I'm trying to upload an image file to aws s3 storage and get back that image URL. I'm using secret key and access key to create credentials. But when the program runs it it says
"Unable to find credentials" .
Here is my code which i used.
public string sendMyFileToS3(string from,string to, string bucketName, string fileName)
BasicAWSCredentials awsCreds = new BasicAWSCredentials(bucketName, fileName);
AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(awsCreds);
TransferUtility utility = new TransferUtility(client);
TransferUtilityUploadRequest request = new TransferUtilityUploadRequest();
request.BucketName = bucketName;
request.Key = fileName;
request.FilePath = from;
string urlString = "";
GetPreSignedUrlRequest request1 = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest
BucketName = bucketName,
Key = fileName,
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(2)
urlString = client.GetPreSignedURL(request1);
File.Move(from, to);
return urlString ;
In order to create an S3 Client you need to provide your credentials, the region and endpoint:
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
AmazonS3Config config = new AmazonS3Config();
config.ServiceURL = "s3.amazonaws.com";
config.RegionEndpoint = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName("us-east-1");
client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, config);
The possible regions are listed here, and depend on where you created your bucket being us-east-1 the default value.
While the possible endpoints are this three:
The first one being the standard one since the others need you to configure your bucket like it's explained here.
I am going to take a guess and say you have a conflict between the credentials your app is using and other credentials you may have installed onto your dev or test machine, i.e. in the credentials file or your app.config.
I would check and make sure you are only using a single method to provide those credentials to the program.
THis link shows the priority the SDK will look for the credentials:
I have a problem with Awssdk lib from Amazon that I can't understand.
I made an easy Class to authorized and obtain resources from Amazon.
It uses the configuration from user sessionConfig: clientId, identitypoolId,userpoolId, username, password, secret.
And also the request config (signRequest) host, absolutpath, method, region.
var client = AmazonClient(sessionConfig, requestconfig);
With this I can easyly
That makes a call to CognitoAuth userpools:
var cred = new CognitoAWSCredentials(_sessionConfig.IdentityPoolId,` RegionEndpoint.EUCentral1);
var provider = new AmazonCognitoIdentityProviderClient(cred, RegionEndpoint.EUCentral1);
CognitoUserPool userPool = new CognitoUserPool(_sessionConfig.UserPoolId, _sessionConfig.ClientId, provider);
CognitoUser user = new CognitoUser(_sessionConfig.UserPoolId, _sessionConfig.ClientId, userPool, provider, _sessionConfig.Secret, _sessionConfig.UserName);
var authRequest = new InitiateSrpAuthRequest()
Password = _sessionConfig.Password
AuthFlowResponse authResponse = await user.StartWithSrpAuthAsync(authRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
Then I just call
And I can get with this auth info the resource from the api.
_requestConfig.AbsolutePath = absolutePath;
//Signmethod from Amazon
var responses = _webRequest.GetResponse();
var result = responses.GetResponseStream();
var data = string.Empty;
using (var sr = new StreamReader(result))
data = sr.ReadToEnd();
return data;
This code works like a charm on my dotnetcore console app, I become tokens access data and user or other api resources.
When I want to use it on a Xamarin.Android solution.
I become, when trying to get the credentials:
Amazon.CognitoIdentity.Model.NotAuthorizedException: Access to
Identity 'eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is forbidden.
errorCode "NotAuthorizedException"
The only thing I could see it is different is the UserAgent from provider config:
console program:
aws-sdk-dotnet-coreclr/ aws-sdk-dotnet-core/ .NET_Core/4.6.26606.02 OS/Microsoft_Windows_10.0.14393
Xamarin.Android app:
aws-sdk-dotnet-pcl/ aws-sdk-dotnet-core/ Mono/5.10.1(tarball) OS/ANDROID_7.0 PCL/Xamarin.Android
Console works xamarin throw this exception. Any ideas?
Hi I found this error
The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint
while run following code,
AmazonS3Config S3Config = new AmazonS3Config()
ServiceURL = "s3.amazonaws.com",
ForcePathStyle = true,
RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.USEast1,
SignatureVersion = "v4"
// Set to a bucket you create
// Create S3 service client.
using (IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(kAWSAccessKeyId, kAWSSecretAccessKey, S3Config))
// Setup request for putting an object in S3.
PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest
BucketName = kBucketName,
Key = "Contents/SampleData",
ContentBody = "Sample Content"
// Make service call and get back the response.
