COM+ activation on a remote server with partitions in C# - c#

I want to access partitioned COM+ applications on a remote server.
I have tried this:
using COMAdmin
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
_serverName = myRemoteServer;
_partionName = myPartionName;
_message = myMessage;
ICOMAdminCatalog2 catalog = new COMAdminCatalog();
string moniker = string.Empty;
string MsgInClassId = "E3BD1489-30DD-4380-856A-12B959502BFD";
//we are using partitions
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_partitionName))
COMAdminCatalogCollection partitions = catalog.GetCollection("Partitions");
string partitionId = string.Empty;
foreach (ICatalogObject item in partitions)
if (item.Name == _partitionName)
partitionId = item.Key;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partitionId) )
moniker = $"partition:{partitionId}/new:{new Guid(MsgInClassId)}";
var M = (IMsgInManager)Marshal.BindToMoniker(moniker);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception($"We can not use: {_partitionName} with Id {partitionId}. {ex.ToString()}");
//we don't have partitions and this will work
Type T = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(MsgInClassId), _serverName, true);
var M = (IMsgInManager)Activator.CreateInstance(T);
So when we are local on the (remote) machine, partitions are working with the moniker and Marshal.BindToMoniker.
But when I try do the same remotely from my machine, I get an error from
Marshal.BindToMoniker that Partitons is not enabled. Because on my machine partitions is not enabled.
Message = "COM+ partitions are currently disabled. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80110824)"
How can I use Marshal.BindToMoniker to run on the remote server.
Is it something I can add to the moniker string i.e.
moniker = $"server:_server/partition:{partitionId}/new:{new Guid(MsgInClassId)}"
My questions is very simular to this:
COM+ object activation in a different partition

According to MS documentation there is a way to do this by setting the pServerInfo in BIND_OPTS2 structure for binding the moniker. Unfortunately this is not working for the COM class moniker.
where it says for *pServerInfo:
COM's new class moniker does not currently honor the pServerInfo flag.
But maybe just try your scenario and at some future time it might be supported (or already is and documentation is wrong).
also see:
where it also says in the footnote it does not work for class moniker:
Theory and suggested solution if it was supported in c#
Disclaimer: I couldn't test the code as I don't have a test setup. This is off the top of my head. A bit pseudo code.
To do this you would have to code the COM/Moniker calls yourself. For this you could look at the source of microsofts implementation as a starting point.
There BindToMoniker is implemented like:
public static Object BindToMoniker(String monikerName)
Object obj = null;
IBindCtx bindctx = null;
CreateBindCtx(0, out bindctx);
UInt32 cbEaten;
IMoniker pmoniker = null;
MkParseDisplayName(bindctx, monikerName, out cbEaten, out pmoniker);
BindMoniker(pmoniker, 0, ref IID_IUnknown, out obj);
return obj;
CreateBindCtx, MkParseDisplayName and BindMoniker are OLE32.dll functions.
IBindCtx has methods to change the binding context. For this you call IBindCtx.GetBindContext(out BIND_OPTS2) and change the settings to what you need. Then set the new binding context with IBindCtx.SetBindContext(BIND_OPTS2). So essentially your own version of code would look something like this (pseudo code):
public static Object BindToMoniker(String monikerName)
Object obj = null;
IBindCtx bindctx = null;
CreateBindCtx(0, out bindctx);
BIND_OPTS2 bindOpts;
bindOpts.cbStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(BIND_OPTS2);
bindctx.GetBindOptions(ref bindOpts);
// Make your settings that you need. For example:
bindOpts.dwClassContext = CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER;
// Anything else ?
bindOpts.pServerInfo = new COSERVERINFO{pwszName = "serverName"};
bindctx.SetBindOptions(ref bindOpts);
UInt32 cbEaten;
IMoniker pmoniker = null;
MkParseDisplayName(bindctx, monikerName, out cbEaten, out pmoniker);
BindMoniker(pmoniker, 0, ref IID_IUnknown, out obj);
return obj;
As said, unfortunately this code is not possible to write in C# out of the box. Even the OLE32.dll method declarations CreateBindCtx, MkParseDisplayName and BindMoniker are privately declared in Marshal.cs so you will have to declare them in your project again.
But we are lucky with the IBindCtx declaration using a BIND_OPTS2 and the BIND_OPTS2 structure definition itself. They are declared in Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop (interesting declarations in this namespace anyway). So you can try using them because inside the Marshal object and marshal.cs only the BIND_OPTS structure is used. I don't know if this is part of the framework and redistributable (I doubt it) but for testing this should be good enough. If it works these things can be declared again in your own solution.
Some Info on the used functions:

The remote COM needs to be accessed by Queue or DCOM. You need to export the application proxy on the server when accessing by DCOM. And install the proxy in the client PC.
The COM activation type must be configured as "Server Application" to export application proxy.
After installing application proxy, the client can directly call
moniker = $"new:{new Guid(MsgInClassId)}";
var M = Marshal.BindToMoniker(moniker);
For the partition, it's designed to show each user with own application set. If the current partition is associated to the user, the partition needs not to be written in codes.


