c# asmx client unable to unmarshal soap response - c#

I am sending request to a web service though my c# code. I'm able to get successful request and response in Fiddler and also can get response back in SOAP UI by using Fiddler's request. But while debugging in code, I get Response object as null "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
Below is my c# code :
public List<MailOutResponse> SendMailOrder(OrderEntity objOrderEnty)
List<MailOutResponse> lsteDemandResp = new List<MailOutResponse>();
MailOutResponse objMailOutResp = null;
string strPayloadType = objOrderEnty.PayloadType;
string strMailType = objOrderEnty.MailType;
eDemandService.Order eDemandOrder = null;
LogProcess.WriteLog("Processing item--" + objOrderEnty.OrderItemList[0].UniqueId.ToString(), strMailType);
eDemandOrder = new eDemandService.Order();
eDemandOrder.UniqueOrderId = "UD" + objOrderEnty.OrderItemList[0].UniqueId.Replace(":", "").ToString();
eDemandOrder.OrderHeader = createOrderHeader(objOrderEnty.OrderItemList[0]);
eDemandService.OrderOrderItem orderItem = new eDemandService.OrderOrderItem();
orderItem.ItemDetailStructure = new eDemandService.OrderOrderItemItemDetailStructure();
orderItem.ItemDetailStructure.Item = strItemDetailStructVal;
orderItem.UniqueOrderItemId = "OB" + objOrderEnty.OrderItemList[0].UniqueId.Replace(":", "");
XmlDocument f = new XmlDocument();
f = (XmlDocument)GetXmlNode(objOrderEnty.OrderItemList[0].PayLoad.Root);
orderItem.PreFillPayload = f.DocumentElement;
eDemandService.OrderOrderItem[] orderItems = new eDemandService.OrderOrderItem[1];
orderItems[0] = orderItem;
eDemandOrder.OrderDetail = orderItems;
eDemandService.eDemand eDemand = new eDemandService.eDemand();
eDemandService.edemandService edemandClient = new eDemandService.edemandService();
eDemand.PayloadType = strPayloadType;
eDemand.OriginatingSysRef = strOriginatingSysRef;
eDemand.Order = eDemandOrder;
eDemandService.eDemandResponse myResponse = new eDemandService.eDemandResponse();
LogProcess.WriteLog("---------------Calling the eDemand service-----------------", strMailType);
LogProcess.WriteLog(eDemand, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), strMailType);
myResponse = edemandClient.e(eDemand);
LogProcess.WriteLog(myResponse, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), strMailType);
eDemandService.eDemandResponseOrderResponse[] rspns = new eDemandService.eDemandResponseOrderResponse[1] ;
rspns = myResponse.OrderResponse;
for (int i = 0; i < myResponse.OrderResponse.Length; i++)
objMailOutResp = new MailOutResponse();
if (myResponse.OrderResponse.Length > 0)
objMailOutResp.OrderResponseCode = myResponse.OrderResponse[i].OrderResponseCode;
objMailOutResp.ExecutionStatus = myResponse.OrderResponse[i].OrderResponseText;
if (myResponse.OrderResponse[i].OrderResponseCode == "2000")
if (myResponse.OrderResponse[i].OrderItemResponse[0] != null)
objMailOutResp.ResponseUID = myResponse.OrderResponse[i].OrderItemResponse[0].UniqueOrderItemId;
objMailOutResp.IDBID = myResponse.OrderResponse[i].OrderItemResponse[0].IDBID;
catch (Exception ex)
LogProcess.WriteLog("Error calling the eDemand service - " + ex.Message, strMailType);
return lsteDemandResp;
Here's the wsdl response type:
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Bare)]
[return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("eDemandResponse", Namespace="http://edemand.fmr.com/eDemandRequest")]
public eDemandResponse e([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Namespace="http://edemand.fmr.com/eDemandRequest")] eDemand eDemand) {
object[] results = this.Invoke("e", new object[] {
return ((eDemandResponse)(results[0]));
And here's what I get from fiddler:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<Resp:eDemandResponse B2BID="3322277" xmlns:Resp="http://eDemand.fmr.com/eDemandResponse">
<StatusText>Processing was successful</StatusText>
<OrderResponse UniqueOrderId="UDTA_ID429636">
<OrderResponseText>Processing was successful</OrderResponseText>
<OrderItemResponse IDBID="154464360" UniqueOrderItemId="OBTA_ID429636">
<Delivery type="Postal">
<ReturnText>Postal Delivery Method Successful</ReturnText>
My wsdl url is : https://dgedmdrtp1.fmr.com:12000/eDemand/edemand/
So basically when I debug the client, I see that the request goes in properly populated, but the response isn't being unmarshaled into the stub response object that was generated when the web reference was made.


