I've realized curom authentication for ftp site basing on https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/robert_mcmurray/2011/06/30/how-to-create-an-authentication-provider-for-ftp-7-5-using-blogengine-nets-xml-membership-files/, but IFtpHomeDirectoryProvider.GetUserHomeDirectoryData did not rise
public class FtpEngineNetAuthentication : BaseProvider,
, IFtpRoleProvider
, IFtpHomeDirectoryProvider
, IFtpPostprocessProvider
, IFtpLogProvider
private readonly string _logfile = Path.Combine(#"c:\test", "logs", "FtpExtension.log");
private string _dbConnectionString;
private string _ftpHomeDirectory;
protected override void Initialize(StringDictionary config)
// Retrieve the paths from the configuration dictionary.
_dbConnectionString = config["RextorConnectionString"];
_ftpHomeDirectory = config["ftpHomeDirectory"];
bool TryGetUser(string login, out User user)
user = null;
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(_dbConnectionString))
var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT UserName, Password, HashAlgorithm, PasswordSalt FROM Orchard_Users_UserPartRecord WHERE UserName = #login", conn);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#login", login);
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
if (reader.Read()) // Don't assume we have any rows.
user = new User()
Login = reader.GetString(0),
Password = reader.GetString(1),
HashAlgorithm = reader.GetString(2),
PasswordSalt = reader.GetString(3)
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
// Define the GetUserHomeDirectoryData method.
string IFtpHomeDirectoryProvider.GetUserHomeDirectoryData(string sessionId, string siteName, string userName)
// Test if the path to the home directory is empty.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ftpHomeDirectory))
// Throw an exception if the path is missing or empty.
throw new ArgumentException(#"Missing ftpHomeDirectory value in configuration.");
LogMessage($"directory: {userName}");
var result = $#"{_ftpHomeDirectory}\{userName}";
// Return the path to the home directory.
return result;
// Define the AuthenticateUser method.
bool IFtpAuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateUser(string sessionId, string siteName, string userName, string userPassword, out string canonicalUserName)
// Define the canonical user name.
canonicalUserName = userName.Replace("#", "").Replace(".", "");
// Validate that the user name and password are not empty.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(userPassword))
// Return false (authentication failed) if either are empty.
return false;
// Create a user object.
User user = null;
// Test if the user name is in the dictionary of users.
if (TryGetUser(userName, out user))
var saltBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(user.PasswordSalt);
// Retrieve a sequence of bytes for the password.
bool isValid;
if (user.HashAlgorithm == "PBKDF2")
LogMessage($"user password: {user.Password}");
LogMessage($"user salt: {user.PasswordSalt}");
LogMessage($"user salt&pwd: {Encoding.Unicode.GetString(CombineSaltAndPassword(saltBytes, userPassword))}");
// We can't reuse ComputeHashBase64 as the internally generated salt repeated calls to Crypto.HashPassword() return different results.
isValid = true;
//Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(user.Password, Encoding.Unicode.GetString(CombineSaltAndPassword(saltBytes, userPassword)));
//PasswordHash.ValidatePassword(user.Password, Encoding.Unicode.GetString(CombineSaltAndPassword(saltBytes, userPassword)));
//BCryptHelper.CheckPassword(user.Password, Encoding.Unicode.GetString(CombineSaltAndPassword(saltBytes, userPassword)));
isValid = SecureStringEquality(user.Password, ComputeHashBase64(user.HashAlgorithm, saltBytes, userPassword));
//if (isValid && user.HashAlgorithm != DefaultHashAlgorithm)
// var keepOldConfiguration = _appConfigurationAccessor.GetConfiguration("Orchard.Users.KeepOldPasswordHash");
// if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(keepOldConfiguration) || keepOldConfiguration.Equals("false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// {
// user.HashAlgorithm = DefaultHashAlgorithm;
// user.Password = ComputeHashBase64(user.HashAlgorithm, saltBytes, userPassword);
// }
return isValid;
catch (Exception ex)
// Raise an exception if an error occurs.
throw new ProviderException(ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
// Return false (authentication failed) if authentication fails to this point.
return false;
bool IFtpRoleProvider.IsUserInRole(string sessionId, string siteName,string userName, string userRole)
LogMessage($"check role: {userName} - {userRole}");
return true;
public FtpProcessStatus HandlePostprocess(FtpPostprocessParameters postProcessParameters)
LogMessage("Running Post Process"); //this message never appears
return FtpProcessStatus.FtpProcessContinue;
public void Log(FtpLogEntry logEntry)
private void LogMessage(string logEntry)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(_logfile, true))
// Retrieve the current date and time for the log entry.
var dt = DateTime.Now;
I am implementing the asp.net core identity library in the minimal API project, and the user table's PasswordHash field performs its default hashing and salt but I want to perform my custom hashing and salting password.
