Spawn gameObject horde, modify concentration of spawned objects - c#

How would I create a non-uniform random generation of gameObjects (enemies) that mimic the formation of a "horde" like this image:
I want there to be more gameObjects in the front and less as it trails off towards the back. I thought of making an Empty gameObject and having the enemies target with code like this:
public Vector3 target : Transform;
if (target == null && GameObject.FindWithTag("Empty"))
target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Empty").transform;
However, doing that would not give me the "trail" effect where there are fewer int he back.
Here is my code for randomly generating enemies, if it helps:
void SpawnHorde()
for (int i = 0; i < hordeCount; i++)
Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range (0, 200), 50, Random.Range (0, 200));
Instantiate(Resources.Load ("Prefabs/Sphere"), spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to achieve this?
My results after implementing #Jerry's code:
More concentrated in the front; less in the back :)

I would go for Maximilian Gerhardt suggestions. Here is some raw implementation, for you to tweak it as you want. The most important to tweak is positioning in one column, what you can achieve with some random numbers.
void SpawnHorde()
int hordeCount = 200;
float xPosition = 0;
const int maxInColumn = 20;
while (hordeCount > 0)
int numberInColumn = Random.Range(5, maxInColumn);
hordeCount -= numberInColumn;
if (hordeCount < 0)
numberInColumn += hordeCount;
for (int i = 0; i < numberInColumn; i++)
Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(xPosition, 50, Random.Range(0, 100));
Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Sphere"), spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
xPosition += (float)maxInColumn * 2f / (float)hordeCount;


My position generation method doesn't work

I have a method that is supposed to generate a certain number of Vector3 at a distance not less than specified.
// Generate random point based on plane area
public List<Vector3> GeneratePositions(int numberOfPositions, float minDistanceBetweenPositions)
float entireArea = 0f;
List<AreasWeight> areasWeights = new List<AreasWeight>();
List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>();
foreach (GeneratorPlane plane in GeneratorPlanes.GetCollectionAsList())
entireArea += plane.GetArea();
foreach (GeneratorPlane plane in GeneratorPlanes.GetCollectionAsList())
float weight = plane.GetArea() / entireArea;
int numOfPositionsInArea = Mathf.RoundToInt(numberOfPositions * weight);
areasWeights.Add(new(plane, weight, numOfPositionsInArea));
foreach (AreasWeight areaWeight in areasWeights)
for (int i = 0; i < areaWeight.NumOfPointsInArea; i++)
Vector3 generatedPoint = areaWeight.Plane.GetRandomPointOnPlane();
foreach (Vector3 position in positions)
int attempts = 1;
while ((position - generatedPoint).magnitude < minDistanceBetweenPositions)
generatedPoint = areaWeight.Plane.GetRandomPointOnPlane();
if (attempts > 2000)
Debug.Log("Can't generate all positions.");
return positions;
Get random point method:
public Vector3 GetRandomPointOnPlane()
float xPosition = Random.Range(Mathf.Min(DownPoint.x, DownPointHelper.x), Mathf.Max(DownPoint.x, DownPointHelper.x));
float zPosition = Random.Range(Mathf.Min(DownPoint.z, UpPointHelper.z), Mathf.Max(DownPoint.z, UpPointHelper.z));
return new(xPosition, DownPoint.y + 0.002f, zPosition);
But when i Instantiate objects based on these Vector3. Objects still have a distance less than the specified. What am i doing wrong?
I found a solution. The problem was a bad loop structure. When the algorithm confirmed that the distance was too small and generated a new one, it did not check whether the generated position had a gap from the previous positions on the list. It only confirmed that the gap was preserved and the program continued to execute.
I moved the code that makes sure that the distances are saved to the public List<Vector3> GeneratePositions(int numberOfPositions, float minDistanceBetweenPositions) method in the GeneratorPlane class. I also added a private Vector3 PickRandomPos() method to it, just to return the generated position.
Methods in the public class GeneratorPlane:
public Vector3 GetRandomPointOnPlane(List<Vector3> alreadyGeneratedPoints, float minDistnaceBetweenPositions)
if (alreadyGeneratedPoints.Count != 0)
int attemps = 1;
bool pointFound = false;
Vector3 posToReturn = new();
while (!pointFound)
pointFound = true;
posToReturn = PickRandomPos();
foreach (Vector3 position in alreadyGeneratedPoints)
if (Vector3.Distance(position, posToReturn) < minDistnaceBetweenPositions)
pointFound = false;
if (attemps > 2000)
Debug.LogError("Points cannot be generated. Too little available space");
return posToReturn;
Debug.Log("First point generated");
return PickRandomPos();
private Vector3 PickRandomPos()
float xPosition = Random.Range(Mathf.Min(DownPoint.x, DownPointHelper.x), Mathf.Max(DownPoint.x, DownPointHelper.x));
float zPosition = Random.Range(Mathf.Min(DownPoint.z, UpPointHelper.z), Mathf.Max(DownPoint.z, UpPointHelper.z));
return new(xPosition, DownPoint.y + 0.002f, zPosition);
Method to generate and return a certain number of items:
public List<Vector3> GeneratePositions(int numberOfPositions, float minDistanceBetweenPositions)
float entireArea = 0f;
List<AreasWeight> areasWeights = new();
List<Vector3> positions = new();
foreach (GeneratorPlane plane in PlanesGenerator.GetCollectionAsList())
entireArea += plane.GetArea();
foreach (GeneratorPlane plane in PlanesGenerator.GetCollectionAsList())
float weight = plane.GetArea() / entireArea;
int numOfPositionsInArea = Mathf.RoundToInt(numberOfPositions * weight);
areasWeights.Add(new(plane, weight, numOfPositionsInArea));
foreach (AreasWeight areaWeight in areasWeights)
for (int i = 0; i < areaWeight.NumOfPointsInArea; i++)
Vector3 generatedPoint = areaWeight.Plane.GetRandomPointOnPlane(positions, minDistanceBetweenPositions);
return positions;
On the original code if you generate a point 2000 times you actually keep the last generatedPoint, and as you mentioned you don't actually cross check the whole list of positions, only the remaining positions.
Although you have solved your problem and posted a solution, I took the liberty of doing a simple script with the same end, I will share it here in hopes its useful for you or others.
This solution will not fill any area, its only making sure no two objects are at shorter distance than specified.
In my tests, with 50 nPoints only 10/20 points are instantiated before a point takes over 2000 attempts and consequently conclude the search for points. Although this will depend on the ratio between spawnLimits and nPoints.
GameObject trunkPrefab;
List<Vector3> positions;
//input variables
int nPoints = 50;
float minDistance = 2.5f;
int spawnLimits = 20;
void Start()
positions = new();
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
Vector3 position =;
bool newPosition = true;
int attempts = 0;
//first generation will be automatically added to the list
position = new(Random.Range(-spawnLimits, spawnLimits), .5f, Random.Range(-spawnLimits, spawnLimits));
if (positions.Count < 1)
//every position will be compared here,
//if any position is too close from then new position
//"newPosition" is set to false and we try again from the start.
for (int p = 0; p < positions.Count; p++)
if (Vector3.Distance(position, positions[p]) < minDistance)
newPosition = false;
if (attempts > 2000)
Debug.Log("Max attempts reached.");
} while (!newPosition);
//adding a random rotation
Vector3 rotation = new(Random.Range(80, 100), Random.Range(0, 179), 0);
Instantiate(trunkPrefab, position, Quaternion.Euler(rotation));

