Get many rows from a list of IDs - c#

I'm using C# and SQL Server. I have a list of IDs for documents which corresponds to the primary key for a table in SQL Server that has a row for each document and the row contains (among other things) the ID and the document for that ID. I want to get the document in the row for each of the IDs. Currently, I execute a query for each ID, but since there are 10,000s of them, this runs a ton of queries and takes a very long time. It ends up being faster to simply load everything from the table into memory and then filter by the ids I have, but that seems inefficient and won't scale over time. If that doesn't make sense, hopefully the following code that takes a long time to run shows what I'm trying to do.
private static Dictionary<Guid, string> foo(IEnumerable<Guid> guids, SqlConnection conn)
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(null, conn))
command.CommandText = "select document from Documents where id = #id";
SqlParameter idParam = new SqlParameter("#id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
var documents = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();
foreach (var guid in guids)
idParam.Value = guid;
object obj = command.ExecuteScalar();
if (obj != null)
documents[guid] = (string)obj;
return documents;
I could programmatically construct query strings to use where clause like this: ".... where id in (ID1, ID2, ID3, ..., ID100)" to get 100 documents at a time or something like that, but this feels janky and it seems to me like there's got to be a better way.
I'm sure I'm not the only one to run into this. Is there an accepted way to go about this?

You can use Table-Valued Parameters with no limits in amount of guids
In the code you will create SqlParameter with all Id's you need to
First you need create type of parameter in the sql server
Id uniqueidentifier
Then in the code
private static Dictionary<Guid, string> foo(IEnumerable<Guid> guids, SqlConnection conn)
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(null, conn))
// use parameter as normal table in the query
command.CommandText =
"select document from Documents d inner join #AllIds a ON = a.Id";
// DataTable is used for Table-Valued parameter as value
DataTable allIds = new DataTable();
allIds.Columns.Add("Id"); // Name of column need to be same as in created Type
foreach(var id in guids)
SqlParameter idParam = new SqlParameter
ParameterName = "#AllIds",
SqlDbType=SqlDbType.Structured // Important for table-valued parameters
TypeName = "IdTableType", // Important! Name of the type must be provided
Value = allIds
var documents = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
documents[guid] = reader[0].ToString();
return documents;
You don't need to prepare the command any more. Besides after first execution next queries will use same compiled query plan, because query text remain same.

You can bunch them into sets of ids and pass a table valued parameter into the query. With Dapper this looks a bit like:
connection.Query("select document from Documents where id in #ids", new { ids = guids});
BEWARE though theres an 8000 parameter limit in sql so you will need to batch up your reads.
btw.. I'd highly recommend looking at Dapper or another micro orm for this type of data access.


ADO.NET query returning nothing even if the item available

I am using ADO.NET for querying the SQL Server database. I am trying to get items if present on the table.
My query is executing but returning nothing even if there is.
Here is my code:
public List<string> GetRecords(List<string> itemList)
string list = string.Join(",", itemList.Select(x => string.Format("'{0}'", x)));
string query = #"SELECT Id FROM Employees WHERE Id In (#list)";
using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query,connection))
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#list", list);
sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
while (sqlDataReader.Read())
employeeList.Add(Convert.ToString(database.Sanitise(sqlDataReader, "Id")));
There are three items in the list the employee with ID=100 is available in the table but the other two's are not. but still the query returning nothing.
SQL profiler showing me this query:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
Id In (#list)',N'#list nvarchar(29)',#list=N'''50'',''23'',''100'''
SQL Server will not interpret your concatenated list as actual code. It remains data always, so it's just one big text string of numbers. That is never going to match a single row.
Instead, use a Table Valued Parameter.
First create a table type in your database, I usually keep a few useful ones around.
Then create a DataTable and pass it as a parameter.
public List<string> GetRecords(List<string> itemList)
var table = new DataTable { Columns = {
{ "Id", typeof(int) },
} };
foreach (var id in itemList)
const string query = #"
FROM Employees e
WHERE e.Id IN (SELECT l.Id FROM #list l);
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(YourConnString)) // always create and dispose a new connection
using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query,connection))
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#list", SqlDbType.Structured) {
Value = table,
TypeName = "dbo.IdList",
using (var sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
while (sqlDataReader.Read())
Note also:
using on all SQL objects.
Do not cache a connection object. Create when you need it, dispose with using.
I don't know what your Sanitize function does, but it probably doesn't work. Sanitizing database values correctly is hard, you should always use parameterization.
AddWithValue is a bad idea. Instead specify the parameter types (and lengths/precision) explicitly.

