I want to slice a 3D model relative to an infinite plane(In WPF). I'm checking if edges intersect with the infinite plane. If true, I'll create a new point at the intersection position, so I'm getting a couple of points that I want to generate a cap on so that the model is closed after slicing. For example, if this is the cross section, the result would be as follows:
Note: The triangulation ain't important. I just need triangles.
I also need to detect the holes as follows(holes are marked in red):
If it is impossible to do it the way I think(It seems to be so), the how should I do it? How do developers cap an object after being sliced?
There is also too much confusion. For example, The first picture's result may be:
What am I missing??
After some research, I knew one thing that I am missing:
The input is now robust, and I need the exact same output. How do I accomplish that??
In the past, I have done this kind of thing using a BSP.
Sorry to be so vague, but its not a a trivial problem!
Basically you convert your triangle mesh into the BSP representation, add your clipping plane to the BSP, and then convert it back into triangles.
As code11 said already you have too few data to solve this, the points are not enough.
Instead of clipping edges to produce new points you should clip entire triangles, which would give you new edges. This way, instead of a bunch of points you'd have a bunch of connected edges.
In your example with holes, with this single modification you'd get a 3 polygons - which is almost what you need. Then you will need to compute only the correct triangulation.
Look for CSG term or Constructive Solid Geometry.
If the generic CSG is too slow for you and you have clipped edges already then I'd suggest to try an 'Ear Clipping' algorithm.
Here's some description with support for holes:
You may try also a 'Sweep Line' approach:
And similar question on SO, with many ideas:
Polygon Triangulation with Holes
I hope it helps.
Building off of what zwcloud said, your point representation is ambiguous. You simply don't have enough points to determine where any concavities/notches actually are.
However, if you can solve that by obtaining additional points (you need midpoints of segments I think), you just need to throw the points into a shrinkwrap algorithm. Then at least you will have a cap.
The holes are a bit more tricky. Perhaps you can get away with just looking at the excluded points from the output of the shrinkwrap calculation and trying to find additional shapes in that, heuristically favoring points located near the centroid of your newly created polygon.
Additional thought: If you can limit yourself to convex polygons with only one similarly convex hole, the problem will be much easier to solve.
Apologies for the lack of example code, I'm currently in the brainstorming phase of the problem and having trouble finding a proper solution.
As I have stated in my title, I want to find out what the intersection area of two polygon are.
To be more specific, I have two ARPlane's that may overlap each other on the x-z plane but be on different y-levels (imagine stairs with an overhang). I can get the area boundaries of these ARPlanes easily. My first idea to simplify the process is to remove the y-component so as to have them on the same plane and turn this into a 2D problem.
From here onward, I'm unsure of how to proceed. I could not find any methods that calculated the intersection areas of two polygons. I have a few solutions that look promising if I can get the planes aligned neatly (such that the +x direction points from the center of one of the planes to the other), but I cannot move them in any way so I must modify what the local "forward" for a plane is. Even then, I don't think the ARPlane has a direction vector in the first place as they are not GameObjects, so I am unsure if this is a viable option as a path to follow. ARPlane class for quick reference.
One other way is to turn the planes so that they're in alignment with world x axis. This looks promising over the other methods but as I previously stated, I cannot turn the actual ARPlanes. I must make a copy of them and turn the copies while keeping their relative rotations and positions the same.
So far these have been the methods I could come up with but could not develop fully due to unity restrictions. My question, then, is whether there is a way to get around the issues of these problems; failing that, whether there is an alternative solution to the issue that can be recommended.
Below is an example use case of the tool. As can be seen, some stair threads have an overhang that covers a portion of the previous thread's surface (second and third figure). Each stair thread will be scanned and then processed to find their usable surface. The area covered by the overhang is not a usable surface. This usable area is defined by the placements of a staircase thread (A), and the very next thread right above it (B); so then the usable area will be surface_area_of_A - xz_crossSection_of_AB
I am stuck at this point. I am trying to find where two lines in graph intersects. I have 10 points for each spline, but they intersects between this points.
I am using c# graph. (System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart chart2;)
Do you have an idea how to solve this?
Here is this situation. Points are measured manually so there is minimum posibility that it will intersetcs on this given points.
Refine the splines to the degree of precision you need and then intersect (straight) line pairs, as Matthew suggested. This can be done quite efficient if you chose the right data structure to store the line segments, so that it supports fast range queries (kd-tree perhaps?).
Doing it analytically is going to be really hard, I guess.
I found the solution, I used least squares theory and polynomial function to represent equation of curve and after that solve the equation. If anybody needs solution just write me.
My problem is following. I need precisely measure diameter of circles in bitmap.
I have Bitmap with several circles. Some of them are concentric. I need values of their diameters.
I tried OpenCV and EmguCV and their method HoughCircles. But this method find circles on the places where is are no circles (I tried a lot of combinations of input parameters). Ad if it finds them there is no case, when it found exatly same circle as in the bitmap. Their centers and diameters are different then circles on the original picture. So this method is only for some kind of game. Not for my purpose(precise measuring for industry).
Do you know some way or algorithm how to do it? (I prefer C#, but if it will be in pseudocode or different langueage, I will rewrite it)
Thanks in advance.
