I am using System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer for playing .wma audio file of 5 seconds length .
I was not able to find any direct option for repeatedly playing this media file so I have implemented looping logic as follows. But it seems to be not working.
For the following code, MediaEnded event is not getting fired even after playback is ended. What am I doing wrong here?
public void PlayAudio(string audioFilePath, TimeSpan duration)
var thread = new Thread(() => { PlayAudioThreadProc(audioFilePath, duration); });
private void PlayAudioThreadProc(string audioFilePath, TimeSpan duration)
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = CreateMediaPlayer(audioFilePath);
private static MediaPlayer CreateMediaPlayer(string audioFilePath)
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.MediaEnded += MediaPlayer_MediaEnded; //This event is not getting fired.
mediaPlayer.Open(new Uri(audioFilePath));
return mediaPlayer;
private static void MediaPlayer_MediaEnded(object sender, EventArgs e)
//This part of code is supposed to start the media again after it is ended playing.
var player = (MediaPlayer)sender;
player.Position = TimeSpan.Zero;
private static void Stop(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer)
mediaPlayer.MediaEnded -= MediaPlayer_MediaEnded;
Looping logic in above code is not working.
If above approach is not possible, please recommend me another audio player which supports Volume adjustments and Repeat media option. (I tried System.Media.SoundPlayer but it does not support Volume adjustments and .wma files are also not supported in it.)
First, you seem to be using the MediaPlayer class incorrectly. It inherits DispatcherObject and also is not blocking, so it should really be used on the UI thread.
Now on the main subject.
I was not able to find any direct option for repeatedly playing this media file
Well, actually it supports everything you need except the total play duration time. But you are right - it's not so direct (as most of the WPF stuff) - the repeating is achieved by using MediaTimeline through RepeatBehavior property. You can find sample usage in How to: Play Media using a VideoDrawing. So the basic playing code with repeating is like this:
var timeLine = new MediaTimeline(new Uri(audioFilePath));
timeLine.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.Clock = timeLine.CreateClock();
You create MediaTimeline object, set properties (use RepeatBehavior.Forever to get indefinite repeating, but you can also use the constructor and specify concrete count), then create MediaClock from it and assign it to the MediaPlayer.Clock property. Make sure to read the documentation, because in this mode you should not use Position property and Play, Pause and Stop methods of the MediaPlayer class, but the Clock.Controller methods.
The MediaTimeline also has a property Duration, but it allows you (along with the BeginTime property) to select a portion of the audio file to be played, hence cannot be used to set up the total play duration. So the play time duration problem should be solved in a separate way.
The easiest way I see to support what you need, along with stop function, is to use async method:
public async Task PlayAudioAsync(string audioFilePath, TimeSpan duration, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var timeLine = new MediaTimeline(new Uri(audioFilePath));
timeLine.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.Clock = timeLine.CreateClock();
await Task.Delay(duration, cancellationToken);
Task.Delay will give you the desired play duration, and CancellationToken - the stop functionality.
Jus make sure to call it from UI thread. Here is a sample usage:
<Button x:Name="playButton" Content="Play" Width="75" RenderTransformOrigin="1.2,5.24" Canvas.Left="98" Canvas.Top="135" Click="playButton_Click"/>
<Button x:Name="stopButton" Content="Stop" IsEnabled="False" Width="75" Canvas.Left="208" Canvas.Top="135" Click="stopButton_Click"/>
Code behind:
private CancellationTokenSource ctsPlay;
private async void playButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string audioFile = ...;
TimeSpan duration = ...;
ctsPlay = new CancellationTokenSource();
playButton.IsEnabled = false;
stopButton.IsEnabled = true;
await PlayAudioAsync(audioFile, duration, ctsPlay.Token);
ctsPlay = null;
stopButton.IsEnabled = false;
playButton.IsEnabled = true;
private void stopButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MediaPlayers "Play" is not thread locking. the thread ends execution as soon as the sound starts playing. I've setup a local class testing this out and I get the event to fire (On a background thread) like this (I've changed it to be OOP, not a statically used class, you have to call Stop from somewhere else):
public class MediaStuff
private bool _closing = false;
public void PlayAudio(string audioFilePath)
var thread = new Thread(() => { PlayAudioThreadProc(audioFilePath); });
private void PlayAudioThreadProc(string audioFilePath)
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = CreateMediaPlayer(audioFilePath);
while (!_closing)
mediaPlayer.MediaEnded -= MediaPlayer_MediaEnded;
private MediaPlayer CreateMediaPlayer(string audioFilePath)
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.MediaEnded += MediaPlayer_MediaEnded; //This event is not getting fired.
