I'm currently trying to generate and execute some C# code directly from a Xamarin.iOS code editor application I'm working on. I use Roslyn for all the compilation steps, but unfortunately, Mono doesn't allow you to load Assemblies at Runtime on iOS.
So, this code would typically throw a Attempting to JIT compile method while running with --aot-onlyexception.
var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(#"public Foo
public void Bar() { Console.WriteLine(""""foo"""");
var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
"Generated." + Guid.NewGuid(),
syntaxTrees: new[] { tree },
references: references,
options: new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary));
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var result = compilation.Emit(ms);
var assembly = Assembly.Load(ms); // <- Thrown here
I know that Frank A. Krueger did a custom interpreter for IL for his awesome Continuous application.
I imagine having a similar approach but directly from the SemanticModel and SyntaxTrees outputted by Roslyn because I only want to support C#.
Regarding the pretty huge codebase of Roslyn, are there some bits I can pickup to base my interpreter on ?
Another question, without the possibility to generate Types dynamically, how could I represent those dynamic declared Types at Runtime ?
The ecosystem on iOS does not allow dynamically generated code. It's also part of legal restrictions for iOS platform.
I'm actually integrating the amazing RoslynPad into a WinForms application and working damn well.
The point of the integration is allowing the user to type in some C# code so it can be used in a future.
Thing is I'm interested on "capping" the user so he could just use some System or even LinQ functions. I don't want to allow the user to think he is allowed to use System.IO and others. Of course I can't prevent him/her typing System.IO.File.Delete, but will surely help if the System.IO's Assembly is not loaded into the RoslynPad's IntelliSense.
The source code typed by the user is going to be compiled locally before being saved into the DB. I'm adding just a few and necessary Assemblies for the compilation, so if System.IO it won't compile, of course.
As I explained, I just want to cap the Intellisense, so they don't think they have access to almost the whole .NET Framework.
EDIT: Added the actual implementation actually done. I'm loading "RoslynPad.Roslyn.Windows" and "RoslynPad.Editor.Windows" assemblies to the editor.
private RoslynCodeEditor _editor;
private void InitializeEditor(string sourceCode)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceCode))
sourceCode = string.Empty;
_editor = new RoslynCodeEditor();
var workingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
var roslynHost = new RoslynHost(additionalAssemblies: new[]
_editor.Initialize(roslynHost, new ClassificationHighlightColors(), workingDirectory, sourceCode);
_editor.FontFamily = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily("Consolas");
_editor.SyntaxHighlighting = HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("C#");
_editor.FontSize = 12.75f;
elementHost1.Child = _editor;
You can use pass a RoslynHostReferences instance to the RoslynHost constructor, and decide which assemblies and namespaces are imported by default.
You could use the same logic as Default, just remove System.IO.Path from the type list.
Note that System.IO is not an assembly, but rather a namespace, which is in the core library, so there's no simple way to completely remove it.
I need to compile source code of big project dynamically and output type can be Windows Application or Class Library.
Code is nicely executed and its possible to make .dll or .exe files, but problem is that, when I'm trying to make .exe file - it's losing resources like project icon. Result file doesn't include assembly information to.
Any way to solve this? (Expected result should be the same, that manual Build function on project file in Visual Studio 2015).
Thank you!
var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
//Locating project file that is WindowsApplication
var project = workspace.OpenProjectAsync(#"C:\RoslynTestProjectExe\RoslynTestProjectExe.csproj").Result;
var metadataReferences = project.MetadataReferences;
// removing all references
foreach (var reference in metadataReferences)
project = project.RemoveMetadataReference(reference);
//getting new path of dlls location and adding them to project
var param = CreateParamString(); //my own function that returns list of references
foreach (var par in param)
project = project.AddMetadataReference(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(par));
var projectCompilation = project.GetCompilationAsync().Result;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var result = projectCompilation.Emit(stream);
if (result.Success)
/// Getting result
//writing exe file
using (var file = File.Create(Path.Combine(_buildPath, fileName)))
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
We never really designed the workspace API to include all the information you need to emit like this; in particular when you're calling Emit there's an EmitOptions you can pass that includes, amongst other things, resource information. But we don't expose that information since this scenario wasn't hugely considered. We've done some of the work in the past to enable this but ultimately never merged it. You might wish to consider filing a bug so we officially have the request somewhere.
So what can you do? I think there's a few options. You might consider not using Roslyn at all but rather modifying the project file and building that with the MSBuild APIs. Unfortunately I don't know what you're ultimately trying to achieve here (it would help if you mentioned it), but there's a lot more than just the compiler invocation that is involved in building a project. Changing references potentially changes other things too.
It'd also be possible, of course, to update MSBuildWorkspace yourself to pass this through. If you were to modify the Roslyn code, you'll see we implement a series of interfaces named "ICscHostObject#" (where # is a number) and we get passed the information from MSBuild to that. It looks like we already stash that in the command line arguments, so you might be able to pass that to our command line parser and get the data back you need that way.