Web request CSharp

I have a C# code that consumes a web service data from an external site. it was working and displaying the weather data on my page but now it throws "An exception occurred during a WebClient request" error. I was trying to research this but no luck.
protected void GetWeatherInfo(string url)
string url1 = string.Format(url);
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
WebProxy proxyObj = new WebProxy(url1);
proxyObj.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
client.Proxy = proxyObj;
string json = client.DownloadString(url1);
WeatherInfo weatherInfo = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Deserialize<WeatherInfo>(json);
lblCity_Country.Text = weatherInfo.city.name + "," + weatherInfo.city.country;
imgCountryFlag.ImageUrl = string.Format("http://openweathermap.org/images/flags/{0}.png", weatherInfo.city.country.ToLower());
lblDescription.Text = weatherInfo.list[0].weather[0].description;
imgWeatherIcon.ImageUrl = string.Format("http://openweathermap.org/img/w/{0}.png", weatherInfo.list[0].weather[0].icon);
lblTempMin.Text = string.Format("{0}°С", Math.Round(weatherInfo.list[0].temp.min, 1));
lblTempMax.Text = string.Format("{0}°С", Math.Round(weatherInfo.list[0].temp.max, 1));
lblTempDay.Text = string.Format("{0}°С", Math.Round(weatherInfo.list[0].temp.day, 1));
lblTempNight.Text = string.Format("{0}°С", Math.Round(weatherInfo.list[0].temp.night, 1));
lblHumidity.Text = weatherInfo.list[0].humidity.ToString();
tblWeather.Visible = true;
catch (Exception ex)
string excep = ex.Message;

create a file and upload the chunks to the in team drive from C#

I Have to Upload the file to my teamdrive, the file has been created to team drive but I can not upload the file chunks to it. So, please help to solve it.
On Writing a Chunk I am facing the Error of "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
I am getting the Teamdrive ID and the File ID which has been created.
/*** Creation of a File to Team Drive ***/
f_ObjFile.TeamDriveId = "/*TeamDrive ID*/";
f_ObjNewFile.Parents = f_ObjFile.Parents; // f_ObjFile = <Team Driv ID>
f_ObjNewFile.Name = f_ObjFile.Name;
f_ObjNewFile.MimeType = f_ObjFile.MimeType;
f_ObjNewFile.TeamDriveId = f_ObjFile.TeamDriveId;
f_CreateRequest = GoogleHelper.InvokeApiCall(() => { return this.DriveServiceObj.Files.Create(f_ObjNewFile); }, this);
if (f_CreateRequest != null)
f_CreateRequest.SupportsTeamDrives = true;
f_CreateRequest.Fields = "*";
f_ObjNewFile = GoogleHelper.InvokeApiCall(() => { return f_CreateRequest.Execute(); }, this);
f_ObjDocumentItem = new DocumentItem(UserEmailID, f_ObjNewFile);
f_ObjDocumentItem.ItemID = f_ObjNewFile.Id;
string f_Url = GoogleHelper.CreateChunkURL("https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files/{0}?uploadType=resumable", f_ObjNewFile.Id);
f_ObjDocumentItem.ChunkUploadURL = InitiateResumeRequest(f_Url, f_ObjNewFile.Id);
catch(Exception ex) { }
f_ObjNewFile = null;
f_CreateRequest = null;
/* Writing the chunks to the file in TeamDrive */
httpRequest = GoogleHelper.CreateHttpWebRequestObj(f_ObjChunkData.ChunkUploadURL,true);
httpRequest.Method = GoogleConstant.PATCH;
httpRequest.ContentLength = f_ObjChunkData.FileData.Length;
httpRequest.SendChunked = true;
httpRequest.Headers["Content-Range"] = "bytes " + f_ObjChunkData.StartOffset +
"-" +
f_ObjChunkData.EndOffset + "/" +
using (System.IO.Stream f_ObjHttpStream = GoogleHelper.InvokeApiCall(() => { return httpRequest.GetRequestStream(); }, this))
if (f_ObjHttpStream != null)
System.IO.MemoryStream f_ChunkStream = null;
f_ChunkStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(f_ObjChunkData.FileData);
f_ChunkStream = null;
using (HttpWebResponse httpResponse = GoogleHelper.InvokeApiCall(() => { return (HttpWebResponse)(httpRequest.GetResponse()); }, this))
if (httpResponse != null)
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
catch (Exception ex) { }
In Followin Line :
string f_Url = GoogleHelper.CreateChunkURL("https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files/{0}?uploadType=resumable", f_ObjNewFile.Id);
Insted Of
Use following URL :
and its Done...
Now you can upload the chunks...

