I want the following:
public static class A
//do something
I already know I can do this by Events, I tried to create a Event but I don't need any parameters, I just want if class A calls the Event the ListView is updating its data.
Can someone help me creating this Event? Or maybe there is a better way?
Thank you in advance!
Edit: At least I'm trying to update a ListView when I've changed the list (other class) from which the ListView takes its data from.
You want a static class to be able to trigger your main form to update its list view via an event without specifically knowing about the main form, as I understand it. This is how I would do that:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
SingletonA.GetInstance.MyEvent += UpdateListView;
private void UpdateListView(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update your listview
//lazy initialization of singleton - not thread safe see http://www.dotnettricks.com/learn/designpatterns/singleton-design-pattern-dotnet for other thread safe version
public class SingletonA
private static SingletonA instance = null;
private SingletonA() { }
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> MyEvent;
void TellFormToUpdateListView()
MyEvent?.Invoke(typeof(SingletonA), EventArgs.Empty);
public static SingletonA GetInstance
if (instance == null)
instance = new SingletonA();
return instance;
I recently started learning C# to start doing a project of mine. I ran into a problem, where i have to Classes dependent on each other. I have a class called MQTT_Handler which handles everything related MQTT and a Winforms class. The problem is that I need both classes to work with each other. So to control the Form class from the MQTT_class I passed over the Form instance to the constructor of the MQTT_class and delegated some methods, which works so far.
Now I have the problem that I also want send some messages over MQTT from the Form class. There is my problem.
I start everything from Program.cs which looks like this:
static void Main()
UI UIInstance = new UI();
MQTT_Handler mqtt_handler = new MQTT_Handler(UIInstance);
Now what I wanted to do is just passing the matt_handler instance over to UI. But doing that would obviously create a circular dependency. Is there any way of passing an instance to a class after it has been created?
This is my MQTT class:
class MQTT_Handler
private UI UIInstance;
// Constructor
public MQTT_Handler(UI formInstance)
UIInstance = formInstance;
DelegateMethod = new changeLabelDelegate(UIInstance.change_labelMethod);
And UI:
public partial class UI : Form
public delegate void changeLabelDelegate(string text);
public UI()
The most obvious solution (to me) is to make the UI dependent on the MQTT handler. This handler should not need any knowledge about the UI.
This can be accomplished in several ways. Two examples:
Make DelegateMethod a property of MQTT_Handler and give it a suitable value when UI is instantiated:
class MQTT_Handler
public Action<string> DelegateMethod {get;set;}
// Constructor
public MQTT_Handler()
DelegateMethod = (s) => {;};
And UI:
public partial class UI : Form
private MQTT_Handler _handler;
public UI(MQTT_Handler handler)
_handler = handler;
_handler.DelegateMethod = change_labelMethod;
The second examples uses an event in the `MQTT-Handler' to notify the UI that the label needs changing (this is something of a variation on the same theme as the first example):
class MQTT_Handler
private Action<string> DelegateMethod;
public event? Action<string> MqttValueChanged;
// Constructor
public MQTT_Handler()
DelegateMethod = (s) => MqttValueChanged?.Invoke(s);
And UI:
public partial class UI : Form
private MQTT_Handler _handler;
public UI(MQTT_Handler handler)
_handler = handler;
_handler.MqttValueChanged += change_labelMethod;
Note: this second example can obviously be optimised by removing DelegateMethod in MQTT_handler and invoking the event directly wherever you would call DelegateMethod.
This may sound stupid, But I am having hard time to figure this out; any help would be appreciated:
I have two user controls called “Safety_Check” and “OEE_Track”. In my MainForm I have a panel called “pnl_main_controller” this is where I am displaying both my user controls. I have two buttons on my main form and I am dynamically switching between both without any issue.
Safety_Check User control;
public partial class Safety_Check : UserControl
private static Safety_Check _instance;
public static Safety_Check instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new Safety_Check();
return _instance;
public Safety_Check()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OEE_Track User control
public partial class OEE_Track : UserControl
private static OEE_Track _instance;
public static OEE_Track instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new OEE_Track();
return _instance;
public OEE_Track()
public partial class MainForm : Form
private void btn_reg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!pnl_main_controller.Contains(Safety_Check.instance))
Safety_Check.instance.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
} }
private void btn_OEE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!pnl_main_controller.Contains(OEE_Track.instance))
OEE_Track.instance.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
What I am trying to do is I have a button called “Button1” on my “Safety_Check” Usercontrol, whenever I press this , I want “Safety_Check” to be disappear on “pnl_main_controller” and bring “OEE_Track” to the panel
There are several solutions for interaction between controls. Controls are classes and like any other class they can interact with each other using their public properties and methods or using some mediator.