I want to generate obj at random places which can move in random speed in X axis

I am working on something. In this project I want to generate a object at random position which can go left to right continuously. So far I have got this.
This is inside start of a class that generate 50 object on which player can jump on when game loads.
void Start () {
Vector2 pos = transform.position;
for(int i = 0; i < noOfHolder; i++)
{ pos.x = Random.Range(-3, 3);
pos.y += Random.Range(1, 5);
Instantiate(holder, pos, Quaternion.identity);
the holder object which is attached to it have a method.
//moveSpeed = Random.Range(1,3);tried this
startingPos.x = moveSpeed * Mathf.Sin(Time.time);//*moveSpeed
transform.position = startingPos;}
This code can generate multiple objects. but with the same sin speed from left to right.
I change the move speed. Some obj move to the half of the screen some full. I want all the object move to full screen with vary speed.
Thank you for answering.
use this:
void Start()
Vector2 pos = transform.position;
for(int i = 0; i < noOfHolder; i++)
pos.x = Random.Range(-3, 3);
pos.y += Random.Range(1, 5);
Instantiate(holder, pos, Quaternion.identity);
moveSpeed = Random.Range(1,3);
moveDistance = 1.0f;
void Update()
startingPos.x = moveDistance * Mathf.Sin(Time.time * moveSpeed);
transform.position = startingPos;
if this is not what you want, please describe your situation in more detail and i will edit the answer.

How to change Sprite Image when it reaches 90 degrees?