mediaPlayer.Open(new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(audioFilePath)));
return mediaPlayer;
private void MediaPlayer_MediaEnded(object sender, EventArgs e)
//This part of code is supposed to start the media again after it is ended playing.
var player = (MediaPlayer)sender;
player.Position = TimeSpan.Zero;
public void Stop()
_closing = true;
I too had your problem when testing your code. After changing and testing my code, the event now fires, and the sound loops.
Alternatively, you can use mciSendString(). Tried to make an example and it succeed, try this;
winmm.dll import,
private static extern long mciSendString( string command, string returnValue,
int returnLength, IntPtr winHandle);
Need to catch operations done by mciSendString(), so we need WndProc;
private const int MM_MCINOTIFY = 0x03b9; // notify mci completed operation
private const int MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESS = 0x01; // mci successfully executed command
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == MM_MCINOTIFY)
switch (m.WParam.ToInt32())
case MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESS: // if successfull
if (IsLoop) // check if we gave parameter true
PlayMediaFile(IsLoop); // so it should run forever, call again function
base.WndProc(ref m);
Method that executes, media file by using mciSendString() that we imported at the beginning
private bool IsLoop = false; // need this to check inside WndProc
private void PlayMediaFile(bool RepeatForever)
IsLoop = RepeatForever;
mciSendString("close voice1", null, 0, this.Handle); // first close, after first run, the previous opened file should be terminated
mciSendString("stop voice1", null, 0, this.Handle); // close file
string playCommand = "open " + "yourFilePath" + " type waveaudio alias voice1"; // open command string
mciSendString(playCommand, null, 0, this.Handle); // open file
mciSendString("play voice1 notify", null, 0, this.Handle); // play file
Then call the method by giving parameter anywhere.
Hope helps,
I am trying to write a chess program in C# Windows Forms and I am writing a method GetMove() in this HumanPlayer class I have, which will return the Move from a player input of two clicks on separate squares on the board UI.
Could I have some help / advice on what I should use to implement this or if I am misunderstanding something else, explain that to me.
I've tried to add code snippets, but please let me know if I've done them wrong.
class HumanPlayer : Player
private Coords _selected;
public HumanPlayer(PieceColour colour) : base(colour)
_selected = new Coords();
public override ChessMove GetMove(Board board)
Coords Start = new Coords();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
// Want to wait until that function is triggered by the event until continuing
Start = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
Coords End = new Coords();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
// Want to wait until that function is triggered by the event until continuing
End = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
return new ChessMove(Start, End);
public void ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
public void ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
One thing I tried was using AutoResetEvent and WaitOne() and Set(), but this caused the UI to stop displaying.
I also tried to understand and use await and async, but I just confused myself and overcomplicated it and didn't get anywhere with it. So it might just be that I need someone to explain it to me.