PutObjectResponse response = s3Client.PutObject(request);
I have changed all region but in every region it showing same error
I am using Amazon C# client library to get product information and keep getting an error " The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records." (Yes, I tried the seller forum, but didn't get an answer there). When I use the same Access Key using their scratchpad, I get the correct response. I did see this post (Getting 'The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records' error with Amazon MWS) and tried swapping the parameters and that didn't work. Here is my C# code. Any help would be greatly appreciated
string AccessKey = "xxx";
string SecretKey = "xxx";
string AppName = "ProductFunctionsApp";
string AppVersion = "1.0";
string ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com/Products/2011-10-01";
string SellerId="xxxx";
string MarketPlaceId = "xxx";//US
//right now MWSAuthToken is only if a developer is using a sellers account
MarketplaceWebServiceProductsConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceProductsConfig();
config.ServiceURL = ServiceURL;
config.SignatureMethod = "HmacSHA256";
config.SignatureVersion = "2";
MarketplaceWebServiceProductsClient client = new MarketplaceWebServiceProductsClient(AppName, AccessKey, SecretKey, AppVersion, config);
ASINListType type = new ASINListType();
List<string> ASINList = new List<string>();
type.ASIN = ASINList;
GetCompetitivePricingForASINRequest request = new GetCompetitivePricingForASINRequest();
request.SellerId = SellerId;
request.ASINList = type;
request.MarketplaceId = MarketPlaceId;
GetCompetitivePricingForASINResponse response = client.GetCompetitivePricingForASIN(request);
Some of their API Clients have the class initialization parameters defined in different orders.
So if you copy and paste the initialization code you'll end up with the application name being sent instead of the access key.
var service = new MarketplaceWebServiceProductsClient(
applicationName, applicationVersion, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);
And it's different here:
var service = new FBAInventoryServiceMWSClient(
accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, applicationName, applicationVersion, config);
Just check each one carefully.
I am using amazon .NET SDK in widows phone 8 app for uploading images, the code was working fine.Now I get an exception
The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the
specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.
I have updated to latest version of SDK, Has anything changed with the update?
My code
string awsID = "myid";
string secretKey = "mysecretkey";
AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(awsID, secretKey,RegionEndpoint.USWest1);
string s="";
if (IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Contains("selectedphoto1"))
s = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["selectedphoto1"] as string;
var InputStream = App.GetResourceStream(new Uri("appname;component/Assets /call.png", UriKind.Relative));
var request = new PutObjectRequest()
BucketName = "mybucketname",
InputStream = myFileStream,
await s3Client.PutObjectAsync(request);
catch (Exception ex)
This is happening because bucket region is incorrect.
Check your region on Amazon console at S3 bucket and configure the same in config file and code.
For example:
AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(awsID, secretKey, RegionEndpoint.APNortheast1);
<add key="AWSRegion" value="eu-west-1" />
I`d like to create spreadsheet from .csv file.
static void Main()
String CLIENT_ID = "<MY ID>";
var provider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator<NativeApplicationClient>(provider, GetAuthorization);
var service = new DriveService(auth);
File body = new File();
body.Title = "My spread";
body.Description = "A test spread";
body.MimeType = "application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet";
byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("spread.csv");
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(byteArray);
service.Files.Insert(body, stream, "application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet").Upload();
private static IAuthorizationState GetAuthorization(NativeApplicationClient arg)
string[] scopes = new string[] { "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile" };
IAuthorizationState state = new AuthorizationState(scopes);
state.Callback = new Uri(NativeApplicationClient.OutOfBandCallbackUrl);
Uri authUri = arg.RequestUserAuthorization(state);
// Request authorization from the user (by opening a browser window):
Console.Write(" Authorization Code: ");
string authCode = Console.ReadLine();
// Retrieve the access token by using the authorization code:
return arg.ProcessUserAuthorization(authCode, state);
After inserting file and clicking on it on google-drive page(logged as owner) I get message
"We're sorry.
The spreadsheet at this URL could not be found. Make sure that you have the right URL and that the owner of the spreadsheet hasn't deleted it"
When I change MimeType to "text/csv" and insert file, after clicking on it, I get message
"No preview available
This item was created with (MyApp'sName), a Google Drive app.
Download this file or use one of the apps you have installed to open it."
I can also right click on this file(that one created with "text/csv" MimeType) and choose option "Export to Google Docs" and this gives me result that I'd like to reach - spreadsheet file with my .csv's file content. But such indirect method doesn`t fully satify me. Is there any method to make spreadsheet file on google drive, with content from .csv file direct from my application?
I don't know c#, but on the basis it mirrors Java, within the line
service.Files.Insert(body, stream,
you need to insert the equivalent of
also ...
the mimetype should be "text/csv"
I've found the answer :)
How to programmatically convert a file into an appropriate Google Documents format:
var service = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
FilesResource.InsertMediaUpload request = service.Files.Insert(body, stream, _mimeType);
request.Convert = true;