C# - Custom encoding system to store array/lists - c#

So I've delved into serializing data using Binary Formatter, which I am impressed with. But the problem is compatibility. I want my serialized data to be portable, therefore accessible by different platforms. So XML serialization may seem like the answer, but the files produced are too large and there is no need for human-readability.
So I thought about creating my own encoding/serialization system so that I can write a long[] array and a string[]/List<string> containing Hexadecimal vales to a file.
I thought about converting all of the arrays to into byte[], but I'm not sure whether I should be concerned about character text encoding. I only intend on serializing/encoding arrays containing Hexadecimal and long values.
byte[] Bytes = HexArray.Select(s => Convert.ToByte(s, 16)).ToArray();
After converting all of the arrays to byte[], I could write them to a file, whilst noting of the byte offsets of the individual arrays so that they could be recovered.
Any ideas on a better way to do this? I really don't wanna resort to XML. Wish the BinaryFormatter was portable. This has to cross-platform so it can't be affected by endianness

You might want to take a look at Protocol Buffers (protobuf):
a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more.
A couple of popular C# libraries are:
protobuf (Google) and


Why no byte strings in .net / c#?

Is there a good reason that .NET provides string functions (like search, substring extraction, splitting, etc) only for UTF-16 and not for byte arrays? I see many cases when it would be easier and much more efficient to work with 8-bit chars instead of 16-bit.
Let's take MIME (.EML) format for example. It's basically 8-bit text file. You cannot read it properly using ANY encoding (because encoding info is contained within the file, moreover, different parts can have different encodings).
So you basically better read a MIME file as bytes, determine it's structure (ideally, using 8bit-string parsing tools), and after finding encodings for all encoding-dependent data blocks apply encoding.GetString(data) to get normal UTF-16 representation of them.
Another thing is with base64 data blocks (base64 is just an example, there are also UUE and others). Currently .NET expects you to have a base64 16-bit string but it's not effective to read data of double size and do all conversions from bytes to string just to decode this data. When dealing with megabytes of data, it becomes important.
Missing byte string manipulation functions leads to the need to write them manually but the implementation is obviously less efficient than native code implementation of string functions.
I don't say it needs to be called 8-bit chars, let's keep it bytes. Just have a set of native methods which reflect most string manipulation routines, but with byte arrays. Is this needed only by me or am I missing something important about common .NET architecture?
Let's take MIME (.EML) format for example. It's basically 8-bit text file. You cannot read it properly using ANY encoding. (because encoding info is contained within the file, moreover, different parts can have different encodings).
So, you're talking about a case where general-purpose byte-string methods aren't very useful, and you'd need to specialise.
And then for other cases, you'd need to specialise again.
And again.
I actually think byte-string methods would be more useful than your example suggests, but it remains that a lot of cases for them have specialised needs that differ from other uses in incompatible ways.
Which suggests it may not be well-suited for the base library. It's not like you can't make your own that do fit those specialised needs.
Code to deal with mixed-encoding string manipulation is unnecessarily hard and much harder to explain/get right. The way you suggest to handle mixed encoding every "string" would need to keep encoding information in it and framework would have to provide implementations of all possible combinations of encodings.
Standard solution for such problem is to provide well defined way convert all types to/from single "canonical" representation and perform most operations on that canonical type. You see that more easily in image/video processing where random incoming formats converted into one format tool knows about, processed and converted back to original/any other format.
.Net strings are almost there with "canonical" way to represent Unicode string. There are still many ways to represent same string from user point of view that is actually composed from different char elements. Even regular string comparison is huge problem (as frequently in addition to encoding there are locale differences).
there are already plenty of API dealing with byte arrays to compare/slice - both in Array/List classes and as LINQ helpers. The only real missing part is regex-like matches.
even dealing with single type of encoding for strings (UTF-16 in .Net, UTF-8 in many other systems) is hard enough - even getting "sting length" is a problem (do you need to count surrogate pairs only or include all combining characters, or just .Length is enough).
it is good idea to try to write code yourself to see where complexity come from and whether particular framework decision makes sense. Try to implement 10-15 common string functions to support several encodings - i.e. (UTF8, UTF16, and one of 8-bit encoding).

