I'm trying to figure out how to set up my win condition (when the player lines up four chips as the same color horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). The win condition when met will display a win message, add 1 to a player win and player loss variable, add text to a list box, and clear the board.
I set up the board when the user presses the start button using the following code:
btnStartGame.Enabled = false;
btnStartGame.Visible = false;
btnExitGame.Enabled = true;
btnExitGame.Visible = true;
//This for loop creates the buttons used for the gameplay
for (int i = 0; i < gameButtons.Length; i++)
int index = i;
this.gameButtons[i] = new Button();
int x = 50 + (i % 7) * 50;
int y = 50 + (i / 7) * 50;
this.gameButtons[i].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y);
this.gameButtons[i].Name = "btn" + (index + 1);
this.gameButtons[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 50);
this.gameButtons[i].TabIndex = i;
this.gameButtons[i].UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.gameButtons[i].Visible = true;
gameButtons[i].Click += (sender1, ex) => this.PlaceChip(sender1, index);
From there main game play uses the following code for "dropping" chips into the columns:
private void PlaceChip(object sender, int index)
var pressedButton = (Button)sender;
if (pressedButton.BackColor == Color.BlanchedAlmond)
var newBackColor = black ? Color.Red : Color.Black;
var buttonToChangeIndex = index;
while (buttonToChangeIndex + 7 < gameButtons.Count() &&
gameButtons[buttonToChangeIndex + 7].BackColor == Color.BlanchedAlmond)
buttonToChangeIndex += 7;
gameButtons[buttonToChangeIndex].BackColor = newBackColor;
black = !black;
Currently my Win Condition code looks like the following, I just am not sure how I need to set this up correctly (assuming I am making a mistake somewhere) or how I call this and set up the arguments correctly when I call it.
private void WinCondition(int a, int b, int c, int d)
if (gameButtons[a].BackColor == gameButtons[b].BackColor && gameButtons[a].BackColor == gameButtons[c].BackColor && gameButtons[a].BackColor == gameButtons[d].BackColor)
gamesPlayed += 1;
if (gameButtons[a].BackColor == Color.Red)
MessageBox.Show("Player 1 Wins!");
player1wins += 1;
player2loss += 1;
lstScoreBoard.Items.Add("Player One");
//add to file
MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!");
player2wins += 1;
player1loss += 1;
lstScoreBoard.Items.Add("Player Two");
if(gamesPlayed == 5)
MessageBox.Show("Maximum number of games have been played!\nWin board will now be reset!");
gamesPlayed = 0;
player1wins = 0;
player2wins = 0;
player1loss = 0;
player2loss = 0;
} while (gamesPlayed > 5);
If there is a better way to set up this win condition (In regards to the arguments etc) I am open for it! I'm at a loss for how to properly set it up!
If my description of what I need doesn't make sense feel free to ask and I will try to clarify!
I'm creating a new Picturebox via code, but now my TextBoxes don't give me any values. I think they went out of focus, or their controls aren't working anymore, here's the code so far:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int ErrorCode = 0;
string NewName = NewPointName.Text;
int X, Y;
if (NewPointName.Text == "")
ErrorCode = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Names + 1; i++)
if (PointName[i] == NewName)
ErrorCode = 2;
if (ErrorCode > 0)
MessageBox.Show("Error " + ErrorCode);
if (Convert.ToInt32(NewPointXBox.Text) > 60)
X = 60;
else if (Convert.ToInt32(NewPointXBox.Text) < -60)
X = -60;
else if (NewPointXBox.Text == "")
X = 0;
X = Convert.ToInt32(NewPointXBox.Text);
if (Convert.ToInt32(NewPointYBox.Text) > 60)
Y = 60;
else if (Convert.ToInt32(NewPointYBox.Text) < -60)
Y = -60;
else if (NewPointYBox.Text == "")
Y = 0;
Y = Convert.ToInt32(NewPointYBox.Text);
Punkt.GiveName(NewName, Names);
Punkt.GiveCoordinates(X, Y, Names);
PointName[Names] = NewName;
NewPointName.Text = "";
NewPointXBox.Text = "";
NewPointYBox.Text = "";
CreatePoint(X, Y, NewName, Names);
ErrorCode = 0;
NewName = "";
public void CreatePoint(int X, int Y, string name, int i)
int StartPointX = 450, StartPointY = 450, Factor = 7;
if (RadioG6060.Checked)
StartPointX = 454;
StartPointY = 449;
Factor = 7;
Dot[i] = new PictureBox();
Dot[i].Name = "PB_" + name;
Dot[i].Size = new Size(10, 10);
Dot[i].Image = Image.FromFile("../Dot.png");
Dot[i].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
Dot[i].Location = new Point(StartPointX, StartPointY);
Dot[i].Visible = true;
Dot[i].Location = new Point(Dot[i].Location.X + (X * Factor), Dot[i].Location.Y - (Y * Factor));
I think it's the this.controls.Add(Dot[i]) that throws it off, because now I can't access the text in my NewPointName textbox.