In this case, your controls don't need to know each other and don't need to interact to each other directly:
They can ask another object which knows both controls, to do the job for them.
Or they can raise their request notification and the one who subscribed to that notification, will serve it.
To ask another object to do the job for them you have multiple solutions. As an example you can implement a specific interface in the parent form and in the child controls, cast the parent to that specific interface and call a specific method which do the job for you.
For raising the request notification, an easy solution is relying on events. You can create an event in the child control and raise it when you need the parent do something for you. Then in the parent subscribe to that event and do the job.
Example - Using event
I assume you have UserControl1 having Button1 inside and you have handled Click event of Button1. Then you can create Button1Clicked event and raise it when Button1 clicked:
public event EventHandler Button1Clicked;
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button1Clicked?.Invoke(this, e);
Then in the parent form, subscribe for the event and do whatever you want:
private void userControl11_Button1Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Hide userControl11 and show userControl21
Example - Using interface
I assume, you have an interface having a few standard methods:
public interface IDoSomething
void DoSomething();
void DoSomethingElse();
And you have implemented the interface in your parent form:
public class Form1: Form, IDoSomething
// ...
public void DoSomething()
//Hide userControl11 and show userControl21
public void DoSomethingElse()
// ...
Then in you user control:
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var f = FindForm() as IDoSomething;
I want to expand on Reza Aghaei's answer a bit. I think it could get even better than it is now.
First way to do this
If I were you I would have some interface ICheckedView which has at least 1 method to implement like so:
void Continue();
Now, we're able to apply this interface to any class in our solution, most likely to views, though. Next, I would make your main form implement this interface and implement the required method. The in this case we want our main form to remove the control from the panel and add a new control. Frankly, our Safety check control doesn't need to (and maybe shouldn't) know about other controls or what happens next. It's just used for flow of control.
Finally, you need to add either a public property, or maybe even a parameter to the constructor for Safety_Check which includes an ICheckedView in it. When your safety check control gets clicked it can tell whoever has been passed into it (we'll say the client) that it must continue.
Second way to do this
It can be done with an action delegate.
If you add an Action delegate to your safety check, you could just pop in any method whose signature matches that delegate (void methodName()). The constructor for your Safety_Check control should include an Action and that Action would get assigned to a private field of the class. Then when it's time to invoke, that action can be invoked directly.
Notes on this method
Because we're probably invoking from the UI thread in the first place, we're probably alright, but you need to think about thread safety here. The invoke required pattern can help you around this.
I'm trying to update my data on a main form whenever I change some option in a secondary form.
Possible solution:
Make the method public on Form1 (the main form) like this:
public void updatedata()
//data update
And then call it on the secondary form:
This doesn't work and I believe it's because he is trying to update the Form2
I'm using partial classes, but I'm not very well versed on them.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
And the secondary one:
public partial class formOpConfig : Form
private Form1 Opener { get; set; }
public formOpConfig(Form1 opener)
{ //initialize component
I feel like surely there is a duplicate question to match this one. But I have been unable to find it.
Given the code you posted, your attempt probably would have worked had you used Opener.updatedata() instead of Form1.updatedata(). But that still would not have been the best solution.
Commenter John Saunders is correct, the right way to do this is to declare an event in formOpConfig, and then have Form1 subscribe to it. That looks more like this:
public partial class formOpConfig : Form
public event EventHandler UpdateData;
private void SomethingHappens()
// do stuff...
// maybe do other stuff too...
private void OnUpdateData()
EventHandler handler = UpdateData;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
The above declares an event, and raises that event (invokes the handlers) at the appropriate time (i.e. when SomethingHappens()).
public partial class Form1 : Form
private void OpenConfigForm()
OpenConfigForm opConfig = new formOpConfig();
opConfig.UpdateData += (sender, e) => updatedata();
// Note that this method is private...no one else should need to call it
private void updatedata()
//data update
Here, Form1 subscribes to the event when it creates the instance of formOpConfig (I am assuming Form1 is what creates that instance), and when its handler is invoked, it calls the updatedata() method you've already written.
In this way, the two classes remain decoupled; i.e. they are not actually dependent on each other, more than they need to be (in particular, the formOpConfig class doesn't need to know anything about Form1).
