How to fix a C # wrapper for C ++? - c#

I am trying to call a function from a dll. Description of the function in C ++:
BOOL WINAPI PDLCSGetPropertyEx(LPCTSTR lpszProjectName, LPCTSTR lpszPictureName, LPCTSTR lpszObjectName, LPCTSTR lpszPropName, VARTYPE vt, LPVOID pvProp, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID pData, PCMN_ERROR pError);
In C # I have written:
[DllImport("pdlcsapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PDLCSGetPropertyEx", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
public static extern bool PDLCSGetPropertyEx(
[In] String lpszProjectName,
[In] String lpszPictureName,
[In] String lpszObjectName,
[In] String lpszPropName,
VarEnum vt,
IntPtr pvProp,
[In] UInt32 dwFlags,
[In] IntPtr pData,
[In,Out] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] CMN_ERROR_MANCLASS pError
and the call in the application:
IntPtr p = new IntPtr();
String propName = listBox2.SelectedItem.ToString();
String objName = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
bool ret = WinCCODK_PDLCS.CPDLCSWrapper.PDLCSGetPropertyEx(
, "io.pdl"
, objName
, propName
, VarEnum.VT_I4
, p
, 0
, IntPtr.Zero
, errPdl );
if (ret){
listBox2.Items[listBox2.SelectedIndex] = listBox2.Items[listBox2.SelectedIndex] + val.ToString();
After calling this function, the application falls (there is a standard Windows window stopped working program)
How to pass parameters to a function?
Other features of this library are working fine. .
I think that does not work correctly with the parameters vt and PvProp. These are described in the documentation:
Data type of the value passed with pvProp. Valid types are defined
in the "VARENUM" enumeration within the "wtypes.h" Include file
belonging to the compiler. No VT_VARIANT, VT_DISPATCH or other
references should be used.
Pointer to a tag to which the property value is saved. The data
type of the value is determined by vt. For pvProp you can specify any
value defined for the Variant data type; refer to the values contained
in the "wtypes.h" Include file belonging to your compiler. For types
which have a buffer (e.g. BSTR), the buffer is allocated by the
function and must be cleared afterwards by the calling application.


Calling C++ dll Method from C#

I am trying to call method available in C++ dll
_Out_ BOOL *isSuccess,
_In_opt_ DWORD UsernmaeLength,
_Out_opt_ LPWSTR userName );
Wrapper method Which I have written in C# looks like this
[DllImport("Test.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true ,CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern int TestMethod (
IntPtr isSuccess,
[In, Optional] int UsernmaeLength,
out string userName
I am calling this method in program
Wrapper. TestMethod (isSuccess, 200, out userName);
I am getting System.AccessViolationException
tried changing the C# wrapper method with
[DllImport("Test.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true ,CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern int TestMethod (
bool isSuccess,
[In, Optional] int UsernmaeLength,
out string userName
bool isSuccess = false;
Wrapper. TestMethod (isSuccess, 200, out userName);
Could you please help me to understand what I am doing wrong here?
_In_opt_ DWORD UsernmaeLength
The SAL annotation is not very useful. What it probably is trying to tell you is that you can pass NULL for the string buffer argument. In which case what you pass for the buffer length doesn't matter. It is not actually [Optional], you'd consider simply passing 0 if you really don't want a string back.
The 3rd argument cannot be String or out since that is an immutable type and the function wants to write into the buffer you pass. It must be StringBuilder. The 2nd argument must be its Capacity. Be sure to make the StringBuilder big enough to fit a user name. If it is not then it isn't very obvious what will happen, hopefully the function then just returns an error code instead of silently truncating string. Test that.
The 1st argument is bool passed by reference, [Out] out bool. Not very likely that it SetLastError, that is only done by winapi functions. It already returns an error code embedded in the HResult. A value less than 0 is an error. Stdcall is the default. Summarizing:
[DllImport("Test.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern int TestMethod (
[Out] out bool isSuccess,
int userNameLength,
StringBuilder userName
Called as:
bool success;
var name = new StringBuilder(666);
int hr = TestMethod(out success, name.Capacity, name);
if (hr < 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr);
If you still have trouble then you need the help of the author of this code if you cannot debug it yourself. Have a small repro available so he can easily repro the issue.