So, how can I change the type of PasswordHash from "string" to "byte[]"
Also, the PasswordHash field should not implement any default hashing mechanism
I did something like this
on registration
private void CreatePasswordHash(string Password, out byte[] PasswordHash, out byte[] PasswordSalt)
using (var hmac = new HMACSHA512())
PasswordSalt = hmac.Key;
PasswordHash = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Password));
public async Task<ServiceResponse<AspNetUsers>> AddUser(AddUserDto user)
var ServiceResponse = new ServiceResponse<AspNetUsers>();
AspNetUsers Users = _mapper.Map<AspNetUsers>(user);
if (await UserExist(Users.UserName))
ServiceResponse.Success = false;
ServiceResponse.Message = "User Already Exist";
return ServiceResponse;
CreatePasswordHash(Users.PasswordHash, out byte[] PasswordMade, out byte[] PasswordSalt);
Users.Id = CommonCode.NewGUID();
Users.SecurityStamp = CommonCode.NewGUID();
Users.ConcurrencyStamp = CommonCode.NewGUID();
Users.PasswordHash = Convert.ToBase64String(PasswordMade);
Users.PasswordSalt = PasswordSalt;
var AddUser = await _context.Users.AddAsync(Users);
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
ServiceResponse.Data = await _context.Users.SingleAsync(x => x.Id == Users.Id);
ServiceResponse.Success = true;
ServiceResponse.Message = "User successfully added!";
catch (Exception ex)
ServiceResponse.Success = false;
ServiceResponse.Message = ex.Message;
return ServiceResponse;
at the time of login, I did something like this.
private bool VerifyPasswordHash(string password, byte[] passwordHash, byte[] passwordSalt)
using (var hmac = new HMACSHA512(passwordSalt))
var computeHash = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password));
for (int i = 0; i < computeHash.Length; i++)
if (computeHash[i] != passwordHash[i])
return false;
return true;
public async Task<ServiceResponse<string>> Login(LoginInformation Credentials)
var ServiceResponse = new ServiceResponse<string>();
var User = await _context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Email.ToLower() == Credentials.Email.ToLower());
if(User == null){
ServiceResponse.Success = false;
ServiceResponse.Message = "User not found.";
if(!VerifyPasswordHash(Credentials.Password, Convert.FromBase64String(User.PasswordHash), User.PasswordSalt))
ServiceResponse.Success = false;
ServiceResponse.Message = "Username Or Password Is Incorrect";
ServiceResponse.Data = "Login success";
ServiceResponse.Success = true;
ServiceResponse.Message = "Login is Successfull!";
catch (Exception ex)
ServiceResponse.Data = string.Empty;
ServiceResponse.Success = false;
ServiceResponse.Message = ex.Message;
return ServiceResponse;
I managed to write contents from a List to a CSV file. Now I'm trying to read from the created CSV file and show the content in a Console Application. I'm getting a exception which lead me to some possible solutions on the internet. None of them are working for my Console Application. I hope you can help me.
