MvvmCross Android converter causes cursor to jump - c#

we have a Problem with converters in MvvmCross in Connection with EditText controls in Android:
In our app, the user inserts user data. We have to do some calculation with this data within the converter, and then write the data in our viewmodel.
This works, as long as the user does not revert his entry.
That means, if he uses the back key, the value is correctly edited, until he reaches the last decimal before "." (for example: 55.99, when he reaches the "55.9").
The ".9" will be removed correctly, but the curosor jumps bevor the remaining "55".
How can we resolve this annoying behaviour?
Viewmodel extract:
private Nullable mdValue1 = null;
public Nullable<decimal> Value1
get { return mdValue1; }
SetProperty(ref mdValue1, value);
private Nullable<decimal> mdValue2;
public Nullable<decimal> Value2
get { return mdValue2; }
SetProperty(ref mdValue2, value, nameof(Value2));
Converter (simplified):
public class DecimalToStringValueConverter : MvxValueConverter<Nullable<decimal>, string>
protected override string Convert(Nullable<decimal> poValue, Type poTargetType, object poParameter, CultureInfo poCulture)
if (!poValue.HasValue)
return null;
return poValue.Value.ToString();
protected override Nullable<decimal> ConvertBack(string value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
return null;
return decimal.Parse(value);
Android Version: 4.4/5.1/7
Platform: Xamarin

It seems what's happening is when the point is removed and converted to a decimal, the resulting change in the value in the ViewModel is then different to the EditText causing the ViewModel to set the value of the EditText.
Example: User enters 59.9 then backspaces 9. This leaves the value in the EditText as 59. which gets parsed as a decimal to 59 to the ViewModel. As 59. is not equal to 59 the ViewModel will update the value in the EditText to 59 this is what cause the cursor to jump to the start.
One quick way to resolve this is to create a custom binding that makes sure that the cursor is always placed at the end of the EditText upon removing the last decimal place. This can be done using SetSelection which positions the cursor in the SetValueImpl method.
public class DecimalEditTextTargetBinding : MvxConvertingTargetBinding
protected EditText EditTextControl => Target as EditText;
private IDisposable _subscription;
public DecimalEditTextTargetBinding(EditText target) : base(target)
if (target == null)
MvxBindingTrace.Error($"Error - EditText is null in {nameof(DecimalEditTextTargetBinding)}");
public override Type TargetType => typeof(string);
public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode => MvxBindingMode.TwoWay;
protected override void SetValueImpl(object target, object value)
((TextView)target).Text = (string)value;
EditTextControl.SetSelection(EditTextControl.Text?.Length ?? 0);
public override void SubscribeToEvents()
if (EditTextControl == null)
_subscription = EditTextControl.WeakSubscribe<TextView, AfterTextChangedEventArgs>(
private void EditTextOnAfterTextChanged(object sender, AfterTextChangedEventArgs e)
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
if (isDisposing)
_subscription = null;
And then register the custom binding in your Setup.cs:
protected override void FillTargetFactories(IMvxTargetBindingFactoryRegistry registry)
registry.RegisterCustomBindingFactory<EditText>("DecimalText", inputField => new DecimalEditTextTargetBinding(inputField));
XML usage:
local:MvxBind="DecimalText DecimalToString(Value1)" />
Example of Binding for pre MvvmCross 4.4.0:
public class DecimalEditTextTargetBinding : MvxConvertingTargetBinding
private bool _subscribed;
public DecimalEditTextTargetBinding(EditText target) : base(target)
if (target == null)
MvxBindingTrace.Error($"Error - EditText is null in {nameof(DecimalEditTextTargetBinding)}");
protected EditText EditTextControl => Target as EditText;
public override Type TargetType => typeof(string);
public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode => MvxBindingMode.TwoWay;
protected override void SetValueImpl(object target, object value)
((TextView)target).Text = (string)value;
EditTextControl.SetSelection(EditTextControl.Text?.Length ?? 0);
public override void SubscribeToEvents()
if (EditTextControl == null)
EditTextControl.AfterTextChanged += EditTextOnAfterTextChanged;
_subscribed = true;
private void EditTextOnAfterTextChanged(object sender, AfterTextChangedEventArgs e)
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
if (isDisposing && EditTextControl != null && _subscribed)
EditTextControl.AfterTextChanged -= EditTextOnAfterTextChanged;
_subscribed = false;


How to fire TextChanged event on a Xamarin Forms entry field programmatically?

