Is it possible to create a class under test with FakeItEasy, where all dependencies that are declared in the constructor are initialized automatically with fakes?
Imagine the class:
public class Inserting
public Inserting(
ITransactionService transactionService,
ISharedData sharedData)
TransactionService = transactionService;
SharedData = sharedData;
public ITransactionService TransactionService { get; }
public ISharedData SharedData { get; }
public void Enter()
Then I am creating all fake-objects in the test setup and construct my class under test with those fakes:
public class InsertingTest
private Inserting _inserting;
private ISharedData _fakeSharedData;
private ITransactionService _fakeTransactionService;
public void SetUp()
_fakeTransactionService = A.Fake<ITransactionService>();
_fakeSharedData = A.Fake<ISharedData>();
_inserting = new Inserting(_fakeTransactionService, _fakeSharedData);
public void TestEnter()
// Arrange
// Act
// Assert
A.CallTo(() => _fakeTransactionService.StartTransaction().MustHaveHappened();
But I saw in the Java-world, that when using Mockito and Dagger 2, you can do something like this:
public class PhoneDialer {
private Activity activity;
private PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener;
public PhoneDialer(Activity activity, PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener) {
this.activity = activity;
this.phoneCallListener = phoneCallListener;
public class PhoneDialerTest {
public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener;
Activity activity;
PhoneDialer dialer;
public void test_dialer() throws Exception {
// Arrange
// Act
// Assert
Mockito.verify(phoneCallListener, times(1)).startCall();
and the mocked classes are initialized automatically with fakes. Is there an equivalent procedure or function in C# with FakeItEasy?
I think you want something like
Automatically inject fakes in test fixture with FakeItEasy. You use [Fake] to mark fakes to inject and [UnderTest] to mark the production type to test.
We really should put this into the documentation.
AutoFixture has an AutoFixture.AutoFakeItEasy module,
there's Autofac FakeItEasy integration, and also
Ninject FakeItEasy integration
I saw 'Automatically inject fakes in text fixture with FakeItEasy' and my initial reaction was surprise that it differed from my preconception, mainly because it needs 'intrusive' changes that attribute the test code... but perhaps that is an overreaction.
The FakeAttribute and UnderTestAttribute do force what is potentially a good structural constraint on your test (and system) design...
[FWLIW, before googling this, I had imagined the following:
You can do something like this with Autofac's registration sources.
using Autofac;
using Autofac.Core;
using Autofac.Core.Activators.Delegate;
using Autofac.Core.Lifetime;
using Autofac.Core.Registration;
using FakeItEasy;
using Xunit;
public interface IDependOnSomething { }
public class IImplementThat : IDependOnSomething { }
public class CanIResolveIt
public CanIResolveIt(IDependOnSomething it)
public class FakeRegistrationSourceTest
public void BasicTest()
var container = new ContainerBuilder();
container.RegisterSource(new FakeRegistrationSource<CanIResolveIt>());
var c = container.Build();
var theFake = c.Resolve<CanIResolveIt>();
public class FakeRegistrationSource<T> : IRegistrationSource
where T : class
public bool IsAdapterForIndividualComponents => false;
public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
var swt = service as IServiceWithType;
if (swt == null || !typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(swt.ServiceType)) // TODO: is this the right way around?
return Enumerable.Empty<IComponentRegistration>();
var registration = new ComponentRegistration(
new DelegateActivator(swt.ServiceType, (context, #params) =>
List<object> v = new List<object>();
foreach (ParameterInfo p in typeof(T).GetConstructors().Single().GetParameters())
return A.Fake<T>(that => that.CallsBaseMethods().WithArgumentsForConstructor(v));
new CurrentScopeLifetime(),
new[] { service },
new Dictionary<string, object>());
return new IComponentRegistration[] { registration };
Main advantage of this approach is that it knows how to instantiate fake objects subclassing classes with constructor parameters, and inheriting their default behavior, when they have a single constructor (choosing intelligently from multiple constructors would be an obvious challenge that I'm not going to tackle...)
An obvious drawback is explicit registration every time you want something faked. AutoFake and so on offer ways to overcome that with faking of just about everything by default, which might well be what you want... and you can override it if not.]
I'm new to C# and trying to write an integration test for a service. The service uses 2 providers as example below, and I don't know how to include them in my test. I'm using xUnit.