Get list of all open windows in .Net Core running on macOS (via NSApplication?)

Getting a list of open windows in .Net Framework on Windows was relatively easy. How can I do the same in .Net Core/.Net 5 or later on macOS?
To clarify, I'm looking for a way to retrieve a list of all open windows owned by any running application/process. I don't have much experience of macOS development - I'm a Windows developer - but I've tried to use the NSApplication as suggested by this answer.
I created a .Net 6.0 Console application in VS2022 on macOS Monterey (12.2), added a reference to Xamarin.Mac and libxammac.dylib as described here - which describes doing this in Xamarin rather than .Net, but I don't see any other option to create a Console application. With the simple code:
static void Main(string[] args)
I get the output
Xamarin.Mac: dlopen error: dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, mono_get_runtime_build_info): symbol not found
I've no idea what this means. I'm not even sure this approach has any merit.
Does anyone know if it's possible to use NSApplication from a .Net Core/6.0 application, and if so whether NSApplication will give me the ability to read a system-wide list of open windows? If not, is there another way to accomplish this?
This is only for my own internal use, it doesn't need to be in any way portable or stable outside of my own environment.
In the link you refer to, there is an important note:
... as Xamarin.Mac.dll does not run under the .NET Core runtime, it only runs with the Mono runtime.
Because you try to run Xamarin.Mac.dll under .net-core, you get this dlopen error.
No System-wide List via NSApplication
The linked answer with is incorrect if you want to read a system-wide list of open windows. It can only be used to determine all currently existing windows for the application from which the call is made, see Apple's documentation.
Alternative solution
Nevertheless, there are several ways to access the Window information in macOS. One of them could be a small unmanaged C-lib that gets the necessary information via CoreFoundation and CoreGraphics and returns it to C# via Platform Invoke (P/Invoke).
Native Code
Here is example code for a C-Lib that determines and returns the names of the window owners.
extern char const **windowList(void);
extern void freeWindowList(char const **list);
The interface of the library consists of only two functions. The first function called windowList returns a list with the names of the window owners. The last element of the list must be NULL so that you can detect where the list ends on the managed C# side. Since the memory for the string list is allocated dynamically, you must use the freeWindowList function to free the associated memory after processing.
#include "WindowListLib.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
static void errorExit(char *msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
static char *copyUTF8String(CFStringRef string) {
CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(string);
CFIndex size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1;
char *buf = malloc(size);
if(!buf) {
errorExit("malloc failed");
if(!CFStringGetCString(string, buf, size, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
errorExit("copyUTF8String with utf8 encoding failed");
return buf;
char const **windowList(void) {
CFArrayRef cfWindowList = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(cfWindowList);
char const **list = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (count + 1));
if(!list) {
errorExit("malloc failed");
list[count] = NULL;
for(CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++) {
CFDictionaryRef windowInfo = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfWindowList, i);
CFStringRef name = CFDictionaryGetValue(windowInfo, kCGWindowOwnerName);
if(name) {
list[i] = copyUTF8String(name);
} else {
list[i] = strdup("unknown");
return list;
void freeWindowList(char const **list) {
const char **ptr = list;
while(*ptr++) {
free((void *)*ptr);
CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo is the actual function that gets the window information. It returns a list of dictionaries containing the details. From this we extract kCGWindowOwnerName. This CFStringRef is converted to a dynamically allocated UTF-8 string by the function copyUTF8String.
By convention, calls like CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo that contain the word copy (or create) must be released after use with CFRelease to avoid creating memory leaks.
C# Code
The whole thing can then be called on the C# side something like this:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace WindowList
public static class Program
[DllImport("WindowListLib", EntryPoint = "windowList")]
private static extern IntPtr WindowList();
[DllImport("WindowListLib", EntryPoint = "freeWindowList")]
private static extern void FreeWindowList(IntPtr list);
private static List<string> GetWindows()
var nativeWindowList = WindowList();
var windows = new List<string>();
var nativeWindowPtr = nativeWindowList;
string? windowName;
var strPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(nativeWindowPtr);
windowName = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(strPtr);
if (windowName == null) continue;
nativeWindowPtr += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));
} while (windowName != null);
return windows;
static void Main()
foreach (var winName in GetWindows())
The GetWindows method fetches the data via a native call to WindowList and converts the C strings to managed strings, then releases the native resources via a call to FreeWindowList.
This function returns only the owner names, such as Finder, Xcode, Safari, etc. If there are multiple windows, the owners will also be returned multiple times, etc. The exact logic of what should be determined will probably have to be changed according to your requirements. However, the code above should at least show a possible approach to how this can be done.