C# Api Web Client Sends Duplicate data instead of only 1Data

So i made a Windows Service API to Php from biometrics .everytime i send data via Web Client it sends Duplicate data instead of only sending 1 data ex:
Web Service -> Sends -> 1.Cardo Dalisay 01/01/2018 1:01:10PM -> 1.Cardo Dalisay 01/01/2018 1:01:10PM
//Get Data from biometric
ICollection<MachineInfo> lstmachineInfo = manipulator.GetLogData(objZkeeper, int.Parse(MachineNo));
//if its not null
if (lstmachineInfo != null && lstmachineInfo.Count > 0)
//new list for new updated data
List<MachineInfo.Datasend>zkteco = new List<MachineInfo.Datasend>();
const string encryptionkey = #"ZREpfb7s2q0+Jq598jTlGTSHovHMJ1ok";
//lambda which fetch only new data
var result = lstmachineInfo.ToList().Where(a => a.datetime >= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1)).ToList();
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
//webclient is here
using (var webclient = new WebClient())
//fetch the newly data
foreach (var data in result)
//store then to new list
zkteco.Add(new MachineInfo.Datasend
_machineNumber = data.MachineNumber,
_subscription = Subscription,
_branchid = BranchID,
_userid = data.UserID,
_DateTimeRecord = data.DateTimeRecord,
_Checktype = data.InOut,
_Accesstoken = AccessToken
string JsonResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(zkteco);
//fetch the newly stored data
foreach (var zktecolist in zkteco)
//namevaluecollection for webclient
var values = new NameValueCollection();
values["machineid"] = zktecolist._machineNumber.ToString();
values["subscription"] = zktecolist._subscription.ToString();
values["branchid"] = zktecolist._branchid.ToString();
values["userid"] = zktecolist._userid.ToString();
values["datetime"] = zktecolist._DateTimeRecord;
values["checktype"] = zktecolist._Checktype.ToString();
values["accesstoken"] = zktecolist._Accesstoken.ToString();
//Request follows
//below is the webclient request
var request = webclient.UploadValues("", values);
var response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(request);
var apiResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApiResponse>(response);
if (apiResponse.status == "Ok")
WriteToFile("test" + apiResponse.description + " -> " + apiResponse.message + "status -> " + apiResponse.status);
else if (apiResponse.status != "Ok")
WriteToFile("No Data has been fetch");
objZkeeper = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
isDeviceConnected = objZkeeper.Connect_Net(IPAddress, Port);
WriteToFile("failed in connecting with device, reconnecting ....");