How can I focus the program back on the form or do generally anything that could activate the boxes again?
I just solved the problem, I just had to leave out the InitializeComponent(), then it worked. Turns out that if you do that, the already existing components get blocked and can't be changed in any options of themselves anymore.
public class LetterArray
internal static string[] Alphabet()
var letterValues = new string[26];
letterValues[0] = "A";
letterValues[1] = "B";
letterValues[2] = "C";
letterValues[3] = "D";
letterValues[4] = "E";
letterValues[5] = "F";
letterValues[6] = "G";
letterValues[7] = "H";
letterValues[8] = "I";
letterValues[9] = "J";
letterValues[10] = "K";
letterValues[11] = "L";
letterValues[12] = "M";
letterValues[13] = "N";
letterValues[14] = "O";
letterValues[15] = "P";
letterValues[16] = "Q";
letterValues[17] = "R";
letterValues[18] = "S";
letterValues[19] = "T";
letterValues[20] = "U";
letterValues[21] = "V";
letterValues[22] = "W";
letterValues[23] = "X";
letterValues[24] = "Y";
letterValues[25] = "Z";
return letterValues;
public class decrypt
public static void Main() //Main method
int res = 34;
string[] letterValues = LetterArray.Alphabet();
//Create for loop that runs through every possible shift value
for (int shift = 0; shift <= 25; shift++)
Console.WriteLine("\nShift Value = " + shift + ": ");
// For each character in the text file
foreach (var ch in ReadText.cipherTxt()) {
if (ch == ' ')
{ }
for (int i = 0; i <= 25; i++)
if ((ch.ToString().ToUpper()) == letterValues[i])
res = i;
if (shift > res)
Console.WriteLine(letterValues[26 - (shift - res)][0]);
Console.WriteLine(letterValues[res - shift][0]);
Not sure how to output the following so be a continuous string instead of each letter being stacked on top of each other. I have tried to change the Console.WriteLine values but it seems to mess the program up and throw an error instead.
Use Console.Write if you don't want each value in a new line.
Console.Write(letterValues[res - shift]);
You can also use a StringBuilder and Append characters to it. Then print it once after the loop.
I am working on the binary search method in C# as an exercise, and it returns true if the number is in the list, but I cannot get it to return false if the number is not in the list. I had thought about doing else if at the end with conditions that the UB = LB, but the SearchKey does not equal the MP. Any suggestions?
static bool search(List<int> numbers, int searchKey)
int UB = numbers.Count - 1;
int LB = 0;
int MP = (UB + LB) / 2;
bool done = false;
if (numbers[MP] > searchKey)
UB = MP - 1;
MP = (UB + LB) / 2;
else if (numbers[MP] < searchKey)
LB = MP + 1;
MP = (UB + LB) / 2;
else if (numbers[MP] == searchKey)
done = true;
return true;
done = true;
return false;
} while (!done);
return false;
add this condition in your while loop while (!done && LB < UB);
It runs Infinite time when no item is search
So let me start by saying that I'm a newbie with little to moderate knowledge about C#.