System.AccessViolationException in C# interface to Swi-prolog

I am new here and I hope that i will find a solution for my problem. The background of the problem is as follows:
I am trying to build an expert system that constitute a C# front-end which is interacting with Swi-prolog.
I have downloaded SwiPlCs.dll (A CSharp class library to connect .NET languages with Swi-Prolog)
And added a reference to it in a Visual Studio project(Win form app) that I have created to test if I can query prolog from c# (I followed the example used in the documentation found here).
It worked fine.
Then, in a more complicated scenario, I have built a WCF service that will act as an intermediary layer between Swi-Prolog and C# client application (it consumes the service).
The service is hosted in IIS 7.0.
For the sake of simplicity, lets say my service contains three methods.
The first method initializes the prolog engine, consults prolog source file then queries the file.
The second method performs another query.
The third method calls PlCleanup().
public void LaunchAssessment()
Dictionary<string, string> questions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
#region : Querying prolog using SwiPlCs
if (!PlEngine.IsInitialized)
String[] param = { "-q" };
PlQuery.PlCall("consult('D:/My FYP Work/initialAssessment')");
using (var q = new PlQuery("go(X, Y)"))
foreach (PlQueryVariables v in q.SolutionVariables)
questions.Add("name", v["X"].ToString());
questions.Add("age", v["Y"].ToString());
catch (SbsSW.SwiPlCs.Exceptions.PlException exp)
throw new FaultException<PrologFault>(new PrologFault(exp.Source), exp.MessagePl);
Callback.PoseQuestion(questions, ResponseType.None);
public void DetermineAgeGroup(int age)
//Determine age group
string age_group = string.Empty;
using (var query = new PlQuery("age_group(" + age + ", G)"))
foreach (PlQueryVariables v in query.SolutionVariables)
age_group += v["G"].ToString();
catch (SbsSW.SwiPlCs.Exceptions.PlException exp)
throw new FaultException<PrologFault>(new PrologFault(exp.Source), exp.MessagePl);
//Check whether age_group is found or not
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(age_group))
throw new FaultException<NoSolutionFoundFault>(new NoSolutionFoundFault("No solution found"), "Age specified exceeds the diagnosis range!");
Callback.RespondToUser(age_group, ResponseType.Age);
public void QuitProlog()
if (PlEngine.IsInitialized)
The client invokes the first method just fine and a result of the first query is successfully returned. When client tries to call the second method an exception is thrown with message (attempted to read or write protected memory) which causes the application to freeze. I checked the event viewer and this is what I get:
Application: w3wp.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException
at SbsSW.SwiPlCs.SafeNativeMethods.PL_new_term_ref()
at SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlQuery..ctor(System.String, System.String)
at SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlQuery..ctor(System.String)
at PrologQueryService.PrologQueryService.DetermineAgeGroup(Int32)
I also tried to use the interface for a .NET project.
Looking in the official repository of the CSharp interface to SWI-Prolog I noticed that the project is very old and the latest updates do not seem included in the binaries available in the download page of the official website.
Then I did the following steps:
The contrib repository dedicated to .NET indicates that the compatible SWI-Prolog version (at the time of writing) is "8.0.3-1" (look in the README file).
-> Then I uninstalled from my computer the latest stable and installed the indicated one. I got it from the full list of downloads of the old versions at this link.
I cloned the SWI-Prolog/contrib-swiplcs repository, unloaded the incompatible projects from the solution, in my case, since I don't use Visual Studio.
-> I set the target framework to Net Framework 4.8 and recompiled it (you can also do this with standard NET). Beware of some pragma directives defined in the old project file (For example I re-defined _PL_X64 variable via code.
I brought the main unit test methods into a new project with xUnit wiht the appropriate changes.
I set the target to x64, recompiled and rebuilt the tests and the "hello world" example.
It worked!
I was able to use SWI-Prolog both for Net 4.8 and in other Net Core applications (if you make the needed changes in order to target the Net Standard). You should not have any problem in both cases).
This is my fork as a preliminary example.
Finally, I can load a *.pl Prolog file with a program in my C# application and use it to evaluate some business logic rules (example with boolean answer [Permitted/Not-Permitted]):
public void ShouldLoadAProgramAndUseIt()
var pathValues = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
pathValues += #";C:\Program Files\swipl\bin";
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", pathValues);
// Positioning to project folder
var currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Split('\\').ToList();
currentDirectory.RemoveAll(r => currentDirectory.ToArray().Reverse().Take(3).Contains(r));
var basePath = currentDirectory.Aggregate((c1, c2) => $"{c1}\\{c2}");
var filePath = $"{basePath}\\prolog_examples\\";
String[] param = { "-q", "-f", filePath };
var query = "exutable('2020-08-15',[('monthly', ['2019-12-30', '2020-03-10'])])";
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Query: {query}");
using (var q = new PlQuery(query))
var booleanAnswer = q.NextSolution();
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Answer: {booleanAnswer}");
query = "exutable('2020-08-15',[('daily', ['2019-12-30', '2020-08-15'])])";
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Query: {query}");
using (var q = new PlQuery(query))
var booleanAnswer = q.NextSolution();
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Answer: {booleanAnswer}");
Try to close engine in the end of the first method and initialize it in the second again.
You can check this as the answer to the question unless you object.

