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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to store some string code in SQL like 120.002.123 or EXP.120.555. How can I split those strings to increase only the rightmost integer part? I don't want to change other parts of the string.
Ex. 120.002.124 or EXP.120.556
How can I do this in C#?
This might do the trick for you
string str = "EXP.120.556"; //120.002.123
str = String.Join(
str.Split('.').Length - 1
+ "." +
) + 1
So here in the code the first String.Join will join the other part of the string with . except of the last part which you want to increament using Take. Then Convert.ToInt32 will convert the last part of the string to a integer using LastOrDefault and then we add 1 to it and again convert it back to string using ToString
What you can do is to use String.Split method and split by . to get each individual number.
string test = "120.002.123";
string[] allparts = test.Split('.');
Then take the last entry and convert it to an integer
int lastNumber = Convert.ToInt32(allparts.Last());
Now you can do what ever you want with that integer.
With a little more research effort you could have solved it on your own.
Like this + this
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Closed 1 year ago.
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For Example I have String like this:
""dear customer{Customer name} your reference number is {referenceNumber}"
I want to get array=["{Customer name}",{referenceNumber}]"
I have to split based on curly bracket inside bracket value is changeable means it can be different for different cases I just need to split and get array of value inside brackets including brackets.
If you think about it, splitting on { and } will produce an array where every odd index is what you want..
.Split('{','}').Where((s,i)=>i%2==1).Select(s=>'{' + s + '}').ToArray();
Split the string, use the LINQ Where function that passes the int index to the predicate, insist that the index be odd (mod2 is 1) and select a new string that puts the brackets back on, ToArray
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have this string:
With C# code, I was managed to bring like this:
But I don't want the last comma in it.
So for that I used:
string obj = myVar.Trim().Trim(','); // this is just to remove the whitespace and trailing comma
But nothing happens. My string is still the same i.e. it shows Apple,Banana,.
Then I tried this:
if (myVar.EndsWith(", "))
myVar= myVar.Remove(myVar.Length - 1); // but this removes all the commas from the string.
Where am I missing?
string s = "Apple,Banana,";
s = s.Remove(s.Length - 1);
It's clear that you're working with comma-delimited data, so treat it as such. Split it into an array. While you're splitting it, you can remove empty entries, which will have the effect of ignoring the final comma.
var list = myVar.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.IgnoreEmptyEntries);
If you need it as a comma-separated string again, join it:
var myVar = string.Join(",", list);
Remove the last character.
string obj = myVar.Remove(myVar.Length - 1);
#JohnWu solution is better, more coherent, more robust.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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how to split this string on every 500 values ending in comma
string val= "1,2,3,4,5,.....................,2000,2001";
You can match the string with the following regex instead (where 499 is 500 minus 1):
Demo (for splitting at every 5 commas here):
Assuming by "no loops" you mean you're happy to let LINQ use loops internally, maybe something like this:
string s = "your,comma,string";
string[] ss = s.Split(',');
Print500(ss, 0);
private void Print500(IEnumerable<string> ies, int skip)
if (skip > ies.Count())
Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Join(",", ies.Skip(skip).Take(500)));
Print500(ies, skip + 500);
I haven't run it, so it might have some minor issues..
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Closed 4 years ago.
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My String: draw.text("hello",11,22);
Need Output: 11
So i need to get a String Between first , character and Last , character.
Its not duplicate question.I not found same questions.
I need to get the 2nd argument in my string,the string between first , and last , in string
Split your string on the , character, remove the first and last item, and join the remaining components back together:
var input = "draw.text(\"hello\",11,22);";
var components = input.Split(',');
var result = String.Join(",", components.Skip(1).Take(components.Length - 2));
// yields 11
Note: using System.Linq is required for Skip and Take.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I got something like this:
string s="Solid;Solid;Gass;Solid;Solid;Gass;Solid;Gass;Liquid;Liquid;"
and now I want to get rid of the copies in the that in the end s should be like this:
Try this:
var parts = s.Split(';');
var distinctParts = parts.Distinct();
var newString = string.Join(";", distinctParts);
Split will give you an array with all the words of your string, taking the specified character as the word separator (; in this case).
Distinct will give your a collection with the unique words of your array.
Finally, Join composes a new string with the unique words, using the specified string (;in this case) as the separator.
You can split the string, then find the distinct instances and join them back in one line:
string s = "Solid;Solid;Gass;Solid;Solid;Gass;Solid;Gass;Liquid;Liquid;";
s = string.Join(";", s.Split(';').Distinct());