We have setup some Xamarin behavior for not null entry fields etc, this fires when the user makes a change to a field and we then changed the entry border color, red for invalid.
However, we'd also like to reuse this behaviors when a submit button is tapped.
So I need to fire the TextChanged event manually, any ideas how I can do this, now sure if it's possible ?
public class NotEmptyEntryBehaviour : Behavior<Entry>
protected override void OnAttachedTo(Entry bindable)
bindable.TextChanged += OnEntryTextChanged;
protected override void OnDetachingFrom(Entry bindable)
bindable.TextChanged -= OnEntryTextChanged;
void OnEntryTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
if (args == null)
var oldString = args.OldTextValue;
var newString = args.NewTextValue;
If you want an alternative you can use one of the pre-built validation behaviors that comes with Xamarin.CommunityToolkit package, like TextValidationBehavior (by specifying a Regexp) or any more specific derived ones (example NumericValidationBehavior) that may fit your needs or even create a custom one by sub-classing ValidationBehavior.
It let you define custom styles for Valid and InValid states, but more important for the question has an async method called ForceValidate().
Also the Flags property could be interesting.
NotEmptyEntryBehaviour seems closer to TextValidationBehavior with MinimumLenght=1
<Entry Placeholder="Type something..." x:Name="entry">
<xct:TextValidationBehavior Flags="ValidateOnValueChanging"
InvalidStyle="{StaticResource InvalidEntryStyle}"
ValidStyle="{StaticResource ValidEntryStyle}"/>
await (entry.Behaviors[0] as TextValidationBehavior)?.ForceValidate();
Repo Samples
If you want to run the validation from the ViewModel you need to bind ForceValidateCommand as explained in this GitHub discussion/question.
We have setup some Xamarin behavior for not null entry fields etc, this fires when the user makes a change to a field and we then changed the entry border color, red for invalid.
You can create custom Entry with behavior to get.
The first I’m going to do is to create a new control that inherits from Entry and will add three properties: IsBorderErrorVisible, BorderErrorColor, ErrorText.
public class ExtendedEntry : Entry
public static readonly BindableProperty IsBorderErrorVisibleProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IsBorderErrorVisible), typeof(bool), typeof(ExtendedEntry), false, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public bool IsBorderErrorVisible
get { return (bool)GetValue(IsBorderErrorVisibleProperty); }
SetValue(IsBorderErrorVisibleProperty, value);
public static readonly BindableProperty BorderErrorColorProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(BorderErrorColor), typeof(Xamarin.Forms.Color), typeof(ExtendedEntry), Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public Xamarin.Forms.Color BorderErrorColor
get { return (Xamarin.Forms.Color)GetValue(BorderErrorColorProperty); }
SetValue(BorderErrorColorProperty, value);
public static readonly BindableProperty ErrorTextProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ErrorText), typeof(string), typeof(ExtendedEntry), string.Empty);
public string ErrorText
get { return (string)GetValue(ErrorTextProperty); }
SetValue(ErrorTextProperty, value);
Then creating custom render to android platform.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ExtendedEntry), typeof(ExtendedEntryRenderer))]
namespace FormsSample.Droid
public class ExtendedEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
public ExtendedEntryRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control == null || e.NewElement == null) return;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (Control == null) return;
if (e.PropertyName == ExtendedEntry.IsBorderErrorVisibleProperty.PropertyName)
void UpdateBorders()
GradientDrawable shape = new GradientDrawable();
if (((ExtendedEntry)this.Element).IsBorderErrorVisible)
shape.SetStroke(3, ((ExtendedEntry)this.Element).BorderErrorColor.ToAndroid());
shape.SetStroke(3, Android.Graphics.Color.LightGray);
Finally, Creating an Entry Behavior, handle the error to provide ui feedback to the user when validation occurs
public class EmptyEntryValidatorBehavior : Behavior<ExtendedEntry>
ExtendedEntry control;
string _placeHolder;
Xamarin.Forms.Color _placeHolderColor;