ASMX WebService calling DLL (P.Invoke)

I'm using an old fashioned ASMX WebService (not WCF) which internally calls an unmanaged DLL (via PInvoke). I don't get any exception but it does not work as expected. The same code in a regular WinForms application works fine.
I think it's because of the working directory when debugging the WebService in VisualStudio. The working directory is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DevServer\10.0 and I guess the unmanaged DLL's are missing. But in the \bin folder of my project all DLL's are there.
Is there a way to tell configure the service accordingly or do I need special access rights?
PS: sorry for the newbie question.
Here's some part of the code:
First: The service accepts some vector graphics that are then projected by laser-projector.
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class BeamerService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public void ShowBounds()
// ToDo: construct some graphics
// ToDo: get laser/DAC
DAC dac;
if (!Laser.DAC.TryInitializeAny(out dac))
// DAC not connected
// ToDo: send graphics to DAC
Second: Get access to the laser-device which is connected to the computer via USB.
public static bool TryInitializeAny(out DAC dac)
return UniversalDAC.TryInitialize(ControllerTypes.Netlase, ControllerType.Netlase, out dac);
Third: Use unmanaged DLL (not mine) to search for connected devices and acquire the first one. All lines that start with "DrLava" are P.Invoke calls to unmanaged code.
public static bool TryInitialize(ControllerTypes types, ControllerType type, out DAC dac, DeviceChooser deviceChooser = null)
uint deviceCount = 0;
if (DrLava.LDL_Init((uint)ConvertToNativeMask(types), ref deviceCount) != NativeConstants.DAC_OK)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not intialize DAC with '{0}'", type));
uint device = deviceChooser == null ? 0 : deviceChooser(deviceCount);
uint tType = 0;
uint tEnum = 0;
var sName = new StringBuilder(128);
if (DrLava.LDL_GetDACInfo(device, sName, (uint)sName.Length, ref tType, ref tEnum) != NativeConstants.DAC_OK)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could retriev name of DAC device number {0} with '{1}'.", device, type));
if (DrLava.LDL_DAC_Init(device) != NativeConstants.DAC_OK)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not intialize DAC with '{0}' using device number {1}", type, device));
dac = new UniversalDAC(type, sName.ToString(), device);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Error("Could not initialize DAC.Instance with '{0}'. {1}", type, ex);
dac = null;
return false;
So, the problem is in step 3. If I run the code in a console or WinForms application, the connected USB is found and I can use it. If I run the same code in a WebService, the first line in step 3 (DrLava.LDL_Init) will yield no results.