UWP Custom Sqlite Query to JSON

I'm searching for a way to Execute Custom SQL Queries and to provide the result in JSON. Normally you have to provide a Class for the Query result e.g.
var query = dbConn.Query<ClassTypes>("Select a as key, b as value FROM table WHERE id = ?", new object[] { ObjectID });
But in my case, I don't know the SQL Statement, because its provided by an external JavaScript from a Webview.
This Webview might ask my application to Execute
Select a.col1 as foo,b.col1, a.col2 FROM table1 a INNER JOIN table2 b ON
And wants me to return:
Which columns are "asked" by the SQL Statement is completely free, or which aliases are used, I just want to execute the Statement an return key value pairs with the aliases or column names and the values in a JSON (for each row).
So I'm not able to prepare a custom Class for the Query, because I don't know the format of the SQL Query.
Does anyone have an idea?
I just want to execute the Statement an return key value pairs with the aliases or column names and the values in a JSON (for each row).
For your scenario, You could use SqlDataReader to approach, SqlDataReader contains GetName method that could use to get the column name as key, and it also contains GetSqlValue method that could retrieve column's value. If you can't confirm the field count, you could also use FieldCount to get current reader 's field counts
For example
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = GetProductsQuery;
using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
var list = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
while (reader.Read())
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var i = 0;
var key = reader.GetName(i);
var value = reader.GetSqlValue(i);
dict.Add(key, value);
} while (i < reader.FieldCount);
For more detail please refer this document.

