Get list items upto match in C# - c#

I need a better solution for the below code in linq or any other better way, The code gets all items upto match condition.If the condition is process.Name = "process-5" it should return all items upto the condition match including the matched item in this case there will be 5 items in the list.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ListSelectSample
class Process
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var processlist = new List<Process>();
for(var count = 1; count <= 10; count++)
processlist.Add(new Process() { Id = count, Name = "Process-" + count});
var selectedprocesslist = new List<Process>();
foreach (var process in processlist)
if (process.Name.ToLower().Equals("process-4"))

TakeWhile and SkipWhile should do the trick.
var selectedProcessList = processList
.TakeWhile(x => !x.Name.ToLower().Equals("process-4"))
// Include selected item
if (selectedProcessList.Length < processList.Length)
.SkipWhile(x => !x.Name.ToLower().Equals("process-4"))
EDIT: With the above method's checks and caveats, a hybrid solution might be cleaner:
int idx = processList.Select(x => x.Name.ToLower()).ToList().IndexOf("process-4");
var selectedProcessList = idx < 0 ? processList : processList.Take(idx + 1).ToList();
Like M.kazem is saying, though, a LINQ solution won't be as efficient as the iterative method you are currently using. If your list is small enough, the difference is negligible, but keep that in mind.

You can FindIndex() and Take()
Before find index name equals process-4 then take list from processlist
int index = processlist.FindIndex(x => x.Name.ToLower().Equals("process-4"));
var selectedProcessList = processlist.Take(index+1).ToList();

Try this one.
It need a fix pattern of Name property.
var selectedprocesslist = processlist.Where(o => Convert.ToInt16(o.Name.Split('-')[1]) <= Convert.ToInt16(("process-4").Split('-')[1])).ToList();


Split a list of objects into sub-lists of contiguous elements using LINQ?

I have a simple class Item:
public class Item
public int Start { get; set;}
public int Stop { get; set;}
Given a List<Item> I want to split this into multiple sublists of contiguous elements. e.g. a method
List<Item[]> GetContiguousSequences(Item[] items)
Each element of the returned list should be an array of Item such that list[i].Stop == list[i+1].Start for each element
{[1,10], [10,11], [11,20], [25,30], [31,40], [40,45], [45,100]}
{{[1,10], [10,11], [11,20]}, {[25,30]}, {[31,40],[40,45],[45,100]}}
Here is a simple (and not guaranteed bug-free) implementation that simply walks the input data looking for discontinuities:
List<Item[]> GetContiguousSequences(Item []items)
var ret = new List<Item[]>();
var i1 = 0;
for(var i2=1;i2<items.Length;++i2)
if(items[i2-1].Stop != items[i2].Start)
var num = i2 - i1;
i1 = i2;
//end of array
return ret;
It's not the most intuitive implementation and I wonder if there is a way to have a neater LINQ-based approach. I was looking at Take and TakeWhile thinking to find the indices where discontinuities occur but couldn't see an easy way to do this.
Is there a simple way to use IEnumerable LINQ algorithms to do this in a more descriptive (not necessarily performant) way?
I set of a simple test-case here:
I'm really not sure this is much better than your original, but for the purpose of another solution the general process is
Use Select to project a list working out a grouping
Use GroupBy to group by the above
Use Select again to project the grouped items to an array of Item
Use ToList to project the result to a list
public static List<Item[]> GetContiguousSequences2(Item []items)
var currIdx = 1;
return items.Select( (item,index) => new {
item = item,
index = index == 0 || items[index-1].Stop == item.Start ? currIdx : ++currIdx
.GroupBy(x => x.index, x => x.item)
.Select(x => x.ToArray())
Live example:
Another way is to do an aggregation using Aggregate. This means maintaining a final Result list and a Curr list where you can aggregate your sequences, adding them to the Result list as you find discontinuities. This method looks a little closer to your original
public static List<Item[]> GetContiguousSequences3(Item []items)
var res = items.Aggregate(new {Result = new List<Item[]>(), Curr = new List<Item>()}, (agg, item) => {
if(!agg.Curr.Any() || agg.Curr.Last().Stop == item.Start) {
} else {
return agg;
res.Result.Add(res.Curr.ToArray()); // Remember to add the last group
return res.Result;
Live example:
You can implement ContiguousSplit as a corutine: let's loop over source and either add item into current range or return it and start a new one.
private static IEnumerable<Item[]> ContiguousSplit(IEnumerable<Item> source) {
List<Item> current = new List<Item>();
foreach (var item in source) {
if (current.Count > 0 && current[current.Count - 1].Stop != item.Start) {
yield return current.ToArray();
if (current.Count > 0)
yield return current.ToArray();
then if you want materialization
List<Item[]> GetContiguousSequences(Item []items) => ContiguousSplit(items).ToList();
Your solution is okay. I don't think that LINQ adds any simplification or clarity in this situation. Here is a fast solution that I find intuitive:
static List<Item[]> GetContiguousSequences(Item[] items)
var result = new List<Item[]>();
int start = 0;
while (start < items.Length) {
int end = start + 1;
while (end < items.Length && items[end].Start == items[end - 1].Stop) {
int len = end - start;
var a = new Item[len];
Array.Copy(items, start, a, 0, len);
start = end;
return result;

