Event not firing for dynamically created Label - c#

I have a Windows form with labels and I created a common click event handler for all the labels.
The event is bound from code. Now I need to create some more labels in run-time and bind the same event handler to those dynamically created labels. I tried the following but it didn't work.
private void Ctrl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Control control = (Control)sender;
if (control is Label)
Label lbl = (Label)sender;
txtCaption.Text = lbl.Text;
cboFont.Text = lbl.Font.FontFamily.Name;
txtSize.Text = lbl.Font.Size.ToString();
chkBold.Checked = lbl.Font.Bold;
txtX.Text = lbl.Location.X.ToString();
txtY.Text = lbl.Location.Y.ToString();
txtWidth.Text = lbl.Width.ToString();
gbLogo.Visible = false;
gbControl.Visible = true;
gbDetail.Visible = false;
private void btnAddDynamic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label label = new Label();
int count = pl.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToList().Count;
label.Location = new Point(50, (25 * count) + 2);
label.AutoSize = true;
Graphics g = label.CreateGraphics();
label.Width =Convert.ToInt32(g.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font).Width);
label.Name = "label_" + (count + 1);
label.Text = "label " + (count + 1);
label.Click += new EventHandler(this.Ctrl_Click);


When generating multiple buttons in C# how do I give each one a separate function?

In my code, I generate one extra label and button every time a different button is clicked. I want it so each button can be programmed with a different function. Ex: If I clicked on generated button1 I would be brought to page 1. If I clicked on generated button2 I would be brought to page 2 etc. What would be the best way to approach this?
Here is my code below:
if (task1 == false)
Label taskLabel = new Label();
taskLabel.Text = taskInput.Text;
taskLabel.Location = new Point(63, 183);
taskLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
taskLabel.AutoSize = true;
labelHeight = taskLabel.Bottom;
labelWidth = taskLabel.Right;
Button taskButton = new Button();
taskButton.Text = "Let's Go";
taskButton.Location = new Point(labelWidth + 30, 180);
taskButton.AutoSize = true;
taskInput.Text = "";
task1 = true;
Label taskLabel = new Label();
taskLabel.Text = taskInput.Text;
taskLabel.Location = new Point(63, labelHeight + 30);
taskLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
taskLabel.AutoSize = true;
Button taskButton = new Button();
taskButton.Text = "Let's Go";
labelHeight = taskLabel.Bottom;
labelWidth = taskLabel.Right;
taskButton.Location = new Point(labelWidth + 30, labelHeight - 18);
taskButton.AutoSize = true;
buttonHeight = taskButton.Top;
taskInput.Text = "";
After you create the button you add a handler to the function that you want it to run.
Button taskButton = new Button();
taskButton.Click += FunctionYouWantToRun();
You can set the click handler for each button you create like this
Button taskButton1 = new Button;
taskButton1.Click += taskButton1_Click;
private void taskButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// code for the first button
Button taskButton2 = new Button;
taskButton2.Click += taskButton2_Click;
private void taskButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// code for the second button
If you have many buttons you could assign them all the same click event and in that click event determine which button was clicked
Button taskButton1 = new Button;
taskButton1.Tag = 1;
taskButton1.Click += taskButton_Click;
Button taskButton2 = new Button;
taskButton2.Tag = 2;
taskButton2.Click += taskButton_Click;
Button taskButton3 = new Button;
taskButton3.Tag = 3;
taskButton3.Click += taskButton_Click;
private void taskButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ( ((Button)sender).Tag == 1) then
// code for the first button
else if ( ((Button)sender).Tag == 2) then
// code for the second button
else if ( ((Button)sender).Tag == 3) then
// code for the third button
or without using the Tag property
Button taskButton1 = new Button;
taskButton1.Click += taskButton_Click;
Button taskButton2 = new Button;
taskButton2.Click += taskButton_Click;
Button taskButton3 = new Button;
taskButton3.Click += taskButton_Click;
private void taskButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender == Button1) then
// code for the first button
else if (sender == Button2) then
// code for the second button
else if (sender == Button3) then
// code for the third button

