Equivalent (or better) C# structures to C++ structures - c#

I am a C++ programmer moving to C# (so complete newb really). So far its a pretty easy transition :)
I am porting some code (well, re-writing it) from C++ to C#. I am stuck with lots of possibilities on how to port the following C++ STL structures. Here is a C++ code snippet of my C++ structure layout (I have not bothered showing the enums to save on clutter, but I can add if required):
struct DeviceConnection_t
DeviceType_e device;
DeviceState_e state;
bool isPass;
DeviceConnection_t() :
struct Given_t
std::string text;
std::vector<DeviceConnection_t> deviceConnections;
struct Action_t
ActionEventType_e type;
uint32_t repeat_interval;
uint32_t repeat_duration;
DeviceType_e device;
bool isDone;
Action_t() :
struct When_t
std::string text;
std::multimap<uint32_t, Action_t> actions; // time, action
So here I have a vector of DeviceConnection_t, which I have read here: c-sharp-equivalent-of-c-vector-with-contiguous-memory can just be made into a C# List<DeviceConnection_t>. That seems to work, so far so good.
Next is my multimap<int, Action_t> where the int is a time value where duplicate entries are expected/allowed.
I read here: multimap-in-net that there is no equivalent in C#, but there are various implementations out there.
So I could use one of these, but other questions I read like: order-list-by-date-and-time-in-string-format got me thinking there might be a better way to achieve what I want.
What I really want is:
1.A list of Action_t in time order - where time could be an element of Action_t (I removed it as a element in my c++ because it became my multi-map key). I also need to be able to search through the collection to find time values.
2. Some sort of default constructor to populate the default values of a newly instantiated struct, but I can't see how this is done either.
I really like the look of the Dictionary C# class, but I don't think that fits any of my requirements at the moment (might be wrong here).
So my two questions are:
What is the best way to create a time ordered collection of objects?
How can I assign default values to a new instance of a structure? (in the same way a default constructor does in C++)?

By using struct, it is impossible to enforce initial values. No explicit default constructor can be provided and in case of default construction, all values will be initialized with their default value. It is only possible to provide additional constructors, where fields can be initialized. In the example, if AE_TYPE_UNKNOWN and DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN would be 0, then default initialization would actually be equivalent to your values.
struct Action_t
// example constructor, but there will always be a default constructor
public Action_t(ActionEventType_e type, DeviceType_e device)
this.type = type;
this.device = device;
this.isDone = false;
this.repeat_interval = 0;
this.repeat_duration = 0;
public ActionEventType_e type;
public UInt32 repeat_interval;
public UInt32 repeat_duration;
public DeviceType_e device;
public bool isDone;
If you need to enforce initialization with values that differ from the default, then you need to create a class, where explicit initialization is possible.
class Action_t
public ActionEventType_e type = ActionEventType_e.AE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
public UInt32 repeat_interval = 0;
public UInt32 repeat_duration = 0;
public DeviceType_e device = DeviceType_e.DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
public bool isDone = false;
However, for more flexibility I'd advice to use public properties, either as auto properties or as public properties with private backing field. Depending on your choice and used language standard version, you have different options how to write the properties and the initialization:
class Action_t
public Action_t()
repeat_interval = 0;
public UInt32 repeat_interval { get; set; }
private UInt32 _repeat_duration = 0;
public UInt32 repeat_duration
get { return _repeat_duration; }
set { _repeat_duration = value; }
public bool isDone { get; set; } = false; // valid for C# 6
You should read into the differences between struct and class in C#, since there are some mayor differences that you may not expect as a C++ programmer, where struct is basically a public-default class. Then decide, if struct is suited for your case.
The best equivalent to a sorted multimap would probably be a SortedDictionary<key, ICollection<values>> with an add method that handles new keys / adding to existing keys.
IDictionary<DateTime, ICollection<Action_t>> actions = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, ICollection<Action_t>>();
void AddAction(DateTime key, Action_t action)
ICollection<Action_t> values;
if (!actions.TryGetValue(key, out values))
values = new List<Action_t>();
actions[key] = values;