How to increase perfomance for loop using c#

I compare task data from Microsoft project using a nested for loop. But since the project has many records (more than 1000), it is very slow.
How do I improve the performance?
for (int n = 1; n < thisProject.Tasks.Count; n++)
string abc = thisProject.Tasks[n].Name;
string def = thisProject.Tasks[n].ResourceNames;
for (int l = thisProject.Tasks.Count; l > n; l--)
// MessageBox.Show(thisProject.Tasks[l].Name);
if (abc == thisProject.Tasks[l].Name && def == thisProject.Tasks[l].ResourceNames)
As you notice, I am comparing the Name and ResourceNames on the individual Task and when I find a duplicate, I call Task.Delete to get rid of the duplicate
A hash check should be lot faster in this case then nested-looping i.e. O(n) vs O(n^2)
First, provide a equality comparer of your own
class TaskComparer : IEqualityComparer<Task> {
public bool Equals(Task x, Task y) {
if (ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
if (ReferenceEquals(x, null)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(y, null)) return false;
if (x.GetType() != y.GetType()) return false;
return string.Equals(x.Name, y.Name) && string.Equals(x.ResourceNames, y.ResourceNames);
public int GetHashCode(Task task) {
unchecked {
((task?.Name?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) * 397) ^
(task?.ResourceNames?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
Don't worry too much about the GetHashCode function implementation; this is just a broiler-plate code which composes a unique hash-code from its properties
Now you have this class for comparison and hashing, you can use the below code to remove your dupes
var set = new HashSet<Task>(new TaskComparer());
for (int i = thisProject.Tasks.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!set.Add(thisProject.Tasks[i]))
As you notice, you are simply scanning all your elements, while storing them into a HashSet. This HashSet will check, based on our equality comparer, if the provided element is a duplicate or not.
Now, since you want to delete it, the detected dupes are deleted. You can modify this code to simply extract the Unique items instead of deleting the dupes, by reversing the condition to if (set.Add(thisProject.Tasks[i])) and processing within this if
Microsoft Project has a Sort method which makes simple work of this problem. Sort the tasks by Name, Resource Names, and Unique ID and then loop through comparing adjacent tasks and delete duplicates. By using Unique ID as the third sort key you can be sure to delete the duplicate that was added later. Alternatively, you can use the task ID to remove tasks that are lower down in the schedule. Here's a VBA example of how to do this:
Sub RemoveDuplicateTasks()
Dim proj As Project
Set proj = ActiveProject
Application.Sort Key1:="Name", Ascending1:=True, Key2:="Resource Names", Ascending2:=True, Key3:="Unique ID", Ascending3:=True, Renumber:=False, Outline:=False
Dim tsks As Tasks
Set tsks = Application.ActiveSelection.Tasks
Dim i As Integer
Do While i < tsks.Count
If tsks(i).Name = tsks(i + 1).Name And tsks(i).ResourceNames = tsks(i + 1).ResourceNames Then
tsks(i + 1).Delete
i = i + 1
End If
Application.Sort Key1:="ID", Renumber:=False, Outline:=False
End Sub
Note: This question relates to algorithm, not syntax; VBA is easy to translate to c#.
This should give you all the items which are duplicates, so you can delete them from your original list.
thisProject.Tasks.GroupBy(x => new { x.Name, x.ResourceNames}).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).SelectMany(g => g.Select(c => c));
Note that you probably do not want to remove all of them, only the duplicate versions, so be careful how you loop through this list.
A Linq way of getting distinct elements from your Tasks list :
public class Task
public string Name {get;set;}
public string ResourceName {get;set;}
public class Program
public static void Main()
List<Task> Tasks = new List<Task>();
Tasks.Add(new Task(){Name = "a",ResourceName = "ra"});
Tasks.Add(new Task(){Name = "b",ResourceName = "rb"});
Tasks.Add(new Task(){Name = "c",ResourceName = "rc"});
Tasks.Add(new Task(){Name = "a",ResourceName = "ra"});
Tasks.Add(new Task(){Name = "b",ResourceName = "rb"});
Tasks.Add(new Task(){Name = "c",ResourceName = "rc"});
Console.WriteLine("Initial List :");
foreach(var t in Tasks){
// Here comes the interesting part
List<Task> Tasks2 = Tasks.GroupBy(x => new {x.Name, x.ResourceName})
.Select(g => g.First()).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Final List :");
foreach(Task t in Tasks2){
This selects every first elements having the same Name and ResourceName.
Run the example here.

