Get grayscale Image height without considering white pixels - c#

I have grayscale pictures of an ArrayList<System.Windows.Controls.Image> laid out horizontally on a Canvas. Their ImageSource are of type System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.
Is there a way to measure in pixels the height of each Image without considering white, non-transparent pixels Outside the colored part ?
Lets say I have an Image of height 10, in which the whole top half is white and the bottom half is black; I would need to get 5 as it's height. In the same way, if that Image had the top third black, middle third white and bottom third black, the height would be 10.
Here's a drawing that shows the desired heights (in blue) of 3 images:
I am willing to use another type for the images, but it Must be possible to either get from a byte[] array to that type, or to convert Image to it.
I have read the docs on Image, ImageSource and Visual, but I really have no clue where to start.

Accessing pixel data from a BitmapImage is a bit of a hassle, but you can construct a WriteableBitmap from the BitmapImage object which is much easier (not to mention more efficient).
WriteableBitmap bmp = new WriteableBitmap(img.Source as BitmapImage);
int width = bmp.PixelWidth;
int height = bmp.PixelHeight;
byte* ptr = (byte*)bmp.BackBuffer;
int stride = bmp.BackBufferStride;
int bpp = 4; // Assuming Bgra image format
int hms;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
hms = y * stride;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
int idx = hms + (x * bpp);
byte b = ptr[idx];
byte g = ptr[idx + 1];
byte r = ptr[idx + 2];
byte a = ptr[idx + 3];
// Construct your histogram
From here, you can construct a histogram from the pixel data, and analyze that histogram to find the boundaries of the non-white pixels in the images.
EDIT: Here's a Silverlight solution:
public static int getNonWhiteHeight(this Image img)
WriteableBitmap bmp = new WriteableBitmap(img.Source as BitmapImage);
int topWhiteRowCount = 0;
int width = bmp.PixelWidth;
int height = bmp.PixelHeight;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
int pixel = bmp.Pixels[y * width + x];
if (pixel != -1)
topWhiteRowCount = y - 1;
goto returnLbl;
return topWhiteRowCount >= 0 ? height - topWhiteRowCount : height;


