Sending Hex string to TCP Socket - c#

I am connecting VideoJet Printer to my PC using TCP/IP, creating C# windows dekstop application to read and write TCP Socket. When I am semding below Hex String using hercules software [When HEX Checkbox tick] it is responding but when I am sending same hex string from my C# code it is not reponding
Please suggest me where I am doing wrong in my code
client = new TcpClient("", Convert.ToInt32("3001"));
// Translate the passed message into ASCII and store it as a Byte array.
Byte[] data = HexString2Bytes(richTextBox3.Text);
stream = client.GetStream();
// Send the message to the connected TcpServer.
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}",richTextBox3.Text);
// Receive the TcpServer.response.
data = new Byte[65000];
var readStream = new MemoryStream();
int readBytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
while (readBytes > 0)
readStream.Write(data, 0, readBytes);
readBytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
var responseData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readStream.ToArray());
catch (Exception ex)
string errormsg = ex.ToString();
private byte[] HexString2Bytes(string hexString)
//check for null
if (hexString == null) return null;
//get length
int len = hexString.Length;
if (len % 2 == 1) return null;
int len_half = len / 2;
//create a byte array
byte[] bs = new byte[len_half];
//convert the hexstring to bytes
for (int i = 0; i != len_half; i++)
bs[i] = (byte)Int32.Parse(hexString.Substring(i * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Exception : " + ex.Message);
//return the byte array
return bs;
Command Hex String

I actually don't know, why you have to make a While loop. when you received number of bytes from Server readBytes, so you could finish a code with Encoding like this:
string responseData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data,0,readbytes);
To get more information, you can find in this link


Transformation an image file in tcp/ip

I convert image file into a byte array and packetize it to 14-byte packets and send it via SerialPortEventHandler. on the other hand, in reciever part I lost some packets and when I generate recieved byte array in a new image file, the rest of the image, after the lost packet, shifted incorrectly, I have replaced lost packets with zero. while this works with text file perfectly. This is my code in client and server side:
_file = ofile.ConvertFileToByte(txtFileName.Text);
for (int k = 0; k < Configuration.PacketNumberInFrame; k++)
((BackgroundWorker)sender).ReportProgress((j * Configuration.PacketNumberInFrame + i) * 100 / Configuration.FileCount);
if (i + _numberOfByte <= Configuration.FileCount)
_packet = _file.SubArray(i, _numberOfByte);
//send packet
while (true)
size = port.BytesToRead;
if (size >= 18)
byte[] packet = new byte[size];
var str2 = port.Read(packet, 0, size);
if (System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(packet).Contains(Configuration.EndKeyByte) && !endFlag)
(Exception ex)
public Extract(packet)
Recieve_Data.Add( packet);
public EndRecieving()
for(int i=0;i< arrayResult.AddRange(packetData);i++)
string filePath = Configuration.LogFilePath + "\\CreatedFile-" + "."filePrefix.ToLower();
var stream = new FileStream(filePath,
FileData oFile = new FileData();
stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length);

send byte[] data over network stream socket. c#

i want to send string json over networkstream . code at client side
using (var ns = new NetworkStream(socket))
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listCfile, Formatting.Indented);
byte[] jsonbytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
byte[] jsonLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(jsonbytes.Length);
ns.Write(jsonLength, 0, jsonLength.Length);
ns.Write(jsonbytes, 0, jsonbytes.Length);
jsonbytes was byte[988324]
At server side
using (var ns = new NetworkStream(socket))
byte[] byDataLength = new byte[4];
ns.Read(byDataLength, 0, 4);
int jsonLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(byDataLength, 0);
byte[] byData = new byte[jsonLength];
ns.Read(byData, 0, jsonLength);
byData was byte[988324]
But byData i received isn't same as jsonbytes i sent.
i need some helps.
Update! some times it works. ByData received is same as jsonbytes i sent
Some times it doesn't work :(
You can try using raw sockets to send and receive as well as using a memory stream and end-of-packet mechanism for unknown data lengths.
Below is a snippet of methods showing using raw sockets and buffering in a memory-stream till End-Of-Packet is detected.
protected const int SIZE_RECEIVE_BUFFER = 1024; /// Receive buffer size
protected const string EOF = "!#~*|"; /// End of packet string
MemoryStream _msPacket = new MemoryStream(); /// Memory stream holding buffered data packets
int _delmtPtr = 0; /// Ranking pointer to check for EOF
Socket _baseSocket;
public event EventHandler OnReceived;
// TODO: -
// Add methods to connect or accept connections.
// When data is send to receiver, send with the same EOF defined above.
public void RegisterToReceive()
byte[] ReceiveBuffer = new byte[SIZE_RECEIVE_BUFFER];
new AsyncCallback(onReceiveData),
private void onReceiveData(IAsyncResult async)
byte[] buffer = (byte[])async.AsyncState;
int bytesCtr = 0;
if (_baseSocket != null)
bytesCtr = _baseSocket.EndReceive(async);
catch { }
if (bytesCtr > 0)
processReceivedData(buffer, bytesCtr);
catch{ }
private void processReceivedData(byte[] buffer, int bufferLength)
byte[] eof = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(EOF);
int packetStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++)
if (buffer[i].Equals(eof[_delmtPtr]))
if (_delmtPtr == eof.Length)
var lenToWrite = i - packetStart - (_delmtPtr - 1);
byte[] packet = new byte[lenToWrite + (int)_msPacket.Position];
if (lenToWrite > 0)
_msPacket.Write(buffer, packetStart, lenToWrite);
packetStart = i + 1;
_msPacket.Position = 0;
_msPacket.Read(packet, 0, packet.Length);
if (OnReceived != null)
OnReceived(packet, EventArgs.Empty);
catch { }
_msPacket.Position = 0;
_delmtPtr = 0;
{ _delmtPtr = 0; }
if (packetStart < bufferLength)
_msPacket.Write(buffer, packetStart, bufferLength - packetStart);
if (_msPacket.Position == 0)
This can receive large length of data and is independent of length by the sender.
The methods above shows how to receive data only, so will have to include other methods for connect, accept, sending-data, etc on raw sockets.