Sort a List in which each element contains 2 Values

I have a text file that contains Values in this Format: Time|ID:
60 |2
Now I want to sort them by Time. The Output also should be:
60 |2
How can I solve this problem? With this:
var path = #"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.txt";
List<string> list = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
I got no success ...
3 steps are necessary to do the job:
1) split by the separator
2) convert to int because in a string comparison a 6 comes after a 1 or 10
3) use OrderBy to sort your collection
Here is a linq solution in one line doing all 3 steps:
list = list.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('|')[0])).ToList();
x => lambda expression, x denotes a single element in your list
x.Split('|')[0] splits each string and takes only the first part of it (time)
Convert.ToInt32(.. converts the time into a number so that the ordering will be done in the way you desire
list.OrderBy( sorts your collection
Just to understand why you got the result in the first place here is an example of comparison of numbers in string representation using the CompareTo method:
int res = "6".CompareTo("10");
res will have the value of 1 (meaning that 6 is larger than 10 or 6 follows 10)
According to the documentation->remarks:
The CompareTo method was designed primarily for use in sorting or alphabetizing operations.
You should parse each line of the file content and get values as numbers.
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("path");
// ID, time
var dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
// Processing each line of the file content
foreach (var line in lines)
string[] splitted = line.Split('|');
int time = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[0]);
int ID = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[1]);
// Key = ID, Value = Time
dict.Add(ID, time);
var orderedListByID = dict.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
var orderedListByTime = dict.OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();
Note that I use your ID reference as Key of dictionary assuming that ID should be unique.
Short code version
// Key = ID Value = Time
var orderedListByID = lines.Select(x => x.Split('|')).ToDictionary(x => Convert.ToInt32(x[1]), x => Convert.ToInt32(x[0])).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
var orderedListByTime = lines.Select(x => x.Split('|')).ToDictionary(x => Convert.ToInt32(x[1]), x => Convert.ToInt32(x[0])).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();
You need to convert them to numbers first. Sorting by string won't give you meaningful results.
times = list.Select(l => l.Split('|')[0]).Select(Int32.Parse);
ids = list.Select(l => l.Split('|')[1]).Select(Int32.Parse);
pairs = times.Zip(ids, (t, id) => new{Time = t, Id = id})
.OrderBy(x => x.Time)
Thank you all, this is my Solution:
var path = #"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.txt";
List<string> list = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
list = list.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('|')[0])).ToList();
for(var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List <LineItem> myList = new ArrayList<LineItem>();
myList.add(LineItem.getLineItem(500, 30));
myList.add(LineItem.getLineItem(300, 20));
myList.add(LineItem.getLineItem(900, 100));
System.out.println("list after sort");
class LineItem implements Comparable<LineItem>{
int time;
int id ;
public String toString() {
return ""+ time + "|"+ id + " ";
public int compareTo(LineItem o) {
return this.time-o.time;
public static LineItem getLineItem( int time, int id ){
LineItem l = new LineItem();
return l;

How to do the sequential ordering?