C# RGB[,] to picturebox

I have a data that is (2448*2048) 5Mpixel image data, but the picturebox only has (816*683) about 500,000 pixels, so I lowered the pixels and I only need a black and white image, so I used the G value to create the image, but The image I output is shown in the following figure. Which part of my mistake?
public int[,] lowered(int[,] greenar)
int[,] Sy = new int[816, 683];
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 2448; i += 3)
for (int j = 1; j < 2048; j += 3)
Sy[x, y] = greenar[i, j];
y = 0;
return Sy;
static Bitmap Create(int[,] R, int[,] G, int[,] B)
int iWidth = G.GetLength(1);
int iHeight = G.GetLength(0);
Bitmap Result = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight,
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = Result.LockBits(rect,
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
IntPtr iPtr = bmpData.Scan0;
int iStride = bmpData.Stride;
int iBytes = iWidth * iHeight * 3;
byte[] PixelValues = new byte[iBytes];
int iPoint = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < iWidth; j++)
int iG = G[i, j];
int iB = G[i, j];
int iR = G[i, j];
PixelValues[iPoint] = Convert.ToByte(iB);
PixelValues[iPoint + 1] = Convert.ToByte(iG);
PixelValues[iPoint + 2] = Convert.ToByte(iR);
iPoint += 3;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(PixelValues, 0, iPtr, iBytes);
return Result;
You don't need to downsample your image, you can do it in this way. Set picturebox property BackgroundImageLayout as either zoom or stretch and assign it as:
picturebox.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Zoom;
picturebox.BackgroundImage = bitmap;
System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Zoom will automatically adjust your bitmap to the size of picturebox.
You seem to be constantly mixing up your x and y offsets, which can easily be avoided simply by actually calling your loop variables x and y whenever you loop through image data. Also, image data is generally saved line by line, so your outer loop should be the Y loop going over the height, and the inner loop should process the X coordinates on one line, and should thus loop over the width.
Also, I'm not sure where your original data comes from, but in most of the cases I've seen where the image data is in multidimensional arrays like this, the Y is actually the first index in the array. Your actual image building function also assumes this, since it uses G.GetLength(0) to get the height of the image. But your channel resize function doesn't; it makes a multidimensional array as new int[816, 683], which would be a 683*816 image, not 816*683 as you said. So that certainly seems wrong.
Since you confirmed it to be [x,y], I adapted this solution to use it like that.
That aside, you hardcoded a lot of values in your functions, which is very bad practice. If you know you will reduce the image to 1/3rd by taking only one in three pixels, just give that 3 as parameter.
The reduction code:
public static Int32[,] ResizeChannel(Int32[,] origChannel, Int32 lossfactor)
Int32 newWidth = origChannel.GetLength(0) / lossfactor;
Int32 newHeight = origChannel.GetLength(1) / lossfactor;
// to avoid rounding errors
Int32 origHeight = newHeight * lossfactor;
Int32 origWidth = newWidth *lossfactor;
Int32[,] newChannel = new Int32[newWidth, newHeight];
Int32 newX = 0;
Int32 newY = 0;
for (Int32 y = 1; y < origHeight; y += lossfactor)
newX = 0;
for (Int32 x = 1; x < origWidth; x += lossfactor)
newChannel[newX, newY] = origChannel[x, y];
return newChannel;
The actual build code, as was remarked by GSerg in the comments, is wrong because you don't take the stride into account. The stride is the actual byte length of each line of pixels, and this is not just width * BytesPerPixel, since it gets rounded up to the next multiple of 4 bytes.
So you need to initialize your array as height * stride, not as height * width * 3, and you need to skip your write offset to the next multiple of the stride whenever you go to a lower Y line, rather than assuming it will just get there automatically because your X processing adds 3 for each pixel. Because it will not get there automatically, unless, by pure coincidence, your image width happens to be a multiple of 4 pixels.
Also, if you only use one channel for this, there is no reason to give it all three channels. Just give a single one.
public static Bitmap CreateGreyImage(Int32[,] greyChannel)
Int32 width = greyChannel.GetLength(0);
Int32 height = greyChannel.GetLength(1);
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
BitmapData bmpData = result.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Int32 stride = bmpData.Stride;
// stride is the actual line width in bytes.
Int32 bytes = stride * height;
Byte[] pixelValues = new Byte[bytes];
Int32 offset = 0;
for (Int32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
Int32 workOffset = offset;
for (Int32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
pixelValues[workOffset + 0] = (Byte)greyChannel[x, y];
pixelValues[workOffset + 1] = (Byte)greyChannel[x, y];
pixelValues[workOffset + 2] = (Byte)greyChannel[x, y];
workOffset += 3;
// Add stride to get the start offset of the next line
offset += stride;
Marshal.Copy(pixelValues, 0, bmpData.Scan0, bytes);
return result;
Now, this works as expected if your R, G and B channels are indeed identical, But if they are not, you have to realize there is a difference between reducing the image to grayscale and just building a grey image from the green channel. On a colour image, you will get totally different results if you take the blue or red channel instead.
This was the code I executed for this:
Int32[,] greyar = ResizeChannel(greenar, 3);
Bitmap newbm = CreateGreyImage(greyar);

Resize image, issues with overlaying pixel

I'm trying to write a function which can scale image up and down with a scale factor like 1.5 or 0.5. When I scale down the image will appear correct on the screen when I scale up there is some kind of screen overlay on the image. See images below
This is the code I wrote:
public static void ResizeImage(Bitmap inputImage, double scale)
int maxWidth = (int) (scale * inputImage.Width);
int maxHeight = (int) (scale * inputImage.Height);
Bitmap scaledImage = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);
for(int x = 0; x < inputImage.Width; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < inputImage.Height; y++)
//Gets current Pixel
Color pixel = inputImage.GetPixel(x, y);
//Calucalte new position Pixel
int newPixelX = (int) (Math.Floor(x * scale));
int newPixelY = (int) (Math.Floor(y * scale));
//Sets pixel in new image
scaledImage.SetPixel(newPixelX, newPixelY, pixel);
Does anyone know a solution to this problem and can someone give me an explaintion why this is happening?

Partially convert to grayscale using AForge?