protected override void OnAttachedTo(ExtendedEntry bindable)
bindable.TextChanged += HandleTextChanged;
bindable.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
control = bindable;
_placeHolder = bindable.Placeholder;
_placeHolderColor = bindable.PlaceholderColor;
void HandleTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
ExtendedEntry customentry = (ExtendedEntry)sender;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customentry.Text))
((ExtendedEntry)sender).IsBorderErrorVisible = false;
((ExtendedEntry)sender).IsBorderErrorVisible = true;
protected override void OnDetachingFrom(ExtendedEntry bindable)
bindable.TextChanged -= HandleTextChanged;
bindable.PropertyChanged -= OnPropertyChanged;
void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == ExtendedEntry.IsBorderErrorVisibleProperty.PropertyName && control != null)
if (control.IsBorderErrorVisible)
control.Placeholder = control.ErrorText;
control.PlaceholderColor = control.BorderErrorColor;
control.Text = string.Empty;
control.Placeholder = _placeHolder;
control.PlaceholderColor = _placeHolderColor;
You can change custom entry's IsBorderErrorVisible in, to call this from submit button.
private void btn1_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
entry1.IsBorderErrorVisible = true;
ErrorText="please enter name!">
<behaviors:EmptyEntryValidatorBehavior />

How to set Xamarin.Forms Elements BindableProperties from a Custom Renderer?

I have been trying to set a bindable property value in my Element from my native control through a custom renderer. My native control is a view (painview) where you can draw and I am trying to get the drawing and set it, as a base64 string, to a bindable property Signature in my Element.
This is my Native Control
public class PaintView : View
Canvas _drawCanvas;
Bitmap _canvasBitmap;
readonly Paint _paint;
readonly Dictionary<int, MotionEvent.PointerCoords> _coords = new Dictionary<int, MotionEvent.PointerCoords>();
public Bitmap CanvasBitmap { get => _canvasBitmap; private set => _canvasBitmap = value; }
private readonly string TAG = nameof(PaintView);
public event EventHandler OnLineDrawn;
public PaintView(Context context) : base(context, null, 0)
_paint = new Paint() { Color = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 5f, AntiAlias = true };
public PaintView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) : base(context, attrs) { }
public PaintView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) : base(context, attrs, defStyle) { }
protected override void OnSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)
base.OnSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
_canvasBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888); // full-screen bitmap
_drawCanvas = new Canvas(_canvasBitmap); // the canvas will draw into the bitmap
public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
switch (e.ActionMasked)
case MotionEventActions.Down:
int id = e.GetPointerId(0);
var start = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords();
e.GetPointerCoords(id, start);
_coords.Add(id, start);
return true;
case MotionEventActions.PointerDown:
int id = e.GetPointerId(e.ActionIndex);
var start = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords();
e.GetPointerCoords(id, start);
_coords.Add(id, start);
return true;
case MotionEventActions.Move:
for (int index = 0; index < e.PointerCount; index++)
var id = e.GetPointerId(index);
float x = e.GetX(index);
float y = e.GetY(index);
_drawCanvas.DrawLine(_coords[id].X, _coords[id].Y, x, y, _paint);
_coords[id].X = x;
_coords[id].Y = y;
OnLineDrawn?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
return true;
case MotionEventActions.PointerUp:
int id = e.GetPointerId(e.ActionIndex);
return true;
case MotionEventActions.Up:
int id = e.GetPointerId(0);
return true;
return false;
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)
// Copy the off-screen canvas data onto the View from it's associated Bitmap (which stores the actual drawn data)
canvas.DrawBitmap(_canvasBitmap, 0, 0, null);
public void Clear()
_drawCanvas.DrawColor(Color.Black, PorterDuff.Mode.Clear); // Paint the off-screen buffer black
Invalidate(); // Call Invalidate to redraw the view
public void SetInkColor(Color color)
_paint.Color = color;
The property PaintView._canvasBitmap is the one I want to be set in my Xamarin.Form Element through my custom renderer.
