted list?
Is it possible to do so?
WaitAll doesn't seem to wait for all tasks to complete. How do I get it to do so? The return type says that it returns a task, but can't seem to figure out the syntax.## Heading ##
New to multithreading, please excuse ignorance.
Is it possible to rewrite the code below using the async await syntax?
Yes and no. Yes, because you already did it. No, because while being equivalent from the function implementation standpoint, it's not equivalent from the function caller perspective (as you already experienced with your console application). Contrary to many other C# keywords, await is not a syntax sugar. There is a reason why the compiler forces you to mark your function with async in order to enable await construct, and the reason is that now your function is no more blocking and that puts additional responsibility to the callers - either put themselves to be non blocking (async) or use a blocking calls to your function. Every async method in fact is and should return Task or Task<TResult> and then the compiler will warn the callers that ignore that fact. The only exception is async void which is supposed to be used only for event handlers, which by nature should not care what the object being notified is doing.
Shortly, async/await is not for rewriting synchronous (blocking code), but for easy turning it to asynchronous (non blocking). If your function is supposed to be synchronous, then just keep it the way it is (and your original implementation is perfectly doing that). But if you need asynchronous version, then you should change the signature to
private async Task PullTablePagesAsync()
with the await rewritten body (which you already did correctly). And for backward compatibility provide the old synchronous version using the new implementation like this
private void PullTablePages() { PullTablePagesAsync().Wait(); }
It seems like the await syntax doesn't block as I expected.
You're expecting the wrong thing.
The await syntax should never block - it's just that the execution flow should not continue until the task is finished.
Usually you are using async/await in methods that return a task. In your case you're using it in a method with a return type void.
It takes times to get your head around async void methods, that's why their use is usually discouraged. Async void methods run synchronously (block) to the calling method until the first (not completed) task is awaited. What happens after depends on the execution context (usually you're running on the pool). What's important: The calling method (the one that calls PullTablePAgesAsync) does not know of continuations and can't know when all code in PullTablePagesAsync is done.
Maybe take a look on the async/await best practices on MSDN

Await stops execution of thread and never continues

I have the following:
public async Task<bool> SearchForUpdatesAsync()
return await TaskEx.Run(() =>
if (!ConnectionChecker.IsConnectionAvailable())
return false;
// Check for SSL and ignore it
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate { return (true); };
var configurations = UpdateConfiguration.Download(UpdateConfigurationFileUri, Proxy);
var result = new UpdateResult(configurations, CurrentVersion,
IncludeAlpha, IncludeBeta);
if (!result.UpdatesFound)
return false;
_updateConfigurations = result.NewestConfigurations;
double updatePackageSize = 0;
foreach (var updateConfiguration in _updateConfigurations)
var newPackageSize = GetUpdatePackageSize(updateConfiguration.UpdatePackageUri);
if (newPackageSize == null)
throw new SizeCalculationException(_lp.PackageSizeCalculationExceptionText);
updatePackageSize += newPackageSize.Value;
_packageOperations.Add(new UpdateVersion(updateConfiguration.LiteralVersion),
TotalSize = updatePackageSize;
return true;
As you can see I'm using Microsoft.Bcl.
Now in my other class I wrote this code in a normal void:
TaskEx.Run(async delegate
// ...
_updateAvailable = await _updateManager.SearchForUpdatesAsync();
The problem I have is that it executes _updateAvailable = await _updateManager.SearchForUpdatesAsync(); and then it doesn't continue the thread, it just stops as if there is nothing after that call. Visual Studio also tells me this after a while: Thread ... exited with code 259, so something seems to be still alive.
I debugged through it to search for any exceptions that could maybe be swallowed, but nothing, everything works fine and it executes the return-statement.
And that is what I don't understand, I never see the MessageBox and/or no code beyond this line's being executed.
After I talked to some friends, they confirmed that this shouldn't be. Did I make a horrible mistake when implementing async-await?
Thanks in advance, that's actually all I can say about that, I got no more information, I appreciate any tips and help as far as it's possible.