Recently I found an architect-often-used .net program has implemented a function wrongly. So I successfully patched it using ILSpy and Reflexil in a static way of modifying binaries. However, it is annoying that you need to patch it and remove StrongNameCheck again when new minor version releases. (btw, the author believes it is a feature instead of a bug)
Hopefully, the program fully supports assemblies as a plugin. And my target is a public non-static member function in a public class which can be directly called by plugins. Is there a way to patch the function on the fly?
I usually use some APIHook tricks in unmanaged C++ but dotnet is really a different thing. In this case, I want the modification still valid after my assembly unloads (so more similar to a patch, not a hook).
Yes you can do it with code injection. But you need to know some MSIL. There is also a library for that which is called Mono.Cecil.
Here is a example code
Console.WriteLine("> INJECTING INTO 12345.EXE..." + Environment.NewLine);
AssemblyDefinition asm = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(#"C:\dummy.exe");
var writeLineMethod = typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
var writeLineRef = asm.MainModule.Import(writeLineMethod);
var pStartMethod = typeof(Process).GetMethod("Start", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
var pStartRef = asm.MainModule.Import(pStartMethod);
foreach (var typeDef in asm.MainModule.Types)
foreach (var method in typeDef.Methods)
//Let's push a string using the Ldstr Opcode to the stack
method.Body.Instructions.Insert(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, "INJECTED!"));
//We add the call to the Console.WriteLine() method. It will read from the stack
method.Body.Instructions.Insert(1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, writeLineRef));
//We push the path of the executable you want to run to the stack
method.Body.Instructions.Insert(2, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, #"calc.exe"));
//Adding the call to the Process.Start() method, It will read from the stack
method.Body.Instructions.Insert(3, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, pStartRef));
//Removing the value from stack with pop
method.Body.Instructions.Insert(4, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Pop));
asm.Write("12345.exe"); //Now we just save the new assembly
Don't monkey patch code. Add the functionality to your code base and call that function. Or write an adapter class that wraps the underlying assembly, which is much neater.
If the author of the code thinks it's not a bug then it may be in there for reasons you don't understand and could be part of any number of bug fixes.
In previous versions of .NET CORE (DNX) you used to be able to find get Roslyn compilation references via something like the following:
private static IEnumerable<CompilationReference> GetCompilationReferences(
ILibraryExporter libraryExporter,
ApplicationEnvironment environment)
var export = libraryExporter.GetAllExports(environment.ApplicationName);
return export.MetadataReferences
.OrderBy(reference => reference.Name)
.Select(reference => reference.MetadataReference as CompilationReference);
In the latest .NET Core runtime the IRoslynMetadataReference is no longer supported, therefore not sure how to get the equivalent under the new runtime (Currently running runtime 1.0.0-2702). Refer to https://github.com/dotnet/cli
In the latest version I have managed to get access to the LibraryExporter via the following code
var appInfo = new ApplicationInfo("TestApp", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
var runtime = RuntimeEnvironmentExtensions.GetRuntimeIdentifier(PlatformServices.Default.Runtime);
var projectContext = ProjectContext.CreateContextForEachFramework(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), null, new[] { runtime }).First();
var libaryExporter = new LibraryExporter(projectContext, appInfo);
var exports = libaryExporter.GetAllExports();
var metaDataRefs = exports.SelectMany(x => x.GetMetadataReferences()).ToList();
This gives me the list of MetadataReference types however when casting these as a CompilationReference this returns null.
The reason for attempting to get compilation references out is part of a self building documentation for our code set. The compilation references are used to get the SyntaxTrees and look for summary comments on classes/properties which are then used to produce a help API for the solution.
If anyone has tried doing this sort of thing on the new platform or even has an alternate approach to getting the comments out this would be appreciated.
I figured out I cannot load one script library from another easily:
string SomeFunction() {
return "something";
SomeFunction() <-- causes compile error "SomeFunction" does not exist
This is because the compiler does not know of module.csx at the time it compiles script.csx afaiu. I can add another script to load the two files from that one, and that will work. However thats not that pretty.
Instead I like to make my scripthost check for a special syntax "load module" within my scripts, and execute those modules before actual script execution.
// load "module.csx"
Now, with some basic string handling, I can figure out which modules to load (lines that contains // load ...) and load that files (gist here https://gist.github.com/4147064):
foreach(var module in scriptModules) {
return session.Execute(script)
But - since we're talking Roslyn, there should be some nice way to parse the script for the syntax I'm looking for, right?
And it might even exist a way to handle module libraries of code?
Currently in Roslyn there is no way to reference another script file. We are considering moving #load from being a host command of the Interactive Window to being a part of the language (like #r), but it isn't currently implemented.
As to how to deal with the strings, you could parse it normally, and then look for pre-processor directives that are of an unknown type and delve into the structure that way.
Support for #load in script files has been added as of https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/commit/f1702c.
This functionality will be available in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1.
Include the script:
#load "common.csx"
And configure the source resolver when you run the scripts:
Script<object> script = CSharpScript.Create(code, ...);
var options = ScriptOptions.Default.WithSourceResolver(new SourceFileResolver(new string[] { }, baseDirectory));
var func = script.WithOptions(options).CreateDelegate()