This code that doesn't work might help someone understand what I misunderstand about asynchronous functions etc.
public async void Play()
_currentPlayer = _players[0];
_currentTurn = 1;
while (!GameOver())
ChessMove move= await _currentPlayer.GetMove(_board);
if (_currentPlayer == _players[1])
_currentTurn += 1;
_currentPlayer = _players[0];
_currentPlayer = _players[1];
class HumanPlayer : Player
private Coords _selected;
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> _squareClicked;
public HumanPlayer(PieceColour colour) : base(colour)
_selected = new Coords();
public override async Task<ChessMove> GetMove(Board board)
Coords Start = new Coords();
_squareClicked = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
Start = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
Coords End = new Coords();
_squareClicked = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
End = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
return new ChessMove(Start, End);
public async void ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
public async void ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
I've kinda been hesitant / nervous to post this question because I don't want people to get annoyed at me for posting a "duplicate question". Even though I've looked through several of the questions, it is confusing and frustrating not knowing whether the solution just doesn't apply to my situation or if I've added it in wrong. I'm sure I could find my solution answered in another question, but I feel it would take me a lot longer to find it and understand it than posting my own question.
Sorry if I've posted this question wrong or not followed the guidelines, this is my first post here.
If I've done anything wrong in formatting / communicating through this post, let me know and I'll try to fix it.
Good question, from what I can understand, your wanting to wait on a response from another method before executing yours.
Using async/await is the best option for this, if your getting confused at that, there are some tutorials and such you can follow
TaskCompletionSource is a class in C# that enables creating a Task object which can be manually completed with a result or exception.
class Example
TaskCompletionSource<string> taskCompletionSource = new();
public async Task DoStuff()
// Wait for the result of the TaskCompletionSource
var result = await taskCompletionSource.Task;
public void SetResult(){
taskCompletionSource.SetResult("Hello World!");
In this example, calling to DoStuff method will wait until the SetResult method is called, which will then set the result variable to "Hello World!"
Your post states that you want to wait for another method to be triggered before continuing and then describes three "states of play" so my first suggestion is to identify in code exactly the things we need to wait for in the chess game loop.
enum StateOfPlay
Game Loop
The goal is to run a loop that cycles these three states continuously, waiting at each step. However, the main Form is always running its own Message Loop to detect mouse clicks and key presses and it's important not to block that loop with our own.
The await keyword causes a waiting method to return immediately which allows the UI loop to keep running. But when "something happens" that we're waiting for, the execution of this method will resume on the next line after the await. A semaphore object says when to stop or go and is initialized here in the waiting state.
SemaphoreSlim _semaphoreClick= new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
When the game board is clicked during the players turn then the Release() method will be called on the semaphore, allowing things to resume. In terms of the specific question that you asked, this code snippet shows how to use the await keyword in your chess game loop.
private async Task playGameAsync(PlayerColor playerColor)
StateOfPlay =
playerColor.Equals(PlayerColor.White) ?
StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom :
switch (StateOfPlay)
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom:
await _semaphoreClick.WaitAsync();
StateOfPlay = StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseTo;
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseTo:
await _semaphoreClick.WaitAsync();
StateOfPlay = StateOfPlay.OpponentTurn;
case StateOfPlay.OpponentTurn:
await opponentMove();
StateOfPlay = StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom;
Player's turn
Here we have to wait for each square to get clicked. A straightforward way to do this is with a SemaphoreSlim object and call Release() when the game board is clicked during the player's turn.
Square _playerFrom, _playerTo, _opponentFrom, _opponentTo;
private void onSquareClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is Square square)
switch (StateOfPlay)
case StateOfPlay.OpponentTurn:
// Disabled for opponent turn
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom:
_playerFrom = square;
Text = $"Player {_playerFrom.Notation} : _";
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseTo:
_playerTo = square;
Text = $"Player {_playerFrom.Notation} : {_playerTo.Notation}";
richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.DarkGreen;
richTextBox.AppendText($"{_playerFrom.Notation} : {_playerTo.Notation}{Environment.NewLine}");
Opponents turn
This simulates a computer opponent processing an algorithm to determine its next move.
private async Task opponentMove()
Text = "Opponent thinking";
for (int i = 0; i < _rando.Next(5, 10); i++)
Text += ".";
await Task.Delay(1000);
string opponentMove = "xx : xx";
Text = $"Opponent Moved {opponentMove}";
richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.DarkBlue;
It might be helpful to look at another answer I wrote that describes how to create the game board with a TableLayoutPanel and how to interact with mouse to determine the square that's being clicked on.