The main issue that you're having is that you're unnecessarily wrapping your method in TaskEx.Run() and you are probably experiencing deadlock somewhere.
Your method signature is currently:
public async Task<bool> SearchForUpdatesAsync()
This means the following:
async --> Doesn't actually do anything, but provides a "heads up" that await might be called within this method and that this method can be used as a runnable Task.
Task --> This method returns a runnable task that can be run asynchronously on the threadpool
<bool> --> This method actually returns bool when awaited.
The await TaskEx.Run() is unnecessarily since this says run this method and then don't return until after a value is available. This is most likely causing a synchronization problem. Removing this construct will make your method work properly, however you'll notice that now you have no reason to even include the async operator or the Task<T> portion since the method is actually synchronous anyway. Usually you're only going to use async identifier on the method signature if you have methods that you are going to call await on them.
Instead you have two options.
Whenever you want to call SearchForUpdates() you can wrap this in a Task<bool>.Run() to run it asynchronously (or the Bcl equivalent)
Since you are using WinForms you might be better off using a BackgroundWorker and just calling this method within it.
Regarding using the async-await pattern I think that this is a great article to use to make sure you're following best practices:
The best practice is to have async all the way through your layers, and then call await or less desirably .Wait() / .Result at the final use site.
Also, try to keep your UI calls separate from the backend work, since you can run into synchronicity/thread-context issue.
public class WinFormsCode
private async Task WinsFormCodeBehindMethodAsync()
var updatesAvailable = await _updateManager.SearchForUpdatesAsync();
MessageBox.Show("Updates Available: " + updatesAvailable.ToString());
private void WinsFormCodeBehindMethodSync()
var updatesAvailable = _updateManager.SearchForUpdatesAsync().Result;
MessageBox.Show("Updates Available: " + updatesAvailable.ToString());
public class UpdateManager
public async Task<bool> SearchForUpdatesAsync()
return true;

Calling async methods from a synchronous context

I'm calling a service over HTTP (ultimately using the HttpClient.SendAsync method) from within my code. This code is then called into from a WebAPI controller action. Mostly, it works fine (tests pass) but then when I deploy on say IIS, I experience a deadlock because caller of the async method call has been blocked and the continuation cannot proceed on that thread until it finishes (which it won't).
While I could make most of my methods async I don't feel as if I have a basic understanding of when I'd must do this.
For example, let's say I did make most of my methods async (since they ultimately call other async service methods) how would I then invoke the first async method of my program if I built say a message loop where I want some control of the degree of parallelism?
Since the HttpClient doesn't have any synchronous methods, what can I safely presume to do if I have an abstraction that isn't async aware? I've read about the ConfigureAwait(false) but I don't really understand what it does. It's strange to me that it's set after the async invocation. To me that feels as if a race waiting to happen... however unlikely...
WebAPI example:
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var userContext = contextService.GetUserContext(); // <-- synchronous
return ...
// Some IUserContextService implementation
public IUserContext GetUserContext()
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var result = httpClient.GetAsync(...).Result; // <-- I really don't care if this is asynchronous or not
return new HttpUserContext(result);
Message loop example:
var mq = new MessageQueue();
// we then run say 8 tasks that do this
for (;;)
var m = mq.Get();
var c = GetCommand(m);
When you have a message loop that allow things to happen in parallel and you have asynchronous methods, there's a opportunity to minimize latency. Basically, what I want to accomplish in this instance is to minimize latency and idle time. Though I'm actually unsure as to how to invoke into the command that's associated with the message that arrives off the queue.
To be more specific, if the command invocation needs to do service requests there's going to be latency in the invocation that could be used to get the next message. Stuff like that. I can totally do this simply by wrapping up things in queues and coordinating this myself but I'd like to see this work with just some async/await stuff.
While I could make most of my methods async I don't feel as if I have a basic understanding of when I'd must do this.
Start at the lowest level. It sounds like you've already got a start, but if you're looking for more at the lowest level, then the rule of thumb is anything I/O-based should be made async (e.g., HttpClient).