// Service
namespace App.Services
public interface IProvider
{ }
public class FirstProvider : IProvider
{ }
public class SecondProvider : IProvider
{ }
public class AppManager
private readonly IEnumerable<IProvider> _providers;
public AppManager(
IEnumerable<IProvider> providers)
_providers = providers;
public asyn Task ListItems()
foreach (var singleProvider in _providers) // When running test, I got ERROR here: _providers is null)
// do something
// Test
public class AppManagerTest
private readonly IEnumerable<IProvider> _providers;
public async ListItems()
// Arrange
var sut = new AppManager(_providers);
// Act
// Assert
When running test, I got an error as pointed above in my service code. The error is System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Debugging the test shows that _providers is null.
So as I understood, my test does not get any of the providers. What should I do here?
I want to give a caller of my class ability to choose provider by name, instead of passing the provider concrete class as standard DI recommends. It will allow to hide actual implementation details from client, still giving control which provider to use. We've done it by implementing factory
public ICurrencyProvider GetCurrencyServiceProvider(string providerName)
switch (providerName)
case "CurrencyLayerAPI":
{ currencyService = new CurrencyLayerWrapper(); }
case "XE":
{ currencyProvider = new XEWrapper(); }
return _currencyProvider;
and constuctor expects providerName as a parameter.
However for unit tests I wish to use Substitute, not concrete class of provider.
I ended up with 2 parameters, responsible for the same choice- name for production code and interface for calls from tests.
public CurrencyProcessor(string providerName, ICurrencyProvider substituteCurrencyProvider =null)
if(!providerName .IsNullOrEmpty())
_currencyProvider = GetCurrencyServiceProvider(providerName);
{ _currencyProvider =substituteCurrencyProvider;
Slightly alternative implementation is to read providerName from configuration instead of passing it as a parameter.
public CurrencyProcessor(IConfigurationProvider configurationProvider, ICurrencyProvider substituteCurrencyProvider =null)
_providerName = _configurationProvider.GetAppSetting("CurrencyProviderToUse");
if(!providerName .IsNullOrEmpty())
_currencyProvider = GetCurrencyServiceProvider(providerName);
{ _currencyProvider =substituteCurrencyProvider;
I wander, is any better way exist to have single parameter to control creation of internal object, but avoiding giving responsibility to create object to a client.
Related discussions
How to use Dependency Injection without breaking encapsulation?
Preferable way of making code testable: Dependency injection vs encapsulation
since in your constructor your are statically creating your provider, just inject the provider.
create a factory as you describe....
public class CurrencyFactory
public static ICurrencyProvider GetCurrencyServiceProvider(string providerName)
return null;
then use standard dependency injection :-
public class CurrencyProcessor
private ICurrencyProvider _currencyProvider;
public CurrencyProcessor(ICurrencyProvider currencyProvider)
_currencyProvider = currencyProvider;
and then use like so
var p = new CurrencyProcessor(CurrencyFactory.GetCurrencyServiceProvider("bitcoin"));
then in your test mock it
var mock = new Mock<ICurrencyProvider>(). // mock stuff
Not sure if I understand it correct.
For me it sounds like you want to have 2 different Factories.
First create a Interface:
public interface ICurrencyProviderFactory
ICurrencyProvider Create()
Then create a Configuration Factory:
public class ConfigurationCurrencyProviderFactory : ICurrencyProviderFactory
public ConfigurationCurrencyProviderFactory(IConfigurationProvider configuration)
public ICurrencyProvider Create()
And then a UnitTest Factory:
public class UnitTestCurrencyProviderFactory : ICurrencyProviderFactory
public UnitTestCurrencyProviderFactory()
public ICurrencyProvider Create()
Your currency processor should look like this:
public CurrencyProcessor(ICurrencyProviderFactory factory)
_currencyProvider = factory.Create();
In your ServiceCollection or whereever you resolve your dependencies you should include the correct factory.
So for Production, you add the ConfigurationCurrencyProviderFactory, for UnitTest the UnitTestCurrencyProviderFactory. Your actual code then should depend on ICurrencyProviderFactory.