A good way to do this is to use an Event.
This allows you to decouple the forms because they do not even need a reference to each other; basically an event is a way for your second form to tell whoever might be listening (without having to exactly know who) that something of interest happened, and to give them some information about that interesting event that they can use.
The linked article will give you much more detail than the below, which is just a quick idea of how to do it; I would recommend working through the tutorial!
The mechanism by which this occurs is that anyone who wants to know about interesting events on Form2 has to subscribe to the corresponding event on Form2; then whenever Form2 wants to tell its listeners that something has happened, it invokes any event handlers that have been attached to the event.
Because an event can have multiple handlers, it's a really excellent way to keep components in your application decoupled.
Quick demo
(note: code below is off top of head so not tested, no error handling, etc.)
First of all, you need to declare a class that can be used to send the interesting data to listening parties. This class has to inherit from System.EventArgs
public class InterestingEventArgs:EventArgs
public string AnInterestingFact {get;private set;}
public InterestingEventArgs(string fact)
AnInterestingFact =fact;
It doesn't matter where you declare this as long as it's visible to both Form1 and Form2.
Next, you have to declare an event on Form2, it needs to be public and should look like this:
public event EventHandler<InterestingEventArgs> SomethingInterestingHappened;
Now you need to decide when you are going to tell interested parties about this event. Let's suppose you have a button on Form2 and you want to raise the event when you click it. So in the Click handler for the button, you might have code like this:
public void btnRaiseEvent_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var fact= txtFact.Text;
var handler = SomethingInterestingHappened;
if (handler!=null)
handler(this,new InterestingEventArgs(fact));
and finally here is how the code might look from Form1 when you are launching Form2, let's say you click a button on Form1 to launch Form2:
public void btnShowForm2_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var child = new Form2();
Finally you need to write an event handler on Form1 that will be called when the event is raised:
void OnSomethingInterestingHappened(object sender, InterestingEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Did you know? " + e.AnInterestingFact);
It looks like you have passed in a reference to a Form1 object in the constructor. Use it:
public partial class formOpConfig : Form
private Form1 Opener { get; set; }
public formOpConfig(Form1 opener)
Opener = opener;
private void updateForm1()
Form1 is a class, not an object. You can say Form1.updatedata() if you make updatedata() a static method of the Form1 class, but that is probably not compatible with the rest of your code.
Although there are some similar questions I’m having difficulties finding an answer on how to receive data in my form from a class.
I have been trying to read about instantiation and its actually one of the few things that does make sense to me :) but if I were to instantiate my form, would I not have two form objects?
To simplify things, lets say I have a some data in Class1 and I would like to pass a string into a label on Form1. Is it legal to instantiate another form1? When trying to do so it looks like I can then access label1.Text but the label isn’t updating. The only thing I can think of is that the form needs to be redrawn or there is some threading issue that I’m unaware of.
Any insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Added some code to help
class Class1
public int number { get; set; }
public void Counter()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
number = i;
and the form:
Class1 myClass = new Class1();
public Form1()
label1.Text = myClass.number.ToString();
I think your form needs to access a reference to Class1 to use the data available in that, and not the other way around.
VERY seldomly a data class should instanciate a display form to display what it has to offer.
If the class is a data access layer of singleton, the form should reference that class, and not the other way around.
Based on the comments in your original post, here are a few ways to do it:
(this code is based on a Winform app in VS2010, there is 1 form, with a Label named "ValueLabel", a textbox named "NewValueTextBox", and a button.
Also, there is a class "MyClass" that represents the class with the changes that you want to publish.
Here is the code for the class. Note that I implement INotifyPropertyChanged and I have an event. You don't have to implement INotifyPropertyChanged, and I have an event that I raise whenever the property changes.
You should be able to run the form, type something into the textbox, click the button, and see the value of the label change.
public class MyClass: System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public string AValue
return this._AValue;
if (value != this._AValue)
this._AValue = value;
private string _AValue;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if(this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Example 1: simple databinding between the label and the value:
So this time, we will just bind the label to an instance of your class. We have a textbox and button that you can use to change the value of the property in MyClass. When it changes, the databinding will cause the label to be update automatically:
NOTE: Make sure to hook up Form1_Load as the load event for hte form, and UpdateValueButton_Click as the click handler for the button, or nothing will work!
