I am trying to implement a async await in my web application for calling a soap service. I have dependency injection implemented which works fine when i make calls to the database.
When i try calling the webservice i get the response but once it exists the query it's a deadlock. I am not able to figure out what's going wrong. I am new to this async stuff appreciate your inputs on this.
This is the way i am calling the services in a mvc application to invoke the call
public void GetPersonData()
var persons = queryProcessor.Process(new GetPersonsWhichNeedApiCalls());
var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
// the code that you want to measure comes here
var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
private async Task SearchAPI(IEnumerable<Person> persons)
var tasks = persons.Select(async eachPerson =>
var result = await asyncQueryProcessor.ProcessAsync(new PersonSearchCall { Name = eachPerson.Name, Id = eachPerson.Id });
commandProcessor.Process(new CreatePersonSearch()
PersonSearch = result
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
namespace Sample.AsyncQueries
public class PersonSearchCall : IQuery<PersonSearch>
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public class PersonSearchCallHandler : IAsyncQueryHandler<PersonSearchCall, PersonSearch>
private readonly IQueryProcessor queryProcessor;
private readonly ICommandProcessor commandProcessor;
public PersonSearchCallHandler(ICommandProcessor commandProcessor,
IQueryProcessor queryProcessor)
this.queryProcessor = queryProcessor;
this.commandProcessor = commandProcessor;
public async Task<PersonSearch> HandleAsync(PersonSearchCall query)
var client = new PersonServiceSoapClient();
var personResponses = await client.PersonSearchAsync(inputs).ConfigureAwait(false);
//Build the person Object
return person;
This simple injector i was able to achieve this using the synchronous way but as i am calling a list of persons and each call is taking around 2sec. i am trying to leverage the use of async and await to make multiple calls from the list.
As StriplingWarrior commented, your problem is that you're blocking on async code. You need to use async all the way:
public async Task GetPersonData()
var persons= queryProcessor.Process(new GetPersonsWhichNeedApiCalls());
var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
await SearchAPI(persons);
var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
The following code enters GetIds method and never return.
public static class ANameOrchestrator
public static async Task Run([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
var entityId = new EntityId(nameof(Documents), CommonNames.DocFlowFifo);
var px = context.CreateEntityProxy<IDocuments>(entityId);
IEnumerable<int> list = await px.GetIds();//never return or throw
I tried to wrap the method call with LockAsync in which case the execution deadlocked on the call.
public static class ANameInOrchestrator
public static async Task Run([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
IEnumerable<int> list;
var entityId = new EntityId(nameof(Documents), CommonNames.DocFlowFifo);
using (var lk = await context.LockAsync(entityId)) //never goes beyond the call to LockAync
var x = context.CreateEntityProxy<IDocuments>(entityId);
list = await x.GetIds();
How to resolve the problem? What direction do I have to look?
using alternative version to call the entity operation doesn't work either
list = await context.CallEntityAsync<IEnumerable<int>>(entityId, nameof(Documents.GetIds));
I'm using Simple.OData.Client to query and update in our crm dynamics system.
But each query, insertion or update takes up to 10 seconds. It works like a charm on postman. That means that the server is not the problem.
Here is my Code:
Base Class
public abstract class CrmBaseDao<T> where T : class
protected ODataClient GetClient()
return new ODataClient(new ODataClientSettings(BuildServiceUrl())
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Settings.Default.CrmUsername, Settings.Default.CrmPassword),
IgnoreUnmappedProperties = true
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAll()
var client = GetClient();
return await client.For<T>().FindEntriesAsync();
private string BuildServiceUrl()
return Settings.Default.CrmBaseUrl + "/api/data/v8.2/";
Derived class:
public void Insert(Account entity)
var task = GetClient()
entity.accountid = task.Result.accountid;
public void Update(Account entity)
var task = GetClient()
private object ConvertToAnonymousType(Account entity)
return new
public async Task<Account> GetByHeAccountNumber(string accountNumber)
return await GetClient().For<Account>()
.Filter(x => x.he_accountnumber == accountNumber)
The call:
private void InsertIDocsToCrm()
foreach (var file in GetAllXmlFiles(Settings.Default.IDocPath))
var sapAccountEntity = GetSapAccountEntity(file);
var crmAccountEntity = AccountConverter.Convert(sapAccountEntity);
var existingAccount = crmAccountDao.GetByHeAccountNumber(crmAccountEntity.he_accountnumber);
if (existingAccount.Result != null)
crmAccountEntity.accountid = existingAccount.Result.accountid;
This whole function takes a very long time (30 sec+)
Is there any chance to speed that up?
Additionaly it does take a lot of memory?!
I suspect this might have to do with a size of schema. I will follow the issue you opened on GitHub.
UPDATE. I ran some benchmarks mocking server responses, and processing inside Simple.OData.Client took just milliseconds. I suggest you run benchmarks on a server side. You can also try assigning metadata file references to MetadataDocument property of ODataClientSettings.