My code from Program.cs which calls the method in FileOperations.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using CsvHelper;
namespace GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// First line to skip a row and position all users correctly under the right headers
User user0 = new User("", "", "", "");
// Create user default instances
User user1 = new User("Beheer", "beheer#gimpies.nl", "123", "admin");
User user2 = new User("Inkoop", "inkoop#gimpies.nl", "123", "purchase");
User user3 = new User("Verkoop", "verkoop#gimpies.nl", "123", "sales");
// List of default users (with a list you can add, get and remove items in the list)
List<User> users = new List<User>();
// Create login instance
LoginManager loginMgr = new LoginManager();
// Create stock instance
Stock stock = new Stock();
// Create UserList instance
UserList usrlst = new UserList();
// Call method in UserList.cs
// Welcome message
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Gimpies Console Application! Choose 1 to login or 2 to register as guest:");
// Get input from user
string input = Console.ReadLine();
bool successfull = false;
while (!successfull)
if(input == "1")
Console.WriteLine("Enter your username:");
string username = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter your password:");
string password = Console.ReadLine();
foreach (User user in users)
if (username == user.UserName && password == user.PassWord && user.UserRole == "admin")
// Create Admin instance to be able to call methods in that class
Admin am = new Admin();
// Calling the method in Admin.cs to start Menu logic
successfull = true;
if (username == user.UserName && password == user.PassWord && user.UserRole == "purchase")
// Create Purchase instance to be able to call methods in that class
Purchase pc = new Purchase();
// Calling the method in Purchase.cs to start Menu logic
successfull = true;
if (username == user.UserName && password == user.PassWord && user.UserRole == "sales")
// Create Sales instance to be able to call methods in that class
Sales sl = new Sales();
// Calling the method in Sales.cs to start Menu logic
successfull = true;
if (username == user.UserName && password == user.PassWord && user.UserRole == "guest")
// Create Guest instance to be able to call methods in that class
Guest gt = new Guest();
// Calling the method in Guest.cs to start Menu logic
successfull = true;
if (!successfull)
Console.WriteLine("Your username or password is incorrect, try again !!!");
else if (input == "2")
// Create instance to go to method in class RegisterManager.cs
RegisterManager rm = new RegisterManager();
successfull = true;
goto Start;
else if (input == "3")
FileOperations fo = new FileOperations();
// Calling the method from FileOperations.cs to write the List here to a CSV file
goto Start;
else if (input == "4")
FileOperations fo = new FileOperations();
// Calling the method from FileOperations.cs to write the List here to a CSV file
goto Start;
Console.WriteLine("Try again !!!");
// // Loop over stored users within instances inside the list where users are added
// foreach (User user in users)
// {
// if(loginMgr.Login(user))
// {
// // Login successfull
// Console.WriteLine("Login user " + user.UserName);
// }
// else
// {
// // Not successfull
// }
// }
In Program.cs it's about the else if with input == "4".
Then the method ReadUsersFromCSV is called inside FileOperations.cs:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using CsvHelper;
namespace GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI
// Handles CRUD within CSV files and able to save them
public class FileOperations
// Writes to CSV file from List
public void WriteUsersToCSV(List<User> users)
// using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
// using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mem))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("users.csv"))
using (var csvWriter = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
csvWriter.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
csvWriter.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
// var result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mem.ToArray());
// Console.WriteLine(result);
Console.WriteLine("Data saved to users.csv");
// Reads from CSV file and displays content from it (Work in progress...)
public void ReadUsersFromCSV(List<User> users)
// using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
// using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mem))
using (var reader = new StreamReader("users.csv"))
using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
// csvReader.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
// csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
// csvReader.Configuration.AutoMap<User>();
// csvReader.ReaderHeader<User>();
// var records = csvReader.GetRecords<dynamic>();
// reader.Flush();
// var result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mem.ToArray());
csvReader.Configuration.HeaderValidated = null;
csvReader.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null;
var records = csvReader.GetRecords<User>();
foreach (var record in records)
// Console.WriteLine(records);
// Writes to CSV file from List
public void SaveGimpiesToCSV(List<Gimpies> gimpies)
// using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
// using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mem))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("gimpies.csv"))
using (var csvWriter = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
csvWriter.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
csvWriter.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
// var result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mem.ToArray());
// Console.WriteLine(result);
The exception:
Unhandled exception. CsvHelper.MissingFieldException: Field with name 'username' does not exist. You can ignore missing fields by setting MissingFieldFound to null.