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private MyClass TheClass;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.TheClass = new MyClass();
this.ValueLabel.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.TheClass, "AValue");
private void UpdateValueButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// simulate a modification to the value of the class
this.TheClass.AValue = this.NewValueTextBox.Text;
Example 2
Now, lets bind the value of class directly to the textbox. We've commented out the code in the button click hander, and we have bound both the textbox and the label to the object value. Now if you just tab away from the textbox, you will see your changes...
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private MyClass TheClass;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.TheClass = new MyClass();
// bind the Text property on the label to the AValue property on the object instance.
this.ValueLabel.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.TheClass, "AValue");
// bind the textbox to the same value...
this.NewValueTextBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.TheClass, "AValue");
private void UpdateValueButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//// simulate a modification to the value of the class
//this.TheClass.AValue = this.NewValueTextBox.Text;
Example 3
In this example, we won't use databinding at all. Instead, we will hook the property change event on MyClass and update manually.
Note, in real life, you might have a more specific event than Property changed -- you might have an AValue changed that is only raised when that property changes.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private MyClass TheClass;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.TheClass = new MyClass();
this.TheClass.PropertyChanged += this.TheClass_PropertyChanged;
void TheClass_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "AValue")
this.ValueLabel.Text = this.TheClass.AValue;
private void UpdateValueButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// simulate a modification to the value of the class
this.TheClass.AValue = this.NewValueTextBox.Text;
There's no reason why you can't have multiple instances of a form, but in this case you want to pass the Class1 instance to the form you have. The easiest way is to add a property to Form1 and have that update the label text:
public class Form1 : Form
public Class1 Data
this.label.Text = value.LabelText;
Events and delegates are what you want to use here. Since you tagged this as beginner, I will leave the implementation as an exercise :), but here is the general idea:
Declare an event/delegate pair in your data class.
Create a method in your form to bind to the event.
When "something" happens in your data class, fire the event
The form's method will be invoked to handle the event and can update widgets appropriately
Good luck.
I am writing a Class Library that will be used by other applications. I am writing it in C#.NET. I am having a problem with triggering events across classes. Here is what I need to do...
public class ClassLibrary
public event EventHandler DeviceAttached;
public ClassLibrary()
// do some stuff
public class OtherClass : Form
public Start()
// do things here to initialize receiving messages
protected override void WndProc (ref message m)
if (....)
// I can't seem to access the eventhandler here to trigger it.
// How do I do it?
base.WndProc(ref m);
Then in the application that is using the class library I will do this...
public class ClientApplication
void main()
ClassLibrary myCL = new ClassLibrary();
myCL.DeviceAttached += new EventHandler(myCl_deviceAttached);
void myCl_deviceAttached(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do stuff...
You cannot do this. Events can only be raised from within the class that declares the event.
Typically, you'd add a method on your class to raise the event, and call the method:
public class ClassLibrary
public event EventHandler DeviceAttached;
public void NotifyDeviceAttached()
// Do processing and raise event
Then, in your other code, you'd just call myCL.NotifyDeviceAttached();
I think you should change your perspective on how events work. OtherClass should "own" the event and trigger it. ClassLibrary or ClientApplication (whichever you choose) "listens" to the event by "subscribing" to it and does a certain action when this event occurs.
How to implement this:
public class ClassLibrary
public OtherClass myOtherCl;
public ClassLibrary()
myOtherCl= new OtherClass();
Trigger the event in the class where it logically happens, where it is detected.
public class OtherClass : Form
public event EventHandler DeviceAttached;
public Start()
// do things here to initialize receiving messages
protected override void WndProc (ref message m)
if (....)
base.WndProc(ref m);
public void OnDeviceAttach()
if (DeviceAttached != null)
DeviceAttached ();
Finally, whoever needs to listen to the event needs access to the instance of the class holding the event, that is why myOtherCl was made public in this example.
public class ClientApplication
void main()
ClassLibrary myCL = new ClassLibrary();
myCL.myOtherCl.DeviceAttached += new EventHandler(myCl_deviceAttached);
void myCl_deviceAttached(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do stuff...
Event handlers can only be called directly by the class that declared them. If you need to call ClassLibrary.DeviceAttached from outside that class, you need to add a utility method like the following:
public void OnDeviceAttached()
You may not want to use an event at all here. This is an oversimplification, but generally an event is something raised by a child component when it needs to communicate something back to its parent. In your case (I'm inferring from your code) your form is listening for a specific message (when a device is attached?), and when it spots that message it needs to tell myCL about it. For this purpose, you would instead just create a method in ClassLibrary and call it from your form.