Dynamically created combobox SelectedIndexChanged not adding controls

I'm trying to have panel displaying the result differently each time a user select items from pre-loaded combobox and dynamically created combobox.
Initially it will load a comboBox with item of ("HelloWorld"), each time when I do a SelectedIndexChanged with "HelloWorld", the panel will show 1.
However, problem lies on whenever I hit on add button and do SelectedIndexChanged with "HelloWorld" on the newly created button. It simply doesn't show 2 but instead when I hit on pre-loaded comboBox, it show 3.
Is it something to do with life-cycle events?
class form{
int index = 0;
private void formMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button add = new Button();
add.Click += new EventHandler((object o, EventArgs e) => { panel.Controls.Add(search()); });
public ComboBox search()
ComboBox searchField = new ComboBox();
searchField.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler((object io, EventArgs ie) =>
Label display = new Label();
display.Text = index.ToString();
return searchField;
I have tried many days and couldn't understand it ... Any helps would be appreciated. Thanks
int index { get; set; }
public Form2()
index = 0;
Button add = new Button();
add.Text = "Add";
add.Location = new Point(search().Location.X + search().Width + 10, search().Location.Y);
add.Click += new EventHandler((object o, EventArgs e) => {
public ComboBox search()
ComboBox searchField = new ComboBox();
searchField.Name = "cmb " + index.ToString();
searchField.Location = new Point(10, (index + 1) * 20);
searchField.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler((object io, EventArgs ie) =>
Label display = new Label();
display.Location = new Point(250, search().Location.Y-12);
display.Text = index.ToString();
return searchField;

How to change button color on button click in C#?

I am creating an online test application, in which I am generating approximately 100 buttons at run time on form load. Here is the piece of code:w
private void addQuestion_Reviewbutton()
for (int i = 1; i <= clsGlobalVars.gnTotalQuestion; i++)
Button button = new Button();
button.Location = new Point(160, 30 * i + 10);
button.Click += new EventHandler(ButtonClickOneEvent);
button.Tag = i;
button.Name = "Question" + i;
button.Text = i.ToString();
button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.button));
button.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;//.Zoom;
button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
button.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(47, 41);
button.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
button.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12);
button.ForeColor = Color.White;
button.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
and on this button click, I am changing the background-color.
void ButtonClickOneEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button button = sender as Button;
//button.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.button_Orange));
lblQuestionNo.Text = ((int)button.Tag).ToString()+".";
I have a button on the form Named "Next". Now my problem is that if I am currently in question "1." and I press the button next I want to change the background image of the button whose text is "2".
Yo check this !
tldr; the guidance are
Is the click event go to ButtonClickOneEvent ?
How to call other button
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
void ButtonClickOneEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button button = sender as Button;
var currentbtn_id = button.ID;
int nextid = Convert.ToInt32( currentbtn_id.Substring("Question".Length)) + 1;
var nextBtn = flowLayoutPanel1.FindControl("Question"+ nextid.ToString() );
(nextBtn as Button).BackColor = Color.Red;

How do I delete a a label/button based on its name? WPF Visual Studio 2015

I'm trying to delete a label and a button based on their name but unfortunately the option to remove them (that I know of) is through Children.Remove where it only accepts the actual label/button itself and not their name. I needed the name since it's the one that determines which X button belongs to who.
Label labels;
Button buttons;
int counter;
private void button_Copy_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.Content = counter.ToString();
lbl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
lbl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
lbl.FontSize = 50;
lbl.Name = "lbl" + counter;
labels = lbl;
Button bt = new Button();
bt.Content = "X";
bt.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
bt.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
bt.Name = "btn" + counter;
buttons = bt;
bt.Click += Button_Click;
private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
grid.Children.Remove(labels.Name = "btn" + counter);
The grid.Children.Remove(labels.Name = "btn" + counter); is not correct but hopefully it tells how I kinda wanted it to happen.
You can first get the child element using a LINQ Where expression:
var child = grid.Children.OfType<Control>().Where(x => x.Name == "btn" + counter).First();
And then call Remove:

Making labels in array change backcolor on click using C# in Windows Forms

How can I change the BackColor of a label in an array when I click on it? Since there are multiple elements, I cannot manually activate each event for each individual label.
for (int i = 0; i < 361; i++)
board[i] = new Label();
board[i].Parent = pictureBox1;
board[i].Location = new Point(x, y);
board[i].Name = "label" + i;
board[i].BackColor = Color.Black;
//set size of labels
board[i].Size = new Size(30, 30);
//initialize click event handler
this.board[i].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.labelClick);
private void labelClick (object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Label i in board)
if (iteration % 2 == 0)
i.BackColor = Color.Black;
else if(iteration % 2 == 1)
i.BackColor = Color.White;
There are a few ways you can handle this. One way is to wire each Labels Click event up to the same event:
this.label1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.label_Click);
this.label2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.label_Click);
this.label3.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.label_Click);
In the label_Click event you can set the BackColor of each label OR just the one you clicked on.
// This will set each label's BackColor to Red.
private void label_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Label label in labelArray)
label.BackColor = Color.Red;
// This will set just the clicked on Label's BackColor to Red.
private void label_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label label = sender as Label;
if (label != null)
label.BackColor = Color.Red;
var labels = new[]
// labels here
foreach (var label in labels)
label.Click += (sender, args) =>
var lbl = sender as Label;
Debug.Assert(lbl != null);
lbl.BackColour = Colors.Pink;