I have recently decided to add Background Audio playback support for podcasts in my app. I have got most of it to work but, the pause button in the SystemTransportControls of the BackgroundMediaPlayer doesn't seem to do anything.
Here is my background audio task class file:
public sealed class AudioPlayer : IBackgroundTask
private BackgroundTaskDeferral _deferral;
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
_deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
var control = BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.SystemMediaTransportControls;
control.IsEnabled = true;
control.IsPauseEnabled = true;
control.IsPlayEnabled = true;
control.IsNextEnabled = false;
control.IsPreviousEnabled = false;
taskInstance.Canceled += TaskInstance_Canceled;
BackgroundMediaPlayer.MessageReceivedFromForeground += BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground;
private void TaskInstance_Canceled(IBackgroundTaskInstance sender, BackgroundTaskCancellationReason reason)
void BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground(object sender, MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs e)
object obj;
e.Data.TryGetValue("MessageBody", out obj);
string url = (string)obj;
url = url.Replace("\"", "");
var source = MediaSource.CreateFromUri(new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute));
var list = new MediaPlaybackList();
list.Items.Add(new MediaPlaybackItem(source));
BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.Source = list;
It is important to note that the audio does start playing in the background but I don't have the ability to pause the audio.
To react to SystemMediaTransportControls (SMTC) and handle each Universal Volume Control (UVC) button: play, pause, next, and previous, we need handle the SystemMediaTransportControls.ButtonPressed event in Run method like following:
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
var control = BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.SystemMediaTransportControls;
control.ButtonPressed += control_ButtonPressed;
And in control_ButtonPressed method, deal with different buttons like:
private void control_ButtonPressed(SystemMediaTransportControls sender, SystemMediaTransportControlsButtonPressedEventArgs args)
switch (args.Button)
case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton.Play:
//Todo with play
case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton.Pause:
//Todo with pause
case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton.Next:
//Todo with skip to next;
case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton.Previous:
//Todo with skip to previous;
For a complete sample, please refer to the official Background audio sample on GitHub, especially the MyBackgroundAudioTask class. And there is also a very nice post that will walk you through setting up background audio, reacting to device media controls, communicating with the background media player, and managing playlists. Read more at The Basics of Background Audio.
i am trying to use a third party telnet library "active expert" for a basic telnet session.
in my UI code behind i have something like
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var ts = new TelnetService();
await ts.DoConnect(node);
and my TelnetService looks like this
public class TelnetService
private Tcp objSocket = new Tcp();
private NwConstants objConstants = new NwConstants();
public string Responses { get; set; }
private Timer timer1 = new Timer();
public TelnetService()
timer1.Elapsed += timer1_Elapsed;
timer1.Interval = 100;
void timer1_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (objSocket.ConnectionState == objConstants.nwSOCKET_CONNSTATE_CONNECTED)
if (objSocket.HasData())
Responses += objSocket.ReceiveString() + "\r\n";
public Task DoConnect(Node node)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
objSocket.Protocol = objConstants.nwSOCKET_PROTOCOL_TELNET;
objSocket.Connect(node.IP, 23);
while (true)
if ((Responses == null) || (!Responses.Contains(node.WaitString))) continue;
//do something
Responses = "";
there are two important pieces of functionalities.
First in the timer1_Elapsed function which is process that will keeps on ruining and checks if there is data on socket, and if there is, it will append it to a string "Response". and i am using "timer" for it.
Second in the DoConnect function which will check the"Response" string for a certain input. for this i am using async await and Task.
in a nutshell first one accumulating the Response and Second one checking the Response.