Pushsharp ApnsConfiguration connection error for iOS device tokens

I am using PushSharp library to send the notification on iOS devices but it's not working. I have debugged it and found there is some ApnsConfiguration connection problem.
I am using this code to send the notificaiton:
public IHttpActionResult Notify()
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
HttpContent requestContent = Request.Content;
string errorMessage = "Some error occured.please try again later";
HttpStatusCode responseCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
string requestParameter = requestContent.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
string tokan = "";
var r = Request;
var header = r.Headers;
if (requestParameter != null)
PushNotificationModel complaintModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PushNotificationModel>(requestParameter);
var appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/User/xyz.pem"));
var config = new ApnsConfiguration(ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Production,
appleCert, "xyz");
// Create a new broker
var push = new ApnsServiceBroker(config);
int DeviceType = 1;
string deviceId = Convert.ToString(complaintModel.deviceToken);
string message = "New notification!!";
Guid complaintId = complaintModel.ComplaintId;
string detail = complaintModel.detail;
// var appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/User/CTPwd.pem"));
push.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>
aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>
// See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
if (ex is ApnsNotificationException)
message = ex.Message;
message = "Not an APNSException";
// Mark it as handled
return true;
push.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
message = "New Notification";
string appleJsonFormat = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\":" + '"' + message + '"' + ",\"sound\": \"default\"}}";
//string appleJsonFormat = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\": " + "Hello World" + ",\"sound\": \"default\"}}";
push.QueueNotification(new ApnsNotification
DeviceToken = deviceId,
Payload = JObject.Parse(appleJsonFormat)
catch(Exception ex)
I have searched on google, but did not find any relevant answer. Is there any syntax problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Please use .P12 file format for push notification happy coding:)

How to mock a OWIN Testserver with RestSharp?