Multithread SQL select statements

I am a multithreading novice and a SQL novice, so please excuse any rookie mistakes.
I am trying to execute many SQL queries asynchronously. The queries are all select statements from the same table in the same database. I can run them synchronously and everything works fine, but testing a small subset leads me to believe that to run all the queries synchronously would take approximately 150 hours, which is far too long. As such, I'm trying to figure out how to run them in parallel.
I have tried to model the code after the answer at run a method multiple times simultaneously in c#, but my code is not executing correctly (it's erroring, though I do not know specifically how. The code just says an error occurs).
Here is what I have (A much smaller and simpler version of what I am actually doing):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> EmployeeIDs = File.ReadAllLines(/* Filepath */);
List<Tuple<string, string>> NamesByID = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
//What I do not want to do (because it takes too long) ...
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(/* connection string */))
foreach (string id in EmployeeIDs)
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName FROM Employees WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE EmployeeID = " + id, conn))
NamesByID.Add(new Tuple<string, string> (id, cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()));
//What I do want to do (but it errors) ...
var tasks = EmployeeIDs.Select(id => Task<Tuple<string, string>>.Factory.StartNew(() => RunQuery(id))).ToArray();
NamesByID = tasks.Select(task => task.Result).ToList();
private static Tuple<string, string> RunQuery(string id)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(/* connection string */))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName FROM Employees WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE EmployeeID = " + id, conn))
return new Tuple<string, string> (id, cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
Note: I do not care exactly how this is multithreaded (tasks, parallel.foreach, backgroundworker, etc). This is going to be used to run ~30,000 select queries exactly 1 time, so I just need it to run fast (I'm hoping for ~8 hrs = one work day, but I'll take what I can get) one time. It doesn't have to really be pretty.
Thank you in advance!
This is just plain wrong. You should build one query to select all FirstNames you need. If you need to pass a bunch of ids to the server, that is no problem, just use table valued parameter (aka TVP), coma separated list of values really does not scale well. If the query is correctly written and the tables indexed, that should be quite fast. 100k rows table is a small table.
The query then may look like this
SELECT DollarAmount, comp.CompanyID
FROM Transactions
JOIN (SELECT MIN(TransactionID) as minTransactionID, CompanyID
FROM CompanyTransactions
) AS comp
ON Transactions.TransactionID = comp.minTransactionID
JOIN #IDList ON id = comp.CompanyID
You may use IN instead of JOIN if the ids in TVP are not unique.
Btw. do you know what NOLOCK means? If you are the only user of the database and use it single threaded or do not modify any data, then you are safe. Other than that it means that you are okay with a small chance of:
some records may be missing in the result
there are duplicate records in the result
there are rows in the result, that have never been committed and never were accepted as valid data
if you use varchar(max), you may get text that has never been stored
You want to do one query to get all of the ID/Name combinations, then put them into a dictionary (for quick access). This will remove the very slow process of running 30,000 queries as well as reduce the complexity of your code.
I could get you something more concrete if you posted the actual SQL query (you can change the column and table names if you need) but this should be close:
;WITH CompTransCTE AS (
SELECT CompanyID, MIN(TransactionID) AS TransactionID
FROM CompanyTransactions
WHERE CompanyID IN (/*Comma seperated list of values*/)
SELECT CT.CompanyID, T.DollarAmount, T.TransactionID
FROM Transactions AS T
INNER JOIN CompTransCTE AS CT ON CT.TransactionID = T.TransactionID;
Without creating a User-Defined Table Type in the database, you can use SqlBulkCopy to load the IDs into a temp table, and reference that in the query.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp11
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//var EmployeeIDs = File.ReadAllLines(""/* Filepath */);
var EmployeeIDs = Enumerable.Range(1, 30 * 1000).ToList();
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
foreach (var id in EmployeeIDs)
var row = dt.NewRow();
row[0] = id;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=.;database=tempdb;integrated security=true"))