Then it's a matter of repeating the async infection. You want to use async methods, so you call them with await. So that method must be async. So all of its callers must use await, so they must also be async, etc.
how would I then invoke the first async method of my program if I built say a message loop where I want some control of the degree of parallelism?
It's easiest to put the framework in charge of this. E.g., you can just return a Task<T> from a WebAPI action, and the framework understands that. Similarly, UI applications have a message loop built-in that async will work naturally with.
If you have a situation where the framework doesn't understand Task or have a built-in message loop (usually a Console application or a Win32 service), you can use the AsyncContext type in my AsyncEx library. AsyncContext just installs a "main loop" (that is compatible with async) onto the current thread.
Since the HttpClient doesn't have any synchronous methods, what can I safely presume to do if I have an abstraction that isn't async aware?
The correct approach is to change the abstraction. Do not attempt to block on asynchronous code; I describe that common deadlock scenario in detail on my blog.
You change the abstraction by making it async-friendly. For example, change IUserContext IUserContextService.GetUserContext() to Task<IUserContext> IUserContextService.GetUserContextAsync().
I've read about the ConfigureAwait(false) but I don't really understand what it does. It's strange to me that it's set after the async invocation.
You may find my async intro helpful. I won't say much more about ConfigureAwait in this answer because I think it's not directly applicable to a good solution for this question (but I'm not saying it's bad; it actually should be used unless you can't use it).
Just bear in mind that async is an operator with precedence rules and all that. It feels magical at first, but it's really not so much. This code:
var result = await httpClient.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
is exactly the same as this code:
var asyncOperation = httpClient.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
var result = await asyncOperation;
There are usually no race conditions in async code because - even though the method is asynchronous - it is also sequential. The method can be paused at an await, and it will not be resumed until that await completes.
When you have a message loop that allow things to happen in parallel and you have asynchronous methods, there's a opportunity to minimize latency.
This is the second time you've mentioned a "message loop" "in parallel", but I think what you actually want is to have multiple (asynchronous) consumers working off the same queue, correct? That's easy enough to do with async (note that there is just a single message loop on a single thread in this example; when everything is async, that's usually all you need):
await tasks.WhenAll(ConsumerAsync(), ConsumerAsync(), ConsumerAsync());
async Task ConsumerAsync()
for (;;) // TODO: consider a CancellationToken for orderly shutdown
var m = await mq.ReceiveAsync();
var c = GetCommand(m);
await c.InvokeAsync();
// Extension method
public static Task<Message> ReceiveAsync(this MessageQueue mq)
return Task<Message>.Factory.FromAsync(mq.BeginReceive, mq.EndReceive, null);
You'd probably also be interested in TPL Dataflow. Dataflow is a library that understands and works well with async code, and has nice parallel options built-in.
While I appreciate the insight from community members it's always difficult to express the intent of what I'm trying to do but tremendously helpful to get advice about circumstances surrounding the problem. With that, I eventually arrived that the following code.
public class AsyncOperatingContext
struct Continuation
private readonly SendOrPostCallback d;
private readonly object state;
public Continuation(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
this.d = d;
this.state = state;
public void Run()
class BlockingSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
readonly BlockingCollection<Continuation> _workQueue;
public BlockingSynchronizationContext(BlockingCollection<Continuation> workQueue)
_workQueue = workQueue;
public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
_workQueue.TryAdd(new Continuation(d, state));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the recommended max degree of parallelism. (Your main program message loop could use this value.)
/// </summary>
public static int MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get { return Environment.ProcessorCount; } }
#region Helper methods
/// <summary>
/// Run an async task. This method will block execution (and use the calling thread as a worker thread) until the async task has completed.
/// </summary>
public static T Run<T>(Func<Task<T>> main, int degreeOfParallelism = 1)
var asyncOperatingContext = new AsyncOperatingContext();
asyncOperatingContext.DegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism;
return asyncOperatingContext.RunMain(main);
/// <summary>
/// Run an async task. This method will block execution (and use the calling thread as a worker thread) until the async task has completed.