What you actually need to apply along with your factory is the Strategy Pattern
interface ICurrencyProvider {
public interface ICurrencyProviderStrategy {
string Name { get; }
ICurrencyProvider Create();
public interface ICurrencyProviderFactory {
ICurrencyProvider GetCurrencyServiceProvider(string providerName);
An implementation of the factory would depend on a collection of strategies to call upon to create the desired types.
public class CurrencyProviderFactory : ICurrencyProviderFactory {
private readonly IEnumerable<ICurrencyProviderStrategy> strategies;
public CurrencyProviderFactory(IEnumerable<ICurrencyProviderStrategy> strategies) {
this.strategies = strategies;
public ICurrencyProvider GetCurrencyServiceProvider(string providerName) {
var provider = strategies.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == providerName);
if (provider != null)
return provider.Create();
return null;
This would allow greater flexibility as any number of strategies can be injected.
Here is an example of a CurrencyLayerWrapper Strategy
public class CurrencyLayerWrapperProvider : ICurrencyProviderStrategy {
public string Name { get { return "CurrencyLayerAPI"; } }
public ICurrencyProvider Create() {
return new CurrencyLayerWrapper();
I'm trying to use autofac for dependency injection in my console app. I'm running into issues where autofac can't find constructors for certain interfaces/classes.
Here is my latest example:
public interface IRepository<Planetary>
IEnumerable<Planetary> Get();
public interface IPlanetaryRepository : IRepository<Planetary>
IQueryable<Planetary> GetPlanetary(SystemProbe user);
public interface IPlanetaryService
Task<Planetary> Clone(Planetary source);
public sealed class PlanetaryService : IPlanetaryService
private IPlanetaryRepository Repo { get; }
public PlanetaryService(IPlanetaryRepository repo)
Repo = repo;
public class Scheduler
private static IContainer Container { get; set; }
static void Main()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Container = builder.Build();
public static void GenerateSchedules()
using (var scope = Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var repo = scope.Resolve<PlanetaryService>(); <-- line where exception is thrown
No constructors on type 'IPlanetaryRepository' can be found with the
constructor finder
If I take out IPlanetaryRepository, I get this exception:
Cannot resolve parameter IPlanetaryRepository repo of constructor...
So I'm not really sure what to do. 'PlanetaryService' needs 'IPlanetaryRepository' as a parameter, but IPlanetaryRepository doesn't have a constructor.
Is there a way to rectify this?
You don'y have any classes that implement IPlanetaryRepository so it can't find the constructor.
I have a custom membership provider which connects to a user repository like this:
public class MyMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider {
public IUserRepository UserRepository { get; set; }
//Required membership methods
I am using ninject for my DI. Now I would like to test the provider, and have a mock user repository injected to allow me to do this. So something like:
IList<User> users = new List<User> {
new User { Email="",
var mock = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
mock.Setup(mr => mr.FindByUsername(
It.IsAny<string>())).Returns((string s) => users.Where(
x => x.UserName.Equals(s,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Single());
And here is where I am not certain how to proceed, how do I get my mocked repository injected into my provider so that when a unit test that makes calls to the provider uses this mock repository?
Am I asking the right questions here?
EDIT - My final solution
For what it is worth I moved away from using mock to using an InMemory repository to maintain state so the provider would properly test certain functions. Right now I am only using this to test things like my provider. I ended up with:
generic InMemoryRepository:
class InMemoryRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class {
private int _incrementer = 0;
public Dictionary<int, TEntity> List = new Dictionary<int, TEntity>();
public string IDPropertyName {get; set;}
public void Create(TEntity entity) {
entity.GetType().GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == IDPropertyName).SetValue(entity, _incrementer, null);
public TEntity GetById(int id) {
return List[id];
public void Delete(TEntity entity) {
var key = (int)entity.GetType().GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == IDPropertyName).GetValue(entity, null);
public void Update(TEntity entity) {
var key = (int)entity.GetType().GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == IDPropertyName).GetValue(entity, null);
List[key] = entity;
Then my actual user repository - I do not have generic ID fields which is why I am using the IDPropertyName variable:
class InMemoryUserRepository : InMemoryRepository<User>, IUserRepository {
public InMemoryUserRepository() {
this.IDPropertyName = "UserID";
public IQueryable<User> Users {
get { return List.Select(x => x.Value).AsQueryable(); }
public User FindByUsername(string username) {
int key = List.SingleOrDefault(x=>x.Value.UserName.Equals(username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Key;
return List[key];
My membership test base class:
public class MyMembershipProviderTestsBaseClass : IntegrationTestsBase {
protected MyMembershipProvider _provider;
protected NameValueCollection _config;
protected MembershipCreateStatus _status = new MembershipCreateStatus();
public override void Initialize() {
// setup the membership provider
_provider = new MyMembershipProvider();
MembershipSection section = (MembershipSection) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/membership");
NameValueCollection collection = section.Providers["MyMembershipProvider"].Parameters;
_provider.Initialize(null, collection);
_status = new MembershipCreateStatus();
public override void TestCleanup() {
Then my test:
public void Membership_CreateUser() {
_provider.UserRepository = new InMemoryUserRepository();
_provider.CreateUser(_email, out _status);
Assert.AreEqual(MembershipCreateStatus.Success, _status);
This answer provided inspiration:
Since you've exposed your repository as a property, just create an instance of your provider in your test class and set that property to your mock like so:
public void Test()
MyMembershipProvider provider = new MyMembershipProvder();
provider.UserRepository = mock.Object;
// Do test stuff here
// Verify mock conditions
Presumably your repository implementation is using the UserRepository property so when you test it, this code will use the mocked dependency.
