TPL: check if task was faulted in OnCompleted event - c#

I have a task like:
var migrateTask = Task.Run(() =>
//do stuff
How to tell in the method MigrationProcessCompleted if I got an exception or task was faulted in the initial thread (in do stuff code block)?
Is there a way to find this without making the task a class member/property?

You should never be really calling .GetAwaiter() it is intended for compiler use.
If you can use await your code is as simple as
public async Task YourFunc()
Exception error = null
await Task.Run(() =>
//do stuff
catch(Exception ex)
error = ex;
private void MigrationProcessCompleted(Exception error)
//Check to see if error == null. If it is no error happend, if not deal withthe error.


Simple general exception handling in async code without boilerplate

We start using CancellationToken in out app a lot, so we have to change exception handling correspondingly:
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(100);
await DoJob(cts.Token);
Console.WriteLine("Successfully finished");
private static async Task DoJob(CancellationToken ct)
await Task.Delay(1000, ct);
catch (Exception e) when(!(e is OperationCanceledException))
Console.WriteLine("Do cleanup in case of error.");
The idea behind this code is that if someone use catch(Exception e) (please do not blame me for this) and forgot to exclude CancellationToken, an error handling is executed, for example, there is a log that operation failed. But it is not true, id doesn't fail, it just has been canceled. And cancellation should be handled differently then failure.
It seems to me like a big boilerplate to write practically in every general catch
catch (Exception e) when(!(e is OperationCanceledException))
Is there some more robust solution with less boilerplate?
You could create a method that accepts a Func<Task> and catches the exception(s), e.g.:
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(100);
await GeneralDoJobAndCatchException(() => DoJob(cts.Token));
Console.WriteLine("Successfully finished");
private static async Task GeneralDoJobAndCatchException(Func<Task> func)
await func();
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Do error handling");
private static async Task DoJob(CancellationToken ct)
await Task.Delay(1000, ct);
We're having the exact same problem. Mainly there is a while-loop that checks for the CancellationToken but you've to catch this exception.
We created the following extension method:
public static async Task<TaskStatus> HideCancellationException(this Task task)
await task;
return task.Status;
catch (OperationCanceledException)
return TaskStatus.Canceled;
Having this extension method allows to change this code:
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// do stuff here...
await Task.Delay(..., cancellationToken);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// expected
to something like that:
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// Do stuff here.
await Task.Delay(..., cancellationToken).HideCancellationException();
Keep in mind that there is explicitly no overload for Task<T> because the return value in case of cancellation is default. You can't distinguish between default as normal task result and default as result of cancellation. In that case it's better to catch the exception.
You could get rid of the try-catch block altogether by awaiting indirectly with Task.WhenAny, and then querying the status of the completed task:
private static async Task DoJob(CancellationToken ct)
var completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(1000, ct));
if (completedTask.IsFaulted)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + completedTask.Exception.InnerException);
else if (completedTask.IsCanceled)
// Do nothing
else // Success
// Do nothing

Rethrowing exception not being caught

I have an extension method that runs a Task in the background and I put it in a try-catch block to handle any exception that it throws. The problem is that visual studio always stops on the rethrow portion of my code and I am not sure why.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// do something
You need to await the task like this:
try {
await task.RunInBackground();
} catch (Exception e) {
// do something
Avoid as much as possible using async void. Remove the async void by replacing it with async Task like below :
public static async Task RunInBackground(this Task task) {
// ....
If you need to know why to avoid async void check this link from msdn.
You can do the following:
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());
task.RunInBackground().ContinueWith(t =>
throw t.Exception;
This code will not stop for the task, until an exception was thrown by that task.

Exception not caught in Task.Run wrapped method

New to async await integration in C# 5. I'm working with some basic Task based methods to explore async await and the TPL. In this example below I'm calling a web service with a timeout of 5 seconds. If the timeout expires it should throw an exception so I can return false from the method. However, the timeout never occurs, or maybe it does but the Task never returns.
public static Task<bool> IsConnectedAsync()
return Task.Run(() =>
using (WSAppService.AppService svc = new NCSoftware.Common.WSAppService.AppService(GetServiceUrl({Timeout = 5000})
return svc.PingB();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.LogException(ex.Message, ex, "IsConnectedAsync");
return false;
If you could please help with how to properly handle this so that if the timeout occurs or even better, an exception occurs, the Task does return.
In general, you shouldn't use Task.Run if you're wrapping async services. Since this is a service reference, you should be able to expose an async method (returning Task) directly from the service, in which case you could use:
public async static Task<bool> IsConnectedAsync()
using (WSAppService.AppService svc = new NCSoftware.Common.WSAppService.AppService(GetServiceUrl({Timeout = 5000})
return await svc.PingBAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.LogException(ex.Message, ex, "IsConnectedAsync");
return false;
If you must wrap via Task.Run (again, this is not suggested, as it's turning synchronous code into async via the thread pool, which is typically better handled by the user at the top level), you could do:
public async static Task<bool> IsConnectedAsync()
return await Task.Run(() =>
using (WSAppService.AppService svc = new NCSoftware.Common.WSAppService.AppService(GetServiceUrl({Timeout = 5000})
return svc.PingB();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.LogException(ex.Message, ex, "IsConnectedAsync");
return false;

TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted not considered flow control using exceptions?

I was under the impression that controlling flow with exceptions was considered a bad practice.
So then why would you do something like this:
var task = Task.Factory
.StartNew(() => command.Execute());
task.ContinueWith(t =>
// success callback
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
task.ContinueWith(t =>
Log.Error(string.Format("'{0}' failed.", command.GetType()), t.Exception);
// error callback
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
When you could just as easily catch the exception inside command.Execute(), is there something i'm missing here? Can tasks throw exceptions unrelated to the code they're executing?
How about if we're using c# 5's async and await keywords, would you say this would be better, or does catch all really not matter as in the above example?
public class AsyncFooCommand : AsyncCommandBase<Bar>
public override Bar Execute()
var bar = // Do something that can throw SpecificException
Successful = true;
return bar;
catch (SpecificException ex)
// Log
public static class AsyncCommandExecutor<T>
// NOTE: don't care about sharing this between instances.
// ReSharper disable StaticFieldInGenericType
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Infrastructure.Commands.AsyncCommandExecutor<>));
// ReSharper restore StaticFieldInGenericType
public static async Task<T> Execute(IAsyncCommand<T> command, Action<T> success = null, Action error = null)
var task = Task.Factory
.StartNew(() =>
return command.Execute();
task.ContinueWith(t => Log.Error(string.Format("'{0}' failed, something terrible happened.", command.GetType()), t.Exception),
T result = await task;
if (success != null && command.Successful)
if (error != null && !command.Successful)
return result;
You certainly could and there would be no need for the continuation. It's simply a different approach.
However, if you catch the exception in the task and it runs to completion, to the outside world the task looks like it was successful instead of failing. If you have other continuations that are TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion or other such options, and you technically failed to execute the command (and just caught the exception), that task will continue to run perhaps when it needed the antecedent to run successfully. It's more about task state management.

Try-Catch Async Exceptions

This example "fails":
static async void Main(string[] args)
await TaskEx.Run(() => { throw new Exception("failure"); });
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("success");
That is, the exception with the text "failure" bubbles up.
Then I tried this workaround:
static async void Main(string[] args)
await SafeRun(() => { throw new Exception("failure"); });
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("success");
static async Task SafeRun(Action action)
var ex = default(Exception);
await TaskEx.Run(() =>
catch (Exception _)
ex = _;
if (ex != default(Exception))
throw ex;
That didn't help either.
I suppose my Async CTP refresh installation could be hosed.
Should this code work as I expect ("success" bubbles up, not "failure"), or is this not "supposed" to work that way. And if not, how would you work around it?
The behavior you are seeing is likely an edge case bug or may even be correct, if unintuitive. Normally when you invoke an async method synchronously, it wraps a task around to execute and since there is no one waiting on the task to finish, the exception never makes it to the main thread. If you were to call Main directly it would succeed, but then your runtime would see an exception of "success" on another thread.
Since main is the entrypoint of your application, it is invoked synchronously and likely as the entrypoint doesn't trigger the Task wrapping behavior, so that await isn't run properly and the TaskEx.Run throws on its own thread, which shows up in the runtime as an exception being thrown on another thread.
If you were to run main as an async method, i.e. returning a Task (since an async that returns void can only really be called via await) and blocking on it from your synchronous main context, you would get the appropriate behavior as the below test illustrates:
static async Task Main() {
try {
await TaskEx.Run(() => { throw new Exception("failure"); });
} catch(Exception) {
throw new Exception("success");
static async Task Main2() {
await Main();
public void CallViaAwait() {
var t = Main2();
try {
Assert.Fail("didn't throw");
} catch(AggregateException e) {
public void CallDirectly() {
var t = Main();
try {
Assert.Fail("didn't throw");
} catch(AggregateException e) {
Assert.AreEqual("success", e.InnerException.Message);
I.e. the Task faults with an AggregateException which contains the success exception as it's inner exception.