Coming to the topic: I need to make a program that is able to add/subtract very large integers. Initially, used BigInt only to find out it's not allowed. There should be a logical workaround for this? I have an idea which is using "elementary school method" where you add each digit starting from right to left.
I made a string which I split into char array and added each digit from right to left(GetUpperBound-i). But it doesn't seem to work.
My Code:
string s, s2;
char[] c_arr, c_arr2;
int i, erg;
s = "1234";
s2 = "5678";
c_arr = s.ToCharArray();
c_arr2 = s2.ToCharArray();
for (i = 0; i <= c_arr.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
erg = c_arr[c_arr.GetUpperBound(0)-i]+c_arr2[c_arr2.GetUpperBound(0)-i];
There are a few things wrong with your code for the 'elementary school method'. You don't account for carry, you're adding up ascii values rather than actual values between 0-9, and you're outputting the results in the wrong order.
The code below, whilst not very elegant, does produce the correct results:
var s1 = "12345";
var s2 = "5678";
var carry = false;
var result = String.Empty;
if(s1.Length != s2.Length)
var diff = Math.Abs(s1.Length - s2.Length);
if(s1.Length < s2.Length)
s1 = String.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat("0", diff)) + s1;
s2 = String.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat("0", diff)) + s2;
for(int i = s1.Length-1;i >= 0; i--)
var augend = Convert.ToInt32(s1.Substring(i,1));
var addend = Convert.ToInt32(s2.Substring(i,1));
var sum = augend + addend;
sum += (carry ? 1 : 0);
carry = false;
if(sum > 9)
carry = true;
sum -= 10;
result = sum.ToString() + result;
result = "1" + result;
The following program can be used to add two large numbers, I have used string builder to store the result. You can add numbers containing digits upto '2,147,483,647'.
Using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
public class Test
public static void Main()
string term1="15245142151235123512352362362352351236";
string term2="1522135123612646436143613461344";
StringBuilder sum=new StringBuilder();
int n1=term1.Length;
int n2=term2.Length;
int carry=0;
int n=(n1>n2)?n1:n2;
for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
int value=(carry+term1[i]-48+term2[i]-48)%10;
char[] c=sum.ToString().ToCharArray();
string Add(string s1, string s2)
bool carry = false;
string result = string.Empty;
if(s1[0] != '-' && s2[0] != '-')
if (s1.Length < s2.Length)
s1 = s1.PadLeft(s2.Length, '0');
if(s2.Length < s1.Length)
s2 = s2.PadLeft(s1.Length, '0');
for(int i = s1.Length-1; i >= 0; i--)
var augend = Convert.ToInt64(s1.Substring(i,1));
var addend = Convert.ToInt64(s2.Substring(i,1));
var sum = augend + addend;
sum += (carry ? 1 : 0);
carry = false;
if(sum > 9)
carry = true;
sum -= 10;
result = sum.ToString() + result;
result = "1" + result;
else if(s1[0] == '-' || s2[0] == '-')
long sum = 0;
if(s2[0] == '-')
//Removing negative sign
char[] MyChar = {'-'};
string NewString = s2.TrimStart(MyChar);
s2 = NewString;
if(s2.Length < s1.Length)
s2 = s2.PadLeft(s1.Length, '0');
for (int i = s1.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var augend = Convert.ToInt64(s1.Substring(i,1));
var addend = Convert.ToInt64(s2.Substring(i,1));
if(augend >= addend)
sum = augend - addend;
int temp = i - 1;
long numberNext = Convert.ToInt64(s1.Substring(temp,1));
//if number before is 0
while(numberNext == 0)
numberNext = Convert.ToInt64(s1.Substring(temp,1));
//taking one from the neighbor number
int a = int.Parse(s1[temp].ToString());
StringBuilder tempString = new StringBuilder(s1);
string aString = a.ToString();
tempString[temp] = Convert.ToChar(aString);
s1 = tempString.ToString();
while(temp < i)