This is my Custom Renderer
public class SketchViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<SketchView, PaintView>
public SketchViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context) { }
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SketchView> e)
if (Control == null)
var paintView = new PaintView(Context);
SetNativeControl(new PaintView(Context));
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<SketchView>(this, nameof(SketchView.OnClear), OnMessageClear);
Control.OnLineDrawn += PaintViewLineDrawn;
private void PaintViewLineDrawn(object sender, EventArgs e)
var sketchCrl = (ISketchViewController)Element;
if (sketchCrl == null) return;
Element.SetValueFromRenderer(SketchView.SignatureProperty, Utils.Utils.BitmapToBase64(Control.CanvasBitmap));
catch (Exception ex)
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (e.PropertyName == SketchView.InkColorProperty.PropertyName)
if (e.PropertyName == SketchView.ClearProperty.PropertyName)
if (Element.Clear) OnMessageClear(Element);
private void OnMessageClear(SketchView sender)
if (sender == Element) Control.Clear();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<SketchView>(this, nameof(SketchView.OnClear));
Control.OnLineDrawn -= PaintViewLineDrawn;
I have tried changing my Element.Signature property through the SketchViewRenderer.PaintViewLineDrawn(...) method without success. This has been prove when debugging my view model where the property has not been set as expected.
My Xamarin.Forms Element looks as follow
public class SketchView : View, IDoubleTappedController, ISketchViewController
public static readonly BindableProperty SignatureProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Signature), typeof(string), typeof(SketchView), null, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay);
public string Signature
get => (string)GetValue(SignatureProperty);
set => SetValue(SignatureProperty, value);
public static readonly BindableProperty MultiTouchEnabledProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(MultiTouchEnabled), typeof(bool), typeof(SketchView), false);
public bool MultiTouchEnabled
get => (bool)GetValue(MultiTouchEnabledProperty);
set => SetValue(MultiTouchEnabledProperty, value);
public static readonly BindableProperty InkColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(InkColor), typeof(Xamarin.Forms.Color), typeof(SketchView), Xamarin.Forms.Color.Azure);
public Xamarin.Forms.Color InkColor
get => (Xamarin.Forms.Color)GetValue(InkColorProperty);
set => SetValue(InkColorProperty, value);
public static readonly BindableProperty ClearProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Clear), typeof(bool), typeof(SketchView), false, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay);
public bool Clear
get => (bool)GetValue(ClearProperty);
SetValue(ClearProperty, value);
if (value) { OnClear(); }
public void OnClear()
MessagingCenter.Send(this, nameof(OnClear));
public void SetSignature(string signature)
Signature = signature;
void IDoubleTappedController.DoubleTapped()
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ISketchViewController.SendSketchUpdated(string signature)
Clear = false;
Signature = signature;
I have also tried using the SetValueFromRenderer() method from my Custom renderer, again, without success.
May you suggest to me what is the way to set an Element value from a Custom Renderer?
Thanks and kind regards,
The problem was that the field in my view model was set to null when comparing it with the value. Then throwing a TargetException letting the source buggy unable to be updated by the target.
public bool SetProperty<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = default)
if (value == null) return false;
if (field != null && field.Equals(value)) return false;
field = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
return true;
Now, I make sure the field is not null before using the Equals operator.

Custom image renderer on iOS to get x,y coordinates of the tapped location

I have a xamarin forms image, and when the user taps on the image I want to get the x,y coordinates of where the user tapped. Not the x,y coordinates of the view per se, but the coordinates within the image. I have this working on Android below. What would the iOS custom renderer be like?
