How to get only modified nodes using XmlDiffView GetHTML - c#

We have two xml files and need to find the diff of it. For this we are using XMLDiff library. We are able to get the difference but now wanted to have a UI which shows modified nodes. So used XmlDiffView class. Code is as below
XmlDiffView dv = new XmlDiffView();
//Load the original file again and the diff file.
XmlTextReader orig = new XmlTextReader(oldXML);
XmlTextReader diffGram = new XmlTextReader(diffXML);
//Wrap the HTML file with necessary html and
//body tags and prepare it before passing it to the GetHtml method.
string tempFile = #"C:\Users\ABC\Desktop\diffView.html";
StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter(tempFile);
sw1.Write("<html><body><table width='100%'>");
dv = null;
From above code, dv.GetHtml(sw1); this statement gives html file which shows all modified and non modified nodes, but we need to get only modified nodes information.
How can we get only modified modes information?
Any hint, reference would be great help.
Thank You!


Copy the content of a document file and append it into another keeping it formatted C#

I want to copy the content of a document file to another keeping it formatted. I found a way to copy the whole document to a new one using File.Copy(file, newFile, true); but I need to append the content to another existing one.
Here is a quick code sample that should get you on your way:
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
var wdApp = new Word.Application();
var documents = wdApp.Documents;
var doc = documents.Open(newFile);

Processing XML from non-standard DTD in C#

I literally just want to be able to traverse the contents of various XML files that I have been given but having a non-standard DTD means I am hitting some issues - one error being "Reference to undeclared entity 'reg'" and another saying it is unable to locate the .DTD file.
Is it possible to do this sort of thing for XML files when no DTD is available? I have no control over these files and cannot change them. I am looking to grab various amounts of them at a time, move through the contents as efficiently as possible, email out some notifications and thats it.
Sample of XML file below:
<!DOCTYPE Toro-Pub PUBLIC "-//Toro//DTD Toro Publication V1.0//EN//XML" "Toro-Pub.dtd">
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2011, v.4002-->
<?Pub UDT _nopagebreak _touchup KeepsKeep="yes" KeepsPrev="no" KeepsNext="no" KeepsBoundary="page"?>
<?Pub UDT template _font?>
<?Pub UDT _bookmark _target?>
<?Pub UDT _nocolumnbreak _touchup KeepsKeep="yes" KeepsPrev="no" KeepsNext="no" KeepsBoundary="column"?>
<?Pub UDT instructions _comment FontColor="red"?>
<?Pub EntList alpha bull copy rArr sect trade deg?>
<?Pub Inc?>
<Toro-Pub><PubMeta Brand="Toro" CE="Yes" ClientPubNo="" CopyrightYear="2013" FormNumber="3378-827" Lang="CS" LangParentForm="3378-826" LangParentID="72729" LangParentRev="A" PageSize="" PhoneNoCan="" PhoneNoMex="" PhoneNoUS="" ProductFamily="sample product name" PubID="72730" PublicationType="Operator Manual" RegistrationURL="" Rev="A" ServiceURL=""><?TranslationData DueDate="07/01/2013" InCarton(1-yes)="0" Author="Mr Smith" EngParent="" ?></PubMeta><Pub-TBlock>
Many thanks.
I have tried the below code taken from the suggested comment:
Stream file = File.OpenRead("4d00fa60800e0a5d_3378-827.xml");
// The next line is the fix!!!
XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(file);
xmlTextReader.XmlResolver = null; // Don't require file in system32\inetsrv
XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
readerSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
//readerSettings.Schemas.Add(null, "");
readerSettings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
readerSettings.XmlResolver = null; // Doesn't help
//readerSettings.ValidationEventHandler += ValidationEventHandle;
XmlReader myXmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlTextReader, readerSettings);
XmlDocument myXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
myXmlDocument.XmlResolver = null; // Doesn't help
myXmlDocument.Load(myXmlReader); // Load doc, no .dtd required on local disk
However, I now get a new error of 'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.' on the line 'myXmlDocument.Load(myXmlReader)'.