I have looked into this Q/A , though it is working too some extent but not as expected. I want it to happen sequentially.How to do that?
Thanks in advance.
You can use Enumerable.Zip to combine the agents and accounts together (after repeating the list of agents to match or exceed the number of accounts). Then GroupBy agent.
var repeatCount = lstAccounts.Count / lstAgents.Count + 1;
var agents = Enumerable.Repeat(lstAgents, repeatCount).SelectMany(x => x);
// agents = { "Agent1", "Agent2", "Agent3", "Agent1", "Agent2", "Agent3" }
// lstAccounts = { "1001" , "1002" , "1003" , "1004" , "1005" }
var result = agents
.Zip(lstAccounts, (agent, account) => new { Agent = agent, Account = account })
.GroupBy(x => x.Agent)
.Select(g => new { Agent = g.Key, Accounts = g.Select(x => x.Account).ToList() })
It might not be the fastest way to do it, but it's short and readable.
Another way (probably nicer) to achieve the same result is to start by mapping each account to an index of agent using index % lstAgents.Count.
var result = lstAccounts
.Select((acc, index) => new { AgentIndex = index % lstAgents.Count, Account = acc })
.GroupBy(x => x.AgentIndex)
.Select(g => new { Agent = lstAgents[g.Key], Accounts = g.Select(x => x.Account).ToList() })
The algorithm is very similar to the one proposed by varocarbas, but expressed in a functional (not imperative) way.
I think that conventional loops are the best approach here: easy-to-build, clear and very scalable-/modifiable-friendly. For example:
Dictionary<string, List<string>> results = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
int i = -1;
while (i < lstAccounts.Count - 1)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < lstAgents.Count; i2++)
i = i + 1;
string curAccount = lstAccounts[i];
string curAgent = lstAgents[i2];
if (!results.ContainsKey(curAgent)) results.Add(curAgent, new List<string>());
if (i >= lstAccounts.Count - 1) break;
Additionally, note that this approach is quite fast. As a reference: around 4-5 times faster (results after a simplistic test with one of the provided inputs and a Stopwatch) than the alternative proposed by Jakub in his answer.
You can try this approach with linq extention. Split extension method will split the accounts list into "n" parts (number of agents) so that you can assign each part to agents.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> lstAgents = new List<string>() { "Agent1", "Agent2","Agent3" };
List<string> lstAccounts = new List<string>() { "1001", "1002" ,"1003", "1004", "1005" };
var op = lstAccounts.Split(lstAgents.Count);
int i = 0;
foreach (var accounts in op)
//Get agent
Console.WriteLine("Account(s) for Agent: ", lstAgents[i]);
foreach (var acc in accounts)
static class LinqExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Split<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, int parts)
int i = 0;
var splits = from item in list
group item by i++ % parts into part
select part.AsEnumerable();
return splits;

remove list-items with Linq when = myValue

I have the following code:
List<ProductGroupProductData> productGroupProductDataList = FillMyList();
string[] excludeProductIDs = { "871236", "283462", "897264" };
int count = productGroupProductDataList.Count;
for (int removeItemIndex = 0; removeItemIndex < count; removeItemIndex++)
if (excludeProductIDs.Contains(productGroupProductDataList[removeItemIndex].ProductId))
Now i want to do the same with linq. Is there any way for this?
The second thing would be, to edit each List-Item property with linq.
you could use RemoveAll.
//create a list of 5 products with ids from 1 to 5
List<Product> products = Enumerable.Range(1,5)
.Select(c => new Product(c, c.ToString()))
//remove products 1, 2, 3
products.RemoveAll(p => <=3);
// our product class
public sealed class Product {
public int id {get;private set;}
public string name {get; private set;}
public Product(int id, string name)
Firstly corrected version of your current code that won't skip entries
List<ProductGroupProductData> productGroupProductDataList = FillMyList();
string[] excludeProductIDs = { "871236", "283462", "897264" };
int count = productGroupProductDataList.Count;
for (int removeItemIndex = 0; removeItemIndex < count; removeItemIndex++)
while (removeItemIndex < count && excludeProductIDs.Contains(productGroupProductDataList[removeItemIndex].ProductId)) {
This linq code would do the job.
List<ProductGroupProductData> productGroupProductDataList = FillMyList();
string[] excludeProductIDs = { "871236", "283462", "897264" };
Alternatively using paolo's answer of remove all the last line would be would be
What you mean by "The second thing would be, to edit each List-Item property with linq."?
As per your comment here's a version that creates a set that excludes the elements rather than removing them from the original list.
var newSet = from p in productGroupProductDataList
where !excludeProductIDs.Contains(p.ProductId))
select p;
The type of newSet is IEnumerable if you need (I)List you can easily get that:
var newList = newSet.ToList();