StringBuilder copyS1 = new StringBuilder(s1);
string nine = "9";
tempString[temp] = Convert.ToChar(nine);
s1 = tempString.ToString();
augend += 10;
sum = augend - addend;
result = sum.ToString() + result;
//Removing the zero infront of the answer
char[] zeroChar = {'0'};
string tempResult = result.TrimStart(zeroChar);
result = tempResult;
return result;
string Multiply(string s1, string s2)
string result = string.Empty;
//For multipication
bool Negative = false;
if(s1[0] == '-' && s2[0] == '-')
Negative = false;
else if(s1[0] == '-' || s2[0] == '-')
Negative = true;
char[] minusChar = {'-'};
string NewString;
NewString = s2.TrimStart(minusChar);
s2 = NewString;
NewString = s1.TrimStart(minusChar);
s1 = NewString;
List<string> resultList = new List<string>();
for(int i = s2.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string multiplycation = string.Empty;
for (int j = s1.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
var augend = Convert.ToInt64(s1.Substring(j,1));
var addend = Convert.ToInt64(s2.Substring(i,1));
long multiply = augend * addend;
// print(multiply);
multiplycation = multiply.ToString() + multiplycation;
//Adding zero at the end of the multiplication
for (int k = s2.Length - 1 - i; k > 0; k--)
multiplycation += "0";
for (int i = 1; i < resultList.Count; i++)
resultList[0] = Add(resultList[0],resultList[i]);
//Finally assigning if negative negative sign in front of the number
result = resultList[0].Insert(0,"-");
result = resultList[0];
return result;
string Divide(string dividend, string divisor)
string result = string.Empty;
int remainder = 0;
int intNumberstoGet = divisor.Length;
int currentInt = 0;
int dividing = int.Parse(dividend.Substring(currentInt,intNumberstoGet));
int intDivisor = int.Parse(divisor);
while(currentInt < dividend.Length)
if(dividing == 0)
result += "0";
while(dividing < intDivisor)
dividing = int.Parse(dividend.Substring(currentInt,intNumberstoGet));
if (dividing > 0)
remainder = dividing % intDivisor;
result += ((dividing - remainder) / intDivisor).ToString();
intNumberstoGet = 1;
if(currentInt < dividend.Length - 2)
currentInt += 2;
if(currentInt != dividend.Length)
dividing = int.Parse(dividend.Substring(currentInt,intNumberstoGet));
remainder *= 10;
dividing += remainder;
return result;
Here you go. Another example. It's 10 to 30 times faster than the accepted answer.
static string AddNumStr(string v1, string v2)
var v1Len = v1.Length;
var v2Len = v2.Length;
var count = Math.Max(v1Len, v2Len);
var answ = new char[count + 1];
while (count >= 0) answ[count--] = (char)((v1Len > 0 ? v1[--v1Len] & 0xF:0) + (v2Len>0 ? v2[--v2Len]&0xF : 0));
for (var i = answ.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (answ[i] > 9)
answ[i - 1]++;
answ[i] -= (char)10;
answ[i] = (char)(answ[i] | 48);
return new string(answ).TrimStart('0');
Below SO question has some interesting approaches. Though the answer is in Java, but you will surely get to know what needs to be done.
How to handle very large numbers in Java without using java.math.BigInteger
public static int[] addTwoNumbers(string s1, string s2)
char[] num1 = s1.ToCharArray();
char[] num2 = s2.ToCharArray();
int sum = 0;
int carry = 0;
int size = (s1.Length > s2.Length) ? s1.Length + 1 : s2.Length + 1;
int[] result = new int[size];
int index = size - 1;
int num1index = num1.Length - 1;
int num2index = num2.Length - 1;
while (true)
if (num1index >= 0 && num2index >= 0)
sum = (num1[num1index]-'0') + (num2[num2index]-'0') + carry;
else if(num1index< 0 && num2index >= 0)
sum = (num2[num2index]-'0') + carry;
else if (num1index >= 0 && num2index < 0)
sum = (num1[num1index]-'0') + carry;
else { break; }
carry = sum /10;
result[index] = sum % 10;
result[index] = carry;
return result;