Unfortunately C# doesn't seem to have a sorted List. The Dictionary is fine if you have Key, Value pairs.
1) If its just a collection (List) you can take a look at the discussion here:
Is there a SortedList<T> class in .NET?. Otherwise you can manually sort the collection(I named it sort in my example) like:
actions.Sort((x, y) => x.time.CompareTo(y.time));
In this your time object should be a IComparable or a primitive, but you can replace "x.time.CompareTo" to any other sorting method. (Based on: List<> OrderBy Alphabetical Order).
If you use a list you can just search the collection with linq:
actions.First(x=>x.time.certainValue == DesiredValue);
But there are many functions to search through the tree. There are some displayed: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.linq.enumerable_methods(v=vs.110).aspx
2) There are multiple ways to do this. First off, the default constructor:
Action_t() {
isDone = false;
This works like any other code. But if all values are public Properties (Also a variable: https://msdn.microsoft.com/nl-nl/library/x9fsa0sw.aspx) then you can remove the constructor (or have a public one that you can access) and create new instances with:
new Action_t {
isDone = false
The difference is where the variables are set. The default constructor is always safe.
I hope this answers your question!


Properly using a custom variable type (struct) in class

I'm trying to think through a new class I'm trying to implement, and have an idea that I'm not sure is good or bad. I want to create a class that holds device settings (ex. inch vs. metric) as well as codes that correspond to the settings. I think it would be nice to have code that looks like this:
Device myDevice = new Device();
myDevice.units = Device.Inches;
myDevice.MoveTo(1,2,3, Device.Rapid);
and the Device class file would be:
class Device
public static DeviceUnit Inches = DeviceUnit("G21");
public static DeviceUnit Metric = DeviceUnit("G20");
public static DeviceMovement Rapid = DeviceMovement("G00");
public static DeviceMovement Feed = DeviceMovement("G01");
public DeviceUnit units;
public Device()
// Default to metric system
units = Device.Metric;
public Device(DeviceUnit customUnit)
units = customUnit;
public MoveTo(float x, float y, float z, DeviceMovement movement)
string command = string.Format($"{units.gcode} {movement.gcode} ");
command += string.Format($"X{x} Y{y} Z{z}\r\n");
Device Unit struct:
public struct DeviceUnit
public string gcode;
public DeviceUnit(string code)
gcode = code;
DeviceMovement struct:
public struct DeviceMovement
public string gcode;
public DeviceUnit(string code)
gcode = code;
My worry is I might end up being 'overkill' on the amount of structs I use. Already I'm thinking I should make another to store Incremental (G90) vs Absolute (G91) positioning. I'd like to make this flexible so that in the future I can load the gcode strings from an XML configuration file so that I can quickly create new XML files for new machine configurations.
Is using multiple structs too overkill for this task?
Should I combine the structs together somehow?
The struct have a meaning if it has multi properties that represent complex object.
I find that your struct DeviceUnit, DeviceMovement are only one property of type string, so why struct ?
let DeviceUnit, DeviceMovement string property. but wait :)
Q: Is using multiple structs too overkill for this task?
A: No, Struct is not overkill if it is used to describe an object (which may be complex device property) with many properties.
public struct Dimension
//avoid using constructor. You can initialize with object initializer
public int x;
public int y;
public int z;
for example: All devices of windows are stored in WMI classes like The Win32_Printer WMI which has more than 40 property, and most of properties are a complex object.
q: Should I combine the structs together somehow?
A: simply you define a class named Device which have properties and method.
If one of the properties is a complex object, it should be of type struct or class.
You build Object model for the device , so select the type of the properties carefully.
but in your code , really your are not in need to the struct at all , use simple properties like:
public static string Inches {get;set;} = "G21"; // in c#6 you can initialize properties
My Question: Why Static properties?
My Question: Why you initialize properties with default values.
A: You can create xml file for every device and load it during object instantiation, and this give you more capability:
Use one class (or more specialized classes) to represent your device
You can add the following method to your device class:
public LoadDevice(string xmlFilename)
// read xml file , e.g Linq to xml
// set properties
Here your ceiling is the sky :)
BTW, you should use new keyword if the struct has constructor. so it should:
public static DeviceUnit Inches = new DeviceUnit("G21"); //:)