Binary serialization in c#: result size and performance

I'm trying to understand and to decide the best approach to my problem.
I've an xsd that represents the schema of the information that I agreed with a client.
Now, in my application (c#, .net3.5) I use and consume an object that has been deserialized from an xml created according to the xsd schema.
As soon as I fill the object with data, I want to pass it to another application and also store it in a db. I have two questions:
I'd like to serialize the object to pass quickly to the other application: is better binary or xml serialization?
Unfortunately in the db I have a limited sized field to store the info, so I need a sort of compression of the serialized object. Binary serialization creates smaller data then xml serialization or I need in any case to compress this data? if yes, how?
I'd like to serialize the object to pass quickly to the other application: is better binary or xml serialization?
Neither is specific enough; binary can be good or bad; xml can be good or bad. Generally speaking binary is smaller and faster to process, but changing to such will be unusable from code that expects xml.
Binary serialization creates smaller data then xml serialization or I need in any case to compress this data?
It can be smaller; or it can be larger; indeed, compression can make things smaller or larger too.
If space is your primary concern, I would suggest running it through something like protobuf-net (a binary serializer without the versioning issues common to BinaryFormatter), and then speculatively try compressing it with GZipStream. If the compressed version is smaller: store that (and a marker - perhaps a preamble - that says "I'm compressed"). If the compressed version gets bigger than the original version, store the original (again with a preamble).
Here's a recent breakdown of the performance (speed and size) of the common .NET serializers: http://theburningmonk.com/2013/09/binary-and-json-serializer-benchmarks-updated/

Protobuf-net IsPacked=true for user defined structures

Is it currently possible to use IsPacked=true for user defined structures? If not, then is it planned in the future?
I'm getting the following exception when I tried to apply that attribute to a field of the type ColorBGRA8[]: System.InvalidOperationException : Only simple data-types can use packed encoding
My scenario is as follows: I'm writing a game and have tons of blitable structures for various things such as colors, vectors, matrices, vertices, constant buffers. Their memory layout needs to be precisely defined at compile time in order to match for example the constant buffer layout from a shader (where fields generally? need to be aligned on a 16 byte boundary).
I don't mean to waste anyone's time, but I couldn't find any recent information about this particular question.
Edit after it has been answered
I am currently testing a solution which uses protobuf-net for almost everything but large arrays of user defined, but blitable structures. All my fields of arrays of custom structures have been replaced by arrays of bytes, which can be packed. After protobuf-net is finished deserializing the data, I then use memcpy via p/invoke in order to be able to work with an array of custom structures again.
The following numbers are from a test which serializes one instance containing one field of either the byte[] or ColorBGRA8[]. The raw test data is ~38MiB of data, e.g. 1000000 entries in the color array. Serialization was one in memory using MemoryStream.
Platform.Copy + Protobuf: 51ms, Size: 38,15 MiB
Protobuf: 2093ms, Size: 109,45 MiB
Platform.Copy + Protobuf: 43ms
Protobuf: 2307ms
The test shows that for huge arrays of more or less random data, a noticeable memory overhead can occur. This wouldn't have been such a big deal, if not for the (de)serialization times. I understand protobuf-net might not be designed for my extreme case, let alone optimized for it, but it is something I am not willing to accept.
I think I will stick with this hybrid approach, as protobuf-net works extremely well for everything else.
Simply "does not apply". To quote from the encoding specification:
Only repeated fields of primitive numeric types (types which use the varint, 32-bit, or 64-bit wire types) can be declared "packed".
This doesn't work with custom structures or classes. The two approaches that apply here are strings (length-prefixed) and groups (start/end tokens). The latter is often cheaper to encode, but Google prefer the former.
Protobuf is not designed to arbitrarily match some other byte layout. It is its own encoding format and is only designed to process / output protobuf data. It would be like saying "I'm writing XML, but I want it to look like {non-xml} instead".

