Join 2 table using lambda and updating model - c#

var list = oSIM.Issues.Join(db.IssueTracker_Read,
c => c.IssueId,
o => o.issueid,
(c, o) => new
{ = o.issueid==null?false:true;
This is some pseudo code that doesn't work but should convey my requirement.
Entity of Issues is of type Issue which has many fields. I want to update Issue.Read to true if there is a linked record in IssueTracker_Read record.
The returned collection should be list but with list[x].read to be updated based on a linked record.

You can try something like this:
var list = oSIM.Issues.GroupJoin(db.IssueTracker_Read,
c => c.IssueId,
o => o.issueid,
(c, o) => new
Issue = c,
IssueRead = o.DefaultIfEmpty()
}).Select(groupJoinInfo=> new {
Read = groupJoinInfo.IssueRead != null && groupJoinInfo.IssueRead.Any()
And then you can iterate through the returned collection and update the Issues with the new Read property from the anonymous object.
GroupJoin performs an left join between the tables.
Added missing new, thanks user2520306.
Edit 2
Added a new condition for the Read property, this should return correctly.


AutoMapper with Join Query not working in C#

I've just started using AutoMapper to map Database with Model. I've two tables and I've applied join between them. Also, I have created class which combines both the classes. Now I want to Auto Map this join result to variable.
var demo = db.bookings.Join(db.users, u => u.userId, j => j.userId, (u, j) => new { booking = u, user = j }).ToList();
var Lists = demo.Select(i=> Mapper.Map<UserBookingModel>(demo)).ToList();
return View(Lists);
I am getting 2 rows in Lists variable which is same as demo Variable but when I check inside the List variable I am getting null value as per you can see in below image:
but if you see the demo variable, it shows the record
assuming that "UserBookingModel" is really your destination class and not your source class,
you had a mistake sending the whole "demo" object to the mapper instead of each row
var demo = db.bookings.Join(db.users, u => u.userId, j => j.userId, (u, j) => new {
booking = u, user = j }).ToList();
var Lists = demo.Select(i=> Mapper.Map<UserBookingModel>(i)).ToList();
return View(Lists);

LINQ List overwrites previous value instead of setting new one

I have a LINQ query which outputs ToList it works fine other than the fact each time it's run it updates the original record instead of creating a new one.
On every run through this code the data.EventID changes so I'd like every record to appear in the list.
The code:
foreach(var data in vehicleqry)
bool inUK = boundryChecker.IsLongLatInUK((double)data.declatfloat, (double)data.declongfloat);
if (inUK == true)
var qryevent = (from e in
where e.eventID == data.EventID
select new
I also have a list with the eventIDs in if I can use this to query the list?
I think what you actually want is to only run a single query instead of looping around. You can do this by making use of the Contains method:
var vehicleqry = ...;
// Get all of the individual event IDs for entries that are "inUK"
var vehicleEventIds = vehicleqry
.Where(ve => boundryChecker
.IsLongLatInUK((double)ve.declatfloat, (double)ve.declongfloat)
.Select(ve => ve.EventID);
// Get all the matching events
var qryevent = (from e in
where vehicleEventIds.Contains(e.eventID)
select new

How to Link two IDs from different classes in MVC5 to display certain information

I am trying to link up the RestaurantId in the RestaurantReservationEventsTbl with the RestaurantID in the RestaurantTbl to display reservations that are only made for the currently logged in restaurant.
I am receiving the following error in my code operator == cannot be applied to operands of type int and iqueryable int
Here is what I am doing in my home controller
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = from r in db.Restaurants select r.RestaurantID;
//var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents.ToList();
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents.Where(x => x.RestaurantID == RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl).ToList();
//return View(restaurants.Where(x => x.RestaurantEmailAddress == UserEmail).ToList());
//create partial view called _RestaurantReservation
return PartialView("_RestaurantReservations", listOfRestaurantsReservations);
You have to change your code to materialize the restaurantIds like this:
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = (from r in db.Restaurants
select r.RestaurantID).ToList();
Then you may change the code as below for the comparison to work:
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents.Where(x => RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl.Contains(x.RestaurantID)).ToList();
Anyway this is not the best solution. I will write another example for you, just try this example if it is working or not and let me know for the result.
I would considering changing the code as below to be much more efficient:
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = (from r in db.Restaurants
join e in db.RestaurantReservationEvents
on r.RestaurantID equals e.RestaurantID
//where r.RestaurantID == something //if where condition needed
select e).ToList();
If your tables are not connected with foreignkeys please consider to read this documentation here to make a better structure of the tables since they are related to each-other.
If your tables are related as in documentation article you might have something like that:
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = db.Restaurants.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RestaurantID == something);
if(RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl != null)
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl.RestaurantReservationEvents.ToList();
// This will give you a list of IDs
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = db.Restaurants
.Select(p => p.RestaurantID)
// Using .Any() is a better choice instead of .Contains()
// .Contains is used to check if a list contains an item while .Any will look for an item in a list with a specific ID
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents
.Where(p => RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl.Any(r => r.pRestaurantID == p))

The LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts

Here's my code:
var myStrings = (from x in db1.MyStrings.Where(x => homeStrings.Contains(x.Content))
join y in db2.MyStaticStringTranslations on x.Id equals
select new MyStringModel()
Id = x.Id,
Original = x.Content,
Translation = y.translation
And I get the error that the specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts. I know that the problem is that I try to access tables from both db1 and db2, but how do I fix this?
MyStrings is a small table
Load filtered MyStrings in memory, then join with MyStaticStringTranslations using LINQ:
// Read the small table into memory, and make a dictionary from it.
// The last step will use this dictionary for joining.
var byId = db1.MyStrings
.Where(x => homeStrings.Contains(x.Content))
.ToDictionary(s => s.Id);
// Extract the keys. We will need them to filter the big table
var ids = byId.Keys.ToList();
// Bring in only the relevant records
var myStrings = db2.MyStaticStringTranslations
.Where(y => ids.Contains(
.AsEnumerable() // Make sure the joining is done in memory
.Select(y => new {
Id =
// Use to look up the content from the dictionary
, Original = byId[].Content
, Translation = y.translation
You are right that db1 and db2 can't be used in the same Linq expression. x and y have to be joined in this process and not by a Linq provider. Try this:
var x = db1.MyStrings.Where(xx => homeStrings.Contains(xx.Content)).ToEnumerable();
var y = db2.MyStaticStringTranslations.ToEnumerable();
var myStrings = (from a in x
join b in y on x.Id equals
select new MyStringModel()
Id = x.Id,
Original = x.Content,
Translation = y.translation
Refer to this answer for more details: The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts
dasblinkenlight's answer has a better overall approach than this. In this answer I'm trying to minimize the diff against your original code.
I also faced the same problem:
"The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts."
This is because it's not able to connect to two context at a time so i find the solution as below.
Here in this example I want to list the lottery cards with the owner name but the Table having the owner name is in another Database.So I made two context DB1Context and DB2Context.and write the code as follows:
var query = from lc in db1.LotteryCardMaster
from om in db2.OwnerMaster
where lc.IsActive == 1
select new
AB.LottryList = new List<LotteryCardMaster>();
foreach (var result in query)
AB.LottryList.Add(new LotteryCardMaster()
CashCardID = result.CashCardID,
CashCardNO = result.CashCardNO,
PersonnelName =result.PersonnelName,
Status = result.Status
but this gives me the above error so i found the other way to perform joining on two tables from diffrent database.and that way is as below.
var query = from lc in db1.LotteryCardMaster
where lc.IsActive == 1
select new
AB.LottryList = new List<LotteryCardMaster>();
foreach (var result in query)
AB.LottryList.Add(new LotteryCardMaster()
CashCardID = result.CashCardID,
CashCardNO = result.CashCardNO,
PersonnelName =db2.OwnerMaster.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.OwnerID== result.OwnerID).OwnerName,
Status = result.Status

Linq Select Clause w/ Unknown Number of Fields

I have a linq query in which I need to be able to select an variable number of fields from a datatable. I do know all of the fields that could be included, but only two will for sure be in the datatable. I also will know which fields are included in the datatable (it will just be different depending on the user's selections). Right now I set up something like this:
var query = from item in dt.AsEnumerable()
group item by item.Field<string>("ID") into g
select new
ID = g.Key, //required
Status = g.Min(i => dostuff(i,"Status")), //not required
Disc = g.Min(i => dostuff(i,"Disc")), //not required
Loc = String.Join<string>(",", from i in g select i.Field<string>("Loc")) //required
dostuff(DataRow i,string field)
return i.Field<string>(field);
return null;
So dostuff basically is just checking whether or not that field exists in the dataset, and then I would just need to ignore the non-existant fields when working with the query results, which would not be too difficult. However, it seems like there is probably a better way to do this, but I've had a tough time finding anything via Google about using a dynamic select clause.
You could do it with dynamic type (nb, I did not test so this might have typos.):
var query =dt.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(item => item.Field<string>("ID"))
.Select(g => {
dynamic t = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
if (g.Table.Columns.Any(c => c.ColumnName == "Status"))
t.Status = g.Field<string>("Status");
if (g.Table.Columns.Any(c => c.ColumnName == "Disc"))
t.Disc = g.Field<string>("Disc");
t.ID = g.Key;
t.Loc = String.Join<string>(",",g.Select(i => i.Field<string>("Loc")));
return t;