Calling unmanaged c++ code from managed C# code to generate offline domain join blob

I am writing a piece of program that generates Offline Domain Join blob and saves it for future use. This action can be done using command prompt. Below is a sample command that will generate the mentioned file and save it on D drive:
D:\djoin.exe /REUSE /PROVISION /DOMAIN /MACHINE "user1-pc" /SAVEFILE blob.txt
More information: Offline Domain Join (Djoin.exe) Step-by-Step Guide
Now, I want to add a method to my program (written with C#) to does this functionality for me.
One of the problems here is, the API that Microsoft has provided is a C++ API. I have tried to use the API in managed code using PInvoke. Below is the code I have written.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestBlob
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
String domain = "";
String machineName = "user1-pc";
String machineAccoutOU = null;
String dcName = "MyDomain";
uint options = 1;
IntPtr provisionBinData = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr provisionBinDataSize = IntPtr.Zero;
string blob = string.Empty;
IntPtr pProvisionTextData = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(blob);
uint status = ODJNativeMethods.NetProvisionComputerAccount(domain, machineName, machineAccoutOU, dcName, options, ref provisionBinData, ref provisionBinDataSize, ref pProvisionTextData);
public static class NativeMethods
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern uint NetProvisionComputerAccount([In] String lpDomain,
[In] String lpMachineName,
[In] String lpMachineAccountOU,
[In] String lpDcName,
[In] uint dwOptions,
[In] [Out] ref IntPtr pProvisionBinData,
[In] [Out] ref IntPtr pdwProvisionBinDataSize,
[In] [Out] ref IntPtr pProvisionTextData);
When I run the application, it always returns 87 (shows on console), which after a quick search turns out to be an error message: The parameter is invalid.
What am I doing wrong here? Are my PInvoke types not the correct ones corresponding to native language API?
The 3 last parameters are declared out, which means you must not initialize them, but pass correct pointer so the function can allocate things for you.
Also, from what I understand reading the function doc, the binary one and the string one are mutually exclusive, so let's say you want to get back the binary one, then you can define the API like this ([in] are usually implicit):
[DllImport("netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern int NetProvisionComputerAccount(
string lpDomain,
string lpMachineName,
string lpMachineAccountOU,
string lpDcName,
int dwOptions,
out IntPtr pProvisionBinData,
out int pdwProvisionBinDataSize,
IntPtr pProvisionTextData);
Note the function does not use SetLastError, so don't declare it in the declaration.
And here is how to call it:
string domain = "";
string machineName = "user1-pc";
string machineAccoutOU = null;
string dcName = "MyDomain";
// I suggest you don't use hardcoded values to be nice with readers
int status = NetProvisionComputerAccount(
out IntPtr binData, // let the system allocate the binary thing
out int binDataSize, // this will be the size of the binary thing
IntPtr.Zero); // we don't use this one here, pass null
I can't test further (I get error 1354 which I suppose is normal in my context).
Note the doc doesn't say anything about deallocating what the function allocates (if it allocates something? there are some rare Windows API that use static buffers they own). I think you're supposed to call NetApiBufferFree on binData once all work is done, but it's just a guess.
It could be the encoding of your text file - if you have saved it as ANSI and consuming it as Unicode, it might not work.
Use these statements corresponding to your above code:
IntPtr pProvisionTextData = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(blob);
[DllImport("user32", CharSet=CharSet::Ansi)]
Hope it helps.

Memory access violation while passing void* param to DLL function

I'm adding new disk device to system from my C# code, so I want to call
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("Shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public extern static void SHChangeNotify(long wEventId, uint uFlags, IntPtr dwItem1, IntPtr dwItem2);
like below
MyWin32Functions.SHChangeNotify(0x00000100/*ADDRIVE*/, 0x0005/*PATHW*/, driveLetter, IntPtr.Zero);
dwItem1 is void* and we should pass a wchar_t* (pointing to null terminated string) containing drive root in this case; so driveLetter above is
string letter = "Z:\\";
byte[] data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(letter);
byte[] zdata = new byte[data.Length + 1];
data.CopyTo(zdata, 0);
IntPtr p = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(zdata.Length);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(zdata, 0, p, zdata.Length);
(my code almost same as code in similiar case: How to call SHChangeNotify from C# without error 14007
but I get System.AccessViolationException)
Any suggestions what am I doing wrong?
The first parameter in your interop signature should be an int, not a long. Though the Win32 function is declared as LONG, a LONG in Win32 is 32-bit.
public extern static void SHChangeNotify(int wEventId, uint uFlags, IntPtr dwItem1, IntPtr dwItem2);
This MSDN article shows the common mapping between Win32 types an .NET types for Platform Invoke.