I have the following code section in which SavePersonAsync method were calling 3 external methods and could anyone tell me the implementation of async/await methods were implemented correctly. Does any of the call chains in which async/await was not implemented correctly?
public PersonService(IPersonDbService personDbService,
IPersonEntityToPersonModelMapper personEntityToPersonModelMapper,
IPersonModelToPersonEntityMapper personModelToPersonEntityMapper)
_personDbService = personDbService;
_personEntityToPersonModelMapper = personEntityToPersonModelMapper;
_personModelToPersonEntityMapper = personModelToPersonEntityMapper;
public async Task<IEnumerable<PersonModel>> SavePersonAsync(IEnumerable<PersonModel> personsModel)
var personsEntity = await _personModelToPersonEntityMapper.MapPersonModelToPersonEntityAsync(personsModel);
var savedPersons = await _personDbService.SavePersonAsync(personsEntity.First()); // Currently only alow one person at a time, later it will allow to save a collection of persons
return await _personEntityToPersonModelMapper.MapPersonEntityToPersonModelyAsync(new List<PersonEntity>
public class PersonEntityToPersonModelMapper : IPersonEntityToPersonModelMapper
public async Task<IEnumerable<PersonModel>> MapPersonEntityToPersonModelyAsync(
IEnumerable<PersonEntity> personsEntity)
if (personsEntity.NullOrEmpty())
return await Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Empty<PersonModel>());
return await Task.FromResult(personsEntity.Select(personEntity => new PersonModel
FirstName = personEntity.FirstName,
LastName = personEntity.LastName
public class PersonModelToPersonEntityMapper : IPersonModelToPersonEntityMapper
public async Task<IEnumerable<PersonEntity>> MapPersonModelToPersonEntityAsync(IEnumerable<PersonModel> personsModel)
if (personsModel.NullOrEmpty())
return await Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Empty<PersonEntity>());
return await Task.FromResult(personsModel.Select(personModel => new PersonEntity
FirstName = personModel.FirstName,
LastName = personModel.LastName
From the definition of async await when you have written await the flow will start sequential, As you need the output to be used in the next statement then there is not much use of async await in your case
To breief about how it works
Suppose you have to method call which can work async in that can your code would be like:
Var a = GetMethodA();
Var b = GetMethodB();
await a;
await b;
In this case your method will work asynchronous
I am trying to write a function which uses Task and TaskCompletion.
My problem is that after login, the result is not returned. I used similar code before and it was working. I do not know what causes for this situation.
public async Task<byte[]> Sign(byte[] documentContent)
var service = new SignServiceWrapper("https://example.com?wsdl");
var loginResult = await Task.Run(() => service.Login(loginRequest));
and my SignServiceWrapper class
public class SignServiceWrapper
private static string _webServiceUrl;
private BrokerClientClient client;
public SignServiceWrapper(string webServiceUrl)
_webServiceUrl = webServiceUrl;
public Task<loginResponse> Login(loginRequest request)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<loginResponse>();
ClientGenerator.WebServiceUrl = _webServiceUrl;
client = ClientGenerator.ServiceClient;
client.loginCompleted += (sender, loginResult) =>
if (loginResult.Error != null)
return tcs.Task;
// ...
If I call my login function like that it works
var loginResult = Task.Run(() => service.Login(loginRequest));
I know that there is kind of a deadlock but I don't know how to solve this here and which object.
Here is a working .NET Fiddle.
I think your .Login method is trying to do too much. The first thing that I noticed (and can only imagine how it's implemented) is the static ClientGenerator, that has static mutable state. This which is alarming and a very specific code smell. I would love to see what the client itself looks like and how that is implemented as that would certainly help to better answer this question.
Based on what you shared thus far (and assuming that the client.loginAsync returns a Task<loginResponse>), I would say that you could do the following:
public class SignServiceWrapper
private static string _webServiceUrl;
private BrokerClientClient client;
public SignServiceWrapper(string webServiceUrl)
_webServiceUrl = webServiceUrl;
public Task<loginResponse> LoginAsync(loginRequest request)
ClientGenerator.WebServiceUrl = _webServiceUrl;
client = ClientGenerator.ServiceClient;
return client.loginAsync(request);
// ...
You could then consume this as such:
public async Task<byte[]> Sign(byte[] documentContent)
var service = new SignServiceWrapper("https://example.com?wsdl");
var loginResult = await service.LoginAsync(loginRequest);
If the client.loginAsync doesn't return what you're looking for, then you'll need to approach this doing something similar to your current approach. Or if you are locked in to the event-based async pattern, you have other considerations - like whether or not you want to support cancellation, IsBusy, progress, incremental results and if you have the ability to have the event args inherit the System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs, etc...
One final consideration, if the client.loginAsync is Task returning, even if it doesn't return the loginResponse you need to await it like so:
public async Task<loginResponse> Login(loginRequest request)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<loginResponse>();
ClientGenerator.WebServiceUrl = _webServiceUrl;
client = ClientGenerator.ServiceClient;
client.loginCompleted += (sender, loginResult) =>
if (loginResult.Error != null)
await client.loginAsync(request);
return tcs.Task;
After discussion with OP this .NET Fiddle seemed to align with his needs.