Converting a bitmap to grayscale is pretty easy with AForge:
public static Bitmap ConvertToGrayScale(this Bitmap me)
if (me == null)
return null;
// first convert to a grey scale image
var filterGreyScale = new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
me = filterGreyScale.Apply(me);
return me;
But I need something more tricky:
Imagine you want to convert everything to grayscale except for a circle in the middle of the bitmap. In other words: a circle in the middle of the given bitmap should keep its original colours.
Let's assume the radius of the circle is 20px, how should I approach this?
This can be accomplished using MaskedFilter with a mask that defines the circled area you describe. As the documentation states
Mask can be specified as .NET's managed Bitmap, as UnmanagedImage or
as byte array. In the case if mask is specified as image, it must be 8
bpp grayscale image. In all case mask size must be the same as size of
the image to process.
So the mask image has to be generated based on the source image's width and height.
I haven't compiled the following code but it should get you on your way. If the circle is always in the same spot, you could generate the image mask outside the method so that it doesn't have to be regenerated each time you apply the filter. Actually you could have the whole MaskedFilter generated outside the method that applies it if nothing changes but the source image.
public static Bitmap ConvertToGrayScale(this Bitmap me)
if (me == null)
return null;
var radius = 20, x = me.Width / 2, y = me.Height / 2;
using (Bitmap maskImage = new Bitmap(me.Width, me.Height, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(maskImage))
using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#00000000")))
g.FillEllipse(b, x, y, radius, radius);
var maskedFilter = new MaskedFilter(new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721), maskImage);
return maskedFilter.Apply(me);
The solution for this turned out to be a lot more trickier than I expected. The main problem was that the MaskedFilter doesn't allow the usage of filters that change the images format, which the Grayscale filter does (it changes the source to an 8bpp or 16 bpp image).
The following is the resulting code, which I have tested, with comments added to each part of the ConvertToGrayScale method explaining the logic behind it. The gray-scaled portion of the image has to be converted back to RGB since the Merge filter doesn't support merging two images with different formats.
static class MaskedImage
public static void DrawCircle(byte[,] img, int x, int y, int radius, byte val)
int west = Math.Max(0, x - radius),
east = Math.Min(x + radius, img.GetLength(1)),
north = Math.Max(0, y - radius),
south = Math.Min(y + radius, img.GetLength(0));
for (int i = north; i < south; i++)
for (int j = west; j < east; j++)
int dx = i - y;
int dy = j - x;
if (Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < radius)
img[i, j] = val;
public static void Initialize(byte[,] arr, byte val)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < arr.GetLength(1); j++)
arr[i, j] = val;
public static void Invert(byte[,] arr)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < arr.GetLength(1); j++)
arr[i, j] = (byte)~arr[i, j];
public static Bitmap ConvertToGrayScale(this Bitmap me)
if (me == null)
return null;
int radius = 20, x = me.Width / 2, y = me.Height / 2;
// Generate a two-dimensional `byte` array that has the same size as the source image, which will be used as the mask.
byte[,] mask = new byte[me.Height, me.Width];
// Initialize all its elements to the value 0xFF (255 in decimal).
Initialize(mask, 0xFF);
// "Draw" a circle in the `byte` array setting the positions inside the circle with the value 0.
DrawCircle(mask, x, y, radius, 0);
var grayFilter = new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
var rgbFilter = new GrayscaleToRGB();
var maskFilter = new ApplyMask(mask);
// Apply the `Grayscale` filter to everything outside the circle, convert the resulting image back to RGB
Bitmap img = rgbFilter.Apply(grayFilter.Apply(maskFilter.Apply(me)));
// Invert the mask
// Get only the cirle in color from the original image
Bitmap circleImg = new ApplyMask(mask).Apply(me);
// Merge both the grayscaled part of the image and the circle in color in a single one.
return new Merge(img).Apply(circleImg);