How can I make each flush() work, which make each buffer sent before next write() in C#

I am trying to sent very screenshot when i move the mouse on the screen. Therefore, I will sent the size of screenshot and image byte[]. In my client side, I will set the size byte array by the size received from server, and read the rest of byte[] as image. Ideally, I need each time I call the write(), the byte[] I want write into should be empty, so I use the flush(). In fact, after I received the getinputstream(), Sometime I will get the old data inside it. I don't know why flush() doesn't work. anyone has better ideas to solve this problem?
This is my code for server, I try use stream, and networkstream, it dosent works.
public void send(byte[] imageByte)
Stream stream = client.GetStream();
client.NoDelay = true;
client.Client.NoDelay = true;
Debug.WriteLine("noDelay:{0}, client.noDelay:{1}", client.NoDelay, client.Client.NoDelay);
byte[] imageSize;
string imgSize = Convert.ToString(imageByte.Length);
Debug.WriteLine("string=" + imgSize);
imageSize = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(imgSize);
Debug.WriteLine(" header size:" + imageSize.Length);
//ns.Write(imageSize, 0, imageSize.Length);
//sleep 500 ms
stream.Write(imageSize, 0, imageSize.Length);
Debug.WriteLine("sent size");
//ns.Write(imageByte, 0, imageByte.Length);
stream.Write(imageByte, 0, imageByte.Length);
Debug.WriteLine("First time sent image size:" + imageByte.Length);
client side:
public class connection extends AsyncTask {
private byte[] data;
public void setByteSize(int size) {
data = new byte[size];
public byte[] getByteSize() {
return data;
protected Object doInBackground(Object... arg0) {
try {
clientSocket = new Socket("", 8080);
// clientSocket = new Socket("", 8080);
System.out.println("client connect to server");
input = clientSocket.getInputStream();
} catch (UnknownHostException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
while (true) {
int totalBytesRead = 0;
int chunkSize = 0;
int tempRead = 0;
String msg = null;
// byte[] data = null;
byte[] tempByte = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 4];
try {
// read from the inputstream
tempRead =;
// tempbyte has x+5 byte
System.out.println("Fist time read:" + tempRead);
// convert x+5 byte into String
String message = new String(tempByte, 0, tempRead);
msg = message.substring(0, 5);
int msgSize = Integer.parseInt(msg);
data = new byte[msgSize];
// for(int i =0;i<tempRead-5;i++)
// {
// data[i]=tempByte[i+5];
// }
for (int i = 0; i < msgSize; i++) {
data[i] = tempByte[i + 5];
// cut the header into imageMsg
// String imageMsg = new String(tempByte, 5, tempRead - 5);
// convert string into byte
System.out.println("message head:" + msg);
byteSize = Integer.parseInt(msg);
System.out.println("ByteSize:" + byteSize);
// convert String into byte[]
totalBytesRead = tempRead - 5;
System.out.println("total Byte Read=" + totalBytesRead);
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// get string for the size of image
try {
while (totalBytesRead != getByteSize().length) {
System.out.println("data length:"
+ getByteSize().length);
chunkSize =, totalBytesRead,
getByteSize().length - totalBytesRead);
System.out.println("chunkSize is " + chunkSize);
totalBytesRead += chunkSize;
// System.out.println("Total byte read "
// + totalBytesRead);
System.out.println("Complete reading - total read = "
+ totalBytesRead);
} catch (Exception e) {
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length);
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("setImage at less than 500");