var cmdCreateTemptable = new SqlCommand("create table #ids(id int primary key)",conn);
//var cmdCreateEmpable = new SqlCommand("create table Employees(EmployeeId int primary key, FirstName varchar(2000))", conn);
var bc = new SqlBulkCopy(conn);
bc.DestinationTableName = "#ids";
bc.ColumnMappings.Add("id", "id");
var names = new List<string>();
var cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName, EmployeeId FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID in (select id from #ids)", conn);
using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
var firstName = rdr.GetString(0);
var id = rdr.GetInt32(1);
Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to continue");

Convert C# SQL Loop to Linq

I have a list Called ListTypes that holds 10 types of products. Below the store procedure loops and gets every record with the product that is looping and it stores it in the list ListIds. This is killing my sql box since I have over 200 users executing this constantly all day.
I know is not a good architecture to loop a sql statement, but this the only way I made it work. Any ideas how I can make this without looping? Maybe a Linq statement, I never used Linq with this magnitude. Thank you.
protected void GetIds(string Type, string Sub)
using (SqlConnection cs = new SqlConnection(connstr))
for (int x = 0; x < ListTypes.Count; x++)
SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand("spUI_LinkedIds", cs);
select.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
select.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Type", Type);
select.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Sub", Sub);
select.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TransId", ListTypes[x]);
SqlDataReader dr = select.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
Not a full answer, but this wouldn't fit in a comment. You can at least update your existing code to be more efficient like this:
protected List<int> GetIds(string Type, string Sub, IEnumerable<int> types)
var result = new List<int>();
using (SqlConnection cs = new SqlConnection(connstr))
using (SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand("spUI_LinkedIds", cs))
select.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
//Don't use AddWithValue! Be explicit about your DB types
// I had to guess here. Replace with the actual types from your database
select.Parameters.Add("#Type", SqlDBType.VarChar, 10).Value = Type;
select.Parameters.Add("#Sub", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = Sub;
var TransID = select.Parameters.Add("#TransId", SqlDbType.Int);
foreach(int type in types)
TransID.Value = type;
SqlDataReader dr = select.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
return result;
Note that this way you only open and close the connection once. Normally in ADO.Net it's better to use a new connection and re-open it for each query. The exception is in a tight loop like this. Also, the only thing that changes inside the loop this way is the one parameter value. Finally, it's better to design methods that don't rely on other class state. This method no longer needs to know about the ListTypes and ListIds class variables, which makes it possible to (among other things) do better unit testing on the method.
Again, this isn't a full answer; it's just an incremental improvement. What you really need to do is write another stored procedure that accepts a table valued parameter, and build on the query from your existing stored procedure to JOIN with the table valued parameter, so that all of this will fit into a single SQL statement. But until you share your stored procedure code, this is about as much help as I can give you.
Besides the improvements others wrote.
You could insert your ID's into a temp table and then make one
SELECT * from WhatEverTable WHERE transid in (select transid from #tempTable)
On a MSSQL this works really fast.
When you're not using a MSSQL it could be possible that one great SQL-Select with joins is faster than a SELECT IN. You have to test these cases by your own on your DBMS.
According to your comment:
The idea is lets say I have a table and I have to get all records from the table that has this 10 types of products. How can I get all of this products? But this number is dynamic.
So... why use a stored procedure at all? Why not query the table?
//If [Type] and [Sub] arguments are external inputs - as in, they come from a user request or something - they should be sanitized. (remove or escape '\' and apostrophe signs)
//create connection
string queryTmpl = "SELECT LinkedId FROM [yourTable] WHERE [TYPE] = '{0}' AND [SUB] = '{1}' AND [TRANSID] IN ({2})";
string query = string.Format(queryTmpl, Type, Sub, string.Join(", ", ListTypes);
SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand(query, cs);
//and so forth
To use Linq-to-SQL you would need to map the table to a class. This would make the query simpler to perform.