A call to PInvoke function has unbalanced the stack

Making a function call to .NET 4 to native code is resulting in the following exception:
A call to PInvoke function has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.
Here is my definition in Native Code:
ULONG, // secs elapsed
LPARAM, // custom callback param
LPBOOL // abort?
IStream** retval,
LPCWSTR usrname = NULL,
BOOL unzip = TRUE,
LPARAM cb_param = 0,
LPWSTR ctype = NULL,
ULONG ctypelen = 0
Here is the .NET counterpart:
[DllImport(dllPath, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
internal static extern FETCH HttpFetchW
string url,
out System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream retval,
string usrname,
string pwd,
bool unzip,
dlgDownloadingCB cb,
IntPtr cb_param,
string ctype,
ulong ctypelen
Where FETCH is an enum.
internal delegate void dlgDownloadingCB(ulong elapsedSec, IntPtr lParam, bool abort);
internal static void DownloadingCB(ulong elapsedSec, IntPtr lParam, bool abort)
// Console.WriteLine("elapsedSec = " + elapsedSec.ToString());
Can anyone suggest an alternative within the .NET 4?
Thank you very much for your help.
The only clear error in HttpFetchW that I can see is that C# ulong is 64 bits wide, by C++ ULONG is 32 bits wide. The C# code for the final parameter should be uint.
Other things to check include the calling convention. Are you sure it is cdecl? Are you sure that SetLastError should be true?
As for the callback, you make the same error with ulong. And the abort parameter is LPBOOL. That is a pointer to BOOL. So you should declare the C# parameter as a ref parameter. And the callback is declared with CALLBACK which is stdcall.
So the delegate should be:
internal delegate void dlgDownloadingCB(
uint elapsedSec,
IntPtr lParam,
ref bool abort
Or simply delete the UnmanagedFunctionPointer attribute since the default is stdcall.
I think it exceptionally likely that since the callback is stdcall, so will the function. I expect that the FETCH_API macro expands to both the return enum and the calling convention. Since you did not supply those details, I can only guess. You'll need to check.
The other thing that we cannot check is CB_DOWNLOADING.
Anyway, with those assumptions, the function becomes:
[DllImport(dllPath, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern FETCH HttpFetchW(
string url,
out System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream retval,
string usrname,
string pwd,
bool unzip,
dlgDownloadingCB cb,
IntPtr cb_param,
string ctype,
uint ctypelen
Source : MSDN
In the .NET Framework version 3.5, the pInvokeStackImbalance MDA is disabled by default. When you use the .NET Framework version 3.5 with Visual Studio 2005, the pInvokeStackImbalance MDA will appear in the Managed Debugging Assistants list in the Exceptions dialog box (which is displayed when you click Exceptions on the Debug menu). However, selecting or clearing the Thrown check box for pInvokeStackImbalance does not enable or disable the MDA; it only controls whether Visual Studio throws an exception when the MDA is activated.

How to get IntPtr to a boolean value

For a function marshalled like that:
* DWORD WINAPI WlanHostedNetworkSetProperty(
* _In_ HANDLE hClientHandle,
* _In_ DWORD dwDataSize,
* _In_ PVOID pvData,
* _Reserved_ PVOID pvReserved
* );
[DllImport("Wlanapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern UInt32 WlanHostedNetworkSetProperty(
[In] IntPtr hClientHandle,
[In] UInt32 dwDataSize,
[In] IntPtr pvData,
[In, Out] IntPtr pvReserved
Microsoft documentation says that when I pass
as a parameter of OpCode, the value of pvData should be a pointer to a Boolean value.
Hereis the documentation for that function
I have no idea though how to get an IntPtr to point to a Boolean?
Should it be done in a similar way to when I pass a pointer to a struct as pvData :
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(settings); //*settings* is a struct with some data
IntPtr pSettings = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(settings, pSettings, true);
/* use the IntPtr */
But instead I marshal the Boolean? Or is there an easier way?
Thanks for your help all lovely people.
Win32 BOOL is DWORD. You can define pvData as ref UInt32 or ref Int32 for this case. Or leave pvData as IntPtr, allocate unmanaged memory with Marshal.AllocHGLobal(Marshal.SizeOf(Int32)), and fill this memory with Marshal.WriteInt32.
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(Int32);
IntPtr pBool = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.WriteInt32(pBool, 0, 1); // last parameter 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE)
/* use the IntPtr */
Oh, yes, there's a much easier way. This can be very elegantly done in C# because it supports method overloading. A feature that doesn't exist in C and thus requires the PVOID argument type. You can simply declare the argument as ref bool. The marshaller will create the storage for the BOOL before calling the native function and pass a pointer to it. Converting and copying the result back into the bool variable you pass after the call.
If you have additional calls for this function that require a different data type then just repeat the declaration. This time specifying, say, ref uint if you are supposed to pass a pointer to a DWORD. Etcetera. The C# compiler's method overload resolution feature ensures that the correct pinvoke declaration is used.