Change var loginResult = await Task.Run(() =>service.Login(loginRequest));
To var loginResult = await service.Login(loginRequest);
I have a simple Web API method that looks like this:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> RunTask(TaskType taskType)
var taskId = await TaskManager.CreateTask(taskType);
return new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
Content =
new StringContent($"Task {taskType.GetDescription()} was started.")
TaskManager.Run is decalared like this:
public async Task Run(int id)
I was expecting it to return "Task was started" message immediately after TaskManager.Run(taskId) But the request continues to run synchronously.
But if to replace the call TaskManager.Run(taskId) with:
Task.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100)));
Then it runs asynchronously.
So I believe this is something to do with the resources shared by TaskManager and main thread. Can a shared resource lock the execution?
I'm using Castle Windsor. One WindsorContainer container is declared in Web API project.
TaskManager utilizes BaseTaskRunner class inside of it. One more WindsorContainer is declared in BaseTaskRunner.
Web API's container uses LifeStyle.PerWebRequest for all components. BaseTaskRunner's container uses LifeStyle.Singleton (not sure if it's correct LifeStyle). Could the call be locked for example by DdContext or other classes declared in both of the containers?
I don't want to wait the TaskManager.Run to complete. But what happens is that return statement still waits for the TaskManager.Run to complete (even without await statement on TaskManager.Run).
In other words it does not matter how I call the TaskManager.Run:
await TaskManager.Run(taskId);
It waits for TaskManager.Run to complete in both cases.
Here is the code of TaskManager:
public class TaskManager : ITaskManager
public IRepository<BackgroundTask> TaskRepository { get; set; }
public async Task<int> CreateTask(TaskType type, byte[] data = null, object config = null)
var task = new BackgroundTask
Type = type,
Status = BackgroundTaskStatus.New,
Config = config?.SerializeToXml(),
Created = DateTime.Now,
Data = data
return task.Id;
public async Task Run(int id, bool removeOnComplete = true)
var task = TaskRepository.GetById(id);
Run(task, removeOnComplete);
public async Task Run(TaskType type, bool removeOnComplete = true)
var tasksToRun = TaskRepository.Get(t => t.Type == type);
tasksToRun.ForEachAsync(t => Run(t, removeOnComplete));
public async Task Run(BackgroundTask task, bool removeOnComplete = true)
switch (task.Type)
case TaskType.SpreadsheetImport:
new SpreadsheetImportTaskRunner().Run(task);
And some other classes:
public class SpreadsheetImportTaskRunner : BaseTaskRunner
public IForecastSpreadsheetManager SpreadsheetManager { get; set; }
protected override void Execute()
protected override void Initialize()
SpreadsheetManager = _container.Resolve<IForecastSpreadsheetManager>();
public class BaseTaskRunner
public IRepository<BackgroundTask> TaskRepository { get; set; }
protected IWindsorContainer _container = new WindsorContainer();
protected BackgroundTask Task { get; set; }
public async Task Run(BackgroundTask task)
Task = task;
catch (Exception ex)
protected virtual void Execute()
protected virtual void Initialize()
_container.Install(new TaskRunnerComponentsInstaller());
TaskRepository = _container.Resolve<IRepository<BackgroundTask>>();
I still believe this is something to do with the WindsorContainer and common classes which are resolved in several different threads.
The issue is that you're not using await on the Task being returned from the invocation of the TaskManager.Run function. Consider the below:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> RunTask(TaskType taskType)
var taskId = await TaskManager.CreateTask(taskType);
await TaskManager.Run(taskId);
return new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
Content =
new StringContent($"Task {taskType.GetDescription()} was started.")
Now it will work asynchronously as you'd expect. The await sets a continuation marker in the async state-machine, instructing it to return to this portion of the method upon completion of the asynchronous operation defined in the TaskManager.Run.
You are missing lots of await statements, and there are times where you need to not mark methods as async. It appears as though there are some mis-understandings as it pertains to these keywords. Here is what your TaskManager class should look like.
public class TaskManager : ITaskManager
public IRepository<BackgroundTask> TaskRepository { get; set; }
public async Task<int> CreateTask(TaskType type,
byte[] data = null,
object config = null)
var task = new BackgroundTask
Type = type,
Status = BackgroundTaskStatus.New,
Config = config?.SerializeToXml(),
Created = DateTime.Now,
Data = data
return task.Id;
public ask Run(int id, bool removeOnComplete = true)
var task = TaskRepository.GetById(id);
return Run(task, removeOnComplete);
public Task Run(TaskType type, bool removeOnComplete = true)
var tasksToRun = TaskRepository.Get(t => t.Type == type);
return tasksToRun.ForEachAsync(t => Run(t, removeOnComplete));
public Task Run(BackgroundTask task, bool removeOnComplete = true)
switch (task.Type)
case TaskType.SpreadsheetImport:
return new SpreadsheetImportTaskRunner().Run(task);
Ideally, if the method is marked as a return type of Task and the method doesn't need to unwind any tasks within its execution it can simply return the Task functionality for its implementation. For example, notice how dramatically my TaskManager class differs from yours -- I'm only marking methods as async that need to actually await. These two keywords should be married, if a method uses async there should be an await. But only use await if the method needs to unwind and use the asynchronous operation.