Sending strings and File from Android Client to C# server

I am trying to send files with a bunch of strings from Android client to C# server. The strings, among other things, will also contain details with regards to the file being sent eg: File Size, File Name, etc. The issue I am having is that all the file bytes is not received thus the original file cannot be reconstructed at the destination even though I can properly retrieve all the strings.
My C# Server Code
while (true)
Socket socket = listener.AcceptSocket();
setStatus(socket.RemoteEndPoint + " Connected");
// Open the stream
NetworkStream stream = new NetworkStream(socket);
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);
//Get string data
Teststr = sr.ReadLine();
FileSize = sr.ReadLine();
long fileSizeLong = Convert.ToInt64(FileSize);
int length = (int)fileSizeLong;
setStatus("File size: " + length + " bytes");
//read bytes to buffer
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
int toRead = (int)length;
int read = 0;
while (toRead > 0)
int noChars = stream.Read(buffer, read, toRead);
read += noChars;
toRead -= noChars;
setStatus("File Recieved. Total bytes: " + Convert.ToString(buffer.Length));
setStatus("Saving File");
String recievedPath = "C:\\Test\\";
BinaryWriter bWrite = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(recievedPath + "Test.png", FileMode.Create));
setStatus("File Saved to: " + recievedPath);
catch (Exception e)
My Android Client Code
File file = new File(configstr[2]); //create file instance
try {
client = new Socket(configstr[0], Integer.valueOf(configstr[1]));
//Read file
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
outputStream = client.getOutputStream();
//Output database details to stream
//Holds the string before conversion to bytes
String text = "";
text = "Test\n";
text = String.valueOf(file.length()) + "\n";
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
bos.write(b, 0, bytesRead);
byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray();
return true;
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
NOTE: The code works well if I only send one string, eg: If I only send file size.
Any better way of getting this to work as I am trying to send many strings through the stream as well as binary data from the file.
BufferedWriter with flush() at the end of every write() solved the issue for me.

TcpListener truncating byte array randomly

I am writing what is essentially an image backup server to store images. It is a one way service that will not return anything beyond a basic success or failure message to the client.
The issue that I am experienceing is that when I send a byte array through the network stream, it is being cut-off before the end of the stream at random locations. I do not have this issue when I run the server on my development machine and connect locally, but rather it only occurs when the server is deployed on a remote server.
When I send very small arrays ( < 512 bytes) the server recieves the entire stream successfully, but on streams larger than 2000 bytes I experience issues. The code for the client is as follows:
TcpClient Voice = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
//Obviously I use the remote IP when it is deployed - but have altered it for privacy.
IPEndPoint BackupServer = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 57000);
NetworkStream DataStream = Voice.GetStream();
byte[] buffer = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(ImageData.GetXml());
DataStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
buffer = new byte[4096];
int read = DataStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
MessageBox.Show(new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer) + " : " + read.ToString());
The client code executes without any errors or problems regardless of the size of data I send.
And the code for the server side is as follows:
private void BackMeUp(object voice)
TcpClient Voice = (TcpClient)voice;
Voice.ReceiveTimeout = 30000;
NetworkStream DataStream = Voice.GetStream();
bool ShouldLoop = true;
//int loops = 0;
int loops = -1;
byte[] input = new byte[2048];
byte[] buffer = new byte[0];
//while (ShouldLoop)
while(loops != 0)
loops = DataStream.Read(input, 0, 2048);
for (int x = 0; x < loops; x++)
Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length + 1);
buffer[buffer.Length - 1] = input[x];
//if (loops < 2048)
//ShouldLoop = false;
while (true)
StringReader Reader = new StringReader(new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
DataSet DS = new DataSet();
if (DS.Tables.Count > 0)
if (DS.Tables["Images"].Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables["Images"].Rows)
string response = "Got it!";
DataStream.Write(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(response), 0, response.Length);
catch (Exception Ex)
File.WriteAllText("Elog.txt", Ex.Message + " " + (Ex.InnerException != null ? Ex.InnerException.ToString() : " no Inner"));
The server recieves the data fine, and closes the stream when it reaches the end, however the data is cut-off and I get an error when I try to rebuild the dataset.
I have the impression this has to do with the time it takes to send the stream, and I have played around with the Close and Flush commands but I feel like I'm just shooting in the dark. Any help would be appreciated.
Concise version of question: What factors are involved with a TcpListener that could cause a) the truncation of the stream. or b) premature closing of the stream prior to all bytes being read. When the listener in question is on a remote host rather than a local server.
The Read method doesn't have to return the number of bytes that you requested, or the entire stream at once. Especially if the stream is slow, it will be returned in small chunks.
Call the Read method repeatedly, and handle the data for each block that you get. The Read method returns zero when the stream is read to the end:
buffer = new byte[4096];
do {
int read = DataStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read != 0) {
// handle the first "read" bytes of the buffer (index 0 to read-1)
} while (read != 0);
If you know that your buffer is enough for any stream, you can fill up the buffer and handle it afterwards:
buffer = new byte[4096];
int offset = 0;
do {
int read = DataStream.Read(buffer, offset, buffer.Length - offset);
offset += read;
} while (read != 0);
// handle the first "offset" bytes of the buffer (index 0 to offset-1)