at CsvHelper.Configuration.ConfigurationFunctions.MissingFieldFound(String[] headerNames, Int32 index, ReadingContext context)
at CsvHelper.CsvReader.GetFieldIndex(String[] names, Int32 index, Boolean isTryGet, Boolean isOptional)
at CsvHelper.CsvReader.GetFieldIndex(String name, Int32 index, Boolean isTryGet)
at CsvHelper.Expressions.ExpressionManager.CreateConstructorArgumentExpressionsForMapping(ClassMap map, List`1 argumentExpressions)
at CsvHelper.Expressions.ObjectRecordCreator.CreateCreateRecordDelegate(Type recordType)
at CsvHelper.Expressions.RecordCreator.GetCreateRecordDelegate(Type recordType)
at CsvHelper.Expressions.RecordCreator.Create[T]()
at CsvHelper.Expressions.RecordManager.Create[T]()
at CsvHelper.CsvReader.GetRecords[T]()+MoveNext()
at GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI.FileOperations.ReadUsersFromCSV(List`1 users) in /home/pascalmariany/Projects/Csharp/GimpiesConsoleOOcsvList/GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI/FileOperations.cs:line 55
at GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/pascalmariany/Projects/Csharp/GimpiesConsoleOOcsvList/GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI/Program.cs:line 132
The contents of the CSV file:
My User.cs:
namespace GimpiesConsoleOOcsvListUI
public class User
// Constructor
public User(string username, string email, string password, string userrole)
_UserName = username;
_Email = email;
_Password = password;
_UserRole = userrole;
private string _UserName;
private string _Email;
private string _Password;
private string _UserRole;
public string UserName
get { return _UserName; }
set { _UserName = value; }
public string Email
get { return _Email; }
set { _Email = value; }
public string PassWord
get { return _Password; }
set { _Password = value; }
public string UserRole
get { return _UserRole; }
set { _UserRole = value; }
What would I need to change?
I read all the feedback and I changed some thing in the method within FileOperations.cs:
// Reads from CSV file and displays content from it (Work in progress...)
public void ReadUsersFromCSV(List<User> users)
// using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
// using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mem))
using (var reader = new StreamReader("users.csv"))
using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
csvReader.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
csvReader.Configuration.IgnoreBlankLines = true;
csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
csvReader.Configuration.PrepareHeaderForMatch = (string header, int index) => header.ToLower();
csvReader.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null;
// csvReader.Configuration.AutoMap<User>();
// csvReader.ReaderHeader<User>();
// var records = csvReader.GetRecords<dynamic>();
// reader.Flush();
// var result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mem.ToArray());
// csvReader.Configuration.HeaderValidated = null;
// Store all content inside a new List as objetcs
var records = csvReader.GetRecords<User>().ToList();
// users.ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
foreach (var record in records)
catch (CsvHelper.HeaderValidationException exception)
I don't get an exception now, but I get this as output:
It's the correct amount of rows, but as you can see it doesn't display the contents which is stored from the CSV file into a List as objects.
Am I missing something?
I managed to solve it. I needed to adjust the foreach loop:
public void ReadUsersFromCSV(List<User> users)
// using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
// using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mem))
using (var reader = new StreamReader("users.csv"))
using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
csvReader.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
csvReader.Configuration.IgnoreBlankLines = true;
csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
csvReader.Configuration.PrepareHeaderForMatch = (string header, int index) => header.ToLower();
csvReader.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null;
// Store all content inside a new List as objetcs
var records = csvReader.GetRecords<User>().ToList();
// Loop through the List and show them in Console
foreach (var record in records)
Console.WriteLine($"{record.username } {record.email} {record.password} {record.userrole}");
catch (CsvHelper.HeaderValidationException exception)
Thanks, but the most I learned from this video: Link for Lists
I have a problem. I created a SwitchButton and want to store the state in a database table. So I created this code to debug:
SettingSwitch.CheckedChange += (s, b) =>
SettingDb testsetting = new SettingDb
Name = mItems[position].Name,
SettingDb test = MainActivity.db.SelectRowFromTableSettings(testsetting);
if (test != null)
bool SwitchValueBool = Convert.ToBoolean(test.Value);
bool isChecked = ValueDictionary[position];
if(isChecked == true)
isChecked = false;
else if(isChecked == false)
isChecked = true;
SettingDb setting = new SettingDb()
Name = SettingName.Text,
Type = "Switch",
Value = isChecked.ToString()
ValueDictionary[position] = isChecked;
SettingDb test2 = MainActivity.db.SelectRowFromTableSettings(testsetting);
if (test2 != null)
bool SwitchValueBool = Convert.ToBoolean(test2.Value);
The expected outcome should be:
test.Value = False
test2.Value = Opposite of test.Value, so True
But now the value I get from the table is always False. Here is the update function:
string folder = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
public bool UpdateTableSettings(SettingDb setting)
using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(System.IO.Path.Combine(folder, "Settings.db")))
connection.Query<SettingDb>("UPDATE SettingDb SET Value=? WHERE Name=?", setting.Value, setting.Name);
return true;
catch (SQLiteException ex)
Log.Info("SQLiteEx", ex.Message);
return false;
public SettingDb SelectRowFromTableSettings(SettingDb setting)
using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(System.IO.Path.Combine(folder, "Settings.db")))
return connection.Query<SettingDb>("SELECT * FROM SettingDb WHERE Name=?", setting.Name).FirstOrDefault();
catch (SQLiteException ex)
Log.Info("SQLiteEx", ex.Message);
return null;
The table value doesn't get updated!!!