Problem is that it looks like the timer code in general and
line specifically is causing the UI thread to halt for several seconds. which means after clicking the button i cannot move my main form on the screen however the code is running in a separate thread.
i have tried using pure Thread for this but it didn't helped either.
instead of timer i am using a method AccumulateResponse
public static void AccumulateResponse()
while (true)
if (objSocket.ConnectionState == objConstants.nwSOCKET_CONNSTATE_CONNECTED)
if (objSocket.HasData())
Responses += objSocket.ReceiveString() + "\r\n";
and calling it like
var t = new Task(TelnetService.AccumulateResponse);
await TelnetService.DoConnect(node);
still no luck
The DoConnect isn't your problem. It is your Timer Elapsed Event handler.
The timer elapsed event is NOT asynchronous. Only the DoConnect is.
If there is no asynchronous version of ReceiveString() from your third party lib, then use Task.Run there as well inside of an async timer1_elapsed method.
I need to do something after my Async Loaded music file finishes. Let's say I want the program to exit or something. Now how do I make it do is after the music finishes?
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
player.SoundLocation = #"Music\" + FileList[0];
private void Player_LoadCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
if (player.IsLoadCompleted)
Since the PlaySync method is synchronous then it will not return until the file has been played to the end. So, you can simply do it like this:
if (player.IsLoadCompleted)
LoadAsync seems to run synchronously if the SoundLocation points to a file on the file system. This means that you should invoke LoadAsync on another thread if you don't want to freeze the UI thread. Here is an example:
Task.Run(() => player.LoadAsync());
Use MediaPlayer instead:
mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.MediaEnded += delegate { MessageBox.Show("Media Ended"); };
mediaPlayer.Open(new Uri(#"C:\myfile.mp3"));
Sounds good in theory. However, in truth, I couldn't get the MediaEnded Event to fire. Thus, I had to poll for the end of MediaEvent as follows:
string pos = "unknown";
string dur = "unknown";
pos = mediaplayer1.Position.Ticks.ToString();
dur = mediaplayer1.NaturalDurataion.TimeSpan.Ticks.ToString()
if (pos == dur)
// MediaEnded!!!!!
pos = "0";
dur = "0";
catch {}
On the positive side, you can update your Audio player Slider by polling...
On the downside, it makes the pause button a little bit unresponsive if you notice 1000 milliseconds lag...
If you use this workaround, I would recommend placing the Mediaplayer in a background thread so that the polling loop doesn't lock up the UI thread.
I am having some trouble playing a 4second long wave... What I am currently doing is running a timer....
So the timer is set to a second intervals... So every second, I run off and check something... If this check fails.. I play a wav file saying "Get back to work!"...
Currently, it pauses the timer.... So I hear "Get back to work" but while it is playing, I have lost 4 seconds of count time, because it is still finishing playing the sound.... Here is my call and my function...
private void playSimpleSound()
SoundPlayer simpleSound = new SoundPlayer(#"c:\Windows\Media\shortwav.wav");
If I switch them out, so that it actually plays everytime it hits.... I only hear the beginning of the wav file....
private void playSimpleSound()
SoundPlayer simpleSound = new SoundPlayer(#"c:\Windows\Media\shortwav.wav");
So my question is...
How can I continue counting, and play the whole wav file?
Should I figure out how long the wav file is and then go ahead and do some kind of count with a mod on it?
So that I basically only play the file every x amount of seconds or something?
So basically just call the playsound function everytime, but inside that function count how many times it has been visited and only play it on the 4th second?
You could do something like this...play the sound on a different thread and toggle a flag:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private SoundPlayer simpleSound;
private bool SoundPlaying = false;
public Form1()
this.Load += Form1_Load;
void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
simpleSound = new SoundPlayer(#"c:\Windows\Media\shortwav.wav");
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (true) // check your condition
private void PlaySound()
if (!this.SoundPlaying)
Console.WriteLine("Starting Sound");
this.SoundPlaying = true;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
this.SoundPlaying = false;