Create a interface for touch event:
public interface IFloorplanImageController
void SendTouched();
Create a custom control for image:
public class FloorplanImage : Image, IFloorplanImageController
public event EventHandler Touched;
public void SendTouched()
Touched?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public Tuple<float, float> TouchedCoordinate
get { return (Tuple<float, float>)GetValue(TouchedCoordinateProperty); }
set { SetValue(TouchedCoordinateProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty TouchedCoordinateProperty =
propertyName: "TouchedCoordinate",
returnType: typeof(Tuple<float, float>),
declaringType: typeof(FloorplanImage),
defaultValue: new Tuple<float, float>(0, 0),
propertyChanged: OnPropertyChanged);
public static void OnPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
Implement the custom renderer:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(FloorplanImage), typeof(FloorplanImageRenderer))]
namespace EmployeeApp.Droid.Platform
public class FloorplanImageRenderer : ImageRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Image> e)
if (e.NewElement != null)
if (Control != null)
Control.Clickable = true;
Control.SetTag(Control.Id, new JavaObjectWrapper<FloorplanImage> { Obj = Element as FloorplanImage });
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (Control != null)
private class ImageTouchListener : Java.Lang.Object, Android.Views.View.IOnTouchListener
public static readonly Lazy<ImageTouchListener> Instance = new Lazy<ImageTouchListener>(
() => new ImageTouchListener());
public bool OnTouch(Android.Views.View v, MotionEvent e)
var obj = v.GetTag(v.Id) as JavaObjectWrapper<FloorplanImage>;
var element = obj.Obj;
var controller = element as IFloorplanImageController;
if (e.Action == Android.Views.MotionEventActions.Down)
var x = e.GetX();
var y = e.GetY();
element.TouchedCoordinate = new Tuple<float, float>(x, y);
else if (e.Action == Android.Views.MotionEventActions.Up)
return false;
public class JavaObjectWrapper<T> : Java.Lang.Object
public T Obj { get; set; }
Use this control like this:
<local:FloorplanImage HeightRequest="300" x:Name="image" WidthRequest="300"
Aspect="AspectFit" Touched="image_Touched" />
code behind:
private void image_Touched(object sender, EventArgs e)
var cor = image.TouchedCoordinate;
I found this Customer success example on github that does exactly this.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomImage), typeof(CustomImageRenderer))]
namespace FormsImageTapGesture.iOS
public class CustomImageRenderer : ImageRenderer
#region properties & fields
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
private UIImageView nativeElement;
private CustomImage formsElement;
#region methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set up the custom renderer. In this case, that means set up the gesture
// recognizer.
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Image> e) {
base.OnElementChanged (e);
if (e.NewElement != null) {
// Grab the Xamarin.Forms control (not native)
formsElement = e.NewElement as CustomImage;
// Grab the native representation of the Xamarin.Forms control
nativeElement = Control as UIImageView;
// Set up a tap gesture recognizer on the native control
nativeElement.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
UITapGestureRecognizer tgr = new UITapGestureRecognizer (TapHandler);
nativeElement.AddGestureRecognizer (tgr);
// Respond to taps.
public void TapHandler(UITapGestureRecognizer tgr) {
CGPoint touchPoint = tgr.LocationInView (nativeElement);
formsElement.OnTapEvent ((int)touchPoint.X, (int)touchPoint.Y);

Notify user if he enters a value into the Textbox which is not allowed in WPF

I'm curious about a good way to notify a user that the value he was trying to enter into a Textbox is not valid. I'd prefer to have a red-flash animation over the textbox to inform the user that the value has been ignored because it's not valid.
However I'm using a Behaviour for my TextBox which gives me the ability to use a regular expression to determine which characters/words are valid and which not.
How or where would I have to modify my code to get this additional feature? I'm not quite sure if this is possible with my Behaviour because invalid input is cancelled before it's entering the TextBox.