I'm using OWIN with WebAPI integration as WebApp. Future plan is to use OWIN self-hosting which is working fine but the OWIN testserver implementation is not working together with RestSharp:
Sample without RestSharp:
First attempt is to use a mock class derived from RestClient class:
public class MockRestClient : RestClient
public TestServer TestServer { get; set; }
public MockRestClient(TestServer testServer)
TestServer = testServer;
public override IRestResponse Execute(IRestRequest request)
// TODO: Currently the test server is only doing GET requests via RestSharp
var response = TestServer.HttpClient.GetAsync(request.Resource).Result;
var restResponse = ConvertToRestResponse(request, response);
return restResponse;
private static RestResponse ConvertToRestResponse(IRestRequest request, HttpResponseMessage httpResponse)
RestResponse restResponse1 = new RestResponse();
restResponse1.Content = httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
restResponse1.ContentEncoding = httpResponse.Content.Headers.ContentEncoding.FirstOrDefault();
restResponse1.ContentLength = (long)httpResponse.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
restResponse1.ContentType = httpResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString();
if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode == false)
restResponse1.ErrorException = new HttpRequestException();
restResponse1.ErrorMessage = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
restResponse1.ResponseStatus = ResponseStatus.Error;
restResponse1.RawBytes = httpResponse.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;
restResponse1.ResponseUri = httpResponse.Headers.Location;
restResponse1.Server = "http://localhost";
restResponse1.StatusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
restResponse1.StatusDescription = httpResponse.ReasonPhrase;
restResponse1.Request = request;
RestResponse restResponse2 = restResponse1;
foreach (var httpHeader in httpResponse.Headers)
restResponse2.Headers.Add(new Parameter()
Name = httpHeader.Key,
Value = (object)httpHeader.Value,
Type = ParameterType.HttpHeader
//foreach (var httpCookie in httpResponse.Content.)
// restResponse2.Cookies.Add(new RestResponseCookie()
// {
// Comment = httpCookie.Comment,
// CommentUri = httpCookie.CommentUri,
// Discard = httpCookie.Discard,
// Domain = httpCookie.Domain,
// Expired = httpCookie.Expired,
// Expires = httpCookie.Expires,
// HttpOnly = httpCookie.HttpOnly,
// Name = httpCookie.Name,
// Path = httpCookie.Path,
// Port = httpCookie.Port,
// Secure = httpCookie.Secure,
// TimeStamp = httpCookie.TimeStamp,
// Value = httpCookie.Value,
// Version = httpCookie.Version
// });
return restResponse2;
Unfortunatly I stuck with Post events, which needs html body from restResponse.
Has anybody done something similar.
BTW: I can also use OWIN unit tests with self-hosting OWIN, but this will not work on Teamcity automatic builds.
I changed the mock rest Client to work with Post/Put/Delete methods too. It is not 100% complete (missing auth, Cookies, files etc.), but in my case it is sufficient:
public class MockRestClient : RestClient
public TestServer TestServer { get; set; }
public MockRestClient(TestServer testServer)
TestServer = testServer;
public override IRestResponse Execute(IRestRequest request)
// TODO: Currently the test server is only doing GET requests via RestSharp
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
Parameter body = request.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == ParameterType.RequestBody);
HttpContent content;
if (body != null)
object val = body.Value;
byte[] requestBodyBytes;
string requestBody;
if (val is byte[])
requestBodyBytes = (byte[]) val;
content = new ByteArrayContent(requestBodyBytes);
requestBody = Convert.ToString(body.Value);
content = new StringContent(requestBody);
content = new StringContent("");
string urladd = "";
IEnumerable<string> #params = from p in request.Parameters
where p.Type == ParameterType.GetOrPost && p.Value != null
select p.Name + "=" + p.Value;
urladd = "?" + String.Join("&", #params);
IEnumerable<HttpHeader> headers = from p in request.Parameters
where p.Type == ParameterType.HttpHeader
select new HttpHeader
Name = p.Name,
Value = Convert.ToString(p.Value)
foreach (HttpHeader header in headers)
content.Headers.Add(header.Name, header.Value);
content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType = "application/json";
switch (request.Method)
case Method.GET:
response = TestServer.HttpClient.GetAsync(request.Resource + urladd).Result;
case Method.DELETE:
response = TestServer.HttpClient.DeleteAsync(request.Resource + urladd).Result;
case Method.POST:
response = TestServer.HttpClient.PostAsync(request.Resource + urladd, content).Result;
case Method.PUT:
response = TestServer.HttpClient.PutAsync(request.Resource + urladd, content).Result;
return null;
var restResponse = ConvertToRestResponse(request, response);
return restResponse;
private static RestResponse ConvertToRestResponse(IRestRequest request, HttpResponseMessage httpResponse)
RestResponse restResponse1 = new RestResponse();
restResponse1.Content = httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
restResponse1.ContentEncoding = httpResponse.Content.Headers.ContentEncoding.FirstOrDefault();
restResponse1.ContentLength = (long)httpResponse.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
restResponse1.ContentType = httpResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString();
if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode == false)
restResponse1.ErrorException = new HttpRequestException();
restResponse1.ErrorMessage = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
restResponse1.ResponseStatus = ResponseStatus.Error;
restResponse1.RawBytes = httpResponse.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;
restResponse1.ResponseUri = httpResponse.Headers.Location;
restResponse1.Server = "http://localhost";
restResponse1.StatusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
restResponse1.StatusDescription = httpResponse.ReasonPhrase;
restResponse1.Request = request;
RestResponse restResponse2 = restResponse1;
foreach (var httpHeader in httpResponse.Headers)
restResponse2.Headers.Add(new Parameter()
Name = httpHeader.Key,
Value = (object)httpHeader.Value,
Type = ParameterType.HttpHeader
//foreach (var httpCookie in httpResponse.Content.)
// restResponse2.Cookies.Add(new RestResponseCookie()
// {
// Comment = httpCookie.Comment,
// CommentUri = httpCookie.CommentUri,
// Discard = httpCookie.Discard,
// Domain = httpCookie.Domain,
// Expired = httpCookie.Expired,
// Expires = httpCookie.Expires,
// HttpOnly = httpCookie.HttpOnly,
// Name = httpCookie.Name,
// Path = httpCookie.Path,
// Port = httpCookie.Port,
// Secure = httpCookie.Secure,
// TimeStamp = httpCookie.TimeStamp,
// Value = httpCookie.Value,
// Version = httpCookie.Version
// });
return restResponse2;
