I have a textarea tiny_mce such as
<textarea id="Textarea1" name="abc" rows="15" cols="80" style="width: 80%">
I want to set it in page load.
If i add runat server , this change to "pure textarea" that is not tiny_mce control.
How can i set content from c sharp?
Keep in mind that TinyMCE is a JavaScript-based editor that runs 100% in the client - there are no server side APIs to talk to TinyMCE.
The API to load content is a JavaScript API that runs in the browser:
If you want to use this API you need to pass the data from the server to the browser and then call setContent() with that data. You can throw the data into a JavaScript variable, make an AJAX call to fetch the data as the page loads - you have several choices.
If you want to do this server side the only option is to place the HTML inside the <textarea> tag. Something like:
<p>text < text</p>
A major complication with this approach is that the HTML you place in the <textarea> needs to be escaped as in my example above. This is not a requirement when using the setContent() API.
UPDATE: If refreshing sometimes make this work you likely have a timing issue - you are likely trying to use TinyMCE APIs before the editor is initialized. If your goal is to load content when TinyMCE is loaded you can use something like this in the TinyMCE configuration:
setup: function (editor) {
editor.on('init', function () {
// Your AJAX call to get the content
This function will not get called before the editor is initialized so you can be sure that APIs like setContent() will work at that point.
Is there a way to find all the src="" urls when rendering a ASP.net MVC page in the view to then generate DNS prefetch tags on the fly?
If I understood correctly I can tell you the following:
Option #1: (Not a pretty solution but would work.)
NOTE: for this try to use simple Javascript and not rely on JQuery or other (since then you still need to "load" the .JS file for that and that is ruining the point of your question.
Process your src/href or some other predefined property tag with some kind of "OwnLogic" to define the "base target",
but in a way that the browser would not be able to initiate the request to obtain that image or other file.
<img url="" class="DNS_BaseTarget" DNS_BaseTarget="smiley.gif||myCDNPointerInfo" alt="">
Then, with javascript, get a list of all elements that uses the class DNS_BaseTarget and then read the property value and update the "src" tag.
At the same time you can inject by javascript inject all the '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://cdn.yourTargetDomain.com">' that you will use based on the information you just processed.
I did not tested this concept, so "lag" or some sort of delay in the client might be expected (but maybe not noticeble by the user).
Option #2:
The View Result Execution Process (in MVC life cycle) tell us that the method 'Render()' is the last one to be executed.
With this being said, you can create your own custom override logic
Example: intercept view rendering to add HTML/JS on all partial views?
How to intercept view rendering to add HTML/JS on all partial views?
With this concept of trying to "process" the final html before sending it to the user, you could somehow "parse" the file.... try to get all the 'src/href' and then
inject all the '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://cdn.yourTargetDomain.com">' that you will use.
I need to get a JavaScript variable from my code behind without doing a page refresh or a button click event. Here's my code:
<asp:HiddenField ID="docLengthValue" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var body = document.body,
html = document.documentElement;
var height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight,
html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);
//alert(height + ": Page length");
document.getElementById("<%=docLengthValue.ClientID%>").setAttribute("Value", height);
//Skrollr body tag background parallax animation
string docLengthVar = docLengthValue.Value;
HtmlGenericControl skrollr = (HtmlGenericControl)this.Page.Master.FindControl("bodyBG");
skrollr.Attributes.Add("data-0", "background-position: 0px -120px;");
skrollr.Attributes.Add("data-" + docLengthVar, "background-position: 0px 0px;");
dataAttb.Text = "This is the Document length: " + docLengthVar;
How can I access the Value field of the <asp:HiddenField ID="docLengthValue" runat="server" />? I know that the JavaScript compiles after the C#, but is there a way to get this variable?
This is not really going to be an answer, and I apologize but I think you may be quite far off course here.
Your recent post history seems to indicate that you want a parallax effect on your web page. The posts I am referencing: 1 and 2.
Have you followed this tutorial? Where along it have you had a problem?
I think you have some confusion about how the your web pages are working. WebForms is a ASP technology, or active server page. You can read more about this but basically it provides a platform which you can more easily develop responsive web sites.
The JS you are writing is a technology that runs entirely in the browser. When the JavaScript runs the code has no idea that it is in an ASPX page. It has no idea how to talk to the code behind.
When your page renders it is pure and raw html that the client receives. Through the magic of the platform when the user submits the form or clicks a button your code behind runs. But that is nothing you can't do on your own. All that is happening is your browser is sending properly formatted HTTP requests, and your web server is dispatching those to pages (code / class(es).
Relation to your problem
You are trying to animate a background image on a web page. That is an entirely client side job. You do not want the client to be talking to the web server frequently enough to create a smooth transition. In reality it is likely impossible.