Usually I'd check the input in my ViewModel and if it's invalid I'd inform my controller to show an error but because my Behaviour is dealing with this problem I'm not quite sure where to start.
This is my Behaviour:
public class AllowableCharactersTextBoxBehavior : Behavior<TextBox>
public static readonly DependencyProperty RegularExpressionProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("RegularExpression", typeof (string),
typeof (AllowableCharactersTextBoxBehavior),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("*"));
public string RegularExpression
get { return (string) base.GetValue(RegularExpressionProperty); }
set { base.SetValue(RegularExpressionProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxLengthProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MaxLength", typeof (int), typeof (AllowableCharactersTextBoxBehavior),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(int.MinValue));
public int MaxLength
get { return (int) base.GetValue(MaxLengthProperty); }
set { base.SetValue(MaxLengthProperty, value); }
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.PreviewTextInput += OnPreviewTextInput;
DataObject.AddPastingHandler(AssociatedObject, OnPaste);
private void OnPaste(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
if (e.DataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
string text = Convert.ToString(e.DataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text));
if (!IsValid(text, true))
private void OnPreviewTextInput(object sender, System.Windows.Input.TextCompositionEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !IsValid(e.Text, false);
protected override void OnDetaching()
AssociatedObject.PreviewTextInput -= OnPreviewTextInput;
DataObject.RemovePastingHandler(AssociatedObject, OnPaste);
private bool IsValid(string newText, bool paste)
return !ExceedsMaxLength(newText, paste) && Regex.IsMatch(newText, RegularExpression);
private bool ExceedsMaxLength(string newText, bool paste)
if (MaxLength == 0) return false;
return LengthOfModifiedText(newText, paste) > MaxLength;
private int LengthOfModifiedText(string newText, bool paste)
var countOfSelectedChars = this.AssociatedObject.SelectedText.Length;
var caretIndex = this.AssociatedObject.CaretIndex;
string text = this.AssociatedObject.Text;
if (countOfSelectedChars > 0 || paste)
text = text.Remove(caretIndex, countOfSelectedChars);
return text.Length + newText.Length;
var insert = Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(Key.Insert);
return insert && caretIndex < text.Length ? text.Length : text.Length + newText.Length;
I think I would have to modify the code in the OnPreviewTextInput Method to signalize that the input was wrong. But how do I add a flash animation or something else to it?
For styling your Validation.ErrorTemplate look at this SO answer for some ideas.
For setting your control in an invalid state you can use (assuming you have bound the TextProperty to your viewmodel)
private void OnPreviewTextInput(object sender, System.Windows.Input.TextCompositionEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !IsValid(e.Text, false);
var be = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(AssociatedObject, TextBox.TextProperty);
Validation.MarkInvalid(be, new ValidationError(new DummyValidationRule(), be.ParentBinding));
private class DummyValidationRule : ValidationRule
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
return new ValidationResult(false, "ErrorMessage");
Considered to use the build-in mechanisms of wpf?
Here is a blog post from Magnus Montin with a lot of information about validation in wpf.