Read XML values Webservice

I want to read xml on runtime, without save it on a path
After my searching i find that, In console application i need to use Console.Out for displaying result
xmlSerializer.Serialize(Console.Out, patient);
In Windows / Web Application we need to set path like
StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(#"C:\test.xml");
but i need to read xml with out save it, i am using Webserive where i need to read it and take a decision that either it is valid or not
I hope i define it clearly..
Use the XmlDocument object.
There are several ways to load the XML, you can use the XmlDocument.Load() and specify your URL in there or use XmlDocument.LoadXml() to load the XML from a string.
You could use the XmlDocument.LoadXml class to read the received xml. There is no need to save it to disk.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//valid xml
catch (XmlException xe)
//invalid xml
Use Linq2Xml..
XElement doc;
//invalid XML
foreach(XElement node in doc.Descendants())
node.Value;//value of this node
nodes.Attributes();//all the attributes of this node
Thanks all of you for your reply, i want to laod my XML without save it on a local Path, because saving creating many XML.
Finally i find the solutions for load the XML from class on a Memory stream, I thinn this solution is very easy and optimize
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer2 = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(Patients.GetType());
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
serializer2.Serialize(stream, Patients);
stream.Position = 0;
You need to use the Deserialize option to read the xml. Follow the below steps to achieve it,
Create a target class. It structure should represent the xml output.
After creating the class, use the below code to load your xml into the target object
TargetType result = null;
XmlSerializer worker = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TargetType));
result = worker.Deserialize("<xml>.....</xml>");
Now the xml is loaded into the object 'result' and use it.

how to monitor the program code execution? (file creation and modification by code lines etc)

My program is about triggering XSL transformation,
Its fact that this code for carrying out the transformation, creates some dll and tmp files and deletes them pretty soon after the transformation is completed.
It is almost untraceable for me to monitor the creation and deletion of files manually, so I want to include some chunk of codelines to display "which codeline has created/modified which tmp and dll files" in console window.
This is the relevant part of the code:
string strXmlQueryTransformPath = #"input.xsl";
string strXmlOutput = string.Empty;
StringReader srXmlInput = null;
StringWriter swXmlOutput = null;
XslCompiledTransform xslTransform = null;
XPathDocument xpathXmlOrig = null;
XsltSettings xslSettings = null;
MemoryStream objMemoryStream = null;
objMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
xslTransform = new XslCompiledTransform(false);
xpathXmlOrig = new XPathDocument("input.xml");
xslSettings = new XsltSettings();
xslSettings.EnableScript = true;
xslTransform.Load(strXmlQueryTransformPath, xslSettings, new XmlUrlResolver());
xslTransform.Transform(xpathXmlOrig, null, objMemoryStream);
objMemoryStream.Position = 0;
StreamReader objStreamReader = new StreamReader(objMemoryStream);
strXmlOutput = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
// make use of Data in string "strXmlOutput"
google and msdn search couldn't help me much..
The temporary DLLs will be created as part of the XSLCompiledTransform object: the XSLT document is compiled at run-time into MSIL and that generated assembly is used to perform the actual transformation. If you really want to work out exactly when the DLL appears/disappears, you could just step through the code, line by line, in a debugger and watch the Temp directory.
Why do you care about the temporary files, though? They're just an implementation detail of the XSL transform code that shouldn't matter to your code.
for this particular example.

How to Update a XML Node?

It is easy to read an XML file and get the exact Node Text, but how do I Update that Node with a new value?
To read:
public static String GetSettings(SettingsType type, SectionType section)
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(APPSETTINGSPATH));
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = document.SelectSingleNode(
Enum.Parse(typeof(SettingsType), type.ToString()),
Enum.Parse(typeof(SectionType), section.ToString())));
return node.InnerText;
to write ...?
public static void SetSettings(SettingsType type, SectionType section, String value)
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(APPSETTINGSPATH));
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = document.SelectSingleNode(
Enum.Parse(typeof(SettingsType), type.ToString()),
Enum.Parse(typeof(SectionType), section.ToString())));
node.InnerText = value;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error:", ex);
Note the line, node.Update(); does not exist, but that's what I wanted :)
I saw the XmlTextWriter object, but it will write the entire XML to a new file, and I just need to update one value in the original Node, I can save as a new file and then rename the new file into the original name but... it has to be simpler to do this right?
Any of you guys have a sample code on about to do this?
Thank you
You don't need an "update" method - setting the InnerText property updates it. However, it only applies the update in memory. You do need to rewrite the whole file though - you can't just update a small part of it (at least, not without a lot of work and no out-of-the-box support).
XmlDocument.Load has an overload that will take the filename directly so there is no need for the reader.
Similarly when you are done XmlDocument.Save will take a filename to which it will save the document.
The nodeValue property can be used to change the value of a text node.
The following code changes the text node value of the first element:
x.nodeValue="Easy Cooking";
You're updating the node in an in-memory representation of the xml document, AFAIK there's no way to update the node directly in the physical file. You have to dump it all back to a file.