/// </summary>
public static void Run(Func<Task> main, int degreeOfParallelism = 1)
var asyncOperatingContext = new AsyncOperatingContext();
asyncOperatingContext.DegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism;
private readonly BlockingCollection<Continuation> _workQueue;
public int DegreeOfParallelism { get; set; }
public AsyncOperatingContext()
_workQueue = new BlockingCollection<Continuation>();
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the current thread's SynchronizationContext so that work is scheduled to run through this AsyncOperatingContext.
/// </summary>
protected void InitializeSynchronizationContext()
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new BlockingSynchronizationContext(_workQueue));
protected void RunMessageLoop()
while (!_workQueue.IsCompleted)
Continuation continuation;
if (_workQueue.TryTake(out continuation, Timeout.Infinite))
protected T RunMain<T>(Func<Task<T>> main)
var degreeOfParallelism = DegreeOfParallelism;
if (!((1 <= degreeOfParallelism) & (degreeOfParallelism <= 5000))) // sanity check
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("DegreeOfParallelism must be between 1 and 5000.", "DegreeOfParallelism");
var currentSynchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
InitializeSynchronizationContext(); // must set SynchronizationContext before main() task is scheduled
var mainTask = main(); // schedule "main" task
mainTask.ContinueWith(task => _workQueue.CompleteAdding());
// for single threading we don't need worker threads so we don't use any
// otherwise (for increased parallelism) we simply launch X worker threads
if (degreeOfParallelism > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < degreeOfParallelism; i++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
// do we really need to restore the SynchronizationContext here as well?
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(currentSynchronizationContext); // restore
return mainTask.Result;
protected void RunMain(Func<Task> main)
// The return value doesn't matter here
RunMain(async () => { await main(); return 0; });
This class is complete and it does a couple of things that I found difficult to grasp.
As general advice you should allow the TAP (task-based asynchronous) pattern to propagate through your code. This may imply quite a bit of refactoring (or redesign). Ideally you should be allowed to break this up into pieces and make progress as you work towards to overall goal of making your program more asynchronous.
Something that's inherently dangerous to do is to call asynchronous code callously in an synchronous fashion. By this we mean invoking the Wait or Result methods. These can lead to deadlocks. One way to work around something like that is to use the AsyncOperatingContext.Run method. It will use the current thread to run a message loop until the asynchronous call is complete. It will swap out whatever SynchronizationContext is associated with the current thread temporarily to do so.
Note: I don't know if this is enough, or if you are allowed to swap back the SynchronizationContext this way, assuming that you can, this should work. I've already been bitten by the ASP.NET deadlock issue and this could possibly function as a workaround.
Lastly, I found myself asking the question, what is the corresponding equivalent of Main(string[]) in an async context? Turns out that's the message loop.
What I've found is that there are two things that make out this async machinery.
SynchronizationContext.Post and the message loop. In my AsyncOperatingContext I provide a very simple message loop:
protected void RunMessageLoop()
while (!_workQueue.IsCompleted)
Continuation continuation;
if (_workQueue.TryTake(out continuation, Timeout.Infinite))
My SynchronizationContext.Post thus becomes:
public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
_workQueue.TryAdd(new Continuation(d, state));
And our entry point, basically the equivalent of an async main from synchronous context (simplified version from original source):
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new BlockingSynchronizationContext(_workQueue));
var mainTask = main(); // schedule "main" task
mainTask.ContinueWith(task => _workQueue.CompleteAdding());
return mainTask.Result;
All of this is costly and we can't just go replace calls to async methods with this but it does allow us to rather quickly create the facilities required to keep writing async code where needed without having to deal with the whole program. It's also very clear from this implementation where the worker threads go and how the impact concurrency of your program.
I look at this and think to myself, yeap, that's how Node.js does it. Though JavaScript does not have this nice async/await language support that C# currently does.
As an added bonus, I have complete control of the degree of parallelism, and if I want, I can run my async tasks completely single threaded. Though, If I do so and call Wait or Result on any task, it will deadlock the program because it will block the only message loop available.