The stuff you are looking at is pure JavaScript and runs entirely in the browser. I highly encourage you to pursue that as the avenue to solve your problem. And then ask questions as you have problems with that.
Edit: Apologies if I have inferred too much. My suggestions are in earnest.
When a user clicks a button on ASP.net page, I need to
Save file from asp:fileUpload in a folder on a server - I guess this needs to be done in C#, like in How to correctly use the ASP.NET FileUpload control
Run a javascript function like in How to call javascript function from asp.net button click event
Is there a way to combine C# and Javascript to achieve what I need? If not, how should I do it?
Try using the onClientClick property of the asp:button element.
Ex, on your .aspx file:
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction()
<asp:button id="Button1"
text="Open Web site"
runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" />
And in your code behind (.aspx.cs)
void Button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.FileUpload1.HasFile)
this.FileUpload1.SaveAs("c:\\" + this.FileUpload1.FileName);
More info at
Note that no JavaScript actually "runs" until the server-side code (C# in this case) has entirely completed and the resulting page is returned to the client. Once that page renders on the client, then JavaScript runs on the client.
So in order to execute your JavaScript code, all you need to do is include it in the page being returned to the client. There are a number of ways to do this, and the options depend on whether you're using WebForms or MVC.
You might use something like RegisterStartupScript in WebForms, for example. Or, you could just have the JavaScript code exist in a PlaceHolder control with Visible=false and only make the control visible in the response which intends the JavaScript code to run. (Roughly the same method is also easily usable in MVC by just wrapping the JavaScript code in a server-side condition to determine whether to render it or not.)
The main thing to remember is that you're not "running the JavaScript code from C#" or anything like that. There's a hard separation between server-side and client-side code. The server-side code ultimately builds the page that it sends back to the client, and that page can include JavaScript code to run on that client.
I have a web application in C#. I need to be able to detect the user's browser width. How is this possible? I know that you can detect the browsers width using javascript/jquery....but how can I make this available serve-side (from within my C# code).
I would make a hiddenfield and fill it by using jQuery http://api.jquery.com/width/
$(window).width(); // returns width of browser viewport
$(document).width(); // returns width of HTML document
So you can choose window or document and fill a hiddenfield
<asp:HiddenField ID="hf" runat="Server" Value="" ClientIDMode="static" />
Please note that clientidmode is only for asp.net 4 and above
$("#<%= hf.ClientID %>").val($(window).width()); //asp.net 3.5 or lower
$("#hf").val($(window).width()); //asp.net 4 or higher
edit another option is to use jquery and do an ajax post to an *.ashx or *.asmx
That's impossible unless you combine client script functionality with server side code.
You could probably use JQuery to get browser width and set it to a hidden field.
The thing is that you would not have that value on pageLoad, but only after page is rendered, JQuery initialized and postBack created.
Does that help?
The possible solution could be get screen size from javascript and call a method on server (using Jquery) that will save the details in the session.
Can you explain, for what purpose do you want use this value in the Server side code?
If you want to control placement of elements on the page etc. you could use Media Query that will resize your control according to the browser width.
On server side try these three properties
On my master page (for all pages in my site) I have a ToolkitScriptManager.
On my content page, there are a series of hyperlinks and divs for collapsible functionality.
The code to show/hide the panels work like the following:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Hookup event handlers and execute HTML DOM-related code
$('#nameHyperLink').click(function() {
var div = $('#nameDiv');
var link = $('#nameHyperLink');
if (div.css('display') == 'none') {
link.text('Hide Data');
else {
link.text('Show Data');
If I include a ScriptReference to the jQuery 1.4.2 file in the toolkitscriptmanager, the javascript code is executed incorrectly on the page (only the text for the hyperlink is changed, the div is not actually shown.) However, if I don't include the jQuery file in the ToolkitScriptManager and instead include it in the content page, it works correctly.
I'm a Javascript/jQuery newbie, and this makes no sense at all. What's going on here?
Positioning of the script include is important for the jQuery ref. If you look at your generated source I would bet the tag is below the script function(). You should make sure that the jQuery reference comes as early as you can get it in the page source.
Try moving the jQuery library reference into the head of your master page, that should work. Otherwise post up some source!
Like Tj says... should probably be in the head section of your master page. Also, it's nice to link to Google's version of this library, because chances are your users will already have it cached. For instance, look at the source for this very page.
The two most probable causes here are $ not being defined yet (see Tj's answer) and $ getting defined by another library, such as prototype.
I would highly suggest you look into using Firebug's javascript debugger, or at least take a look at Firefox's built in error console (Tools -> Error console). That will give you a much better clue what is going on other than "it's not working."