Inheriting a List<> in c# and overriding the constructor

I'm trying to create a wrapper around List to do some specific things I want, such as compute max min, extract specific values from some elements, etc.
I start with
public struct datum {
public UInt32[] chan;
public UInt64 sample_number;
public UInt32 time;
public UInt32 source_sector;
public class dataSet : List<datum> {
bool dirty=true;
the methods are typically like this (I want to know if the list has been modified as I have a max()/min() function that only parses the data when it has been modified and caches the values to reuse if the List has not been modified)
public new void Add(datum x ) {
this.dirty = true;
However, I'm not sure how to create a constructor. This syntax does not work.. how can I get this type of behavior?
public dataSet(int count) {
this = (dataSet) new List<datum>(count);
I also have this constructor, which seems to work fine (no compilation errors) though untested
public dataSet(List<datum> data) {
I came across a post that said that you should use a Collection and a List is used for speed. Though I need the speed, and I'm not sure why a Collection would be better?
I don't want to use linq as you can't create something that computes max/min simultaneously as efficiently as this:
public void recalculateMaxMin() {
foreach (var d in data) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (d.chan[i] > max[i]) max[i] = d.chan[i];
if (d.chan[i] < min[i]) min[i] = d.chan[i];
I'm trying to create a wrapper around List to do some specific things I want, such as compute max min, extract specific values from some elements, etc.
Don't. Just use LINQ to Objects. That's what it was designed for:
var list = new List<int> { 10, 20, 30 };
var average = list.Average();
var max = list.Max();
// etc
In general, I would advise against deriving from List<T> anyway - that's not what it was designed for. However, if you must, you just chain from one constructor to a base constructor:
public dataSet(int count) : base(count)
// Add in any extra code you want to here. Probably none in this case.
// It would execute *after* the base constructor call.
See my article on constructors for more information about constructor chaining.
(I'd also strongly advise you to change the name - dataSet doesn't comply with .NET naming conventions, and DataSet would mean something else entirely to most .NET developers.)
You can never ever set "this" to something in C#. I think you are looking for this:
public dataSet(int count)
: base(count)
{ }
However in my opinion you should take a look at "System.Linq" namespace. I think what you are trying to implement has been done before by Microsoft. 'Select', 'Join', 'Where' and many other clauses has been already implemented in Linq. Also you can use "INotifyCollectionChanged" interface to implement the dirty thing.
Here are some references:
If you realy need to implement a complete List class with a new behavior, implementing "System.Collections.Generic.IList" interface is the only thing that will rock your idea in an advanced and perfect way. It's more customizable than inheriting from the List class and trying to change everything you have no access to.
Hope it helps
public dataSet(int count)
: base(count) {
You can call the base type's constructor using base()
public dataSet(int count) : base(count)
// no need to implement anything here. base(count) will call the base
// type's constructor