You can setup a test module for Ninject and create the Ninject Kernel using the test module within the unit test project.
This is what an inversion of control container is for. You have one set of bindings configured for running as a website, another set for running in test, another set for running using a different backend (or whatever).
I do this so that the production and test code get initialized in the same fashion (via Ninject) and all that changes is the configuration of Ninject.
Or do what #chris house suggested. That will work too.
I'm working on a design that will allow me to mock out my database so I can test my views. I don't want to read a full book on IOC because I don't have the time right now. So, this is my home cooking.
public ActionResult Milestone()
var result = SJMServiceFactory.GetService("Milestone");
return View(result);
public static class SJMServiceFactory
public static DatabaseCollection_Result<T> GetService(string serviceName)
case("Milestone"): return MileStoneService.GetMilestone();
case ("MilestoneMock"): return MileStoneService.GetMilestone(true);
default : return default(T);
public class MileStoneService
public MileStoneService()
public static DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone> GetMilestone(bool Mock)
if (Mock)
DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone> mileStones = new DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone>();
Milestone milestone1 = new Milestone();
milestone1.Name = "New";
Milestone milestone2 = new Milestone();
milestone2.Name = "Assessment";
return mileStones;
return null;
I figure I need to return an interface from my factory instead of that Generic type I tried and failed at doing. I don't know how to create an interface that works for all my models, is that the wrong direction?
Without reading a whole book (does one exist? IoC is a pretty small topic in the scheme of things):
private readonly IMilestoneService milestoneSerivce;
public MilestoneController(IMilestoneService milestoneService)
this.milestoneService = milestoneService;
public ActionResult Milestone()
var result = milestoneService.GetMilestones();
return View(result);
public interface IMilestoneService
DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone> GetMilestones();
public class MilestoneService : IMilestoneService
public DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone> GetMilestones()
return null;
public class MockMilestoneService : IMilestoneService
public DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone> GetMilestones()
DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone> mileStones = new DatabaseCollection_Result<Milestone>();
Milestone milestone1 = new Milestone();
milestone1.Name = "New";
Milestone milestone2 = new Milestone();
milestone2.Name = "Assessment";
return mileStones;
ObjectFactory.Configure(x => {
// uncomment for test
This uses StructureMap, but I imagine the Ninject way to wiring up the dependencies is similar. Having never used Ninject I don't know for sure, but it looks like it might be something like:
In general though I wouldn't go about creating a whole new class to test your Views, I would use a mocking framework such as Moq to create mock objects and pass them to the View and then use Assertions about the ViewResult to determine if it worked correctly.
If you're doing interactive testing though and want to be detached from the database, this might be an ok approach.
Don't fear the learning curve. IoC is a reasonably simple concept.
Ninject was the first container I picked up, and it went smoothly. The only point I really struggled with for any amount of time was how to organize all the bindings, but even that was only an issue in large applications.
YMMV, but I'd say just diving in with Ninject or similar is better investment of time than DIY.
IoC with Ninject only takes code in a few places.
1: Bind you interfaces to implementations:
public class ServiceModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load() {
2: Use constructor arguments to pass dependencies into a class:
public class BillPayingService
private readonly IBillingGateway _billingGateway;
public BillPayingService(
IBillingGateway billingGateway
_billingGateway = billingGateway;
public void PayBills()
// ....
3: Initialize your container on application startup:
public static class Ioc
public static void Initialize()
var modules = new INinjectModule[] {
new ServicesModule(),
new DataModule()
new VideoProcessing.NinjectModule()
IKernel kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(modules);