I say that I am a beginner.
I have a question during the project.
I'm currently implementing a card-matching game.
When I start the game, The image is loaded from the external path (D: / ..).
My question is in the code below.
public void createCardList()
int count_x = 0;
int count_y = 0;
GameObject parent_area = GameObject.Find("GameMain");
List<int> num = createRandomIndex(createArrayIndex());
for (int i = 0; i < card_list.Count; ++i)
if ((i % CARD_ROWS) == 0 && i > 0)
count_y += 1;
count_x = 0;
GameObject card_prefab_load = Resources.Load("Prefabs/card") as GameObject;
GameObject card_prefab_instantiate = Instantiate(card_prefab_load, card_prefab_load.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
float card_position_x = (CARD_WIDTH + CARD_SPACE) * (i % CARD_ROWS) - 290f;
//Debug.Log("card_position_x" + card_position_x);
float card_position_y = count_y * (CARD_HEIGHT + CARD_SPACE) - 280f;
//Debug.Log("card_position_y" + card_position_y);
card_prefab_instantiate.transform.SetParent(parent_area.transform); = "card_" + num[i];
card_prefab_instantiate.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
card_prefab_instantiate.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(card_position_x, card_position_y, 1f);
// Rotate image
private IEnumerator firstRotateOriginalImage()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
GameObject findCardList = GameObject.Find("GameMain");
for (int i = 0; i < findCardList.transform.childCount; ++i)
// I don't know what code to put in this part.
What I want to implement is below.
When the card rotation value reaches 90 degrees,How to change an externally imported image to a Sprite Image of a child GameObject?
How to rotate the child objects 360 degrees after the first task is completed?
For example, the picture below.
Arrows indicate the order in which cards are flipped.
also, Of the 12 GameObjects, Six GameObjects try to implement a common image.
I don't know much. I need your help.
There are many ways to do that...
transform.localEulerAngles = transform.localEulerAngles.X|Y|Z +
transform.localRotation = transform.localRotation*relativeRotation
/*= a Quaternion*/
Something else entirely...
I'm a doubtful regarding how well I understand your question...
But it seems like you want to simply flip the cards over don't you?
The approach I'd take is to have each card as the combination of the face (rotated 180 degrees in Y) and the back, both being children of an empty GameObject.
That way you could simply rotate the Card object using transform.Rotate(0, 180, 0)
To use it in a coroutine you could do
//Speed of animation (here 0.55 seconds)
float degreesPerSecond = 200f;
//The amount you want to rotate
float maxDegrees = 180f;
for (float f = maxDegrees; f < 0;)
//How much to rotate
float rot = degreesPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;
//Rotate children
foreach(var child in transform)
child.Rotate(0, rot, 0);
//Record rotation
f -= rot;
//Wait next frame
yield return null;
//Round to desired rotation
foreach(var child in transform)
child.position = new Vector3(child.position.x, maxDegrees, child.position.z);

Unity 5 Randomly generated moving objects that slowly approach

this code is suppose to generate randomly placed clouds and planes in the distance that will fly towards you while the objective is to dodge them, however it just spawns random planes that don't move. It just gradually spawns them closer to your plane and keeps spawning them even if it goes past it, while the ones previously spawned stay in the same spot, so it's just a trail of non-moving planes, how would I code it so they approach me? Anything helps, thanks!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CloudGen : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject cloud;
public GameObject enemy;
int firstRand;
int secondRand;
int distance = 12;
int time = 0;
float x;
float y;
float z;
Vector3 intPos;
void Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("left") || Input.GetButtonDown ("right"))
firstRand = Random.Range (1, 3);
if(firstRand == 1)
secondRand = Random.Range (1, 3);
GameObject cloudInt = Instantiate (cloud) as GameObject;
for (int i = 0; i < secondRand; i++)
intPos = new Vector3 (Random.RandomRange(1, 4), 0, distance);
cloudInt.transform.position = intPos;
cloudInt.transform.Translate (distance, 0, 0);
distance -= 1;
if (firstRand == 2)
secondRand = Random.Range (1, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < secondRand; i++)
intPos = new Vector3 (Random.RandomRange(1, 4), 0, distance); }
GameObject enemyInt = Instantiate (enemy) as GameObject;
enemyInt.transform.position = intPos;
enemyInt.transform.Translate (distance, 0, 0);
distance -= 1;

How can I reset a Vector3 position?

I'm attempting to write a script that instantiates a row of prefabs. This worked the first time, but every time after that it instantiates one at 0x,0y,0z and the rest ~30x-40x away. I tried setting the initial position before the for loop executes and then resetting the position using the initalPos variable, but that doesn't seem to work. in my code
public class generator : MonoBehaviour {
public int height = 0;
public int width = 0;
private Vector3 temp;
public GameObject sprite;
private Vector3 initialPos;
void Start ()
initialPos = new Vector3(0,0,0);
for(int i = 0; i < width; i++)
Instantiate (sprite, temp, Quaternion.identity);
temp = sprite.transform.position;
temp.x += 0.089f;
sprite.transform.position = temp;
temp = initialPos;
The temp variable is what I'm setting the current position to so I can add 0.089 to it so that my sprites will line up. I'm trying to reset that value so that they line up starting at 0x every time.
You can simplify your code by specifying the number of prefabs you wish to spawn in a row, rather than the exact width.
Additionally, instead of incrementing your spawn position x value by a hard coded number, use gameObject.transform.localScale.x instead.
For example:
public GameObject Cube;
void Start()
SpawnRow(, 10);
void SpawnRow(Vector3 startPosition, int RowLength)
Vector3 currentPos = startPosition;
for (int i = 0; i < RowLength; i++)
Instantiate(Cube, currentPos, Quaternion.identity);
currentPos.x += Cube.transform.localScale.x;
Additionally, if you wanted to do something like spawn additional rows next to your each other, you could call SpawnRow() like this:
void Start()
Vector3 currentPos =;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
SpawnRow(currentPos, 10);
currentPos.z += Cube.transform.localScale.z;
This would give you three rows of 10 gameObjects directly next to each other.