Unexpected behavior with Struct internal values

*Solved. Thanks for the explanations guys, I didn't fully understand the implications of using a value type in this situation.
I have a struct that I'm using from a static class. However, the behavior is showing unexpected behavior when I print it's internal state at runtime. Here's my struct:
public struct VersionedObject
public VersionedObject(object o)
m_SelectedVer = 0;
ObjectVersions = new List<object>();
private int m_SelectedVer;
public int SelectedVersion
return m_SelectedVer;
public List<object> ObjectVersions;//Clarifying: This is only used to retrieve values, nothing is .Added from outside this struct in my code.
public void AddObject(object m)
m_SelectedVer = ObjectVersions.Count - 1;
Test code
VersionedObject vo = new VersionedObject(1);
vo.AddObject(2);//This is the second call to AddObject()
//Expected value of vo.SelectedVerion: 1
//Actual value of vo.SelectedVersion: 1
Now, if you test this code in isolation, i.e., copy it into your project to give it a whirl, it will return the expected result.
The problem; What I'm observing in my production code is this debug output:
objectName, ObjectVersions.Count:2, SelectedVer:0,
Why? From my understanding, and testing, this should be completely impossible under any circumstances.
My random guess is that there is some sort of immutability going on, that for some reason a new struct is being instanced via default constructor, and the ObjectVersions data is being copied over, but the m_SelectedVersion is private and cannot be copied into the new struct?
Does my use of Static classes and methods to manipulate the struct have anything to do with it?
I'm so stumped I'm just inventing wild guesses at this point.
Struct is value type. So most likely you are creating multiple copies of your object in your actual code.
Consider simply changing struct to class as content of your struct is not really good fit for value type (as it is mutable and also contains mutable reference type).
More on "struct is value type":
First check FAQ which have many good answers already.
Value types are passed by value - so if you call function to update such object it will not update original. You can treat them similar to passing integer value to function: i.e. would you expect SomeFunction(42) to be able to change value of 42?
struct MyStruct { public int V;}
void UpdateStruct(MyStruct x)
x.V = 42; // updates copy of passed in object, changes will not be visible outside.
var local = new MyStruct{V = 13}
UpdateStruct(local); // Hope to get local.V == 42
if (local.V == 13) {
// Expected. copy inside UpdateStruct updated,
// but this "local" is untouched.
Why is this a struct and not a class? Even better, why are you tracking the size of the backing store (List<T>) rather than letting the List<T> track that for you. Since that underlying backing store is public, it can be manipulated without your struct's knowledge. I suspect something in your production code is adding to the backing store without going through your struct.
If it were me, I'd set it up something like this, though I'd make it a class...but that's almost certainly a breaking change:
public struct VersionedObject
public VersionedObject()
this.ObjectVersions = new List<object>() ;
return ;
public VersionedObject(object o) : this()
return ;
public VersionedObject( params object[] o ) : this()
ObjectVersions.AddRange( o ) ;
return ;
public int SelectedVersion
int value = this.ObjectVersions.Count - 1 ;
return value ;
public List<object> ObjectVersions ;
public void AddObject(object m)
return ;
You'll note that this has the same semantics as your struct, but the SelectedVersion property now reflects what's actually in the backing store.