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Please let me know!
According to your description, you want to update sqlite database table, please take a look the following code and modify the update function.
static void UpdateDatabase(int primaryKey, string newText, int newValue)
string path = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "mydatabase.db");
var db = new SQLiteConnection(path, false);
string sql = "UPDATE MyTable SET MyTextColumn = ?, MyValueColumn = ? WHERE MyPrimaryKey= ?";
string[] parms = new String[] { newText, newValue.ToString(), primaryKey.ToString() };
var cmd = db.CreateCommand(sql, parms);
This is my code :
public bool ActiveDirectoryAuthenticate(string username, string password)
var result = false;
using (var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://*****/DC=******,DC=biz",username,password,AuthenticationTypes.Secure))
var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry){Filter = "objectClass=user"};
var sr = searcher.FindOne();
var PathDic = sr.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString();
result = true;
catch (Exception exception)
return result;
The problem is
does not return correct value.
Please help me
Just an idea but don't you need to put value like this :
var PathDic = sr.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].Value.ToString();
My problem resolve:
public bool ActiveDirectoryAuthenticate(string username, string password)
var result = false;
using (
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://PT/DC=pt,DC=biz", username, password,
var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry) {Filter = "sAMAccountName=Bank.Members"};
var sr = searcher.FindOne();
var name = sr.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString();
result = true;
catch (Exception exception)
return result;
the following code was working for 3 months without any problems.
Since today I am getting the following error;
“Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation”
and the inner exception;
"Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)"
The authentication function works. Here are my functions;
public bool Authenticate(string strUserName, string strPassword)
bool authenticated = false;
using (
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://myldapserver", strUserName + "#domain", strPassword,
object nativeObject = entry.NativeObject;
authenticated = true;
catch (DirectoryServicesCOMException ex)
return false;
return authenticated;
And the ChangePassword Method;
public bool ChangePassword(string strUserName, string strOldPassword, string strNewPassword)
string strPort = "636";
int intPort;
intPort = Int32.Parse(strPort);
string strUserString = "domain" + #"\" + strUserName.Trim();
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://myldapserver", strUserString, strOldPassword,
var search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
string strFilter = "(SAMAccountName=" + strUserName + ")";
search.Filter = strFilter;
SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
DirectoryEntry user = result.GetDirectoryEntry();
user.Invoke("SetOption", new object[] { ADS_OPTION_PASSWORD_PORTNUMBER, intPort });
user.Invoke("SetOption", new object[] { ADS_OPTION_PASSWORD_METHOD, ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODE_CLEAR });
**user.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { strNewPassword });**
catch (Exception exception)
string msg = exception.InnerException.Message;
return false;
return true;
It throws the expcetion when I invoke the SetPassword property.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the example:-
PrincipalContext pr = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "corp.local", "OU=" + OU + ",OU=Users,dc=corp,dc=local", username, password);
UserPrincipal us = new UserPrincipal(pr);
To Change the Password
If you want the user should change the password at next Logon, you can use like this.
Here is your full code:-
public static Boolean ResetPassword(string username, string password, string DomainId, string setpassword, Boolean UnlockAccount,Boolean NextLogon)
PrincipalContext pr = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "corp.local", "dc=corp,dc=local", username, password);
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pr, DomainId);
Boolean flag = false;
if (user != null && user.Enabled == true)
if (UnlockAccount)
if (NextLogon)
flag = true;
flag = false;
return flag;
I found a good article here, if you want to use it in your way, have a look here,