MvvmCross UITextField custom binding

So I am trying to implement a custom binding for a UITextField in MvvmCross, pretty much along the lines of Binding 'GO' key on Software Keyboard - i.e. trying to bind a text field to automatically fire an event when the Done button is tapped on the keyboard (so binding to ShouldReturn). I also need to bind the text field's EditingDidBegin and EditingDidEnd events. Because I am binding more than one event, I have created a MvxPropertyInfoTargetBinding as follows:
public class MyTextFieldTargetBinding : MvxPropertyInfoTargetBinding<UITextField>
private ICommand _command;
protected UITextField TextField
get { return (UITextField)Target; }
public MyTextFieldTargetBinding(object target, PropertyInfo targetPropertyInfo) : base(target, targetPropertyInfo)
TextField.ShouldReturn += HandleShouldReturn;
TextField.EditingDidBegin += HandleEditingDidBegin;
TextField.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
private bool HandleShouldReturn(UITextField textField)
if (_command == null) {
return false;
var text = textField.Text;
if (!_command.CanExecute (text)) {
return false;
return true;
private void HandleEditingDidBegin (object sender, EventArgs e)
// do something
private void HandleEditingDidEnd (object sender, EventArgs e)
// do something
public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode
get { return MvxBindingMode.OneWay; }
public override void SetValue(object value)
var command = value as ICommand;
_command = command;
public override Type TargetType
get { return typeof(ICommand); }
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
if (isDisposing)
if (TextField != null)
TextField.ShouldReturn -= HandleShouldReturn;
TextField.EditingDidBegin -= HandleEditingDidBegin;
TextField.EditingDidEnd -= HandleEditingDidEnd;
My first question is: am I correct in creating one MvxPropertyInfoTargetBinding for all the events? Relatedly, I don't get the difference between MvxPropertyInfoTargetBinding and MvxTargetBinding. According to MVVMCross Binding decimal to UITextField removes decimal point the former is used when replacing an existing binding, the latter for known properties and event pairs. So am I using the correct one?
Secondly (and the real crux of my problem), my code works except for SetValue - it is fired, but the value is null. Here is what I have in my Setup file:
protected override void FillTargetFactories (IMvxTargetBindingFactoryRegistry registry)
base.FillTargetFactories (registry);
registry.RegisterPropertyInfoBindingFactory(typeof(MyTextFieldTargetBinding), typeof(UITextField), "Text");
I don't do anything in my View - perhaps that is where the issue lies?
My ViewModel:
public class LoginViewModel : MvxViewModel
private string _username;
public string Username
get { return _username; }
set { _username = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Username); }
private string _password;
public string Password
get { return _password; }
set { _password = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Password); }
private MvxCommand _login;
public ICommand Login
get {
_login = _login ?? new MvxCommand(DoLogin);
return _login;
public LoginViewModel(ILoginManager loginManager)
_loginManager = loginManager;
private void DoLogin()
// call the login web service
In my `View', I don't do anything fancy (I do create the View elements in a XIB):
public override void ViewDidLoad()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
this.NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden(true, false);
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<LoginView, Core.ViewModels.LoginViewModel>();
set.Bind(usernameTextField).To(vm => vm.Username);
set.Bind(passwordTextField).To(vm => vm.Password);
set.Bind (loginButton).To (vm => vm.Login);
No interesting Trace messages.
1. What is special about PropertyInfoTargetBinding?
The question you reference - MVVMCross Binding decimal to UITextField removes decimal point - gives the key to the difference between MvxTargetBinding and MvxPropertyInfoTargetBinding:
TargetBinding can be used for any arbitrary binding - e.g. for a non-propertyInfo-based binding
PropertyInfoTargetBinding inherits from TargetBinding and can only be used with actual C# Properties - because it uses PropertyInfo via Reflection.
In your case, since you aren't actually using the Text property via Reflection, then I'd be tempted not to use a PropertyInfoTargetBinding and to steer clear of the Text name as well - instead just write a custom TargetBinding.
the former is used when replacing an existing binding
This is definitely not true - instead any binding can be used to replace another binding - as the answer on the other question says
MvvmCross operates a simple 'last registered wins' system
For more on custom bindings, take a look at:
the N=28 video in
take a look through some of the "standard" bindings that ship with MvvmCross
Droid -
iOS -
note that most of these use either MvxPropertyInfoTargetBinding or MvxConvertingTargetBinding as a base class
2. Why is my SetValue getting null?
Your current binding code is asking for an ICommand:
public override Type TargetType
get { return typeof(ICommand); }
But your View code is currently binding the View to a string:
// View
set.Bind(usernameTextField).To(vm => vm.Username);
// ViewModel
private string _username;
public string Username
get { return _username; }
set { _username = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Username); }
To solve this...
Work out what you want to bind to - is it an ICommand (e.g. and MvxCommand) or is it a string?
Change the View and the Binding to reflect this.