If you could detect circles, you may benefits from this opencv function findContours() in order to get all circles as contours, then you will be able easily to calculate their areas
Then, use this formula Area = pi*r^2 to calculate r.
diameter = 2*r
You are asking for an answer to a very hard problem. The hough algorithm is not a toy solution, but it is not appropriate for all machine visions circle detection situations. Human eyes are very good at such thing (if a bit imprecise). You basically need to know a lot more about your data to approach a robust solution.
Take a look at this dicussion about Hough Circle detection as well as this paper Hough Circle Transform for a deeper understanding of the limitations
You might also want to review this paper on the ant system for ideas on a different approach.
You also might want to read up on Morpological thinning as a possible pre-preprocessing step before Houghton
Best of luck
I have a Big Rectangle (axis-oriented) containing a lot of Small Rectangles (with the same orientation of the parent and with a fixed size of 82x176 pixels).
Now I have a Small Rectangle which is outside and I have to put it inside the Big Rectangle such that it is: - Randomly placed; - Not overlapping other Small Rectangles unless necessary due to lack of space (and, in this case, with the minimum overlap).
The algorithm, which will be used multiple times during my code execution, also needs to include a good distibution so that Small Rectangles will be nicely dispersed around the center of the Big Rectangle and not all clumped into one corner.
Googling, I found several algorithms concerning rectangles packing, largest empty rectangle, random distributions... but nothing really addresses my requirements nor shows a good code implementation.
Does anyone have any good ideas (code or pseudo-code is better, if possible, as normally my brain crashes when I see maths formulas)?
Your question is far too vague and far too difficult for anyone to post a solution; this isn't a solution. Rather, it is a lesson in how to attack this sort of problem. Start by reading this:
And maybe pick up a copy of the book while you're at it.
As Polya wisely says
If you can't solve a problem, then there is an easier problem you can solve: find it.
Here is a far easier version of your problem:
I have a straight line. On this line I have a collection of line segments. The start and end points of each line segment in the collection are both between 0 and some parameter n, inclusive. Some of the line segments might overlap each other.
Given the length of a new line segment, less than n, randomly place the new line segment such that its start and end points are both between 0 and n, and it does not "overlap" any line segment in the collection. If doing so is not possible then compute the start and end coordinates of the new line segment that minimize the amount it overlaps.
Can you write me a solution to that problem in C#? Believe me, if you can't solve the easier problem, then you'll never solve the rectangle version.
If you can't solve that problem then again make it easier until you can solve it. What if n is never bigger than 200? What if the collection of existing segments only has zero, one or two elements? What if the length of the new segment is always three? What if you get rid of the requirement of randomness? What if you get rid of the minimization problem? And so on. Keep on making the problem simpler until you can solve it. Once you have a solution to the simpler problem, try to adapt it into a solution to the larger problem. By practicing solving simpler problems you'll gain insight into solving the harder problem.
Depending on what you need it for, something may already exist. For example, if you are developing a web app, then look at jQuery Masonry: http://masonry.desandro.com/demos/basic-multi-column.html.
If that code serves your needs, but you're not doing a web app, then maybe you can inspect the source code to get what you need.
Hope this helps.
I have a List of 2D points. What's an efficient way of iterating through the points in order to determine whether the list of points are in a straight line, or curved (and to what degree). I'd like to avoid simply getting slopes between smaller subsets. How would I go about doing this?
Thanks for any help
Edit: Thanks for the response. To clarify, I don't need it to be numerically accurate, but I'd like to determine if the user has created a curved shape with their mouse and, if so, how sharp the curve is. The values are not too important, as long as it's possible to determine the difference between a sharp curve and a slightly softer one.
If you simply want to know if all your points fit more or less on a curve of degree d, simply apply Lagrange interpolation on the endpoints and d-2 equally spaced points from inside your array. This will give you a polynomial of degree d.
Once you have your curve, simply iterate over the array and see how far away from the curve each point is. If they're farther than a threshold, your data doesn't fit your degree d polynomial.
Edit: I should mention that iterating through values of d is a finite process. Once d reaches the number of points you have, you'll get a perfect fit because of how Lagrange interpolation works.
To test if it's a straight line, compute the correlation coefficient. I'm sure that's covered on wikipedia.
To test if it's curved is more involved. You need to know what kind of curves you expect, and fit against those.
Here is a method to calculate angle: Calculate Angle between 2 points using C#
Simply calculate angle between each and every point in your list and create list of angles, then compare if angles list values are different. If they are not different then it means it's straight line, otherwise it's curve...
If it's a straight line then angle between all points has to be a same.
The question is really hazy here: "I'd like to avoid simply getting slopes between smaller substes"
You probably want interpolation a-la B-splines. They use two points and two extra control points if memory serves me. Implementations are ubiquitous since way back (at least 1980's). This should get you underway
Remember that you'll probably need to add control points to make the curve meet the endpoints. One trick to make sure those are reached is to simply duplicate the endpoints as extra controlpoints.
Update Added link to codeproject
it would appear that what I remember from back in the 80's could have been Bezier curves - a predecessor of sorts.