Can not get MSMQ Com to find my Queue

I am trying to get a count of messages in my MSMQ. I have found this code on the internet (many times):
// setup the queue management COM stuff
MSMQManagement _queueManager = new MSMQManagement();
object machine = "MyLaptopComputer";
object path = #"DIRECT=OS:MyLaptopComputer\PRIVATE$\MyQueue";
_queueManager.Init(ref machine, ref path);
Every time I get to _queueManager.Init it fails with this error:
The queue path name specified is invalid.
I have checked (and double checked) my queue name to see if that is wrong. I have tried different queues, different machines, running remote, running local... Nothing works.
I have also tried variations on the code above. For example I have tried:
_queueManager.Init("MyLaptopComputer", #"DIRECT=OS:MyLaptopComputer\PRIVATE$\MyQueue");
The queues are used with NServiceBus and function just fine when I use NServiceBus to access them.
Does anyone have an Idea on how I can get this to work?
I think the problem is the error you're getting is a little misguiding. MSMQManagement.Init takes 3 parameters. They're all optional which is why in other languages (like VB) you'll sometimes see it called with only 2 parameters.
There is a CodeProject project that shows how to do what you're doing in C#:
private int GetMessageCount(string queueName)
int count = 0;
MSMQ.MSMQManagement mgmt = new MSMQ.MSMQManagement();
MSMQ.MSMQOutgoingQueueManagement outgoing;
String s = "YOURPCNAME";
Object ss = (Object)s;
String pathName = queueName;
Object pn = (Object)pathName;
String format = null;
Object f = (Object)format;
mgmt.Init(ref ss , ref f, ref pn);
outgoing = (MSMQ.MSMQOutgoingQueueManagement)mgmt;
count = outgoing.MessageCount;
catch (Exception ee)
return count;
It might provide a better starting point.
Turns out it was a combination of issues. The biggest being that I needed to use FormatName not path name.
_queueManager.Init("MyComputer", null, #"DIRECT=OS:MyComputer\PRIVATE$\MyQueue");
Also, it will throw an exception if the queue is empty...
Got to love COM interfaces. :)

How to prevent an app from being pinned in Windows 7?

I am trying to prevent the user from pinning my .NET app to the taskbar. I've found some code on the Old New Thing that does just that. However, it is in C++.
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <propsys.h>
#include <propkey.h>
HRESULT MarkWindowAsUnpinnable(HWND hwnd)
IPropertyStore *pps;
HRESULT hr = SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(hwnd, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pps));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
var.vt = VT_BOOL;
var.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE;
hr = pps->SetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_PreventPinning, var);
return hr;
OnCreate(HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs)
return TRUE;
I am having very little luck converting it to c#. Can someone help?
You can download the Windows API Code Pack which has the necessary p/invoke calls you need to translate the code in your post to C#.
Either use the library in whole or find the specific calls and definitions you require (search it for SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow and then its other dependencies).
In the question, the Old New Thing post also talks about how you can set some registry settings on per application basis that will so prevent the pinning an application to the taskbar.
All you have to do is add the value of "NoStartPage" to a key for your application under the Root\Applications. The value can be blank and of any type, if Windows just sees it is there it will not show the ability to pin the app, when the user right clicks on it in the taskbar.
Here is the documentation from Microsoft on this feature: Use Registry to prevent pinning of an application
The one caveat to this is that in Windows 7, due to UAC, you have to run as administrator to update the registry. I did this via the app.manifest.
The code to find the right and update the correct registry keys is below (hopefully it is not too verbose):
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Get Root
var root = Registry.ClassesRoot;
// Get the Applications key
var applicationsSubKey = root.OpenSubKey("Applications", true);
if (applicationsSubKey != null)
bool updateNoStartPageKey = false;
// Check to see if your application already has a key created in the Applications key
var appNameSubKey = applicationsSubKey.OpenSubKey("MyAppName.exe", true);
if (appNameSubKey != null)
// Check to see if the NoStartPage value has already been created
if (!appNameSubKey.GetValueNames().Contains("NoStartPage"))
updateNoStartPageKey = true;
// create key for your application in the Applications key under Root
appNameSubKey = applicationsSubKey.CreateSubKey("MyAppName.exe", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default);
if (appNameSubKey != null)
updateNoStartPageKey = true;
if (updateNoStartPageKey)
// Create/update the value for NoStartPage so Windows will prevent the app from being pinned.
appNameSubKey.SetValue("NoStartPage", string.Empty, RegistryValueKind.String);
Using the WindowsAPICodePack (via NuGet) you need code resembling:
// Ensure the handle is available
new WindowInteropHelper(window).EnsureHandle();
// Prevent the window from being pinned to the task bars
var preventPinningProperty = new PropertyKey(
new Guid("9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3"), 9);
WindowProperties.SetWindowProperty(window, preventPinningProperty, "1");