Multiply two images in C# as multiply two layers in Photoshop

I have two images and I want to multiply these two images together in C# as we multiply two layers in Photoshop.
I have found the method by which the layers are multiplied in photoshop or any other application.
Following is the formula that I have found on GIMP documentation. It says that
where M and I are the color component(R,G,B) values of the two layers. We have to apply this to every color component. E will be the resultant value for that color component.
If the color component values are >255 then it should be set to white i.e. 255 and if it is <0 then it should be set as Black i.e. 0
Here I have a suggestion - I didn't test it, so sorry for any errors - I'm also assuming that both images have the same size and are greylevel.
Basically I'm multiplying the image A for the relative pixel percentage of image B.
You can try different formulas like:
int result = ptrB[0] * ( (ptrA[0] / 255) + 1);
int result = (ptrB[0] * ptrA[0]) / 255;
Never forget to check for overflow (above 255)
public void Multiply(Bitmap srcA, Bitmap srcB, Rectangle roi)
BitmapData dataA = SetImageToProcess(srcA, roi);
BitmapData dataB = SetImageToProcess(srcB, roi);
int width = dataA.Width;
int height = dataA.Height;
int offset = dataA.Stride - width;
byte* ptrA = (byte*)dataA.Scan0;
byte* ptrB = (byte*)dataB.Scan0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x, ++ptrA, ++ptrB)
int result = ptrA[0] * ( (ptrB[0] / 255) + 1);
ptrA[0] = result > 255 ? 255 : (byte)result;
ptrA += offset;
ptrB += offset;
static public BitmapData SetImageToProcess(Bitmap image, Rectangle roi)
if (image != null)
return image.LockBits(
return null;

Converting an array of Pixels to an image in C#

I have an array of int pixels in my C# program and I want to convert it into an image. The problem is I am converting Java source code for a program into equivalent C# code. In java the line reads which displays the array of int pixels into image:
Image output = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(width, height, orig, 0, width));
can someone tell me the C# equivalent?
Here orig is the array of int pixels. I searched the Bitmap class and there is a method called SetPixel but the problem is it takes a x,y coordinate number. But what I have in my code is an array of int pixels. Another weird thing is my orig array has negative number and they are way far away from 255. In Java this is the same case (meaning both the array in C# and Java have equivalent value) and the values is working fine in Java.
But I can't get that line translated into C#. Please help.
Using WPF, you can create a bitmap (image) directly from your array. You can then encode this image or display it or play with it:
int width = 200;
int height = 200;
// Here is the pixel format of your data, set it to the proper value for your data
PixelFormat pf = PixelFormats.Bgr32;
int rawStride = (width * pf.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
// Here is your raw data
int[] rawImage = new int[rawStride * height / 4];
// Create the BitmapSource
BitmapSource bitmap = BitmapSource.Create(
width, height,
96, 96, pf, null,
rawImage, rawStride);
You can use Bitmap.LockBits to obtain the bitmap data that you can then manipulate directly, rather than via SetPixel. (How to use LockBits)
I like the WPF option already presented, but here it is using LockBits and Bitmap:
// get the raw image data
int width, height;
int[] data = GetData(out width, out height);
// create a bitmap and manipulate it
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width,height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
BitmapData bits = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
int* row = (int*)((byte*)bits.Scan0 + (y * bits.Stride));
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
row[x] = data[y * width + x];
With (as test data):
public static int[] GetData(out int width, out int height)
// diagonal gradient over a rectangle
width = 127;
height = 128;
int[] data = new int[width * height];
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
int val = x + y;
data[y * width + x] = 0xFF << 24 | (val << 16) | (val << 8) | val;
return data;
Well, I'm assuming each int is the composite ARGB value? If there isn't an easy option, then LockBits might be worth looking at - it'll be a lot quicker than SetPixel, but is more complex. You'll also have to make sure you know how the int is composed (ARGB? RGBA?). I'll try to see if there is a more obvious option...
MemoryImageSource's constructor's 3rd argument is an array of ints composed of argb values in that order
The example in that page creates such an array by;
pix[index++] = (255 << 24) | (red << 16) | blue;
You need to decompose that integer array to a byte array (shift operator would be useful), but it should be in bgr order, for LockBits method to work.
I would recommend using LockBits but a slower SetPixel based algorithm might look something like
// width - how many int's per row
// array - array of integers
Bitmap createImage(int width, int[] array)
int height = array.Length / width;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < array.Length; x += width)
bmp.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(array[i]));
return bmp;