Parametized SQL Query with unlimited parameters

I've heard of parametized sql queries a long time ago but I never really gave any attention to it as I'm used to writing full sql statements. I know it improves security against sql injection so now might be a very good time to adapt change even if it's too late. I got this one from this site So all credits go to the author. I've noticed all examples of parametized sql queries have paremeter count limitations. An example is the one shown below.
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
string s = "SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = #email";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(s);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#email", email);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
This is just equivalent to
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = 'x';
I've learned programming all on my own through reading online tutorials and I really got nobody to help me on this. The reason I got stuck with full sql statement queries is the fact that I can't figure out how to do parametized sql queries with unlimited parameters. Is there any way to do this? The example only accepts 1 parameter which is the 'email' field. And it selects 4 fields from the given sql statement. My question is... is there any way we can do parametized sql queries with 5, 6, 7, or 100 selected fields, as well as the conditions under the WHERE clause? If this is possible, it will be particularly helpful when using INSERT statement. Thank you very much.
This example is in C#, but any VB.NET or same C# implementations are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
One possible solution would be to pass the parameters name and value using a Dictionary object. A Dictionary object holds a collection of keys and values, and this is exactly what a single SqlParameter is - a single Key/Value container in the form:
Key = #Value
A collection can hold an arbitrary count of items, for example:
new Dictionary<String, Object>
{ "#Name", "Anonymous" },
{ "#Age", 25 },
{ "#Street", "Highway" },
{ "#Number", "1001" },
{ "#City", "NoName" }
In the example above, the key is of type String and the value of type Object. Object allows parameter values of arbitrary types (the explanation comes later in the code examples).
One possibility to create dynamic SQL statements would be:
extract the repetitive tasks, for example the creation of the SqlCommand and the passing of the parameters to the SqlCommand variable
create parametrised dynamic SQL query string for the wanted SQL command
The code can look like this:
// extract all repetitive tasks
// Create an array of SqlParameters from the given Dictionary object.
// The parameter value is of type Object in order to allow parameter values of arbitrary types!
// The .NET Framework converts the value automatically to the correct DB type.
// MSDN info:
private SqlParameter[] dictionaryToSqlParameterArray(Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
var sqlParameterCollection = new List<SqlParameter>();
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
sqlParameterCollection.Add(new SqlParameter(parameter.Key, parameter.Value));
return sqlParameterCollection.ToArray();
// sqlQuery is the complete parametrised query
// for example like: INSERT INTO People(Name, Age, Street) VALUES(#Name, #Age, #Street)
private SqlCommand createSqlCommand(String sqlQuery, Dictionary<String, object> parameters)
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery);
return command;
Now a call with dynamic count of parameters will look like this:
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
string sqlQuery = "SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = #email AND name = #name";
// using the newly created method instead of adding/writing every single parameter manually
SqlCommand command = createSqlCommand(sqlQuery, new Dictionary<String, Object>
{ "#email", "" },
{ "#name", "test" }
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
It is a good start, but this is still not very dynamic, since we need to write the complete query every time (we save only the typing of command.Parameters.Add). Let's change this in order to type even less:
// create a parametrised SQL insert command with arbitrary count of parameters for the given table
private SqlCommand createSqlInsert(String tableName, Dictionary<String, object> parameters)
// the sql insert command pattern
var insertQuery = #"INSERT INTO {0}({1}) VALUES({2})";
// comma separated column names like: Column1, Column2, Column3, etc.
var columnNames = parameters.Select (p => p.Key.Substring(1)).Aggregate ((h, t) => String.Format("{0}, {1}", h, t));
// comma separated parameter names like: #Parameter1, #Parameter2, etc.
var parameterNames = parameters.Select (p => p.Key).Aggregate ((h, t) => String.Format("{0}, {1}", h, t));
// build the complete query
var sqlQuery = String.Format(insertQuery, tableName, columnNames, parameterNames);
// debug
// return the new dynamic query
return createSqlCommand(sqlQuery, parameters);
// create a parametrised SQL select/where command with arbitrary count of parameters for the given table
private SqlCommand createSqlWhere(String tableName, Dictionary<String, object> parameters)
// the sql select command pattern
var whereQuery = #"SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}";
// sql where condition like: Column1 = #Parameter1 AND Column2 = #Parameter2 etc.
var whereCondition = parameters.Select (p => String.Format("{0} = {1}", p.Key.Substring(1), p.Key)).Aggregate ((h, t) => String.Format("{0} AND {1}", h, t));
// build the complete condition
var sqlQuery = String.Format(whereQuery, tableName, whereCondition);
// debug
// return the new dynamic query
return createSqlCommand(sqlQuery, parameters);
Now the creation of a SELECT command will look like this:
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
// specify only table name and arbitrary count of parameters
var getPersonSqlCommand = createSqlWhere("People", new Dictionary<String, Object>
{ "#Name", "J.D." },
{ "#Age", 30 }
SqlDataReader reader = getPersonSqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
The createSqlWhere method will return an initialized SqlCommand with the query:
SELECT * FROM People WHERE Name = #Name AND Age = #Age
The INSERT will also be short:
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
// specify only table name and arbitrary count of parameters
var addPersonSqlCommand = createSqlInsert("People", new Dictionary<String, Object>
{ "#Name", "Anonymous" },
{ "#Age", 25 },
{ "#Street", "Test" }
The corresponding SQL command will look like this:
INSERT INTO People(Name, Age, Street) VALUES(#Name, #Age, #Street)
Other SQL commands like DELETE, UPDATE and so on can be created in the same way. New parameters should be added only in one place - in the dictionary.
Admittedly the initial effort is more than just writing one method, but it will pay off if the new methods are used more than once (a couple of times) - for example five parametrised selects and/or inserts on five different tables with different parameters, which is certainly always the case in small and average sized software projects.
Just create a method like :
public void unlimQuery(string query,params object[] args)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
string s =query;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(s);
For(int i=0;i< args.Length;i++)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#param"+i, args[i]);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Example :
unlimQuery("INSERT INTO CUSTOMERS(ID,NAME,AGE,ADRESS,COUNTRY) VALUES(#param0,#param1,#param2,#param3,#param4)",5,"Ali",27,"my City","England");
Explanation :
the params keyword in c# gives you the possibility to insert unlimited arguments of the indicated type, so the arguments added (5,"Ali",27,"my City","England") will be casted to an array of objects then passed to the Method
inside the method you'll get an array of objects, so for each object you create a parameter, his alias is #paramX where X is the index of the argument (in the params array), then sqlCommad will replace each alias by its value defined in the cmd.Parameters.Add("#param"+i, args[i]) clause
so #param0 => 5, .....
i think you just have to change this
cmd.Parameters.Add("#email", email);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#email", email);