How to set a specific member of a struct, using indexing in C#

Assuming I have a struct:
struct Vector
public int X, Y;
// ...
// some other stuff
and a class:
class Map
public Vector this[int i]
return elements[i];
elements[i] = value;
private Vector[] elements
// ...
// some other stuff
I want to be able to do something like: map[index].X = 0; but I can't, because the return value is not a variable.
How do I do this, if at all possible?
You should avoid mutable structs.
If you want your type to be mutable use a class instead.
class Vector
public int X { get; set; } // Use public properties instead of public fields!
public int Y { get; set; }
// ...
// some other stuff
If you want to use a struct, make it immutable:
struct Vector
private readonly int x; // Immutable types should have readonly fields.
private readonly int y;
public int X { get { return x; }} // No setter.
public int Y { get { return y; }}
// ...
// some other stuff
The compiler prevents you from doing this because the indexer returns a copy of an object not a reference (struct is passed by value). The indexer returns a copy, you modify this copy and you simply don't see any result. The compiler helps you avoid this situation.
If you want to handle such situation you should use class instead or change the way you deal with Vector. You shouldn't modify it's value but initialize it's values in constructor, more on this topic: Why are mutable structs “evil”?.
define Vector as class,
store value in a temporary variable
var v = map[index];
v.X = 0;
map[index] = v;
add function to change
map[index] = map[index].Offset()
let the [] operator return a setter class
class Setter { Vector[] Data; int Index; public double X { get { return Data[Index]; } set { Data[Index] = new Vector(value, Data[Index].Y); }}}
public Setter this[int i]
return new Setter() { Data = elements, Index= i };
Although generic classes work pretty well for many purposes, they do not provide any reasonable way to access structs by reference. This is unfortunate since in many cases a collection of structs would offer better performance (both reduced memory footprint and improved cache locality) and clearer semantics than a collection of class objects. When using arrays of structs, one can use a statement like ArrayOfRectangle[5].Width += 3; with very clear effect: it will update field X of ArrayOfRectangle[5] but it will not affect field X of any other storage location of type Rectangle. The only things one needs to know to be certain of that are that ArrayOfRectangle is a Rectangle[], and Rectangle is a struct with a public int field X. If Rectangle were a class, and the instance held in ArrayOfRectangle[5] had ever been exposed to the outside world, could be difficult or impossible to determine whether the instance referred to by ArrayOfRectangle[5] was also held by some other code which was expecting that field X of its instance wouldn't change. Such problems are avoided when using structures.
Given the way .net's collections are implemented, the best one can do is usually to make a copy of a struct, modify it, and store it back. Doing that is somewhat icky, but for structs that aren't too big, the improved memory footprint and cache locality achieved by using value types may outweigh the extra code to explicitly copy objects from and to the data structures. It will almost certainly be a major win compared with using immutable class types.
Incidentally, what I'd like to see would be for collections to expose methods like:
OperateOnElement<paramType>(int index, ref T element, ref paramType param, ActionByRef<T,paramType> proc) which would call proc with the appropriate element of the collection along with the passed-in parameter. Such routines could in many cases be called without having to create closures; if such a pattern were standardized, compilers could even use it to auto-generate field-update code nicely.

Enum of GUID's/Guid interop

I'm doing some interop and need to pass some GUID's. Is there a way to add a GUID attribute to an enum value and when it is marshalled it has the appropriate value?
Basically I'm trying to convert the code
DEFINE_GUIDSTRUCT("00000001-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71", KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM);
(and several other similar ones)
and use them in an enum so I can specify the appropriate subtype format easily. Obviously I could probably just use a dictionary or some other similar method but I would like to make it as transparent as possible.
It would be nice to do something like
enum MyGuids : Guid
Guid1 = GUID("...") or just "..."
I can use a class/struct instead
static class MyGuids
public static Guid flag1 = new Guid("9ED54F84-A89D-4fcd-A854-44251E925F09");
But the only problem here is there is no way to relate the Guid in unmanaged structure to this class. It's specified as Guid and if I replaced it with MyGuids then it won't be a Guid any more. e.g., I lose type safety since any guid can end up in the field and not just the ones from MyGuid.
Any ideas?
Guids are structures in .NET, they are too large to fit in a simple value type by a factor of two. Sounds to me that you need a structure member initialized. That's going to need an assignment statement in your code. The const will work just fine for this. There is otherwise no way to get the compiler to do it automatically.
var sound = new foo();
sound.waveFormat = MyGuids.flag1;
// etc..
How about something like this?
void Main()
var dog = MyValues.Dog.ToId();
var cat = MyValues.Cat.ToId();
var bird = MyValues.Bird.ToId();
public enum MyValues
public static class Functions
public static Guid ToId(this MyValues value)
switch (value)
case MyValues.Dog:
return Guid.Parse("6d139d6a-2bfa-466d-a9a5-c6e82f9abf51");
case MyValues.Cat:
return Guid.Parse("AA139d6a-2bfa-466d-a9a5-c6e82f9abf51");
case MyValues.Bird:
return Guid.Parse("BB139d6a-2bfa-466d-a9a5-c6e82f9abf51");
throw new InvalidDataException();