Reading custom binary data formats in C# .NET

I'm trying to write a simple reader for AutoCAD's DWG files in .NET. I don't actually need to access all data in the file so the complexity that would otherwise be involved in writing a reader/writer for the whole file format is not an issue.
I've managed to read in the basics, such as the version, all the header data, the section locator records, but am having problems with reading the actual sections.
The problem seems to stem from the fact that the format uses a custom method of storing some data types. I'm going by the specs here:
Specifically, the types that depend on reading in of individual bits are the types I'm struggling to read. A large part of the problem seems to be that C#'s BinaryReader only lets you read in whole bytes at a time, when in fact I believe I need the ability to read in individual bits and not simply 8 bits or a multiple of at a time.
It could be that I'm misunderstanding the spec and how to interpret it, but if anyone could clarify how I might go about reading in individual bits from a stream, or even how to read in some of the variables types in the above spec that require more complex manipulation of bits than simply reading in full bytes then that'd be excellent.
I do realise there are commercial libraries out there for this, but the price is simply too high on all of them to be justifiable for the task at hand.
Any help much appreciated.
You can always use BitArray class to do bit wise manipulation. So you read bytes from file and load them into BitArray and then access individual bits.
For the price of any of those libraries you definitely cannot develop something stable yourself. How much time did you spend so far?

FileHelpers-like data import/export utility for binary data?

I use the excellent FileHelpers library when I work with text data. It allows me to very easily dump text fields from a file or in-memory string into a class that represents the data.
In working with a big endian microcontroller-based system I need to read a serial data stream. In order to save space on the very limited microcontroller platform I need to write raw binary data which contains field of various multi-byte types (essentially just dumping a struct variable out the serial port).
I like the architecture of FileHelpers. I create a class that represents the data and tag it with attributes that tell the engine how to put data into the class. I can feed the engine a string representing a single record and get an deserialized representation of the data. However, this is different from object serialization in that the raw data is not delimited in any way, it's a simple binary fixed record format.
FileHelpers is probably not suitable for reading such binary data as it cannot handle the nulls that show up and* I suspect that there might be unicode issues (the engine takes input as a string, so I have to read bytes from the serial port and translate them into a unicode string before they go to my data converter classes). As an experiment I have set it up to read the binary stream and as long as I'm careful to not send nulls it works quite well so far. It is easy to set up new converters that read the raw data and account for endian foratting issues and such. It currently fails on nulls and cannot process multiple records (it expect a CRLF between records).
What I want to know is if anyone knows of an open-source library that works similarly to FileHelpers but that is designed to handle binary data.
I'm considering deriving something from FileHelpers to handle this task, but it seems like there ought to be something already available to do this.
*It turns out that it does not complain about nulls in the input stream. I had an unrelated bug in my test program that came up where I expected a problem with the nulls. Should have investigated a little deeper first!
I haven't used filehelpers, so I can't do a direct comparison; however, if you have an object-model that represents your objects, you could try protobuf-net; it is a binary serialization engine for .NET using Google's compact "protocol buffers" wire format. Much more efficient than things like xml, but without the need to write all your own serialization code.
Note that "protocol buffers" does include some very terse markers between fields (typically one byte); this adds a little padding, but greatly improves version tolerance. For "packed" data (i.e. blocks of ints, say, from an array) this can be omitted if desired.
So: if you just want a compact output, it might be good. If you need a specific output, probably less so.
Disclosure: I'm the author, so I'm biased; but it is free.
When I am fiddling with GPS data in the SIRFstarIII binary mode, I use the Python interactive prompt with the serial module to fetch the stream from the USB/serial port and the struct module to convert the bytes as needed (per some format defined by SIRF). Using the interactive prompt is very flexible because I can read the string to a variable, process it, view the results and try again if needed. After the prototyping stage is finished, I have the data format strings that I need to put into the final program.
Your question doesn't mention anything about why you have a C# tag. I understand FileHelpers is a C# library, but I that doesn't tell me what environment you are working in. There is an implementation of Python for .NET called IronPython.
I realize this answer might mean you have to learn a new language, but having an interactive prompt is a very powerful tool for any programmer.
